Chapter 250: Blackbeard: My mentality exploded!.


Rowan quickly chased after Blackbeard’s gang.

At this time, Blackbeard’s gang was running up the broken staircase that pushed the edge of the city wall.

It is also a coincidence that these broken stairs were originally left by Barrett in order not to affect the stability of the advancing city wall.

Now, it has become the only way for Blackbeard’s gang to escape.

“Let’s go!”

“Let that Rowan guy catch up, we all have to die!”

Seeing that Rowan was about to catch up, Blackbeard used all his strength to eat. While running, he did not forget to remind the newly recruited crew around him.


But just when Blackbeard and several people successfully passed the stairs to the 13th floor of Leve, a sharp sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the rear.

“Get out of the way!!”

Hearing the movement behind him, Blackbeard didn’t think much at all, almost instinctively reacting to put his body close to the wall to see Blackbeard’s actions, and the crew members who followed behind Blackbeard also followed Blackbeard’s actions one by one, and they all pressed their bodies against the wall.

Bang, bang, bang!

The next moment, a crescent-like slash flew from behind.

The extremely sharp slash slashed all the way, destroying and destroying one broken staircase after another along the way. When the slash passed through Blackbeard’s gang, it almost slashed in a way that was close to their bodies.

In the end, Blackbeard’s gang watched the passing and continued to chop upward, and without exception secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as a result, their path to the higher floors had also been interrupted by the slash for a long distance, and they could not continue to advance.

“Blackbeard, where do you want to go?”

At the same time, the voice that made Blackbeard’s hair stand up instantly came over.

Hearing the voice, Blackbeard’s face became very ugly, and he immediately turned his head. Behind everyone, Rowan had already chased after him.

“You and your crew, simply disappear forever with this advancing city.”

Rowan’s icy voice sounded again.

Looking at the autumn water held in Rowan’s right hand, the knife body was still glowing with powerful energy. Obviously, the slash that destroyed the ladder just now was released by Rowan. Rowan’s arrival immediately put Blackbeard and his gang in a dilemma. Down, the sea is about to overflow.

Not to mention Blackbeard himself, even the newly recruited crew members have Devil Fruit abilities.

In addition, because the sea water poured in from the deep sea boundary in one breath, the rapid turbulence of the current, jumping into a seriously injured field even if it did not die.

Going up, the only staircase road in front of him had been partially destroyed by Rowan’s slash just now.

There is also Rowan, who is watching the tiger and will strike at any time, and it is impossible for all of them to escape safely under Rowan’s nose. The current situation of Blackbeard and the gang, not to mention how embarrassing it is.


“What the hell do you want?!”

“Do you really want to fight me to the end?!”

Blackbeard’s face was tangled, and he questioned Rowan in a stern voice.

Until now, Blackbeard hadn’t figured out when and where he had offended such a god-killer! And Rowan’s killing intent on him is not generally deep!

“BINGO! That’s right! ”

“What I want is your life!”


When the words fell, Rowan lifted the autumn water in his hand again.

Rowan’s mind moved again, and the majestic thunder and lightning energy instantly filled the body of the autumn water knife.

“Let’s go together!”

“Fight him back with all your might, and then escape to the surface as soon as possible!”

“The person I arranged should already be waiting there!”

Seeing that Rowan was about to make a move again, Blackbeard quickly ordered the crew around him.


All the crew members agreed in unison, and they all entered the combat state in an instant.


Then, with Blackbeard’s order, all the crew attacked Rowan at the same time. Click!

While the rest of the crew rushed towards Rowan, one of the crew members, the “Evil King” Abaro Pizarro, stood in place. With a click, the evil king took out a three-barreled pistol, and instantly skillfully wrapped the pistol with armed color domineering.


Immediately afterwards, the evil king pulled the trigger, and the three-barreled pistol fired three special bullets in response.

The three bullets fired seemed to echo each other, and at a rotating high speed, they attacked Rowan first.

“With this level of attack, don’t take it out and embarrass people.”

Looking at the three bullets fired at high speed in the face, Rowan said with disdain. Multiply!!

Bang, bang, bang!

I saw Rowan standing on the back of the candle big bird without moving, just the high-voltage thunder and lightning instantly released by his body, which destroyed and exploded all three bullets.

Phew, uh, huh! At the same time, three breaking winds sounded.

Hiliu, Katrin Butterfly, and Basque Choate, jumped to Rowan’s side from the left, center, and right directions.

“Go and die!”

The three people who rushed to Rowan’s side attacked Rowan very tacitly.

First of all, on the left-hand side, Hiliu gripped the hilt of the famous knife Thunderstorm on his waist with his right hand, and quickly drew the knife out of its sheath. The blade flashing with red blood light slashed towards Rowan’s waist.

Similarly, at the moment when the blade was unsheathed, Hiliu was wrapped with a very powerful armed color domineering aura for the blade.

Then in the middle, Katrin Butterfly pulled out her weapon, the Western sword, and the Western sword stabbed straight towards Rowan’s heart.


At the moment when the Western sword stabbed out, the sword body actually burned a bright red flame, causing the sword body to emit a strange temperature, and finally on the right side, it was clear that it had rushed to Rowan’s close position, and Basque Choate took out two flintlock muskets with both hands.


Without the slightest drag, Basque Choate pulled the double gun trigger at a very tricky angle.

The bullets fired from the two flintlock muskets were also wrapped around the armed color domineering, shooting towards Rowan’s temples and abdomen for a while, and the three of Hiliu attacked at the same time, blocking Rowan’s retreat in three directions.

But what the three didn’t know was that in the eyes of outsiders, the three of them were very tricky and swift attacks, but in Rowan’s perception, they were as slow as a turtle crawling.

Seeing that the three people’s attacks were close to a certain distance, Rowan swung the autumn water at a faster speed.

“One knife flow thunder storm!”


The next moment, Rowan held the knife in both hands and rotated his body in place with the force of his waist.

The rotating body, driving the wielding blade, also slashed out in a circular shape in place.

This spinning slash immediately released a thunderbolt tornado that rose in the storm and was filled with thunder, blocking the attacks of the three of Xiliu.

Bang, bang, bang…

The attacks of the three of Hiliu all fell on the thunderstorm set off by the slash. In an instant, piercing thunder bursts sounded one after another, and dazzling thunder rays shot out.

However, Rowan’s seemingly random move released with a sword wave was far stronger than the three of Hiliu imagined. After the released lightning tornado withstood the simultaneous attack of the three people, it only made a subtle ripple on the surface, and then swept towards the three people in an explosive manner.


Seeing that the blow did not succeed, but put himself in danger, Hiliu quickly opened his mouth to remind the other two companions.

Can be imprisoned in Leve16 in the advancing city, and was selected by the ambitious Blackbeard to be a crew member, the strength of Hiru and the others, the worst is also at the level of the Seven Wuhai.

But in this case, the combination of the three people still could not shake Rowan’s random move, which the three did not expect at all.

It’s just that at this time, it is obviously unrealistic to want to retreat with the whole body. Boom!!

As Hiliu’s voice fell, as soon as the three of them made a retreat, the lightning tornado spread out at a faster speed under Rowan’s control.

In an instant, the lightning tornado passed by extremely quickly, engulfing the three of Xiliu into the Leishen tornado.

What followed was the countless tiny thunder arcs contained in the lightning tornado, which carried out a merciless continuous lightning bombardment on the three people involved.

The three people who were located in it were suddenly flooded by the terrifying thunder light and disappeared. Bang bang…

This high-density continuous bombardment lasted for several minutes before it gradually showed signs of weakening. When the last thunderburst came out, the lightning tornado completely dissipated.

In mid-air, there was a thick black smoke of the explosion, making it impossible to see the situation clearly.


On the other side, Rowan, who was located at the center of the lightning tornado explosion, frowned slightly in a puzzled arc after a slight perception.


Immediately afterwards, Rowan waved his big hand, and a strong wind whistled through, blowing away the explosive black smoke that permeated and disappeared at a decisive speed.

As the black smoke of the explosion dispersed visibly, the figures of the three of Hiliu appeared in Rowan’s eyes again.

Looking at the three of Xiliu at this time, their figures had already been pushed back to the foothold at the edge of the wall under the impetus of the lightning tornado. Seeing the appearance of the three clearly, Rowan’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking slightly.

Just because Rowan saw that in front of Hiliu and Basque Choate, Catherine Butterfly, whose body had undergone great changes. As far as the eye can see, Katrin Butterfly is crawling on the ground on all fours, and snow-white beast hair has grown on her body.

The originally ugly face turned into a fox.

Behind him, there are nine tails that are constantly swinging and burning with brilliant flames.

However, if you look closely, you can find that three of the nine tails have become very illusory, as if they are about to disappear.

“Nine-tailed fox form rule!”

Seeing Catherine Butterfly’s appearance after transformation, Rowan immediately recognized her change.

It is the ability of Katrin Butterfly possesses the form of an animal canine fruit, phantom beast species, and nine-tailed fox! This nine-tailed fox fruit is also one of the first devil fruits that Rowan wanted to recycle when he came to Advance City!

“It seems that she blocked the attack just now for Hiliu and Basque Choate in the beast form of the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit.”

Rowan knows it.

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