Chapter 296 – Expand Your Strength, Target Vince Mock and Caesar!.


“With this group of fish-people teams, our territory will indeed be safer.”

Kalifa answered.

“Finally, there is the issue of the development of our current territory.”

“The current territory of our extremely evil pirate group should be the richest in the entire new world.”

“But as the scope of the territory expands, I feel that the manpower directly under us is not enough.”

“What I mean is that I want to recruit another batch of direct combat units belonging to our Extremely Evil Pirate Group.”

Rowan finally said to everyone.

This question is also very important.

Just like this time, it was necessary to send people to garrison Fishman Island, and Rowan could only draw manpower from the attached Nine Snakes. As his territory expanded, Rowan felt more and more that there were not enough manpower.

The escort work of Fishman Island this time is a good example.

Whether it is to manage more territory in the future, or to fight off those unobtrusive pirate groups, Rowan cannot go there personally every time.

Moreover, Rowan’s ultimate goal is to defeat the world government, which will undoubtedly require more men.

Look at the current extremely evil pirate group, because Rowan chose to let the pirate group take the boutique route at the beginning, the core crew is not expensive, resulting in the entire pirate group now, all the crew plus the captain Rowan, there are no more than 20 people!

In addition, it is the Baroque Studio of the Intelligence Organization, the female warriors of the Nine Snake Clan, including the Pingping Fishman Fan Team who has just agreed to join.

Among them, the Baroque studio is still an intelligence officer, not suitable for participating in battles.

Coming and going, the combatants directly related to the Extreme Evil Pirate Regiment are indeed much less than the other Four Emperors Pirate Regiment. In general, the current Extreme Evil Pirate Group lacks such a large number of direct combat units.

“Does the captain mean that he wants to recruit more pirates to join?”

“It’s very simple. 043”

“Long ago, there have been many pirate groups from the New World who want to join us.”

After listening to Rowan’s analysis, Kalifa immediately said.

With the current status of the Extremely Evil Pirates, there are countless pirates who want to join them.

It’s just that Rowan didn’t agree before, and Kalifa drove away all the pirates who came to surrender. At the beginning, Bartolomeo was selected by Rowan to join the Extremely Evil Pirates through “self-recommendation”.

However, as many people join, it is inevitable that there will be some messy “bastards” mixed in. ”

“Captain, this will have a negative effect on the development of the pirate group.”

As soon as Carifa finished speaking, Robin directly pointed out the problem.

“Yes, Robin’s idea, which I have been thinking about before.”

“Once the number of people increases, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of fish and dragons.”

Not to mention that if the “bastards” among them mixed in with one or two undercover agents of the navy or the world government, it would be worth the loss. ”

“The Navy and the World Government are very good at undercover.”

Rowan immediately said in agreement.

“Therefore, the combat units selected for recruitment should preferably already be formed.”

“And has enough combat effectiveness.”

“I think backwards, there are two very good options.”

“The first is the very famous “killer family” of the underworld, the Vince Mock family, which has clone troops

“The second is a pacifist unit developed by the Department of Naval Science.”

Rowan told everyone what he had planned.

Both the clone troops of the Vince Mock family and the pacifist troops have one common feature, that is, they obey orders one hundred percent.

Don’t worry, clones and pacifists, what “betrayal” will happen. Moreover, both are high-tech products, as long as the funds are available, the quantity can be sufficient. Rowan’s intention is that both of these options will be made simultaneously.

Both clone and pacifist troops are needed.

“The Vince Mock family, I have heard some news about them.”

“It seems that they also once dominated the North Sea by force.”

Robin, who had always been knowledgeable, immediately followed Rowan’s words.

“Well, it’s just that that’s all in the past.”

“For the Vince Mock family, I will personally go and take their entire family.”

“If they disobey, beat them until they submit.”

“The pacifists on the other side will be handed over to Xiao Feng.”

With that, Rowan looked at von Kray in the right-hand seat. Burst!!

Suddenly named by Rowan, especially hearing that Rowan wanted to hand over this task to him, von Kray excitedly sprayed out all the water he had just drunk.

“The ship… Captain! ”

“The pacifist is made by the Science Department of the Navy headquarters, so you shouldn’t want me to go to the Navy headquarters to grab it, right?”

Von Kray looked at Rowan with a confused expression.

Although the extremely evil pirate group has already made a big disturbance in the naval headquarters, the current new naval headquarters, after passing the world conscription, has recovered its strength.

It is absolutely crazy to let von Kray go to the headquarters of the new Navy alone to rob the pacifists!

“Don’t worry, of course I won’t let you go to the headquarters of the Navy to rob the pacifists.”

“Moreover, even if it succeeds, without the program of the Navy headquarters scientist Vegapunk, the pacifists who have it will not be used.”

Seeing von Kray’s concern, Rowan explained with a smile.

“That captain means…”

“We can’t get a high-end version of a pacifist, we can completely complete a set of low-end versions.”

“Remember the memories you copied from members of the Don Quixote family?”

“Inside, there must have been a man named Caesar.”

Rowan asked again.


Hearing Rowan’s question, von Kray closed his eyes and tried to recall.

“I remembered!”

“Caesar, that’s the scientist who originally studied artificial fruits and gigantic drugs for Doflamingo!”

“He also seems to have been a classmate of Vegapunk, serving in the Department of Naval Science!”

Von Kray suddenly woke up.

Von Kray was originally responsible for using the Memory Fruit ability to extract some useful intelligence information from the brains of the members of the Don Quixote family.

Among them, naturally, Caesar’s message was included.

It’s just that at that time, the focus of the extremely evil pirate group was to recover more devil fruits, and the memory of Caesar was put down by von Kray.

Now that Rowan mentioned it, von Klay suddenly remembered.

“That’s him.”

“Although Caesar and Vegapunk have a certain gap, it should not be a big problem for him to create a low-end version of a war robot.”

“I know Caesar has always wanted to prove that he is smarter than Vegapunk, and to use that to convince him to work for us, presumably he will not refuse.”

“It’s really not good, just use the strong one, and catch him first.”

Rowan continued to say to von Kray.

Simply put, Caesar is a low-profile version of Vegapunk.

It may not be possible for Caesar to build exactly the same pacifist, but it is absolutely no problem to make a low-end war robot.

And Rowan knew that Caesar was bent on proving that he was smarter than Vegapunk, and Caesar’s choice to help Doflamingo in the first place was also related to this reason.

Rowan meant that he could use this reason to persuade Caesar to work for him. It really doesn’t work, it’s a big deal to use tough means to tie Caesar back first.

Moreover, the extremely evil pirate group has baby-5, a weapon fruit ability, maybe they can inspire each other with Caesar and make weapon technology go further!

In addition to the mutual inspiration of the baby-5, Caesar may be able to combine it with the technology of the Vince Mock family.

Caesar has the technology of artificial demon fruit, and the Vince Mock family has the technology of blood factor cloning, if the two can be combined, they may be able to give birth to an unprecedented powerful war weapon!

Since you want to do it, make it bigger, the Vince Mock family and Caesar, Rowan all want it!

“Therefore, this time we will divide the army into two ways and take them down as quickly as possible!”

Rowan said to the crowd.

Once all as Rowan’s plan is achieved, the follow-up development will definitely be able to bring the overall combat power of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group to another level!

“It seems that you have planned it all, Captain.”

“Just do what you command, and we’ll listen to you!”

When Rowan finished speaking, Weber smiled and said.

This series of plans and arrangements, Weber believes is definitely not determined by Rowan’s whim. Now that Rowan had a plan in advance, they just had to listen to the arrangement.

“Yes, Captain, you can arrange it.”

“We promise to hit wherever we want!”

Gar Tino echoed.

Hearing this, Rowan rolled his eyes angrily.

“Then arrange it this way.”

“Kalyfa and Cyrus stayed and watched the City of Gold.”

“I’m taking Han Cook, Bonnie, baby-5 on my side, three people are enough.”

“The rest of the people want to stay in Golden City to help, or go with Xiao Feng, they can arrange it themselves.”

“Before I go, I will tell you more about Caesar.”

“Caesar’s Devil Fruit power, you also need to be on guard.”

After a little thought, Rowan continued to say to everyone.

With the current strength of all the members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group, these two tasks are basically not difficult.

Neither Caesar nor the Vince Mock family was able to pose any threat to the crew of the Extremely Evil Pirates.

It’s just that Caesar’s gas fruit ability is relatively rare, and Rowan specially shared it to ask the crew to be careful not to let Caesar run away because of this.

“Got it!”

After listening to Rowan’s arrangement, everyone agreed in unison.

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