Chapter 302: Lei Jiu, the idea of matching poisonous fruits.

Sure enough!

After listening to Gaji’s explanation, Rowan secretly determined in his heart.

Before coming to the Vince Mock family, Rowan tried to recall some information about them. In particular, at the request of Kaji, he joined Lei Jiu, who became one of the core crew members of the Extremely Evil Pirates.

Lei Jiu is one of the brothers and sisters, in addition to Yamaji back then, another reformed person who retains “emotions”.

Unlike the three of Iji, Lei Jiu also has a special anti-poison physique, which can absorb and release toxins like using the Devil Fruit ability.

Now combined with Kaji’s explanation, the emergence of this ability should be related to the integrated Devil Fruit bloodline factor. It can be understood that even if Lei Jiu does not have the experience of eating the devil fruit, she can still have the ability of some of the devil fruit.

Correspondingly, it also suffered the negative effects of the Devil Fruit.

The “curse” from the Devil Fruit bloodline factor makes Reijiu, like the three Iji brothers, no longer able to eat the Devil Fruit.


“Since it is also the negative effect brought by the Devil Fruit, with my ability, I should be able to remove it.”

“So that Lei Jiu can also eat the Devil Fruit.”

Rowan said inwardly.

Since Lei Jiu wants to join the Extremely Evil Pirate Group to become the core crew, then the standard configuration of the Devil Fruit is naturally indispensable.

When he promised to make Lei Jiu the core crew, Rowan had already had a flash of inspiration and had a corresponding plan. Lei Jiu itself has a super anti-toxic constitution, which can release and absorb toxins.

Now in Rowan’s hands, there is a demon fruit that fits it very well.

After defeating Magellan in the Advance City Prison, he recovered the Superhuman Poison Fruit!

Magellan did not have anti-poison properties because his body before eating the poisonous fruit did not have anti-poison properties, resulting in Magellan being affected by the side effects of the poisonous fruit after becoming a poisonous fruit ability.

Almost half of the day is spent “detoxifying”. But if it is Lei Jiu, the situation should be very different.

Lei Jiu, who has a super anti-poison physique, can definitely better control the power of poisonous fruits under this innate advantage.

“Captain Rowan, is there something wrong?”

At this time, seeing that Rowan was suddenly silent, Gaji asked suspiciously.

“It’s no problem, I just suddenly remembered something.”

Hearing this, Rowan came back from his thoughts and immediately shook his head and said.

Although he already had a plan for Lei Jiu’s future development in his heart, Rowan did not say it at the first time.

After all, the Vince Mock family has just been accepted now, and he is not in a hurry to remove the negative effects of the Devil Fruit for Lei Jiu so quickly.

When the people of Gaji and the Vince Mock family are completely convinced of the extremely evil pirate group, it will not be too late to remove the negative effects of the demon fruit for Lei Jiu.

This can also be regarded as a period of testing for the Vince Mock family by Rowan.

“Well, we also visited the science and technology of the Vince Mock family.”

“Gaji, just bother you to urge, and rush back to the territory of our extremely evil pirate group as soon as possible.”

Everything he wanted to see and know was already known, and Rowan finally ordered Gaji.


“I will let the people below rush to the territorial sea area as soon as possible.”

Hearing Rowan’s arrangement, Gaji agreed.

Later, in order to show his welcome to Rowan, Gaji also specially held a banquet in the main castle, and a variety of hearty dishes were served to Rowan and the others.

At the banquet, Rowan and the high-ranking members of the Vince Mock family introduced themselves to each other. After a banquet, the relationship between the two sides is also much more familiar.

In particular, Lei Jiu, who was going to become the new core crew, was warmly treated by several other core crew members. New World, formerly the G1 branch of the Navy, now the headquarters of the Navy.

At this time, in the marshal’s office in the headquarters building, the newly appointed Admiral Akainu summoned the generals here.

In the huge room, in addition to the familiar red dog and yellow ape, there are also the newly promoted green bull and Fuji Tiger.

“The intelligence officer has recently returned with news that the Vince Mock family in the North Sea is approaching the New World.”

“There is also news that before, the Ark Proverbs of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group once appeared in the sky above the Kingdom of Djerma.”

“It was not long after the Ark Proverbs of the Extremely Evil Pirates entered that the Kingdom of Jerma began to move.”

Chi Inu looked at the news transmitted by the intelligence officer in his hand and said to the three yellow apes.

“You mean… The kingdom of Djerma is likely to have been occupied by the extremely evil pirate group? ”

Hearing the meaning of the red dog, the yellow ape frowned slightly and asked.

Since parting in Punk Hassad, Akainu has successfully become a naval yuanbrush.

Akainu’s first order when he took office was to let all the intelligence officers in the new world pay close attention to the extremely evil pirate group. Regarding some recent movements of the Extreme Evil Pirates, Akainu also knows.

Among them, it includes the fact that Fishman Island was officially included in the territory of the extremely evil pirate group, and what happened in the Jerma Kingdom shortly after it happened.

It can be analyzed from the intelligence that the Vince Mock family will suddenly enter the new world from the North Sea uncharacteristically, and it must be inseparable from the extremely evil pirate group that appears.

“Eight, nine, not ten.”

“This Rowan, really doesn’t put our navy in his eyes more and more!”

“Not to mention robbing the territory of a large number of white-bearded pirate groups in the New World, they actually extended their hands to the North Sea!”

Akainu slapped the table angrily and said.

“The Kingdom of Djerma… Their level of technology is notoriously top-notch. ”

“If it is also collected by the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, the Extremely Evil Pirate Group that obtains this power will probably be even more difficult to deal with.”

In the corner of the room, the newly promoted general Green Bull slowly spoke.

“Do you need to intercept them?”

Green Bull suddenly asked.


“If Rowan is also in the Kingdom of Djerma, he has also reached a cooperation with the Vince Mock family.”

“To intercept them so rashly, I am afraid that it will cause too many deaths and injuries!”

As soon as he heard that Green Bull had the idea of wanting to see Rowan’s strength in person, Fuji Hu quickly spoke up to stop it.

After encountering Rowan once, Fuji Hu deeply realized that today’s extremely evil pirate group can definitely not be dealt with by sending a part of the troops.

“Fuji Hu, you shouldn’t be scared by Rowan, right?”

Hearing this, Green Bull grinned and asked Fuji Tiger half-jokingly. The words directly made Fuji Hu’s entire face darken.

“Don’t say it.”

At this time, the red dog also made a straight face and stopped the two of them.

“Now the strength of the headquarters has only been restored through the great conscription.”

“Before there is a certain certainty, it is still not appropriate to go head-to-head with the extremely evil pirate group for the time being.”

Chi Inu said quickly.

Hearing the red dog’s words, the yellow ape looked at the red dog with a surprised expression.



… I never expected that the red dog, who has always been a hard-line representative, would actually compromise at this time.

The yellow ape didn’t know that the reason why he had only sent people to stare at it without any movement, and the red dog was also forced to help.

First of all, as Akainu said, the strength of the new naval headquarters has just recovered through world conscription. Most of the recruits are still being trained by Sengoku and Karp, and have no combat experience.

It is obviously very irrational to let such a navy face the extremely evil pirate group.

Secondly, if you want to deal with the extremely evil pirate group, the highest combat strength of the navy must be shot.

Now the red dog’s body is still carrying the injuries left by the fight with the green pheasant, and it has not completely healed. Akainu did not want to face Rowan head-on with this weak posture.

All in all, at this point in time, the red dog just wants to move the extremely evil pirate group, and it is not easy to move.

“I’ll let people continue to keep an eye on the Extremely Evil Pirates.”

“Don’t worry, they won’t be arrogant for long.”

Akainu said confidently at the end.


Time flickered, and three days later.


Driven by dozens of ships in the Djerma Kingdom, Rowan and his party finally returned to the New World unimpeded from the North Sea. Now the Jerma Kingdom on the voyage is about to enter the territory of the Extremely Evil Pirates.

Inside the main castle of the kingdom, Rowan was enjoying the breakfast that Gaji had carefully prepared with several crew members at this time. Purr…

At this moment, the communication phone worm in Rowan’s arms suddenly rang. Hearing the movement, Rowan took the phone worm out and connected it.

“Captain, it’s me.”

As soon as the phone worm was connected, the voice of the secretary Kalifa came from the other end.

“Listen to Kaku, they say, you are almost arriving.”

“Considering the arrangements for the Kingdom of Jerma, I have asked Mikita to rush over to meet you.”

Kalifa continued.

Hearing this, Rowan was first stunned, and then laughed with satisfaction.

“With you, I can indeed save a lot of worry!”

Rowan said with a smile.

Kalifa means to let Mikita come over and cooperate with Rowan’s meaning, using the ability of Fluttering Fruit and Light Fluttering Fruit to control and arrange the location of the newly added kingdom of Jerma.

After all, the most central part of the territory now is the structure of the Golden City, the base camp of the three kingdoms of Dressrosa. Such a large Jerma kingdom may not be able to sail directly into the center of the territory.

“By the way, since Mikita has returned, how is Xiao Feng’s side?”

Rowan then asked Kalifa again.

At that time, all the members of the Extremely Evil Pirates Group set off in two teams, and Mikita followed von Krey’s side. Now that Mikita has returned to the Golden City, von Kray’s side must have already had results.

“Captain, captain!”

“Everything has been done!”

“Caesar is now in our Golden City!”

Hearing Rowan’s question, von Kray’s voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone worm.

Immediately afterwards, von Kray snatched the phone worm in Kalifa’s hand and carefully reported the incident to Rowan.

“We brought so many people with us that we thought we would suffer some resistance.”

“As a result, when we find Caesar, explain the situation to him in the same way the captain taught me.”

“Caesar’s goods actually agreed directly!”

Von Kray went on to say billion.

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