Chapter 252: The shock of the big man of the navy headquarters, the city was destroyed?.

Losing the healing power of the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit, Katrin Butterfly could no longer recover quickly.

Katrin Butterfly’s entire body was in a state of scorched black and festering skin, and her body was constantly falling downward, and she was already seriously injured and on the verge of death.

As Rowan thought, the “immortality” of the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit has a certain upper limit of damage.

Under Rowan’s continuous attacks, the damage that the nine-tailed fox’s nine tails can withstand has completely reached the limit. Bang!!

Looking at Catherine Butterfly who was rapidly falling downwards, Rowan was about to bring it back one. Suddenly, in the direction of the sky overhead, there was a huge explosion.

Hearing the voice, Rowan subconsciously raised his head and looked up.

As far as the eye could see, Blackbeard had already led the rest of the crew to the position of advancing the sea surface of the city.

The explosion just now was caused by Blackbeard and the others attacking and piercing the walls on one side of the city. At the same time, Blackbeard, who fled to the surface of the sea, seemed to feel a chill in his back and was stared at by a pair of murderous eyes.

Blackbeard’s body trembled, and he looked down nervously, just in time to meet Rowan’s cold eyes.

“Quick… Get out of here! ”

“Katrin… I can only think of a way later! ”

Noticing Catherine Butterfly, who was severely injured and fell on the other side, Blackbeard dared to stay in the city for one more second, and immediately said to the crew.


Then, with Blackbeard’s order, all members of Blackbeard’s Pirates fled towards the pierced wall.


Watching Blackbeard’s gang decisively abandon Catherine Butterfly, Rowan was stunned in place.

“It’s still important to recycle the nine-tailed fox fruit!”

After only a few seconds of hesitation, Rowan made his decision.

The situation is that Catherine Butterfly, who is seriously injured and dying, is falling towards the sea below.

The rest of the Blackbeard Pirates took the opportunity to join their companions who had been waiting for a long time, trying to escape from Advance City.

With Katrin Butterfly’s half-dead state, if she really fell into the sea, I am afraid that she would not last long and would completely die of qi.

By that time, the completely dead Catherine Butterfly, Rowan would not be able to recover its nine-tailed fox fruit. Rowan thought clearly, with his current strength, Blackbeard can kill at any time.

Instead, it is the nine-tailed fox fruit, and once Katrin Butterfly dies, the nine-tailed fox fruit will disappear with it. I don’t know how long it will take to be reborn somewhere in the world.

Trying to find out the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit is undoubtedly even more difficult. Shout!

Thinking about it, Rowan did not choose to pursue the Blackbeard Pirates, but a dodge, caught Katrin Butterfly before she was about to fall into the sea, and dragged her back.


Immediately after, something unfortunate happened.

Not long after Rowan dragged Katrin Butterfly back, the already crumbling walls around him could no longer hold on under the violent impact of the sea.

There was a scalp-numbing cracking sound on the surface of the wall, and the dense cracks like spider webs spread rapidly from the wall.

In the blink of an eye, countless cracks spread all over the surrounding walls.


Seeing this scene, Luo Wen’s pupils suddenly tightened, and the secret said badly.

According to this rhythm, the six layers of the bottom of the city will completely collapse and be submerged in the sea. Without having time to think about it, Rowan immediately turned into a ray of thunder and flew quickly towards the sea.

After more in-depth development of the Thunder Fruit, he is now able to achieve long-distance flight like the yellow ape, relying on the continuous leap of thunder.

Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor. Bang!!

“What did you say?!”

“Rowan and Blackbeard, destroy the city?!”

Inside the marshal’s office, hearing the news that his subordinates had come back, Admiral Sengoku slapped the table with an angry slap. The green tendons burst out, and his face turned red, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Hearing this, Karp in the office, the three major generals Red Dog, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape all showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces. Although as early as Rowan’s sudden appearance in the Chambord Islands, the top of the navy realized that the extremely evil pirate group was likely to make a big move. But what I never expected was that the extremely evil pirate group that had just finished making trouble in the Chambord Islands turned around and invaded the city.

What shocked them even more was that the Extremely Evil Pirates actually destroyed the Advance City, which had always been known as the world’s number one prison, in just a short time!



Thinking of the extremely evil prisoners imprisoned in the city, Karp and the others instantly became calm.

On the other side, after listening to the report of his subordinates, Sengoku hung up the phone worm very angrily and looked at several people in the room.

“Do you need us to go over and deal with Rowan in person?”

Seeing that the Warring States looked over, the red dog, who had never had a meeting with Rowan, immediately took the initiative to ask the Warring States for help.


Hearing the red dog’s request for battle, Sengoku’s brows were furrowed. After hesitating for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and shook his head.

“According to the intelligence transmitted by the eyeliner, the advance city has been flooded by the sea except for one layer of the sea.”

“It seems that only a few prisoners taken away by Blackbeard and the people of the extremely evil pirate group escaped from the push city.”


“The rest of the prisoners were buried by the sea.”

Sengoku then spoke.

The implication is that there is no need to worry about the chaos that will occur when a large number of prisoners in the city escape.

“Also, Portcas D. Ace, has been escorted to the headquarters. ”

“Our attention now should be focused on his public execution!”

“The Whitebeard gang will not just watch their companions be executed.”

Sengoku said again.

Fortunately, this time, the vital prisoner Ace has been escorted to the Navy headquarters in advance, and the next step is the public execution of Ace.

In the eyes of the Warring States, even if he sent people to the advancing city now, it would no longer help.

It is better to keep an eye on the public executions that are about to begin in front of you, so as not to have a disgrace in the headquarters of the Navy.

Hearing this, the three major generals fell silent one after another, and it seemed that they had no opinion on this decision of the Warring States.

Karp on the side, after the Warring States mentioned Ace’s public execution, his whole face was a little wrong. But because of his identity, Karp also did not object.

“Then it was decided.”

“The notice goes down and immediately proceeds to the Portcas · Public execution of D. Ace! ”

“After the public execution is over, we will formally arrest all the members of the extremely evil pirate group that destroyed the advancing city!”

Seeing that several people had no opinion, the Warring States finally ordered Dao Xiao.

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