Chapter 91 Wear the fruit to hand! Thief Karina!!

Rowan’s next words instantly made Tanaka’s terrified eyes widen.

“Since it will offend, it is doomed to be an enemy.”

“In this way, it seems that I don’t need to let you go.”

There is no twist!

The murderous intent revealed in the words is even more intense!

“Are you looking for…”

Boom!! Rowan’s voice fell.

Tanaka, who suddenly woke up, had not finished speaking. Rowan raised his hand with lightning speed.

The palm instantly released an extremely fast thunder and lightning, slashing towards Tanaka. Bang!!


Tanaka’s body was hit head-on by lightning, and an amazing thunderclap suddenly sounded.

Immediately followed.

It was Tanaka’s whole person who was directly flown out by the lightning explosion, and finally hit the hull hard.

“Hands on?!”

“He actually dares to make a move on Lord Tanaka!”

“Kill him!!”


The sudden scene made the surrounding pirates’ subordinates stunned in place.

No one expected it.

In Tanaka, the name of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo was moved. Rowan actually dared to do it directly!

After the shock.

The pirates, who came back to their senses, were about to pull the trigger on the three of Rowan to shoot.

“Our captain.”

“It’s not your turn to bother you minions!”

Two sentences.

It was Robin and Carifa who said it respectively.

“Flower Fruit, Eight Wheels Flowers, Cramps!”

“Bubble Fruit, Relax Bubble!”

The next moment.

Robin crossed his arms and slammed his palms against the air.

One arm suddenly grew rapidly from the body of the pirate on the left. Click, click, click!

Followed by.

The arms that grow out firmly grasp the neck, arms, and feet of the pirates. Fierce force backwards.

A sound of bones breaking followed. The other side.

Plopped down…

A large number of bubbles released by Kalifa’s hands were adsorbed to the body of the pirate on the right.

In the blink of an eye.

The pirates on the right became very smooth, and they couldn’t even stand steadily, let alone attack.

All lost their combat effectiveness.

It’s just a face-to-face effort.

The pirates’ men brought by Tanaka this time.

They were both subdued by Robin and Kalifa. Grunt…

See this scene.

Karina, the only one in the center who was not involved, swallowed a mouthful of spit nervously.

His eyes looked at Rowan with some fear.

The combat power of both sides is not at all in the same grade! Followed by.

In Karina’s eyes.

Rowan walked towards her step by step.

“You… You don’t come over! ”

“I’m just here to pass the message…”

Seeing Rowan walking slowly towards her, Karina was afraid to raise her throat.

The voice trembled and explained.



Under Karina’s cry.

Rowan went straight past Karina. There was no attack on it.

Continue forward, walking in the direction where Tanaka hit and fell. Looked at.

Karina secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ahem… Ahem…”

“What a fast attack…”

Look at Tanaka again.

Holding the scorched and festering wound on his chest, he stood up again. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his face was full of surprise.

Rowan’s shot just now was so fast.

Tanaka didn’t have time to react at all, and was hit by lightning. That’s not a force he can resist at all!


“You’ll regret it…”

“Go against us in Golden City!”

Forced to endure the sharp pain in his chest, Tanaka put down a cruel word. Airplanes!

Followed by. Devil Fruit power masterpiece.

The surface of Tian Zong’s body lit up with a unique energy light. And with the cover of energy rays appear.

Tanaka’s body actually ignored the deck ground under his feet. Start slowly penetrating the dive.

It is Tanaka’s ability to wear fruits!

The ability to traverse all non-living beings!

Knowing that Rowan was not afraid of the name of the Golden Emperor, and his strength was not at all what he could handle.

Tanaka resolutely chose to abandon his companions and flee immediately!

The time for the process of the piercing fruit implementation exhibition was enough for Rowan’s reaction. Moisture!

Seeing that Tanaka was ready to escape, where would Rowan let go of the Devil Fruit that was sent to the door.

Rowan’s thoughts.

The body released small thunderbolts.

Countless thunder spells were wrapped around Rowan’s feet and the saber on his waist.

“Thunder. Draw the knife and chop! ”


In an instant. Rowan stepped out abruptly.

The figure suddenly turned into a thunder light that was speeding at great speed, and it flashed. At the same time that the body passes through the field.

The palm that gripped the handle of the Autumn Water knife exerted force, and a thunderous slash slashed out towards Tanaka.

The speed of the knife, even in Tanaka’s eyes, he could only see the flash of thunder and knife light.


Rowan appeared behind Tanaka. The body maintains a knife-pulling posture. Poof!!

Next second.

Tanaka, who dived down with half of his feet, suddenly trembled. An amazing knife edge instantly exploded from his chest. Blood gushed out like a fountain of blood and splattered all over the ground.

With this fatal stab, Tanaka’s ability to pierce the fruit was also suspended. And so it appeared.

The funny picture of the upper body on the deck floor and the lower body retreating into the floor below. And under the massive loss of blood, Tanaka’s consciousness is also dissipating at an alarming rate.

Rowan was struck by lightning and slashed by Rowan one after another, and Tanaka, who had no means of defense, had long been unable to support it.

“Robin, Carifa.”

“Except for this woman.”

“Everything else is solved.”

Looked at.

Rowan ordered Robin and Carifa in the rear. In a word, the death of the pirates at the scene was pronounced.


Get Rowan’s orders.

Robin and Kalifa struck again, attacking in one move, completely without leaving a living mouth.

The pirates at the scene continued to die at the hands of the two.

“Forbidden Demon Black Coffin!”

Bang! Meanwhile. Rowan’s mind moved again.

The Forbidden Demon Black Coffin was summoned immediately. Bang!!

After summoning the forbidden black coffin, Rowan pushed open the lid of the coffin with one hand. With the other hand, he slashed the deck floor that trapped Tanaka. Then.

Lifted the dying Tanaka and put it in the forbidden black coffin. At the same time, a prepared fruit is added.

The coffin lid is closed. Beep! Suddenly.

The surface of the forbidden black coffin lit up with a deep and mysterious black light.

The power of the piercing fruit in the field of the coffin began to seal onto that fresh fruit.

Not a moment later. The black light gradually dissipated. Rowan pushed open the lid of the coffin again.

A brand new devil fruit was taken out of it. It is the fruit that is successfully recycled, Tanaka! Accepting the piercing fruit, Rowan’s mind moved.

Dispersed the forbidden black coffin.

In place, all of a sudden, only Tanaka’s completely detached corpse remained. After doing this, Rowan turned around.

looked at Karina behind her. And Karina at this time. I have long been dumbfounded.

Karina, who had never dared to move, was obviously referring to the scene that had just happened. It’s all in full view.

After wandering in the pirate world for so long, he also stole many treasures. Karina Natural Devil Fruit exists.

Also heard some of the rules of the Devil Fruit. But Karina saw it with her own eyes just now.

Luo Wenmingming put an ordinary fruit into the coffin. And the dying Tanaka.

This blink of an eye. Tanaka died.

A brand new Devil Fruit also appeared.

Clever Karina, how could she not realize the amazing secret of this! It was obviously the coffin just now, which made the devil fruit reborn! This ability deeply shocked Karina’s heart.

But the more so.

The more Karina felt inappropriate.

After all, this ability, once it spreads, is enough to set off the entire sea, and she saw the whole process…

In this way, Rowan estimated that it was even less likely to let her leave alive. Then look at Rowan.

Karina subconsciously took half a step back in fear. Phew, phew!

But right now.

Robin and Kalifa also clean up all the pirates on board.

The two who rushed back just blocked Karina’s retreat. Looked at.

Karina suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

“You saw it all.”

“That’s one of my abilities.”

“Recycle the Devil Fruit.”

Rowan spoke to Karina.

“Captain Rowan!”

“You adults don’t care about villains!”

“It was a pure misunderstanding just now!”

“I’m just an inconspicuous subordinate who came over under threat from Tezzolo!”

“I… I didn’t see anything just now! ”

“Can you just let me go when I haven’t been here?”


Karina begged Rowan for mercy to explain. It’s completely nonsense with your eyes open.

“No, no, no, you did see it all just now.”

“It’s my secret.”

“You should understand that people who know the secret should never say it.”

“The best thing to do is to kill her.”


Rowan intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the black knife in his hand.

“Captain Rowan…”

“I’m really not from Tezzolo!”

“The reason I joined them… Just to steal their gold.”

“This way! You let me go! ”

“I promise I will never leak your secret!”

Karina still begged for mercy without dying.

But what was greeted was Rowan shaking his head dissatisfied.


Seeing Rowan’s repeated dissatisfaction, Karina’s whole person suddenly hung down weakly like a deflated leather ball.

The man also slumped on the ground.

Karina knew that Rowan really wanted to kill her. She has absolutely no ability to resist.

Seeing Karina’s desperate look, Rowan suddenly laughed. Behind Karina.

Robin and Carifa both laughed. Robin and Carifah knew it.

If Rowan really wanted to kill Karina, he wouldn’t have talked so much nonsense with her.

What he said just now is probably just teasing Kalina.

“It’s not without negotiation.”

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