Chapter 288 – Shocking Big Stomach Girl, This is the Shocking Fruit??。


“Are all women so open now?”

“Dare to love her is joined by Captain Tu’s appearance!”

“Such a good thing… Why can’t it be my turn? ”


The male crew members of the extremely evil pirate group talked about it one by one.

The female crew, on the other hand, were on hostile guard against Joe Ellie Bonnie.


Even Rowan twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment. Rowan was secretly surprised in his heart.

Could it be that he is lagging behind?

The ideas of the pirate world have developed to the point of such development?

“No, no, no…”

“You misunderstood!”

At this time, Joe Ellie Bonnie, who realized that the words were ambiguous, quickly shook her hand with a red cheek and said.

“Didn’t you just say that the reason why you recruited me was because you fancy my Devil Fruit ability?”

“Every time I activate the Devil Fruit ability, I consume a lot of physical strength.”

“So, there must also be a lot of food for replenishment.”

When I say “feed,” I mean that! ”

Joe Ellie Bonnie explained.

“So it is!”

Hearing Joelly Bonnie’s explanation again, everyone nodded abruptly.

The female crew instantly let down their vigilance, and Rowan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When it really is… It’s a false alarm!

“Isn’t it full?”

“No problem!”

“Welcome to join!”

After understanding what Joe Ellie Bonnie meant, Rowan extended his hand to Joe Ellie Bonnie and welcomed him warmly.

“I’ll take care of it a lot in the future.”

“Captain Rowan!”

Seeing this, Joe Ellie Bonnie was not pretentious, holding Rowan’s hand and nodding and saying.

“Since you have joined the pirate group, let everyone introduce themselves first, familiarize yourself with it.”

Immediately afterward, Rowan motioned to the rest of the crew.

“Kalifa, mainly the captain’s personal secretary, is responsible for the affairs of the regiment.”

“Weber, generally battles are commanded by me.”

“Robin, archaeologist, proficient in sentiment gathering.”

“Gal Tino…”

At Rowan’s instruction, the crew briefly introduced themselves to Joe Ellie Bonnie one by one.

“Joe Ellie Bonnie.”

“Take care of you in the future.”

Finally, Joe Ellie Bonnie introduced herself.

“We’ll call you Bonnie from now on.”

“By the way, what is your Devil Fruit ability?”

“Even the captain only knows some of the approximate effects of your abilities.”

After introducing each other, Webb asked Joe Ellie Bonnie puzzled.


Hearing this, Joelle Bonnie hesitated for a few seconds.

Then, she looked at Rowan and told everyone her Devil Fruit ability and fruit name.

After all, now that she has joined the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, she will show her Devil Fruit ability in front of everyone more and more times in the future, and there is no need to hide it.

“My Devil Fruit is the Age Fruit of the Superhuman line.”

“The ability effect is to change the physical age of others by touching other people’s bodies.”

Joe Ellie Bonnie said truthfully.

It was also at this time that Rowan learned the name of Joe Ellie Bonnie Devil Fruit. Superman AgeFruit!

Under the activation of the Devil Fruit ability, as long as it is contacted, it can be controlled by Joelle Boni’s mind and forcibly change its body age.

A very buggy ability.

Because the increase or decrease of age can be controlled at will, it is also very exaggerated for Joe Ellie’s own physical exertion. This is the reason why Joe Ellie Bonnie needs to supplement a lot of food every time she uses her ability.

Joe Ellie Bonnie’s title of “Big Stomach Girl” also came from this.

“Age Fruit… It is indeed a very powerful fruit. ”

After listening to Joe Ellie Bonnie’s introduction, Rowan couldn’t help but praise.

Among all the devil fruits, the devil fruit ability that seems to be linked to “time” will not be weak. You can imagine two strong people of the same level fighting.

Suddenly, one side was turned into an old man, which was completely enough to change the situation of the battle in an instant.

“You are now a member of the Extreme Evil Pirates, so next I will tell you a top secret that belongs to our Extremely Evil Pirates.”

Rowan then said to Joe Ellie Bonnie.

“I think you should have heard that I have the ability to plunder the Devil Fruit of others.”

After Rowan finished speaking, Joe Ellie Bonnie nodded and said.

“This is just one aspect of the Navy’s speculation, they don’t know that I have another ability.”

“That’s the negative effect of getting rid of the Devil Fruit!”

“You can understand that I can let my crew have the special physique to eat two devil fruits!”

Rowan’s next words instantly made Joelly Boni’s eyes widen in disbelief.

Just this ability to plunder other people’s demon fruits, Joe Ellie Bonnie didn’t know how long she was surprised when she first learned about it. Now Rowan also told her that she has the ability to give people the ability to eat two Devil Fruits with a special physique, you can imagine how surprised Joelle Bonnie is.

“Exterminate… Devil Fruit negative effects? ”

“Is this really something that can be done?”

After the shock, Joelle Bonnie said to Rowan with a half-hearted opinion.

If these words were spoken from other people, Joelle Bonnie would definitely feel that this person was fooling her. But when things come out of Rowan’s mouth, it’s not the same thing at all.

On the one hand, in Joelle Bonnie’s cognition, this kind of thing cannot exist.

Joelle Bonnie, on the other hand, felt that Rowan would not joke with her about this kind of thing.


“Show her your two Devil Fruit abilities.”

Seeing Joe Ellie Bonnie’s questioning, Rowan smiled and ordered Weibull beside him.

“Yes, Captain!”

Hearing this, Weibull agreed. Click!


The next moment, Weibull’s body lit up with a glimmer.

Wrapped in a special energy shimmer, Weibull’s body also expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, his body underwent earth-shaking changes, transforming into a huge mammoth.

“To be precise, my first special ability is not to plunder the Devil Fruit.”

“It’s about being able to recycle the devil fruit that others have eaten.”

“Weibull’s first ability is the ability to recover the mammoth fruit that I defeated Drought Jack of the Hundred Beast Pirates.”

Under Weibull’s transformation, Rowan carefully explained for Joe Ellie Bonnie.

“Okay, let’s change back.”

“There is a second ability.”


Under Rowan’s continued orders, Weibull instantly lifted the transformation of the mammoth fruit beast form… Immediately afterwards, Weibull’s right hand clenched into a fist, and the fist was pulled to the position behind him.

This incomparably familiar starting action suddenly set off a relevant memory fragment in Joelly Boni’s mind.


At the same time, Weibull’s mind moved, and an exceptionally powerful translucent energy instantly condensed on Weibull’s fist, and the terrifying energy fluctuations emanating from the fist made Joelle Bonnie’s face change greatly.

“This is… Whitebeard’s ability to shock the fruit!! ”

Joe Ellie Bonnie exclaimed.

When the war began, the Navy was confident that it would broadcast it to the world. It was only later, because the situation was once out of control, that the Warring States ordered the public broadcast to be cut off.

In the words of the Warring States at that time, it was

“You don’t need to make everything public, just convey the word victory to the people after the end.”

Although the broadcast screen of the scene was cut off, most people witnessed the appearance and shooting of Whitebeard. Among them, including Joe Ellie Boni, who was in the Chambord Islands at the time to watch the broadcast.

It’s no wonder that Joe Ellie Bonnie was surprised that even her voice changed.

Weibull’s every move in front of him, as well as the translucent energy condensed on the fist, were exactly the same as when Whitebeard used the Shock Fruit ability!

What’s more, the powerful energy condensed on the heart of Weibull’s fist is completely enough to prove the authenticity of this ability!

“I know!”

“That’s when I was in the top war!”

“The reason why you appeared in the top war and shot at the corpse of the whitebeard.”

Just to “recycle” his shock fruit! ”

Combined with Rowan’s introduction of his special abilities, the clever Joe Ellie Bonnie suddenly woke up.

About the last appearance of the Extremely Evil Pirates on the battlefield of the Top War and the snatching of the Whitebeard’s corpse, Joelle Bonnie also heard about it from news reports afterwards.

In retrospect, the strange behavior of the extremely evil pirate group can be explained by 1.9!


“The world thinks that our extremely evil pirate group participated in the top war, for the pirate group to establish its power in front of the navy.”

“Actually, our real purpose is to recycle Whitebeard’s shock fruit as well.”

“Otherwise, with the ability of Michita, what smashed into Marin Fandor at that time would not be as simple as a propulsion city.”

Rowan said with a smile and a nod.

If he had participated in the top war in order to make the pirate group stand up in front of the navy and the world, the “big gift” prepared by the extremely evil pirate group would not be just a city to advance.

With Michita’s development of fluttering fruits and light fluttering fruits at that time, it was possible to move more islands and smash into Marin Fandor.

In that case, even if there are a few people with the highest combat power of the navy to protect him, Marin Fandor will definitely be smashed and sunk into the sea for nearly half. The number of casualties in the Navy is even more innumerable.

“Except for Weibull, all members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group are now standard dual Devil Fruit abilities.”

“Every time the crew member joins, I will set a well-fitting Devil Fruit for her to hunt and recycle.”

“After listening to your description of the Age Fruit, I thought of a very suitable Devil Fruit.”

Rowan continued.

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