Chapter 220 – All Assembled, Great Progress!.

Seeing that Webb had completed the first goal set by Rowan to master Quicksilver Time, Rowan then asked.

“The armed color domineering and the seeing color domineering broke through to the advanced level not long after entering the island.”


As he spoke, Webb suddenly raised his right hand.


The next moment, with Weber’s thoughts, a cherry red energy began to condense on the surface of the skin of his right arm. Soon, the cherry red energy wrapped Weber’s right hand and flowed slowly in a flowing form.

“Ryu Sakura!”

“You even mastered the sakura!”

Seeing this incomparably familiar energy, Rowan said in surprise again.

What Weber released wrapped around his arms and fists was a more advanced Rying Ying domineering!

After half a year of hard practice, Webb not only learned the extreme speed state of Quicksilver Time, but also broke through to the advanced level of cultivation both armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, but also learned the flowing cherry domineering in one fell swoop!


“However, it didn’t take long to learn the domineering of the flowers, and it could only be used simply.”

“It’s not yet possible to combine with moves like a captain.”

Webb nodded and explained to Rowan.


“Not bad, the progress of the completion of cultivation has exceeded my expectations!”

Rowan said with a smile.

Don’t look at the training plan that Rowan has formulated for Webber, which requires more, but in fact, Rowan’s expectation is only to let Webb master Quicksilver time first.

Unexpectedly, Webb really completed the goals of the training program! The current Weber, compared to half a year ago, is simply not a star and a half!

“By the way, Kalifa just contacted me.”

“It’s time for our journey of cultivation to end.”

Rowan immediately said to Webber.

“The great war that the captain said is about to begin?”

Hearing this, realizing that something must have happened in the outside world, Webb asked curiously. Rowan nodded, not explaining much on the topic.

“When everyone is assembled, I’ll announce the next plan.”

Immediately afterwards, the armed domineering entwined all over his body, Rowan and Webb headed in the direction where the pirate ship was covertly docked. After a while, the two came to the shore where the pirate ship docked.

Shout… Syllable!

Back near the pirate ship, Rowan took out the signal flares agreed to be used for assembly, ignited and released. With the sound of an explosion, a brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky.

After doing this, Rowan and Webb returned to the pirate ship, quietly waiting for the arrival of the rest of the crew.

“Someone is coming!”

After waiting for a short time, Rowan suddenly sensed something and spoke.


As soon as the words fell, a breeze blew, and a unique petal, along the breeze, formed a petal “river” and fell on the deck of the pirate ship.

“Captain, long time no see!”

The petals that floated down to the deck immediately turned into a beautiful silhouette, followed by a very familiar sound.


“Your breath… It has also become a lot stronger! ”

Seeing clearly the appearance of the person coming, and then feeling the strength of the other party’s breath, Rowan said in surprise. Exactly crew Robin!

Rowan can sense very clearly that Robin’s aura at this time has also undergone earth-shaking changes compared to half a year ago. If Robin’s previous breath gave Rowan the feeling of a river, then now, it is like the water of the Taotao River, majestic and strong.

The aura is obviously much stronger, which also represents Robin’s strength, and it must have become stronger!

“When I saw the assembled signal flares, I rushed over as soon as possible.”

“I didn’t expect it to be as fast as Weber.”

Robin smiled and nodded at Rowan and Webb.

“Robin, don’t laugh at me.”

“Aren’t you going to show the captain the results of your cultivation in the past half year?”

Webb gestured expectantly.

Hearing this, Robin revealed his expression.

As soon as he raised his hands, crossed his arms in front of him, his eyes locked on the shore under the pirate ship, and his hands suddenly clasped.


In an instant, the Devil Fruit ability was activated.

The invisible Devil Fruit energy quickly spread to the shore where Robin’s line of sight was locked. Whoops!

Immediately afterwards, under the action of the Devil Fruit’s ability, the ground on the shore began to change into countless flower hands.

The arms fused and stacked at an astonishing speed, and after a while, they combined into a tall figure like a giant race.

Different from the gigantic combination arms used in the past, or gigantic feet. This time, the whole person’s demeanor was transformed!

“The ability of flowers and fruits has been perfected to this extent.”

“There is also a change in the environment, it seems that the flower fruit is developed to the level of awakening!”

Looking at the huge avatar that suddenly appeared, Rowan couldn’t help but exclaim.

The Devil Fruit ability affects changing the environment, and Robin has obviously developed the Flower Fruit to the realm of awakening!

“It’s not over yet…”

At this time, Robin suddenly spoke.

Buzz, buzz!

When the words fell, a fine light suddenly flashed in Robin’s eyes, and he very skillfully released a high-density armed color domineering energy, wrapped around his arms.

At the same time, the huge avatar also raised two huge arms.

The surface of the two huge arms was exactly the same as Robin’s at this time, and they were all wrapped with armed color domineering!

With just a slight induction, Rowan understood that Robin had also broken through to the advanced level of armed color domineering and cultivation!

“From this point of view, seeing the domineering should have successfully broken through to the advanced level, right?”

Seeing this, Rowan looked at Robin and asked with a smile.

Robin also smiled and nodded, and immediately let go, disarmed the flower fruit ability, and the huge avatar disappeared. Receiving Robin’s affirmative nod, Rowan was even more satisfied in his heart.

Not only Weber, but Robin also completed all the goals of the training program formulated by Rowan.

The Devil Fruit ability was successfully awakened, and the two-color domineering qi was also cultivated to an advanced level, and Rowan knew that what Robin had just unleashed was just the prototype of the awakening ability.

If you really let go of your hands and feet and exert your full strength, your combat power will be even more terrifying!

“Mikita, slow down!!”

At this moment, in the direction of the forest deep in the island, another very familiar voice came. Phew, phew!

Immediately afterwards, two huge stones flew out from the direction of the forest, and then looked at the two people floating on the stones, Mikita and Von Kelei.

“It’s true, let you sit on the stone with less effort and fly, and there are so many requirements.”

“Don’t delay me to see the captain.”

Michita, who was located in front, said with some disgust for von Kray.

“Xiao Feng, Miqita!”

“Welcome back!”

Following the prestige, Rowan, who found the two, waved his hand happily and shouted.

Then, under the precise control of Mikita, the two landed on the deck of the pirate ship one after another.


As soon as she returned to the pirate ship, Mikita couldn’t wait to give Rowan a big hug.

“I said Mikita, you’re too differential.”

“Robin and I are also on the ship, how can it be as transparent as in your eyes!”

Seeing this, Weber joked jokingly.

“How can you be the same as the captain!”

Mikita retorted ruthlessly, only then reluctant to let go of Rowan.


Suddenly, another figure quietly appeared in the crowd.

“Transparent? Who are you talking about transparent? ”

“I remember that I obviously hid it very well!”

Karina, who suddenly appeared, couldn’t help but wonder.

Looking at the three crew members who arrived again, Rowan also sensed the powerful aura of the three people far beyond half a year ago. The first is Mikita, who controls objects with “thoughts” in one hand, and has already made them fascinated.

The speed of controlling the flight of objects is also much faster than half a year ago, presumably the fluttering fruit and the light fluttering fruit have been developed to a deeper level.

Then there was von Kray, although he said more provocative words on his lips just now, but the moment he landed, he hardly made much movement.

It can be seen that von Kray’s physical fitness and physical skills have also improved a lot in half a year of hard practice.

This big move that has been holding back, looking at the triumphant look, most of it has been completed, which makes Rowan look forward to it very much. Finally, there is Karina, who appeared just now, apparently using the ability to penetrate fruits and transparent fruits.

Now the stealth effect is so strong, Rowan has not been able to detect her arrival in the first time just now.


Between the reunion of several people, talking and laughing, there was another gust of wind in the direction of the island forest. The strong wind sound instantly attracted the attention of several people in Rowan.


“And everyone!!”

Looking in the direction of the wind, a white candle bird flew towards him, and the candle bird’s wings suddenly accelerated a lot.

And sitting on top of the candle big bird is Gal Tino who is also excited to wave at several people! Tong!

When the candle bird flew over the pirate ship, Gar Dino immediately jumped off the back of the candle bird, and with a wave of his hand on the ground, the candle bird was lifted and dispersed.

Gal Tino also returned to assemble on the pirate ship.


Not long after Gar Tino returned to the ship, a dense ground shaking sound suddenly sounded.

The next moment.

Swarms of huge insects suddenly rushed out from the direction of the forest.

Strangely, these swarms of insects that rushed out were not real insect entities, but only a pitch-black appearance.

Combined with the center of the insect swarm, the petite figure sitting on the back of the black shadow of one of the unicorn fairy insects, everyone was suddenly stunned. Sitting on the back of one of the unicorn fairy insects on the back of the black shadow is no one else, it is Mina, the “group pet” of the extremely evil pirate group!

And this group of insects is also Mina’s whim, with the shadows cut by various fierce insects, creating a special insect shadow ghost!

“I kind of know why the creatures on the island only appear at night for a long time!”

“It turned out that Mina took away the shadow!”

Seeing Mina, who was surrounded by the shadow of insects like a queen, Webb suddenly woke up. No wonder that for some time after everyone entered the island, most of the creatures and insects were only active at night! It turned out that Mina had cut the shadow and could not appear in the daytime sun!

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