Chapter 270 – Unexpected Joy, Burning Fruit!.


As Rowan’s words fell, Weibull, who had long been unable to hold back, immediately stepped on the ground with both feet. The powerful explosive force of both feet instantly shattered the ground into cracks.

At the same time, Weibull’s figure was like a cannonball fired, and he lifted the big knife and rushed towards the crowd of pirates in front.

The pirates really didn’t expect that Weibull really said to do it, and he rushed to them single-handedly. When the pirates reacted, Weibull had already rushed to the front row of the pirate crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Weibull suddenly stopped his figure, and the right hand holding the knife suddenly exerted force, lifted the Cong Yun cutting big knife, and swept out at the pirates in the front row.

Woohoo!! Poof, poof…

The sword that vividly reflected the strength of the body was swept out, and a huge slash was immediately released from Cong Yun’s cutting knife. The terrifying slash passed through the body of a famous pirate at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the sound of flesh and blood being cut sounded one after another.

Those pirates who were swept away by the slash were all cut off and killed on the spot. With just one slash, hundreds of pirates died under Weibull’s knife.

Looking around Weibull, a fallen pirate vacated a large area, as if anyone who stepped into this area would be killed in an instant.


“How can this guy’s slash be so strong!”

Taking in this scene, the faces of the nearby pirates are getting uglier than the other.

You know, among the pirates who were killed by Weibull just now, there are even some strong pirate captains!

Rao was so easy to solve by Weibull like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, which shows how terrifying the slash unleashed by Weibull is.

“Let’s go together!!”

“Otherwise… None of them will survive! ”

Someone in the crowd shouted again.

Subsequently, hundreds of pirates continued to attack Weibull as if they were desperate.

“That’s kind of fun!”

“Let’s all go together!”

Seeing this, Weibull not only did not feel a little afraid of the pirates’ human sea tactics, but laughed and continued to rush towards the crowd with his knife in hand.

Bang, bang, bang…

On the scene, Weibull only entered the crowd of tens of thousands of pirates alone, and strongly scattered the formation of pirates all the way. Every time Weibull swung his knife, it always caused an explosion in a large area.

Countless pirates died tragically under Weibull’s knife one after another.

But the number of pirates on Hive Island is too much, and Weibull kills one batch, and will immediately rush up to another.

It is under the succession of this kind of pirates who do not want to die, and the number of pirates gathered around Weibull is increasing. Even in the end, the sight was about to drown Weibull’s figure.

“Captain, do you want us to go up and help?”

On the other side, watching Weibull gradually fall into the siege of pirates, Weber immediately asked Rowan.

“No need.”

“Weibull alone is enough.”

Hearing this, Rowan paused, then shook his head and said.

At the very beginning, Rowan had released a general perception of seeing and hearing domineering.

Among these pirates, there is no breath of anyone, powerful enough to threaten Weibull’s life.

The more intense the battle, the more Wybull’s proficiency in using the Devil Fruit will take it to a higher level.


At this moment, Weibull, who had been completely surrounded by countless pirates, suddenly let out an angry roar. Moo!!

Weibull’s roar gradually evolved into the roar of a beast.


Immediately afterwards, where Weibull was, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

Along with this, a huge mammoth rises among the pirates.


I saw the mammoth body that appeared, and the huge elephant’s trunk was used with force. The pirates that surged up around were suddenly swept away by countless people.

In the blink of an eye, the mammoth’s side became empty.

“This is… Devil Fruit ability of the animal line! ”


“But this body size is too exaggerated!”


Those pirates who still wanted to rush forward, after seeing the huge size of the mammoth, stopped one after another and said in surprise. It’s not that they haven’t seen the Devil Fruit ability of the animal line transform, but it is really rare for such a huge change in body size.

And the power of the mammoth in front of him is extremely amazing, just now it was very easy to break free from the siege of a large number of pirates, this mammoth that suddenly appeared is no one else, it is Weibull who used another devil fruit ability after being besieged.

What Weibull transformed into was also the beast form of the mammoth fruit.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

This is not the end, after transforming into a mammoth and throwing off the pirates gathered around. The mammoth suddenly supported its body with its two hind feet, and its two front feet were lifted in the air. In an instant, the ability of the Shock Fruit was then used.

The energy of the Shock Fruit condensed this time was even more powerful than before. Moreover, it was condensed on the two front feet raised by the mammoth at the same time!

“Earthquake trampling!”

The next moment, the mammoth’s two front feet exerted force.

The feet, which were filled with the energy of the Shock Fruit, stepped heavily towards the ground. Bang!!

The moment the two elephants stepped on the ground, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded.

Then, the power of the Shock Fruit combined with the power of the mammoth, bursting out from the spot at great speed. The combined power of the two demon fruits turned into invisible shockwaves and spread out.

The diffused shock wave is no longer aimed at only one direction, but is a circular diffusion, covering all directions.

Thundered!! Bang bang…

The shock wave spreads extremely fast, and the vibrations of destruction follow along the way. The pirates, who were already crowded together, were suddenly overturned by a strong shock.

As soon as the shock burst spread, the dead pirates could no longer be counted one by one, but fell in pieces.

In the blink of an eye, the entire town street cracked a huge ravine, allowing the collapsed building debris and the pirates on the street to fall into the abyss.

What’s more, even Rowan and the others, who were far away, felt the horror of this shaking eruption extremely clearly.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by Weibull, everyone also specially retreated a long distance before continuing to watch the battle with peace of mind. Finally, wait for this big earthquake to stop.

In the eyes of Rowan and others, the huge town of Beehive Island was reduced to ruins in the blink of an eye! As far as the eye can see, it is devastated, and it is not visible that a place is intact.

This is the first time that Wibull has tried to combine the power of the Mammoth Fruit with the power of the Shock Fruit to cause the feat of destroying a town with one blow!

It can be imagined that if Weibull were more skilled, the two devil fruits would be more perfectly combined. Not to mention a town, an island can be crushed in minutes!

Next to Rowan, the crew of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group had already looked in place.

Looking at the direction of the mammoth that Weibull transformed, the ten thousand pirates on Beehive Island, under this blow, only less than one-third of the original number survived.

These pirates who survived, all had expressions of despair and fear on their faces, standing there dumbfounded, and they had become completely warlike.


At this moment, Weibull transformed into a mammoth and roared up to the sky again.

A pair of murderous elephant eyes instantly stared at the remaining pirates, with the intention of continuing to trample them all to death.

Seeing the murderous eyes of the mammoth, the pirates’ courage was frightened, and their bodies couldn’t stop trembling slightly in fear, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

At this time, the entire ruined town was like hell on earth for them.

“etc. Wait a minute! ”

Against this deadly oppressive force, one of the pirate crowds suddenly stood up and shouted loudly for Weibull to stop.

“All the treasures inside Hive Island… All to you! ”


“This is the Devil Fruit I got by accident, and I originally wanted to auction it here.”

“All to you too!”

“Spare our lives!”

The pirate hurriedly stepped forward, half kneeling on the ground, holding a devil fruit in both hands, and loudly begging Rowan for mercy. In order to survive, this pirate took the initiative to take out the devil fruits that he had luckily obtained and prepared to auction on Beehive Island! Moo!!

Who knows, as soon as the pirate’s voice fell, the mammoth’s front foot suddenly rubbed the ground one after another, and the posture was about to continue to rush towards the pirates.

“Weibull, wait a minute!”

However, before Weibull could make any further moves, Rowan’s voice suddenly came from behind. Multiply!

In the next second, a flash of thunder flashed.

The flickering thunder light directly passed Weibull and turned into a figure and appeared in front of the pirate. The sudden figure made the pirate almost fall backwards in fright.

But after seeing clearly that the person who came was Rowan, the captain of the extremely evil pirate group, the pirates became even more nervous. A crew member has the terrifying power to destroy a town with one blow, not to mention Rowan as a captain. This pirate didn’t dare to imagine how terrifying Rowan’s strength would be!

“Sure enough, it’s it!”

“Burn the fruit! Celebrate! ”

On the other side, Rowan looked at the devil fruit that was held in the hands of the pirates, and couldn’t help but be overjoyed in his heart.

The Devil Fruit in front of him had a pale orange color throughout, and the skin was countless small spiral-like patterns like flames, as if the real flame was burning.

The pirates may not have figured out the origin of this devil fruit, but Rowan recognized it at a glance. It was exactly what Rowan missed in the top war, Ace’s burning fruit!

Unexpectedly, before Rowan could send out his large-scale divergent hands to look for it, the burnt fruit appeared in front of him!

In the original work, the reborn burnt fruit should have fallen into the hands of Doflamingo and appeared in Dressrosa.

It’s just that now that Dressrosa has been liberated, Doflamingo was killed by Rowan, and he thought it would take a lot of effort to find it, but the burned fruit was sent to the door by himself!.

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