Chapter 280: The Extremely Enraged Navy and World Government!.

“It’s time for us to go.”

After successfully recycling the frozen fruit and collecting the frozen fruit in his arms, Rowan then said to everyone. At the same time, Rowan waved his hand and lifted the forbidden black coffin.

Among them, the corpse of the green pheasant also fell to the ground.


On the other hand, under Rowan’s orders, Mikita uses the Fluttering Fruit ability to control the pirate ship to land.

Rowan took one last look at the completely lifeless pheasant, and then led the crew back to the pirate ship and left.


Shortly after Rowan and the others left Punk Hassad on a pirate ship flight. Two large armies arrived from the direction of the shore of Punk Hassad. One of them is the navy headed by Sengoku and Karp.

On the other side, there is the elite army of the world government, headed by the commander-in-chief of the whole army of the world government, “Steel Bone” Kong. By the time the two armies arrived at the same place, Rowan and his gang had already disappeared without a trace.

Only the cold corpse of the green pheasant remained in place.

Looking at the corpse of the green pheasant, Karp, Warring States, and Steel Bone Empty, he also clenched his fists angrily.

“Extremely evil pirate group!”


“Our navy [World Government] will not easily bypass you!”

For a while, angry voices spread throughout the island of Punk Hassad. Fast forward to a week after the battle of the Punk Hassad generals.

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joya, inside the office of the Generalissimo of the World Government.

At this time, the World Government’s General Marshal Steel Bone Kong, former Navy Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Karp, who had already submitted his resignation, appeared here.

“The injuries of the red dog are very serious, especially the abdominal injury.”

“Half of the kidneys and some of the internal organs have been destroyed.”

“To officially take over the post of marshal of the navy, I am afraid that it will take a while to cultivate.”

Steel bone said to Sengoku and Karp.


Hearing this, both Sengoku and Karp were silent.

Compared with the red dog, the two care more about the dead pheasant.

As for when the red dog will succeed to the post of marshal of the navy, it has nothing to do with the two of them who withdrew from the navy.

“Regarding the matter of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, I have already discussed it with the Five Old Stars.”

“From now on, the highest level of bounty will be issued to the Extremely Evil Pirates.”

“If necessary, the military of the world government will also cooperate with the navy to encircle and suppress it.”

“Rowan and the Extremely Evil Pirate Group must not be allowed to continue to be presumptuous!”

Seeing that the two were silent, Steel Bone Kong sighed secretly in his heart and continued to explain the decision of the five old stars to the two. Obviously, the five old stars have also realized the threat of the extremely evil pirate group.

For this, a bounty of the highest level, like the Revolutionary Army, was issued.

And promised that once there is an opportunity to erase the extremely evil pirate group, the world government will also send military elites and navy to cooperate.

“Isn’t it too late to say this now?”

Hearing the words of the steel bone again, the Warring States said with some indignation.

Only now did I think of making a move against the extremely evil pirate group, as if it was too late.

Today’s extremely evil pirate group has grown into a huge force that even the navy and the world government dare not easily move. And all this is related to the “inaction” of the world government at the beginning.

More importantly, wasn’t it the world government that secretly assisted the thief country in the first place that single-handedly forced Rowan to become the head of the new Four Emperors?

“Sengoku, Karp, you must understand that there are some things that I can’t decide alone.”

Hearing the sarcastic meaning of the words in the Warring States, Steel Bone said helplessly.


“I will continue to keep the ranks of the two of you.”

“Next, the Navy will conduct a big recruitment to the world, I hope that the two of you can personally cultivate a batch of new blood for the Navy”

“This… also for the Navy…”

Steel Bone Kong then said to the two of the Sengoku.

Suddenly losing the Warring States, the support of the two of Karp, and the loss of a naval admiral, for the navy, it is undoubtedly disastrous, if you do not replenish fresh blood as soon as possible, I am afraid that it will not be long before the pirates who are ready to move will stand on the head of the navy in turn.

Therefore, the world’s great conscription has officially begun, and Steel Bone Kong also hopes that Warring States and Karp will personally train a new generation of naval elites.

“So be it.”

“When this world conscription is over, we will retire completely.”

Karp, who had never spoken, finally spoke.

With that, Karp snatched the door out.

Seeing this, Sengoku shook his head helplessly at the steel bone, and then left with Karp.


“One revolutionary army is enough for my headache.”

“Now there is another group of extremely evil pirates…”

“This sea, I’m afraid it’s going to be unstable again.”

Looking at the figure of the two of the Warring States leaving, Steel Bone Empty sighed and said to himself.

Immediately afterwards, the news of the world’s conscription was conveyed, and the navy began to replenish the losses of the top war. ... It was when the Navy officially opened the world’s large-scale conscription and the Extremely Evil Pirate Group continued to develop steadily with its territory, and another half a year passed.

It has been more than a year since the end of the war at the top.

In Golden City, the base camp of the Extremely Evil Pirates, Captain Rowan suddenly summoned all the crew to the conference hall.

“Captain, everyone has arrived.”

When the crew arrived one after another, the secretary Kalifa immediately said to Rowan on the main seat.


Rowan promised, glancing at everyone present.

Compared to half a year ago, the aura emitted by the crew members was obviously more powerful. Since the end of the Battle of Punk Hassad, Rowan has led the crew back to the territory. There was no further expansion outward, and there were no other events that shocked the sea.

Instead, he continued to develop and grow his existing territorial power, and secretly, expanded the size of the Baroque studio. In addition to some intelligence gathering in the New World, Rowan also gave Baroque Studio an additional target to focus on. World Government!

With the increasing power of the extremely evil pirate group, Rowan’s goal has also shifted from the pirates at the beginning to the world government.

In order to meet the imminent possibility, the decisive battle with the world government. Rowan wanted to get more information about the world government before then.

Of course, most of the top officials of the world government live in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and it is not easy to find out some relevant information.

However, this time the gathering of everyone is not for this matter.

“Captain, you are so anxious to get everyone to gather, do you have a new goal?”

At this time, Weber, who had always been accustomed to speaking first, asked Rowan curiously.

Weber calculated that since the end of the Punk Hassad war, they really did not make any moves for half a year. So much so that the outside world is circulating that the extremely evil pirate group is planning something bigger.

On the contrary, everyone who was the core crew of the extremely evil pirate group was confused.

“Kalifa, send all the information to everyone.”

Hearing this, Rowan smiled and signaled Weber not to worry. Then, he ordered Kalifa behind him.

“Yes, Captain.”

Kalifa agreed, and quickly distributed a stack of intelligence materials to everyone in the crew. Seeing this, the crew quickly checked in doubt.

“This time to gather everyone, there are a few things to emphasize.”

“First of all, it is the world’s great conscription of the Navy in the past six months.”

“On top of these intelligences, there is the latest recruitment news.”

“What needs everyone’s attention is the two-man clip who was recently promoted to admiral.”

“The first one is a smile codenamed Fujitora.”

“The second is another general who only knows his code name Green Bull.”

Rowan then opened his mouth to explain to everyone.

“Fujitora… Green Bull…”

“Captain, are they some rare Devil Fruit powerhouses?”

After listening to Rowan’s explanation, Robin seemed to grasp the point at once.

The new admiral who can make Rowan care about must have something extraordinary. The first thing Robin thought of was that he had a special devil fruit!.

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