Chapter 229: Admiral Yellow Ape, what a terrifying look.

The reason why he thought of this transaction, Rowan also had a flash of inspiration after meeting the bear.

First of all, Rowan did take a fancy to the bear’s powerful meat ball fruit and wanted to recycle it, but he did not intend to kill the bear and snatch the recycled meat ball fruit with his own hands.

Because Rowan knows that even if he doesn’t make a move, it won’t be long before the bear will be forcibly transformed into a completely self-conscious transformation person by the world government because of helping the Straw Hat Pirates.

At that time, there was no difference between the so-called alive and dead.

Instead of dying in vain at the hands of the world government, it is better to recycle the meat ball fruit in advance for Rowan to recycle. Secondly, as the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

The establishment of the revolutionary army is to overthrow the world government, and the revolutionary army has always been a thorn in the side of the world government, a thorn in the flesh, and it is eager to eradicate it.

Of course, Rowan did not want to see him fight with the revolutionary army, and the world government showed a proud face. Looking at the bear again, after Rowan opened the terms of the deal, the bear fell into a brief thought.

“I can’t make a decision on this matter.”

“I need to ask Mr. Long’s opinion.”

After a moment, the bear spoke to Rowan.

Hearing this, Rowan made a casual gesture, naturally understanding that Mr. Long that Xiong was talking about was the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi D. Long.

Under Rowan’s signal, Xiong took out a special communication phone worm that he had collected to contact the revolutionary army and dialed it.

After a while, the phone worm connected, and the other end seemed to be answered by the dragon himself.

“Mr. Long, I’m in some trouble here and need to consult you.”

Hearing that it was the dragon who answered the phone, Xiong immediately relayed the matter to the dragon. 05

“Yes… I understand. ”

The inaudible conversation ended quickly, and Xiong finally said yes and hung up the phone worm. Immediately afterward, the bear looked up at Rowan.

“Mr. Long said that he is willing to accept your deal.”

“After that, I hope to have the opportunity to meet you.”

Xiong explained to Rowan and agreed to the deal proposed by Rowan!

“In that case, without further ado, let’s continue on our way!”

“When you get to the scene, you are responsible for sending away the people of the Straw Hat Pirates with your flesh ball fruit ability, and I am responsible for stopping the yellow ape!”

Seeing that Xiong and the revolutionary army agreed to his deal, Rowan no longer procrastinated, and immediately said.


Xiong agreed approvingly.

Then, the group of three raised their speed again and continued to rush in the direction where the auction was located.

What the three did not expect was that before the three of them arrived at the auction site and passed through Area 12 of the Chambord Islands, on the Great Plain of Area 12, they encountered all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates who were fleeing for their lives.

Behind all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates was the chase, the familiar Battle Peach Maru, and a pacifist. In the center of the plain, Renly was even fighting fiercely with the yellow ape who was also chasing the Straw Hat Pirates!

“Act as planned!”

“Hancock, those pacifists are over to you!”

Seeing this, Rowan quickly arranged the division of labor.

“No problem!”


Hancock agreed, and immediately sped up and rushed towards the pacifist.

At the same time, the bear also used the teleportation move and began to send off all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Moisture!

Finally, Rowan, his gaze directly locked on the yellow ape who was fighting with Reilly in the distance, and the corner of his mouth raised a playful arc.

In a thought, his feet instantly condensed the thunder and lightning filled with thunder fruits, took a step forward, and his figure suddenly turned into a galloping thunder light, rushing towards the yellow ape at great speed.

The line of sight came to the battlefield of Yellow Ape and Renly.

At this time, the yellow ape had already summoned the weapon Tiancong Cloud Sword, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword body that emitted golden light was constantly suppressing the long sword in Leily’s hand.

“Hades Renly…”

“I didn’t expect to meet you here!”

“What are you helping the Straw Hat Kid for this time? Do you want to go back to sea? ”

The situation seemed to have the upper hand slightly, and the yellow ape asked Reilly with his eyes slight.

I don’t know why the deputy captain of the famous Roger Pirates would help a newly rising pirate group.

“They are the future of this era, and I won’t let you easily erase all of them.”

Reilly said without giving in his tone.

Saying that, the two secretly exerted their strength again almost at the same time.


At this moment, both Reilly and the yellow ape sensed an aura that was approaching at an extremely fast speed.

Especially Renly, after sensing who the owner of this powerful aura was, his smile gradually rose.

“It seems that today, there is no need for my old bones to fight with you.”

Reilly said to the yellow ape with a smile. Clang!!

When the words fell, Reilly saw the opportunity, and a sword shook the yellow ape’s Tiancong Cloud Sword, and his figure quickly retreated. Multiply!

Saying that it was too late, at the moment when Reilly just retreated, a thunder light flickered, and the thunder light stopped in front of the yellow ape, taking Reilly’s place.

The figure that gradually solidified and emerged, slashed at the yellow ape with a heavy slash.

“What a speed!”

With this extreme speed, even the yellow ape couldn’t help but be surprised.

Without having time to think about it, the yellow ape instinctively swung the Tiancong Cloud Sword and met the slash of the incoming person. Clang!

In an instant, a sword collided, and a harsh metal impact that was enough to break people’s eardrums suddenly resounded.


Immediately afterwards, the yellow ape’s face showed an unbelievable expression, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword that was swung out was actually shocked back by the terrifying slashing force of the opponent’s blade body in the instant after the sword collided.

With a loud bang, the yellow ape responded with a sword like a cannonball fired, was slashed and flew out hundreds of meters away, and finally hit the ground very embarrassedly, only to stop.

“What’s the situation?”

“Old man… He was actually slashed by the other party?! ”

In another battlefield, I saw this exaggerated scene with my own eyes, and the war peach pill who rushed to the Chambord Islands with the yellow ape, and his eyes were about to fall out in surprise.

As one of the three generals with the highest combat power in the navy, the yellow ape, who was very powerful in the heart of Zhan Taomaru, was actually killed by someone with one blow?!

“Fragrant feet!”


At the same time, in front of Zhan Taomaru, another loud explosion sounded.

One of the pacifists who was still aggressively chasing the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates to attack just now was crushed by Hancock, who suddenly struck!

Han Cook, who has also been practicing hard for half a year, is now dealing with pacifists, it is simply not too easy!

“Lady Boya Hancock!”

“Isn’t she Nanabukai? How did you save the Straw Hat Kid? ”

Seeing the pacifist who was kicked by Han Cook, Zhan Peach Maru was shocked by Han Cook’s strength at the same time, and his heart was full of doubts, first Reilly, and now the female emperor, Zhan Momomaru did not understand, how could a small group of straw hat pirates, how could there be so many people to help the sight return to the yellow ape.

After being slashed and hit hard and landed on the ground, the yellow ape slowed down for a while before getting up from the ground.


The yellow ape who stood up again suddenly felt a churning in his chest, and a blood began to flow from the corner of his mouth, obviously suffering from the slash just now, even if it was a yellow ape, there were some injuries.

“Admiral Yellow Ape, what a terrifying look~”

“What did you want to do just now?”

At the same time, the person who appeared just now and swung a knife like lightning suddenly said to the yellow ape in a very mocking tone

“Luo… Rowan?!! ”

Hearing the voice, the yellow ape immediately looked up, and in the next second, an extremely shocked expression appeared on his face.

It was none other than Rowan who appeared in the sight of the yellow ape, it was Rowan, who gave both the Navy and the World Government a headache! Rowan’s appearance made the yellow ape instantly no longer calm.

If it’s just Rayleigh, after all, Renly has been retired for a long time, and he is older, and the yellow ape still has the confidence to have a trick with Renly. But now add Rowan, and the yellow ape’s heart is 453 all of a sudden.

Although the yellow ape has not had a chance to fight Rowan since he fled from his hands by Rowan, the various deeds that happened to Rowan in the new world incomparably indicate that Rowan’s strength has grown to a height far beyond the original height.

To deal with Rowan, who is strong enough to defeat the four emperors BIGMOM at the same time, and the former deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, Hades Renly, even the yellow ape thinks he can’t do it.

“Don’t worry, against you, it’s enough for me alone.”

Noticing that the yellow ape’s eyes switched back and forth between him and Renly, and seemed to see the yellow ape’s concern, Rowan raised the autumn water, and the tip of the autumn water knife pointed at the yellow ape, confidently expressed.


Pierced by Rowan’s words, the yellow ape was suddenly speechless, but he was secretly calculating in his heart.

In the eyes of the yellow ape, even if Rowan grows very rapidly, he should not surpass Renly in such a short period of time. If it was just to fight Rowan, the yellow ape would still have some confidence.

The yellow ape naturally saw that Rowan and Renly had a good relationship, and once Rowan was subdued first, he might be able to force Renly to obediently comply!

“But I have to be careful, his strength seems to be stronger than when he first met.”

Thinking about it, the yellow ape finally secretly reminded himself in his heart.

The knife that Rowan cut him off just now, although it had the element of his hasty response, but it was only able to slash him off, which was enough to see that Rowan had at least a huge improvement in physical fitness.

The slash unleashed by Rowan swinging his knife should not be underestimated!

Then, the yellow ape wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and held the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand even tighter. Moisture:

The next moment, seeing the yellow ape move, Rowan’s body suddenly released a series of fast-moving thunder arcs up and down, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in thunder light.

After releasing the thunder and lightning of the thunder fruit, Rowan’s body squatted down slightly, his feet were in a forward and backward sprinting posture, and the autumn water full of thunder and lightning in his hand was pressed down.

“It’s about to start!”

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