Chapter 190, Zhong Changfa must lose

Sovereign Raksha goes out in person!

Long hair against the new Internet celebrity Zhong!

The news definitely exploded.

The Raksha Sovereign came from the Raksha Kingdom.

Zhong Changfa is from Long Country.

At this moment, almost the entire world is paying attention to this upcoming war.

For the first time, the battle between the great monks will be shown to the public.

The major media have rebroadcast the scenes of the Xiangxiang live studio.

Chen Gou smashed the table in the office and shouted: “Take down all the small notebooks that are broadcast! We all sue them for infringement! If we don’t get our authorization, all will have to lose money!”

The manager said loudly: “Yes, boss!”

“Wait, add a watermark to the live broadcast room and declare the copyright!”

“Yes, boss!”

The watermark hasn’t been added yet, and the phone number of the business department is about to blow up.

Someone rushed in, “Manager… Boss, Magic TV Station called and asked for a relay!”

“One hundred million!” Chen Gou exclaimed, “No matter who broadcasts it, at least one hundred million! Do you understand? Don’t talk nonsense with them!”


The business department is extremely busy.

The manager hurriedly went back and was very busy.

Soon, the watermark was added.

As the manager wiped his sweat, he sighed: The boss is the boss. Sure enough, if you have a long-term vision, if every TV station receives 100 million yuan, isn’t it a developed one? What’s the point of pumping? Damn, as long as the Xiangxiang anchor stays on the platform, there will be no less live broadcasts of this kind of battle in the future, right? Really developed!

In the island country, in a temple, there are also people watching this war.

Those are two men in black robes.

They are communicating in island Mandarin:

“Didn’t we receive an anonymous email saying that the monks of the Dragon Kingdom are no longer good? Why is there now a Jindan Dzogchen monk here again?”

“It should be sent by the sect.”

“In this way, Zongmen Realm has not given up on the secular world. What about our plan?”

“First stop. The person who sent that email should have no good intentions. He wanted to deliberately provoke a war between us and the Dragon Kingdom.”

“I think so too. I also want to see what the level of their two Jindan Great Perfection monks are.”

“It depends on which of them has a higher level of gold core.”

“No, the actual combat ability of Raksha Sect is still very powerful.”

The secret base on that island is also paying attention to this matter.

The beard snorted and said, “If Sect Master Rakshasa wins this time, the island nation should see the weakness of the Dragon Kingdom? If Sect Master Rakshasa wins, he will definitely take the opportunity to invade the Dragon Kingdom. I will definitely take the opportunity to rush over, haha, that will be our chance. If the Zerg comes out again at this time, it will be lively!”

He clenched his fists tightly, cheering for Sect Master Raksha in his heart.

Even the casino is boiling.

Place a bet, place a bet!

Zhong Changfa bet one to pay 0.9, and the Rakshasa master bet one to pay 0.9.

Even some netizens in the live broadcast room prompted:

[Anchor, do you want to open a deal? 】

[Yes, we want to hold the clock to send a long hair to seniors! He must be able to beat the Rakshasa ghost to the ground! 】

[I admire him so much! 】

“I won’t! Let’s take a look at the development of things! Everyone, look at it, they are close, is this going to start?” Ye Xiangling also explained.

Ye Qing quietly appeared in a mountain forest, looking up at the two people in the sky.

I felt a little speechless.

What a great loss!

Usually his Senmaru and Magic Maru were strengthened relatively steadily, but at this time, they all slowed down!

There is no doubt that it was because some people changed their camps and worshipped Zhong Changfa instead!

The people of the hostile forces also changed the target of the curse and cursed Zhong Changfa instead.

What a mistake!

So he was thinking in his heart how to bring the popularity back.

If Zhong Changfa really has the upper hand, what should we do?

No, you must never let Zhong Changfa win, otherwise, the loss would be too great.

But the final victor must be on Dragon Kingdom’s side!

So he has made plans, Zhong Changfa must lose!

The only one who saved the field was Ye Qing.

Thinking of this, he already had a plan.

The figure disappeared.

“I’m so nervous! Should I step back a bit… But if I step back, I may not be able to shoot so clearly!” Ye Xiangling was a little tangled.

At this time, Zhong Changfa was only more than fifty meters away from the master of Raksha.

They both stared at each other.

“Tongtianmen, Zhong Changfa.” Zhong Changfa said in a deep voice.

“Raksha Sect, Luo Sha!” Sect Master Raksha said coldly.

Ye Xiangling was stunned for a moment: Is he really called Luo Sha?

Zhong Changfa couldn’t help but stunned, it seems that the girl who chatted with him before did not lie!

Sect Master Raksha turned out to be called Luo Sha.

Zhong Chang said in a deep voice, “If you let Feng Wuxing and the others go, I can’t kill you today!”

Luo Sha said coldly: “I don’t know what to say!”

What’s the wind?

never heard of that!

Ye Xiangling explained: “The two people are chatting now, don’t you know if you can hear it? That person said he was called Luo Sha.”

At this moment, Luo Sha yelled, and all the four Rakshasa blades flew up and shot towards Zhong Chang.

He himself followed and shot over.

Zhong Changfa also yelled, his robes all over his body bulged, and a heart-guard flew out of him, and it grew up against the wind, becoming as big as a large round table, with his hands held empty, and moved toward the front.


Luo Sha rushed over, grabbed a Rakshasa blade with both hands, and directly bit the other two in his mouth, slashing with all four blades!


Four loud noises in succession.

Both of them couldn’t help taking two steps back.

Ye Xiangling shouted: “Awesome! Did you see clearly? Luo Sha bit two knives, and there were two knives in his hand. There were four knives in total, and he chopped Zhong Changfa’s magic weapon back. Of course, Luo Sha himself too. Backed up. Which one of them is better? I can’t see it now, it seems they are all the same!”

“Moved again! This time it was Zhong Changfa who launched the attack first. The table-like magic weapon was too scary, so he smashed it directly. Luo Sha also moved. He threw two short knives… Oh, I can’t talk about it! ”

Ye Xiangling was a little depressed.

Because the speed of Luo Sha and Zhong Changfa is simply too fast.

Just as she was speaking, the two had already become a ball.

Directly meet in shortcomings.

I only saw the cold light flashing and only the figure flying.

There is no way to tell which is which.

Her mobile phone can’t capture their movement trajectory either.

[Anchor, use a high-speed camera next time! Your phone is terrible! It’s all a stop motion animation! 】

you do not say!

“This…no way! They are in a ball, I can’t see exactly what they are now! It’s just that the wind at high altitude is really too big…no, we have to retreat, when they fight This movement is so loud, every punch seems to be a bomb exploding!”

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