Chapter 242: Red Earl Barorick Ledfield.


Seeing the rapid slamming of the fist, Rowan’s body spontaneously released more powerful thunder and lightning, and that terrifying sense of oppression was definitely the highest ranking among the opponents Rowan had encountered since he went to sea!

“You’re too anxious!”

Rowan said with a full of fighting intent, holding the handle of the autumn water knife with both hands, and swung the knife to meet Barrett’s fist without the slightest pause.



In an instant, Qiu Shui’s blade and Barrett’s fist slammed together, and first an extremely fierce spark splashed with a piercing metal crash.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying power contained in the sword and punch erupted without reservation.

Only a loud boom was heard, and just the moment the attack power of both sides broke out, the impact power spread out shattered the ground around the two of them into countless cracks.

The crew members and prisoners behind both sides were affected by this impact and quickly retreated to dodge.


At the same time, after the purest physical strength burst out, it was the extremely armed color domineering that was wrapped around the blade and fist, turning into a substantial black lightning bolt.

Under the spread of domineering lightning, a more violent collision was formed again, pushing the already tattered city to the top of the sea surface, causing large-scale damage.

“What a terrifying confrontation between power and domineering!”

“This is the fight between the top powerhouses!”

“Barrett just forget it… Why is this one named Rowan able to compete with Barrett? ”

The prisoners who were shocked back by the shock wave one after another had shocked looks on their faces.

Barrett was powerful, they all knew, even among the prisoners held by Leve16, no one dared to provoke him easily.

But in their hearts, they did not dare to offend easily, the powerful and outrageous Barrett, who was not familiar with Rowan, resisted his attack!

And looking at the current situation, it seems that it is still a five-fifty situation.

“Sure enough, it’s the same as the captain said!”

“This Barrett has also cultivated the armed color domineering to the extreme!”

“And the physical fitness, can actually face the captain without falling behind!”

On the other side, the crew of the Extremely Evil Pirates were also very surprised.

Many of them have heard of Barrett’s deeds, but they did not expect that Barrett would really be so powerful.

You know, Rowan’s current strength, but firmly ranked in the five emperors, and even above this, looking at the entire pirate world, there are not many who can be physically tough and not fall behind!

However, Barrett did.

“You really have strong strength like Blackbeard said!”

When everyone was shocked by the fierceness of the fight between Rowan and Barrett, Barrett stared at Rowan with bright eyes, and said to Rowan with a stronger sense of war.

Looking at the two at this time, a knife and a punch had stopped the explosion of power, the blade and fist were dead together, and there was a brief stalemate in place.

“You are also okay, there are not many people who can block my stab head-on.”

The corners of Rowan’s mouth raised slightly and said to Barrett.

In the tone, there is also the arrogance of the strong. Shout!

Just as Rowan and Barrett were staring at each other, a hurried breaking wind suddenly sounded.

When the two were deadlocked, the Red Count suddenly moved, casting an amazing movement speed, and instantly appeared at Rowan’s side.

The weapon umbrella sword suddenly raised, also extremely skilled and fast, for the umbrella sword body, wrapped with a powerful armed color domineering, the front end of the umbrella sword sharp, aiming at Rowan’s heart.


Sensing the dangerous aura on the side, Rowan hesitated, looked at the Red Count on the side with the corner of his eye, and the index finger of his left hand holding the knife immediately moved, and his thoughts secretly urged one after another.


Just when Rowan’s fingers had small imperceptible movements, Count Red seemed to sense something with his domineering appearance beyond ordinary people.

Suddenly, the umbrella sword that was supposed to attack Rowan’s heart stabbed out overhead.


Just as everyone else present was wondering about Count Red’s behavior, the moment the umbrella sword pierced upward, a huge thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

The thunder that fell down just collided with the Red Count’s umbrella sword. Bang!

In the next second, the thunder and the umbrella sword collided completely, and an earth-shattering thunder explosion suddenly sounded, and the thunder light that burst out illuminated the sea surface layer by layer.

Fortunately, Count Red’s strength was strong enough and he also reacted in advance, and this Rowan secretly urged the thunder released by the Thunder Fruit Condensation, which was easily dissolved by Count Red.


Seeing this scene again, the rest of the prisoners subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit.

The battle between the three people in front of them was obviously far beyond their comprehension, and if it were any one of them, I am afraid that they would have fallen long ago!

“It’s dangerous… It almost hit your way. ”

A sword cracked Rowan’s thunder fruit thunder, and the Red Count said to Rowan as if he was happy.

Without saying a word to the Red Earl, Rowan was full of vigilance at this time, and at the same time dealing with Barrett and the Red Earl, Rowan did not dare to have any underestimates.

After all, one of them is Barrett, who has the level of “devil heir” and cultivates armed color domineering to the extreme. The other person is the existence of the Red Earl in the Roger era, who can be on a par with Roger, Whitebeard and other top powerhouses.

Speaking of which, the two can definitely be regarded as legendary-level sea thieves.

“Balorik! You fuck off for me! ”

“He’s my prey!”

Seeing this, it was Barrett who was angry because of the Red Count’s move. Also a prisoner of Leve16, Barrett naturally knows the existence of the Red Count, and the strength of the Red Count was originally one of the targets Barrett wanted to defeat.

But after meeting Rowan, Barrett changed his mind and wanted to defeat Rowan first.

Because Barrett can feel that Rowan’s strength is stronger than the Red Earl, and the strength of the Red Count is that the strength of his domineering is far beyond that of the same level of powerhouses.

In terms of attack power alone, there are some gaps with the two of them.

“I have no obligation to obey your command.”

In the face of Barrett’s angry drink, the Red Count said without hesitation.


Hearing this, Barrett’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous aura exuding from his body became more and more obvious.

“Weber, the rest of these people will be handed over to you!”

“Don’t let go of any Devil Fruit ability!”

Barrett and Red Count suddenly quarreled on their own, and Rowan didn’t bother to join the argument between the two.

Thinking that he would fight Barrett and the Red Count at the same time, and the intensity of the battle might affect the crew, Rowan already had the idea of changing the location of the battle.

“Understood, Captain!”

“We’ll do it according to plan!”


Knowing that Rowan meant to reclaim all the Devil Fruits of the Ability Beings present, Webb immediately agreed. Moisture!

As Weber’s voice fell, Rowan’s mind quickly urged, and his body suddenly released more dense thunder and lightning again.

The thunder and lightning released, and then under Rowan’s control, continuously converged towards Rowan’s right foot, making DeRowan’s right foot seem to be wrapped in a thick layer of thunder oars.

“Thunder trampling!”


After doing this, Rowan suddenly showed a bad smile at Barrett and the Red Count beside him, raised his right foot, faced the ground below him, and stepped on it heavily with a thunderous move.

The powerful trampling, coupled with the increased explosive power of the thunder fruit lightning, fell with one foot, and the thunder explosion resounded throughout the sea surface layer by layer, and the ground also violently shook.

Immediately afterwards, the ground that was already full of cracks could no longer withstand the explosive power of this foot, and smashed a large area with a boom, and a thick layer of ground was directly broken by Rowan’s foot.

Because of the shattering of the ground, the figures of the three of Rowan also fell towards the evel1 on the next floor.

“One knife flow Lei Yanhuan!”

……. Brush!

At the moment when the body fell, Rowan took advantage of the momentum to slightly offset the body of the autumn water knife in his hand, and the blade slid along Barrett’s fist. Then, taking advantage of Barrett’s previous move, his waist exerted force, and he swung his knife in mid-air and rotated with his body and cut out. The thunder slash unleashed seemed to form a circle of aura, spreading towards Barrett and Red Count attacks at the same time.


First of all, on Barrett’s side, Rowan’s sudden change of move caught Barrett, who was still confronting the Red Count just now, a little caught off guard. But after all, Barrett has a lot of combat experience, and the moment before the thunder aura hits his body, he wrapped a high-density armed color domineering aura around his body.

The thunder aura then hit Barrett’s body, and failed to break Barrett’s armed domineering, only splashing fierce sparks on the surface.

Suffering the power of this blow, Barrett’s body was also shaken back by the attack and fell straight towards the ground of Level 1.


Then there’s the Red Earl.

The Red Count once again showed his amazing domineering achievements, and seemed to be ready to deal with it the moment Rowan’s idea was born.

When the Lei Yan aura attacked the Red Count, the Red Count’s body actually completed an incredible acceleration in the air, rolled over to avoid the attack of the Lei Yan Ring, and raised his sword to stab Rowan.


But Count Red reacted quickly, and Rowan reacted faster.

Because he had just released the thunder flame ring with his rotating body, Rowan, who was completely inclined to face the Red Count, instantly wrapped the thunder and lightning of the thunder fruit and the armed color domineering energy on his left foot.

Aiming at the Red Count who suddenly stabbed with his sword, he reflexively kicked over.

Today’s Rowan, except for the weapon Qiushui, every part of his body is a deadly powerful killing move, and his physical fitness is simply terrifying.

However, what Rowan didn’t expect was that the kick he kicked was originally just to force back the Red Count.

Count Red hesitated after frowning slightly, standing up with the sword body in front of him, posing in a posture of parrying defense, and finally, Rowan’s kick hit firmly on the umbrella sword of the Red Count, and the explosive power of a moment made the umbrella sword body appear to an exaggerated degree of bend.

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