Chapter 323: Hitting a big black charcoal snake, of course, is to go to the main entrance.

The increase in combat effectiveness of the three layers does not sound particularly exaggerated, but this is definitely very outrageous for Rowan, whose strength is already in the ranks of the top powerhouses.

You know, the combat effectiveness of the top powerhouses, even if they want to improve by another percent, it is extremely difficult. Converted to three percent of Rowan’s current combat strength, that is a very terrifying value.

Originally, the defect of the demon was that it would spontaneously and continuously absorb the domineering energy of the user, causing the user to quickly become weak. But this problem, in Rowan’s case, there is no need to worry at all.

Rowan has the ability of the Beamon Fruit, the physical body is invincible, and he can also restore physical strength through the earth, without thinking about the huge consumption caused by the use of Hades.

Therefore, Rowan can completely liberate the power of the Yan Demon, and increase the slash released by the Yan Demon with massive physical strength and domineering.

The effect presented is more suitable than the Mitsuki Ota of that year! So, Rowan very cheerfully agreed to exchange autumn water with Xiaozi.

In this way, Rowan successfully exchanged from Xiao Zi to obtain a new saber demon.

Later, Rowan, who had finished trying the knife, returned to the house with everyone to discuss the matter of going to the capital of flowers. That night, taking advantage of the hazy night, Rowan and his party went to the capital of flowers under the leadership of Xiaozi.

Considering that there may be danger, Xiaozi left the family in the house, and it was also convenient to take care of Solon, who was seriously injured and unconscious. Without saying a word all the way, everyone successfully arrived at the capital of flowers under the leadership of Xiaozi Light Car Familiar Road.

When everyone came to the capital of flowers in person, they realized how big the gap between the prosperity of the capital of flowers and Suzuhou Township was. Even at night, the city of flowers is still brightly lit.

Countless residents of Wano Country came and went in laughter.

In order to be less eye-catching, Rowan and the others also spent a sum of money to change into a set of Wano Country costumes at a local clothing store. Especially Hancock, Robin and other women, after changing into the clothes of Wano Country, there is quite a feeling of blood.

“This is the bustle of the flower capital.”

“Don’t look at the flowers, basically everything you can think of, you can buy here.”

“Even many products of the country of Wano are purchased by the outside world at great expense.”

Everyone walked on the street, and Xiaozi intimately introduced everyone.

Soon, under Xiao Zi’s lead, everyone gradually walked to the most central position of the flower capital. When he arrived here, Xiao Zi immediately signaled everyone to stop.

“Further on, it is the range of the General’s Mansion where the Black Carbon Great Snake is located.”

“Let’s stop here.”

Xiao Zi immediately pointed behind him and explained to Rowan. Hearing this, Rowan and the others looked in the direction Xiaozi was pointing.

There, a mansion building stands tall in the eyes of everyone.

Just on the surface, whether it is its scale or the luxury of the decoration, it is far from being comparable to the buildings of these nearby residents, according to Xiaozi, that is the general’s mansion where the general of the country of Wano and the black charcoal snake live today.


Seeing this, Rowan called Violet motionfully.

“Understood, Captain.”

Hearing this, Violet quickly agreed.


When the words fell, Violet gestured his hands to an “OK” gesture and placed them in front of him.

In an instant, the ability to stare at the fruit was used, and Violet’s vision immediately passed through a heavy wall, constantly spreading towards the General’s Mansion.



“Don’t you really want to… Do it to the black charcoal snake?! ”

Seeing Violet make a strange gesture, Xiao Zi suddenly noticed something and looked at Rowan in disbelief. Seeing Xiaozi’s surprise, Rowan also showed a confident smile.

“Guessed right!”

“Didn’t we say that from the beginning?”

“One of our goals in coming to the Land of Peace is to solve the Black Carbon Great Snake!”

Rowan said to Xiaozi with a smile.


“This is really risky!!”

“Stop Violet!”

“If you alarm the people of the Black Carbon Great Snake in the Flower Capital, it will be even more difficult to escape again!”

Xiao Zi hurriedly persuaded Luo Wen and said.

Xiao Zi originally thought that Rowan was just talking, but he didn’t expect that as soon as he came to the capital of flowers, he would make a move on the black carbon snake!


“Why are we fleeing?”

“What really needs to escape is the black charcoal snake…”

Rowan still said calmly.


“Xiaozi, you can rest assured and wait to see a good show.”

“We, very strong!”

Xiaozi wanted to continue persuading, but was interrupted by Rowan. A very simple sentence, but Xiao Zi was speechless.

Then, Xiaozi looked at the confident Rowan, and then at the other crew members who were also calm and calm.

For a while, I didn’t know what to do.

Not a moment later.

“Captain, it seems that he has been found.”

“Miss Xiaozi, the black charcoal snake you are talking about, does it have a very… The face of the villain. ”

“A man with a bald square face and purple hair?”

Violet, who seemed to have discovered something, confirmed to Xiaozi while maintaining the ability of the Devil Fruit.

“Didn’t… That’s right! ”

“He is the Black Carbon Great Serpent!”

Hearing the lewd image of the black charcoal big snake described by Violet, Xiaozi said with certainty. Beep!

After receiving Xiaozi’s affirmative answer, Violet immediately lowered his hands and lifted his ability to stare at the fruit.

“Captain, it has been confirmed.”

“The black charcoal snake is in the general’s mansion, and he is now drinking and enjoying the song and dance.”

Violet then reported to Rowan.

Hearing this, the corner of Rowan’s mouth lifted 2.6 arcs even more.

“Since it has been determined that the black charcoal snake is there, without further ado, let’s do it. Rowan ordered. ”

“Wait a minute!”

“You guys… Just go straight to it? ”

Hearing Rowan’s order, Xiaozi called out to Rowan again.

Although Xiaozi was also curious about how Violet confirmed that the black charcoal snake was in the General’s Mansion at this time, and he was also detailed about what he was doing.

But compared to Rowan’s lack of careful planning, to break through from the front, it is clear that the latter is more worthy of inquiry.

“Or else?”

“To deal with a black charcoal snake, there is no need to make any planning arrangements.”

“Let’s go!”

Rowan said with a smile and a nod.

Then, led by Rowan, the group went straight towards the general.

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