Chapter 342: BIGMOM sneaks up again, Big Weed Thunder gossip!.

Ring the bell!

On the battlefield at the top of Ghost Island, where Rowan and Kaido fought each other, the heavenly sword light and shadow collided together.

A piercing metal impact sounded continuously, and every impact sound was always accompanied by a knife and a stick collision, and black domineering lightning was emitted.

Because of the frequent fights, the black lightning that the two domineeringly collided again and again, as if they turned into a protective cover, enveloping the two of them.

Outside the black domineering lightning protective cover, all the objects that could be seen could not withstand the aftermath of the fight between the two, and they were constantly destroyed and damaged.

Kaido’s side, watching Rowan take all the stick shadows created by his large-scale military li Long Sheng Jun, Kaido gritted his teeth and continued to accelerate the swing of the mace.


As Kaido continued to exert his strength, more and more stick shadows were created by the move, and even exaggerated a strong wind generated by the swing of the mace in place.


On the other side, seeing a denser stick shadow attack, the flickering battle intent in Rowan’s eyes was more obvious. The next moment, Rowan also increased the speed of Yan Demon’s knife again.

The extremely fast swinging Yan Demon immediately turned into a denser blade shadow and continued to meet Kaido’s attack. Kaido didn’t know that this kind of high-intensity and high-density attack was exactly what Rowan needed most at this time.

Through this oppressive offensive, the two demon fruits in Rowan’s body were accelerating towards the realm of awakening. Ring the bell…

For a time, the confrontation between the two gradually evolved from the purest force collision to a competition in speed. After the higher frequency metal impact sounded again, it was obvious that Rowan’s knife speed was faster. Poof, poof, poof!

After a while, the blade shadow created by Rowan’s extremely fast swing of the knife broke through Kaido’s heavenly stick shadow. Several of the blade shadows smoothly passed through the encirclement of the stick shadow and slashed at Kaido’s body.

This kind of slash that is extremely fast, coupled with the winding with Rowan’s overlord-colored domineering, after the slash fell on the surface of Kaido’s body, it immediately cut through Kaido’s body.

One after another, small cuts exploded from the surface of Kaido’s body, and blood seeped and dripped from the wound.

As time passed, the wounds on Kaido’s body became more and more, and the depth of the wounds also went deeper and deeper into Kaido’s flesh and blood.


Constantly suffering from the slashes penetrating by the Yan Demon, Rao couldn’t stop snorting in pain with Kaido’s tenacious character. But helplessly, the battle situation at this time could not allow Kaido to stop.

Once he stopped swinging his mace, he would be greeted by hundreds of thousands of blade shadows, all falling on his body in an instant, and Kaido could only grit his teeth and continuously exert force, increasing the speed of his attack to block Rowan’s extremely fast slash.

Look at Rowan’s side. Tom, tom, tom!

The Yan Demon in Rowan’s hand, as if there was no upper limit, continued to explode and improve. In Rowan’s body, the sound of accelerating heartbeat became more and more obvious.

Even the cells that were very active under the stimulation of Mjolnir’s armor made excited movements.

Rowan clearly sensed that in this extremely fast state, especially his Thunder Fruit, he was only one step away from breaking through to awakening!


At the moment when Rowan and Kaido collided strongly, BIGMOM, who retreated to the distance, suddenly realized that this was a great opportunity, and saw BIGMOM wave the light sword in his hand, and the soul figure released by the light sword summoned at the front end of the light sword, and suddenly flew quickly along the ground.

In the blink of an eye, this soul figure appeared behind Rowan.


“Go and die!!”

The next moment, BIGMOM let out a sinister and smug laugh, controlled the soul figure, and launched an attack on Rowan’s heart.


The huge soul figure instantly rose from the ground, his right hand suddenly raised, and his five fingers suddenly turned into five extremely sharp spikes. Then, the soul figure burst out with great power, and stabbed Rowan’s back with five spikes.

Ring the bell!

In an instant, the five spikes from the soul figure stabbed Rowan’s back with all their strength. The terrifying penetrating force first formed a fierce attack on the armor of Thor on the surface of Rowan’s body. As the power of the attack completely exploded, the surface of Mjolnir’s armor splashed with amazing sparks. On the surface of Mjolnir’s armor, five traces of deep dents appeared in an instant.

“How is that possible?!”

“Actually… That armor that can’t penetrate him?! ”

Seeing that Mjolnir’s armor had resisted the attack of the soul figure summoned by the mother visit cannon for three thousand miles, BIGMOM in the distance couldn’t stop screaming.


That is BIGMOM’s strongest move besides the Ming Light Sword, and the soul figure summoned is combined with BIGMOM’s own super soul power.

But even so, in the case of a sneak attack, he still failed to break Rowan’s set of Thor’s armor. Look at Rowan’s side again.


The back was attacked by BIGMOM’s sneak attack, although most of the attack power was defended by the armor of Thor on the surface of the body.

But there is still a part of the power that has applied to Rowan’s back.

The powerful piercing attack made Rowan feel a tingling sensation in the skin behind him, and the qi and blood in his body surged.

It was precisely because of this sneak attack that the knife speed that Rowan had just lifted plummeted in an instant.


“You pick me up too!”

Seeing that Rowan’s knife speed suddenly slowed down, and the shadow of the sword in the sky dispersed, Kaido immediately seized the opportunity to laugh.

In an instant, Kaido also stopped the stick shadow attack of Junchali Long Shengjun, took a sharp step forward, and got closer to Rowan.


The next moment, Kaido pressed the mace down with both hands, his mind was madly urging, and the overlord-colored domineering wrapped around the mace was combined with the rod, black lightning, and perfect compression.

On the mace, there was a terrifying aura that was more powerful than any previous move.

“Big Weed Thunder Gossip!!”

After condensing and compressing a more extreme power, Kaido roared, and the last move of the four great kings’ moves, the Great Weed Thunder Gossip, was immediately used.

Condensing an extremely powerful mace, under the power of Kaido’s hands, he swept strongly towards Rowan in front of him. With such a close distance, coupled with the sneak attack of BIGMOM just now, Rowan could not charge the corresponding power to parry for a while.


Finally, the mace picked up by Kaido accurately smashed on Rowan’s chest, causing the flesh and blood of Derowen’s chest to instantly appear amazingly dented.

Receiving the destructive explosive power of this blow, Rowen’s gushing qi and blood suddenly flowed out from the corners of his mouth. At the same time, Rowan’s body was also smashed out by Kaido’s rod.

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