Chapter 274: Hunting the Admiral!.

Since the end of the Topping War, everyone returned to the base camp, and Rowan immediately gave the latest order to CP9, who was in charge of the intelligence work of the Baroque studio.

Deploy enough people from the Baroque studio to keep an eye on Punk Hassad 24 hours a day. The reason for this arrangement is because Rowan, as a traverser, has relevant memories of the original work. In memory, after the end of the Top War, Sengoku and Karp would resign.

Especially the Warring States, as a naval marshal, resigning from his post will lead to a leaderless situation in the navy. In order to avoid this situation affecting the Navy, a new Admiral needs to be promoted.

Looking at the entire Navy headquarters today, the only people who can hold this position are the red dog and the green pheasant who are admirals. As for why there is no yellow ape, it is not that the yellow ape is not strong enough.

It is because the yellow ape’s character is too lazy to lead the whole navy to rebuild. To put it bluntly, it is the yellow ape’s fish-touching personality, and it is okay to be an admiral.

To make him a marshal of the navy is still less courageous.

After all, this man’s office motto turned out to be: ambiguous justice… If this is to make the yellow ape a marshal, wouldn’t it be a collective fish for the navy? So it has to be a red dog or a pheasant.

And the red dog and the green pheasant will appear in Punk Hassad, just to decide the winner here, 05 determines who can finally take the post of marshal of the navy.

The fierce fighting movement from Punk Hassad should be caused by the two people of Red Dog and Blue Pheasant having already fought.

Rowan asked Kaku and others to keep an eye on Punk Hassad, just so that when the two fought and lost both, a praying mantis catcher yellow finch was behind!

No matter who wins in the end, the Magma Fruit of the Red Dog and the frozen fruit of the Pheasant are the Devil Fruit that Rowan desperately wants to recycle!

The best situation is to wait for the two of them to fight each other, and Rowan will recycle both of their devil fruits together!

“Kalifa, gather all the crew and go to the inner port.”

“I’ll explain the specific situation to you on the way.”

After thinking clearly, Rowan immediately ordered Kalifa.

“Received, I’ll inform everyone!”

Seeing that Rowan cared about this operation, Carifa quickly agreed, turned around and went to inform the rest of the crew to assemble.

After a while, under the summoning of Kalifa, all the members of the extremely evil pirate group came to the pirate ship docked in the built-in port of Golden City. Whoops!

Then, at Rowan’s instruction, Mikita began to control the pirate ship to float from the port.

The pirate ship flew in the direction of Punk Hassad in accordance with the record pointer prepared by Kaku and the others in advance. Along the way, Rowan told the crew the ins and outs of the matter.

The question of why Rowan would know about the Navy’s arrangement was vaguely taken by Rowan.

“Captain, so our goal this time is to hunt two admirals?!”

After listening to Rowan’s words, Webb couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although the extremely evil pirate group has had many collisions and frictions with the admiral, it has never set the hunting target on the admiral.

After all, it is the highest combat power of the Navy, and generally even if it goes out, it is accompanied by a large number of naval elites. Now hearing that Rowan was eyeing the Admiral’s Devil Fruit, Webb would inevitably be surprised.

“That’s right!”

“The magma fruit of the red dog, the frozen fruit of the pheasant.”

“Those are all very powerful devil fruits that are among the best in the natural system.”

“If we can get it, our pirate group will have another strong person whose strength is comparable to that of a general!”

Rowan nodded and affirmed.

“But don’t worry too much.”

“First of all, because this time they are an internal struggle and the number of navies brought is not much.”

“Secondly, we don’t need to go head-to-head with them.”

“The two of them, they will fight for the position of marshal of the navy, you will die and I will live.”

“We just need to be in the vicinity and wait for the right moment.”

Rowan went on to explain.

With the current overall strength of the Extreme Evil Pirates, it is not impossible to defeat the two admirals. It’s just that the process will definitely be very intense, and some of the crew members will be injured because of it.

Moreover, if the red dog and the pheasant are bent on running, they do have the ability to delay the battle to a great extent. The longer time drags on, the hidden forces of the world government will definitely not watch the two admirals killed.

At that point, the war situation will be full of unknowns again.

So Rowan’s idea was to lead everyone to hover over Punk Hassad and wait. Wait for a suitable opportunity to wait for the red dog and the pheasant to divide the victory and defeat.

When both of them were exhausted, the extremely evil pirate group came forward to surround the two again, and they could easily reap the benefits of the fisherman.

“Got it!”

After listening to Rowan’s explanation, everyone’s eyes lit up and agreed with anticipation.

Everyone is looking forward to it, perhaps, this time there will really be a general of the navy, which will become one of the gorgeous achievements of their extremely evil pirate group.

A group of pirates killed the admiral, which is definitely something that has never happened since the establishment of the navy and shocked the world.

“Red dog… Pheasant…”

“You would never have thought that this battle of yours might be the last battle of your life!”

“Keep going!”

“Target Punk Hassad!”

Under the accelerated flight controlled by Mikita, the pirate ship came to the sky near Punk Hassad at sunset that day.

“Captain, look!”

“That’s Punk Hassad!”

While the pirate ship was still flying, Weber, who was standing at the bow of the ship and looking, suddenly pointed in the direction of the front, and said in a somewhat surprised tone.

Hearing this, Rowan and the rest of the crew also came to the bow of the ship and looked curiously in the direction pointed by Weber. As far as the eye can see, an island is clearly visible in the distance.

Compared with the charts, this island is the Punk Hassad of the destination of Rowan and others’ trip.

The reason why everyone’s faces couldn’t stop showing surprise was Punk Hassad’s current scene. The punk hassad in the eyes of everyone, at this time, the smoke of war rose everywhere.

Starting from the center of Punk Hassad Island, which spreads outward for thousands of meters within a radius, the environment evolves into an extreme climate.

Half of them, shrouded in crimson fire.

The already slightly dry environment is now full of terrifying magma flows. This super-large area has become a magma hell.

The high temperature emitted by the flowing magma melts any object that comes into contact with it into ashes in an instant.

Flowers and trees, including some of the original buildings of the Punk Hassad Center, have long since disappeared by the magma. Strangely, the environment on the other side seems to be diametrically opposite.

In the other half of the area, the environment is frozen with thick layers of frost.

Under the light of the evening sun, this icy and snowy land has a reflective phenomenon.

From a long distance, you can see this world of ice and snow, and the cold air is floating everywhere in the air. Everywhere the icy cold air went, it seemed that even the air was frozen, which shows the terrifying nature of this icy cold air. Today’s entire Punk Hassad, Jane 637 is a perfect embodiment of what is called “ice and fire two heavens”.

On one side is the magma world that burns and melts everything, and on the other side is the cold ice world that freezes everything.

Two extreme environments actually appeared on an island at the same time, which is really a rare spectacle. Bang, bang, bang!

At the same time, everyone also noticed that at the junction of the world of ice and fire, it was faintly visible that two rays of light and shadow were constantly colliding fiercely.

Every collision causes unimaginable damage to the entire island.

“Can’t be wrong.”

“It’s a red dog and a pheasant!”

“It seems that their battle has been completely fought.”

Seeing this, Rowan said with great certainty.

Who else can create this spectacle with their own power besides the red dog of the magma fruit ability, and the green pheasant of the frozen fruit ability?

Looking at the situation of Punk Hassad, the battle between the two has entered a white-hot stage, and it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a while.

“Magma fruit and frozen fruit…”

“Captain, are these two fruits already powerful to this extent?”

Hearing Rowan’s words, Rebecca, who also ate the natural demon fruit, asked Rowan with a slight frown. After Rebecca returned to the Golden City base camp, she began to practice penance according to Rowan’s newly formulated training plan. After half a year, Rebecca’s strength has also improved significantly.

The development of burnt fruits has also been achieved.

But seeing the red dog and the pheasant fighting with the natural lineage, Rebecca suddenly felt that her burnt fruit was obviously a little weaker: The magma fruit and frozen fruit used by the red dog and the pheasant respectively have been exaggerated to the point of changing the natural environment!

“This is the power of awakening!”

Rowan’s eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the battle situation in the Punk Hassad Center, and immediately blurted out an explanation.

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