Chapter 310: Next, I will slash at you with all my strength!.

A powerful force, quietly from the blade of the black knife night, continued to spread to the palm of Hawkeye’s knife.

The powerful brutality of this force actually made Hawkeye’s palm feel paralyzed like an electric shock at the moment it was transmitted to Hawkeye’s palm!

Hawkeye knew that this power came with Rowan’s slash! But the clearer he understood this, the more excited Hawkeye became.

Rowan’s physical fitness is so strong, and the power that bursts out is like a situation of suppression against him! Squeak…

At the same time, when Hawkeye was surprised by Rowan’s bursting physical strength, Rowan continued to exert his strength with ease.

Under Rowan’s renewed force, the autumn water in Rowan’s hand and the black knife night chopped together, the blade constantly rubbed the blade of the black knife night, amazingly slowly pushing the black knife night!


Another piercing metal impact sounded, and Hawkeye, who was constantly suppressed by Rowan’s force, immediately responded with a knife and slid backwards with a shock.

“It seems that your strength is still far behind.”

The powerful knife shocked Hawkeye, and the corner of Rowan’s mouth raised a playful arc, and he opened his mouth to say to Hawkeye. Hawkeye’s sword art has indeed reached the pinnacle of cultivation.

But in terms of physical fitness and simple strength explosion, it is obvious that Rowan is better.

However, after hearing Rowan’s mocking words, Hawkeye’s face did not show the anger that he should have. The stronger Rowan performs, the more excited Hawkeye is to be able to fight such a top powerhouse!

“A strong man who has been absent for a long time!”

“Since losing the opponent of the redhead, you are the most powerful existence I have ever fought against!”

Hawkeye did not hesitate to praise Rowan.

Hawkeye’s goal has always been to find stronger opponents to engage with.

In the past, the only one who could be regarded as an opponent by Hawkeye was the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors, who had fought countless times.

But when Shanks lost an arm in order to save Luffy, his combat power was greatly reduced, and Hawkeye never fought Shanks again. Because in Hawkeye’s opinion, the redhead who lost one arm is no longer the opponent he is seeking.

Until today, the short two battles with Rowan have allowed Hawkeye to rediscover the goal of longing to fight.

“Come again!”

“Today you and I must divide the winner and the loser!”


When the words fell, Hawkeye lifted the black knife night and took the initiative to rush towards Rowan.

“I’m afraid you won’t make it?”

On the other side, Rowan, who had the upper hand from the beginning, had no reason to back down. After Hawkeye rushed out, Rowan also raised his knife to meet Hawkeye.

Bell, bell, bell!

On the scene, both of them will be armed with color domineering, sword art, and sword qi [sword qi], and gradually burst out. When they rushed closer, the two immediately started a slashing duel with fast fights.

For a time, under the sudden rain-like offensive of the two, the weapons of the two, Black Knife Night, Autumn Water, collided incomparably fiercely again and again, and every collision between blades would always set off a chilling knife wind.

The two knives, the powerful armed color domineering wrapped around the blade, between the collision of the blades, black lightning flashes frequently appeared, constantly destroying the surrounding golden ground.

In the distance, watching the dangerous fast attack of Rowan and Hawkeye, the crew members of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group unconsciously held their breath and stared at the battlefield, for fear of missing something.

This kind of confrontation between the world’s top two great sword masters is usually rare to see.

“Lord Weber…”

“Lord Rowan, he… It should be fine, right? ”

While everyone was holding their breath and watching the battle nervously, at the back of the crowd, Bai Xing timidly asked Weber. Hearing this, Weber paused, then shrugged and shook his head.

“In the current situation, the captain and Hawkeye look on a par.”

“But what I can see is that the captain is more active.”

“But the current situation is superior, and it is not yet representative of the result.”

Webb explained to White Star.

“The captain and Hawkeye obviously haven’t exerted their 100% strength yet.”

“You can also understand that the two of them are still testing each other.”

Webb said again.

With Weber’s eyes, he can naturally see the situation that has emerged, and Rowan is more dominant. But Webb knew very well that Rowan had not yet begun to use the Devil Fruit’s abilities.

Similarly, Hawkeye can be known as the world’s number one swordsman, and its true strength should be far more than what it shows now. Therefore, Webb could not judge the results well.

Of course, Webb himself is very determined, and the victory will definitely be their captain Rowan. It’s just that the process of victory does not know what kind of earth-shattering battle I have to go through.


Hearing Weber’s vague explanation, Bai Xing also became nervous.

Without further questions, White Star continued to look at the battlefield where Rowan and Hawkeye were fighting. The gaze returned to Rowan and Hawkeye.

Clang!! Bang, bang, bang!

The figures of Rowan and Hawkeye rushed towards each other again.

After another fierce collision between Autumn Water and Black Knife Night, Rowan and Hawkeye were both shocked back by each other’s slashing force.

The impact of the sword qi that burst out from the slashing collision set off a thick layer of the already shattered golden ground under the two of them.

Looking at Hawkeye, who was shocked out, his feet constantly rubbed the ground, and he took dozens of steps back before stopping his body. On the other hand, Rowan, who was also shocked back, only took a few steps backwards to stabilize his figure.

In a short period of time, the two have fought close to each other for nearly a hundred rounds. As a result, there were still no injuries on either side.

After stabilizing his body, Hawkeye’s eyes narrowed slightly into a slit, and his face was no longer as relaxed and calm as at the beginning.

Only Hawkeye himself knows that at this time, his palm holding the knife has already collided with Rowan again and again, and there is a feeling of paralysis, if it were not for his slashing to offset most of Rowan’s strength, I am afraid that this knife-holding hand would have been difficult to hold the knife long ago.

The warm-up exercise is complete.

“Next, you and I don’t have to test each other anymore.”

On the other side, Rowan still looked relaxed, flicked the autumn water knife body, and suddenly opened his mouth to say to Hawkeye.

“Finally going to get serious?”

Hearing this, Hawkeye became more vigilant.

Even Webb could see that Rowan was not using his full strength, and how could Hawkeye, who was Rowan’s opponent, not know this. Hearing that Rowan was going to start serious, Hawkeye suddenly subconsciously tightened the handle of the black knife night in his hand.

Who knows, at this moment, Rowan’s other hand was raised, and suddenly he made a “1” gesture to Hawkeye.

“Next, I will slash you with all my might.”

“If you can take my sword, you will win this battle.” With a smile on his face, Rowan said goodbye to Hawkeye. ”

Hearing Rowan’s confident words again, Hawkeye’s face instantly became gloomy.

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