Chapter 86 One Knife Flow · 80 Million Volts Kirin!!


Robin and Carifa as representatives of both sides. At the same time, the two who stood up and stopped arguing.

After walking out, Robin glanced at Califa with some surprise, and then nodded.

“Don’t forget that the captain wants us to get along!”

“Who dares to quarrel in the regiment again, don’t blame me for the punishment later!”

Kalifa agreed, and immediately spoke.

Sure enough, under Kalifa’s words. Webb and Gabra instantly quieted down.

Robin and Carifa are Rowan’s personal secretaries.

To say who has the highest status in the Pirates, except Rowan. That’s the two of them.

In particular, Kalifa, who served as a secretary, was also given the right to reward and punish members by Rowan.

Plus Kalifa is from CP9, she said the words.

Both the core crew and the CP9 crowd are willing to obey.

“Everyone is following Captain Rowan, there is no need to quarrel over this kind of thing.”

“Weber was the first to follow the captain.”

“Since he said that, he must know the captain’s strength better than all of us!”

“Watch it quietly!”

Kalifa then said. This remark.

Weber nodded kindly to Carifa with some gratitude.

Both sides are Rowan’s people, but Weber can’t reveal too much about Rowan’s ability for various reasons.

In this case.

Carifa was still standing on his side and talking, which naturally made Weber’s favorability skyrocket.

In the regulation of Carifa and Robin. The crowd did not argue again.

Instead, he will continue to keep an eye on the battlefield of Rowan and Moria.

This little episode also made both sides trust each other a lot later. Return to the frontal battlefield.

“Hey, hee-hee!”

“You should be honest now.”


I felt that there was no movement under my feet. Moriah laughed again.

Moisture!! But at these 300 hours. A shrill thunderclap.

Suddenly there was a sound from under Moria’s feet. Thundered…

With the sound of thunder.

The huge soles of Moria’s feet that fell were actually lifted abruptly by an amazing force.

The soles of the feet gradually rise.


Brilliant thunder light emerged.

Under the flickering thunder light, a figure stood in it.

The knife in both hands exerts force, and is using the seemingly small blade to lift the soles of Moria’s feet.


“It’s Captain!”

“I actually lifted Moria’s body!”

“Weber… I apologize to you for what happened just now! ”

Noticing the figure bathed in thunder, everyone on the pirate ship was surprised.

Even Gabra, who had argued just now, took the initiative to compensate Weber.


“How is it possible!”

“How can his body have such power?!!?”

The other side.

Moriah also felt the terrifying power coming from under his feet. Although he once again tried to step down.

But Rowan, however, burst out with even more powerful power again.

Jean Moria’s feet could not continue to move down the slightest.

“You’re too dependent on the power of foreign objects, Moria.”

“Only if it is strong in itself is it truly powerful!”


Rowan’s indifferent voice followed. Rumble!!

The voice fell.

Rowan’s arms holding the knife, one after another green tendons representing strength burst out. Then.

Fierce instant power.

It was actually a completely disproportionate body that pushed Moria to become gigantic, just like the body of the giant race!

Tom, tom, tom…

Pushed by this force, Moria’s right foot was instantly lifted up for some distance.

The figure is unstable.

The other foot staggered on the ground and took a few steps back. In a hurry, most of the island shook. Multiply!

Take advantage of Moria’s unsteady footsteps. Rowan’s mind moved.

The thunder and lightning that filled his body suddenly converged on his feet. Followed by.

Rowan stepped on the ground with both feet. Amazing explosive power.

Stunned, the ground under his feet was stepped out of a pit. Meanwhile.

Rowan’s figure turned into a galloping thunder light and soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye.

The extreme sprint caught up with Mo Liyan and came to the sky above Moria’s head. Moisture!!

The body stays in the air for a brief moment. Rowan swirled his body and tilted downward.

A knife-pulling pose was made in the air. The Thunder Fruit urged again.

The thunder and lightning that emitted a stronger voltage frantically condensed on the body of the autumn water knife.

Looking at Rowan who was close at hand, he felt the strength of the thunder and lightning that Rowan condensed this time.

A strong breath of death enveloped Moria’s heart. This is compared to any previous attack.

They all threaten the deadly aura of destruction! Bang!!

Mixed with fear and anger in his heart, Moriah finally stepped on the other foot to stabilize his stumbling body.

Look up into the sky, under the thunder light.

It is like Rowan, who reflects Thor’s wealth on the clouds. Unwillingly.


All emotions exploded.

“I definitely won’t die here!!”


A roar resounded throughout the island. Subsequently.

In Moria’s eyes.

An inexplicable essence flashed.

I saw Moriah clench his right fist and gather all his strength on this punch.

One punch, aimed at Rowan in the air. Straight upwards blasted. Airplanes!!

It seems that he really feels the threat of death. Moriah actually broke through again at a critical moment.

Burst out a huge right fist.

The rapid winding is covered with a black metallic sheen. The whole fist, under the light of thunder in the sky.

Extra conspicuous.

It is precisely the winding of armed color domineering!

Originally, after losing to Kaido, Moria’s faith completely collapsed, resulting in the direct collapse of the armed color domineering.

Because refining armed color domineering must have unwavering faith.

And now, when his life is in danger, Moriah’s will to survive and his unwilling intention have made him re-condense his armed domineering.


The already huge and powerful punch, after winding the armed color domineering. The power becomes even more amazing.

This punch burst into momentum. As if to pierce the sky.

The howling fist wind caused the clouds in the sky to be violently scattered. Only Rowan’s figure remained.

At this time, Moriah is undoubtedly far beyond the strength of the original!

Whether it has domineering or not is definitely a watershed of strength! Seeing Moria’s strength break through again.

Everyone on the pirate ship was nervous in their throats. Everyone also knows that the next blow.

The winner will be completely divided!

“Armed color domineering?”

High in the air.

Seeing that Moriah actually used domineering. Rowan couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

In his impression.

Moriah doesn’t seem to use domineering.


“Between domineering and domineering, there is also a difference between strength and weakness.”

After the surprise.

A confident smile rose at the corner of Rowan’s mouth. Armed color domineering.

There is also a difference between strong and weak!

And Rowan has absolute confidence, his domineering is much stronger than Moriah!

“80 million volts!”

“One knife flow unicorn!”

Roar!! Think about it.

Rowan’s body then accelerated to fall.

The thunder and lightning condensed on the body of the knife, and it was faintly released as it fell all the way.

The thunder and lightning released seemed to turn into a thunder and lightning unicorn. Facing Moria’s giant fist.

The lightning unicorn dived down without fear. In the midst of a majestic unicorn roar.

and Moria’s giant fist, crashed. Beep!!

In an instant.

The huge lightning unicorn slammed together with Moria’s giant fist. In the package of the Thunder Unicorn.

Rowan swung his knife in both hands and immediately slashed down. Moment.

All the light between heaven and earth.

It seemed to have disappeared at this moment, only the brilliant thunder light. Illuminate the whole world.

Rumble!! The next moment. Thunder blooms.

An earth-shaking thunderclap resounded in the sky.

The autumn water in Rowan’s hand, the sharp blade was also directly slashed at Moria’s fist.


In the midst of a deafening thunderclap.

A loud sound of metal crashing sounded.

The armed color domineering entwined on a punch and a knife suddenly collided violently together and turned into a solid black lightning, which continuously exploded in the air.


It’s just a domineering collision that shines on the face.

Moria’s armed color domineering wrapped in his fist was instantly defeated by Rowan’s armed color domineering wrapped in autumn water.

Moria’s armed color was immediately cut apart at a speed visible to the naked eye. See this scene.

Moriah’s eyes were filled with incomparable shock and disbelief. Until this moment, I don’t understand why the same domineering users are. His domineering will be defeated so thoroughly!

Multiply! Rip Pull!! At the same time.

In the case that Moriah simply did not have time to react.

The Autumn Water Blade completely cut into the flesh and blood of Moria’s fist. Then.

With the whereabouts of Rowan’s figure. Together with the raging thunderbolt unicorn.

Straight down the line, breaking through the flesh and blood all the way down. In the eyes of Robin and others outside.

It was like a fierce thunderbolt unicorn, tearing and biting through Moria’s flesh and blood, tearing all the way down.

Bang bang… Not only that.

Rowan’s body fell along the way.

The violent thunder and lightning that spread out from the blade of the autumn water knife bombarded Moria’s body repeatedly.

One after another scorched and festering wounds appeared on Moria’s fist, arm, and even body.

Poof! Rumble!! Stay last.

Rowan swung his knife and slashed all the way to Moriah’s heart.

The last remaining amount of lightning power pierced Moria’s chest and blasted it out.


Receiving this fatal blow, Moria’s eyes suddenly rolled white.

The gigantic body fell heavily on the ground after taking a few steps backwards, crushing a large area of the island’s forest.

Woohoohoo! Followed by.

Moriah had a mouth after falling to the ground.

The many shadows that he had eaten before suddenly flew out irrepressibly, and the shadows flew out of the sky, and then sensed the orientation of the original owner.

It turned into black shadows and quickly flew away.

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