Chapter 315 – Landing in the Land of Wa!.

A week later, Rowan once again summoned all the core crew to the conference room.

“Guys, the right time for me to wait has come.”

“All ready, let’s go to the country of Wano immediately!”

When everyone arrived, Rowan immediately spoke.

Just this morning, Rowan received the latest news from the Baroque Studio intelligence officers sent in advance to the waters of Wano Country, Kaku and other Baroque studio intelligence officers, and the Straw Hat Pirates’ pirate ship Sonny has entered the waters of Wano Country this morning.

Now at this time, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates should have successfully entered the country of Wano. It won’t be long before the Straw Hat Pirates launch a crusade against the Black Carbon Snake and Kaido.

Rowan must arrive in the Land of Wano before they can first recover the Devil Fruit of the Black Carbon Serpent.


“Yes, Captain!”

Hearing that this was about to leave for the country of Wa, all the crew members agreed excitedly.

Subsequently, Rowan asked Kalifa to take care of the guarding of Golden City, and immediately led everyone to the built-in port of Golden City and boarded the pirate ship of the extremely evil pirate group.


“Destination, the country of Wa!”

Seeing that all the crew members had boarded the pirate ship, Rowan then nodded to Mikita, who was in charge of controlling the pirate ship.


As Rowan’s voice fell, Mikita immediately used the ability to produce the Fluttering Fruit. The huge pirate ship suddenly slowly rose into the air and floated.

Immediately afterwards, the pirate ship, under the control of Mikita, flew quickly towards Wano Country.


The territory of the Extreme Evil Pirates is located in the southern part of the New World, and is more central.

The country of Wano [Oni Island] where Kaido and BIGMOM are located at this time is located in the eastern part of the New World.

One east and one south, the two places are far apart, and Rao took nearly a day to reach the waters of Wano Country when Miqita fully controlled the pirate ship to fly at high speed.

The line of sight came to the sea area of Wano Country, above the clouds in the sky. The pirate ship of the extremely evil pirate group floated and stayed here.

“Captain, below is the country of Wano.”

On the deck of the pirate ship, Mikita immediately reported to Rowan.

“Captain, what are we going to do next?”

“Go directly to the territory of Wano Country?”

Hearing this, Webb opened his mouth to ask Rowan.

“Everyone, come here.”

Hearing Weber’s question, Rowan took out a map from his arms and motioned for everyone to come closer. Then, Rowan laid the map on the deck floor and showed it to everyone.

This map is a general map of the country of Wano drawn by Rowan based on the abridged map sent by Kaku and them, combined with Rowan’s own memories of the country of Wa.

On the map, information such as parts of the country of Wano is clearly marked.

“This is a map of Wano Country.”

“The main island of Wano Country is divided into six regions.”

“That is, Jiuri, Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Suzugo, White Dance, and the Capital of Flowers.”

“Each adjacent area is separated by large rivers, and there are bridges connecting them.”

“My plan is to let the pirate ship land to Suzugo, and then from behind Suzugo, enter the most prosperous flower capital in the center of Wano Country.”

“There, it is also the location of the general’s mansion of the current general of the country of Wano, Black Carbon Great Snake.”

Immediately afterwards, Rowan carefully pointed to the areas on the map and briefly explained to the crew. The island of Wano Country is divided into six regions, known as “Rokko” by the natives.

Located in the westernmost part is Jiuli Township, where Mitsuki Ota was once a fiefdom.

To the south of Jiuli Township is the more famous village of Jiuli Township.

It is worth mentioning that in the past, Jiuli Township, before Mitsuki Onda was rectified, was a paradise for criminals in Wano Country and a concentration of criminals.

Then there is the neighboring Jiuli Township, which is located in the rabbit bowl township to the south of Wano Country. It is also the more famous prisoner’s quarry.

Most of the ore used to make weapons in Wano Country is also produced here.

Further east of Rabbit Bowl Township is the White Dance Township, located southeast of Wano Country. Also known as a port township, Baiwu Township is close to the sea and is a major transportation artery.

Then there is the northernmost part of Wano Country, Nozomigo.

Nozomi Village is special, full of wilderness, and is the most desolate place in Wano Country. On normal days, few people go to Ximei.

Adjacent to Nozomi Township is Suzugo Township, where the pirate ship landed this time that Rowan chose this time.

Suzugo-go is located in the eastern part of Wano Country, and Suzugo-go is also known as Suzugo-go because of the heavy snowfall all year round, resulting in deep snow

“Snow Country.”

Due to special climatic reasons, Suzugo Township is basically uninhabited, but has a large cemetery. Finally, it is surrounded by other Gogo, and the flower capital in the center of Wano Country.

As the center of Wano Country, the capital of flowers also has a bustle that no other Gogo has. The General’s Mansion, the supreme ruler of Wano Country, was established in Wano Country.

As for Oni no Dao, the base camp of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it is not within the island of Wano Country, but an independent island in the sea farther south.

There is also a reason why Rowan chose to let the pirate ship land in Suzugo.

The purpose of the extremely evil pirate group to the country of Wano is mainly to eradicate the black charcoal snake and its henchmen first. After stabilizing the situation in Wano Country, he then goes on a crusade against Kaido and BIGMOM.

Therefore, before solving the Black Carbon Great Snake faction, it is best not to immediately alarm Kaido and them.

There is no choice to directly let the pirate ship land in the capital of flowers, one is that there are also people in Kaido in the capital of flowers, so as not to be discovered by Kaido too early.

Second, Rowan’s memory of the black carbon snake, the character of the black carbon snake is very intimidating.

Before confirming the exact location of the black carbon snake, he rashly killed it directly, if he hid the black carbon snake and escaped, it would be worth the loss.

For these reasons, it is best to choose a place with fewer people at the place of landing. In this way, the White Dance Township and Rabbit Bowl Township, which are closer to the Oni Island, are ruled out first.

Jiuli Township, where there are a large number of bandits and criminals, is naturally excluded. After screening, only Nozomi Township and Suzugo Township remained.

And because Nozomi Village is too desolate, the north side leading to the flower capital is blocked by a huge towering “Fujiyama” peak. To sum up, Rowan chose to land from Suzugo-go into Wano Country.

“When the bell arrives, I will leave some people to guard the pirate ship.”

“The rest of the people followed me through the bell and entered the capital of flowers.”

“Cooperate with Violet’s ability to find out the exact location of the black charcoal snake.”

“Then, as fast as you can, kill him and reclaim his Devil Fruit!”

Rowan then explained the valley to everyone.


After listening to Rowan’s arrangement, the crew agreed in unison.

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