Chapter 292 Neptune agrees, the first beauty who is about to board the ship.

Rowan’s ability to control thunder and lightning is no secret in this sea.

But the pirates never thought that obviously in the deep sea, the moves released by Rowan using the Devil Fruit ability could still have such terrifying power!

“What are you still stunned for?”

“Hurry up and run!!”

After the shock, the pirates shouted in horror one by one, and began to control their respective pirate ships to leave the place, however, the pirate ship from turning direction to accelerating the voyage, this process took time, how could it be decisive to pass the thunder and lightning of Rowan’s thunder fruit?

Most of the pirate ships have not even adjusted their direction, and countless thunder arrows have already arrived above the large army of pirate ships.

Bang bang…!

In the next second, the thunder arrows in the sky fell in unison.

Just the moment the thunder arrow touched the bubble membrane of one pirate ship after another, the bubble membrane that protected the pirate ship that could sail in the deep sea shattered one after another.

The next thing to greet the pirates was the terrifying penetrating attack of the thunder arrow, and the icy cold sea water that continued to pour in around because the bubble membrane was broken.

After this move, the large force of pirate ships that invaded Fishman Island was two-thirds of the number, and even the ships led by people were completely destroyed and wiped out!


In the deep sea, countless bubbles rise.

Under Rowan’s extremely powerful attack, pirate ships were destroyed by powerful thunder arrows.

The pirates on the pirate ship couldn’t even do a decent struggle, either being split into a scorched corpse by the thunder and lightning energy of the thunder arrow on the spot, or drowning alive in the raging sea.

When all the Thunder Arrows attacked, only a small number of pirate ships survived on the scene. In the nearby area, there were floating fragments and corpses of pirate ships.

That picture is like hell on earth.

Look at the pirates who survived, one by one, they were dumbfounded, and they had not been able to wake up from the terrible attack just now for a long time.

“This is the strength of the head of the four emperors, the sea thief Rowan!”

“It’s terrible!”

At the same time, on the other side of the boat where the fish people are.

Jinping and the other fish people were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

Especially the stronger Jinping, only he could more clearly perceive the strength of the energy contained in each thunder arrow in Luo Wen’s move just now!

Even Jinping, who had once been the king of the Seven Martial Seas, was not confident that he could survive that kind of intensive attack in the favorable environment of the sea.

“In this way, the safety of Fishman Island should no longer have to be worried.”

Jinping said secretly in his heart.

With this precedent, those forces that still try to invade Fishman Island in the future will have to weigh their own strength first. Coupled with the news that Fishman Island has become the territory of the extremely evil pirate group, it is enough to deter the pirates who have not yet acted.

“The power of the move has really weakened a lot…”

On the other side, Rowan, who shocked everyone, looked not very satisfied at this time.

This move, 200 million volts of Thunder Arrow Rain, is also a new move developed by Rowan who increasingly develops and researches the Thunder Fruit.

According to Rowan’s original idea, he wanted to destroy all the pirate ships together and solve the trouble cleanly.

After the move is released, the longer the move stays in the sea water as the distance increases, and correspondingly, the Devil Fruit energy contained in the move is also affected.

This led to the end of the final Thunder Arrow Rain attack, and nearly a third of the pirate ships survived. Otherwise, if it is used on land, it is another batch of pirate ships, which can also be destroyed with one hit. But this result, Rowan can also accept.

“The same thing, I don’t say it a second time.”

“Get out!”

Rowan looked at the remaining sporadic pirate ships, and the murderous voice came out again. Whoops!

Hearing Rowan’s angry shout, the pirates suddenly woke up.

The pirates who survived by luck, where did they dare to disobey Rowan, quickly accelerated their actions, and fled the scene with the pirate ship.

“Jinping, let’s go.”

Seeing this, Rowan lowered his right hand in satisfaction, and immediately motioned to Jinping on the other side.


“Over here, please!”

Hearing this, Jinping agreed, and continued to lead the way for Rowan and the others in front.

Without this group of invading pirates, Rowan and his group entered Fishman Island very smoothly under the leadership of Jinping. Click-click…

As soon as Rowan and Jinping’s ships docked within the border of Fishman Island, a large number of Fishman soldiers from Fishman Island surrounded the shore tightly.

When Rowan and Jinping both stepped down from the boat, most of the fishman soldiers raised their weapons and were vigilant in the direction where Rowan and the others were.


At this moment, a slightly elderly voice came from behind the fishman soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, the fishman soldiers neatly separated to the sides, giving way to a road.

A slightly larger fishman with a crown on his head and a trident in his hand walked up from the rear with another group of royal guards who were obviously more elite.


The fish man with the crown on his head shouted excitedly after seeing Jinping.

“Your Majesty Neptune.”

“Let me introduce you, this is the captain of the extremely evil pirate group, the emperor of the sea, Rowan!”

Seeing this, Jinping hurriedly came to Rowan’s side and took the initiative to introduce to the person.

For a while, Rowan was looking at the other party, and the other party was looking at Rowan.

Needless to introduce too much, Rowan had already recognized the other party when he saw the person coming. None other than the king of Fishman Island, Neptune!

Along with Neptune came Neptune son, the Grand Prince Shark Star, the Second Prince Emperor Star, the Third Prince Flip Star, and the royal ministers and escort soldiers.

“King Neptune and I’m Rowan.”

After some looking, a non-hostile smile hung on the corner of Rowan’s mouth, and he introduced himself to Neptune again.

“I have long heard of the great name of Captain Rowan, the head of the Four Emperors, and when I saw it today, I didn’t expect it to be so young!”

“I am the king of Fishman Island, Neptune.”

Hearing this, Neptune also introduced himself. Neptune did deviate from his first impression of Rowan.

Without him, Rowan looks too young, and with a smile on his face, it is difficult to imagine that the person in front of him is the famous Four Emperors Rowan on the sea.

“Your Majesty Neptune, I have already negotiated with Captain Rowan about Fishman Island becoming the territory of the extremely evil pirate group.”

“Captain Rowan is here this time to sweep away those invading pirates for us.”

“One more thing…”

Speaking of this, Jinping came to Neptune and told Neptune about the negotiations after he and Rowan met, as well as the conditions that Rowan offered.



“Want White Star to join the Extremely Evil Pirates?!”

As soon as he heard Rowan ask White Star to join the Extremely Evil Pirates, Neptune frowned all of a sudden. There are too many things involved in letting White Star join the Extremely Evil Pirates, which makes Neptune a little entangled. Once Bai Xing joins the Extremely Evil Pirates, it will undoubtedly mean leaving Fishman Island and living on the sea. This is too dangerous for White Star, who has never left Fishman Island!

“Your Majesty Neptune.”

“I can tell you with great certainty that Captain Rowan and his group of extremely evil pirates are definitely one of the few who can protect the power of Princess White Star.”

“Moreover, he also promised to solve the trouble of Vander Deacon for Princess White Star first.”

“Instead of letting Princess White Star hide in the hard-shell tower all the time, it is better to choose to trust them once.”

“In this way, maybe it can really completely break the mustard of our fish-people and human past.”

Seeing Neptune hesitate, Jinping quickly told Neptune his thoughts.


Hearing that even Jinping agreed to allow White Star to join the Extremely Evil Pirates, Neptune was gradually shaken a little.


Allowing the Fish-Terrans and humans to coexist peacefully is the wish of Neptune and Princess Othime, his dead wife. But since the assassination that year, no one has mentioned it again.

Now that Jinping mentioned again, Neptune inevitably hesitated.

Moreover, Neptune is also worried about whether White Star really has the strength to protect White Star after joining the Extremely Evil Pirates.

“King Neptune don, you don’t seem to believe in the strength of our Extreme Evil Pirates?”

“I understand your worries, this time I personally came to Fishman Island, on the one hand, to show our sincerity, on the other hand, to let all the royal families of Fishman Island see the strength of our extremely evil pirate group.”

“If, after seeing our strength, King Neptune feels that it is not enough to protect the White Star, we will not force others.”

Seeing that Jinping and Neptune were deadlocked, Rowan, who saw that Neptune was worried, immediately spoke.

“Captain Rowan, you misunderstood…”

“I’m not questioning the strength of the Extremely Evil Pirates, but even if I agree, White Star’s side… I don’t know exactly what she means. ”

“After all, it is White Star who wants to join the Extremely Evil Pirates…”

Hearing this, Neptune quickly answered and said.

How dare Neptune question the strength of the extremely evil pirate group in front of Rowan, so he had to explain it in another way.

“King Neptune you don’t have to worry about this, when I solve Vander Deacon for Princess White Star, I will meet with Princess White Star again to show what I mean.”

“If I finish speaking, Princess White Star still doesn’t want to join our extremely evil pirate group.”

“What I just said, everything is the same.”

Rowan confidently said to Neptune again.

In order to recruit White Star to join, Rowan had already thought of a set of rhetoric on the way here. If in the end, White Star is still unwilling to join, Rowan will not force it.

Of course, in order to ensure that the white star will not fall into the hands of others and be used, Rowan will still classify Fishman Island as a territory and give it protection.

“Since Captain Rowan has said this, I agree to Captain Rowan’s request!”

Hearing Rowan’s full sincerity in recruiting White Star, Neptune no longer hesitated and agreed.

“I wonder what Captain Rowan is going to do next?”

Neptune then asked Rowan about Hiroshi.

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