Chapter 236, Weapon Refining

The Hall of Arms is huge.

Sure enough, many weapons were placed inside.

But the main thing is knives and swords.

Sure enough, just as the fairy spirit said, they were just ordinary goods, not magic weapons.

“There are many forging chambers in the back, where there are stoves. Let’s move the weapons over there now.” A fairy spirit spoke.

Ye Qing hurriedly started.

Anyway, there was no distinction, and he said directly to Luo Sha: “Help move the weapon.”

Luo Sha did not hesitate and started immediately.

Both of them used magic techniques such as the Reiki mudra. With a hand, they grabbed a lot of weapons in the air and brought them to the back.

Sure enough, there are many forging rooms, but the stove inside is in a state of flameout.

“This stove is not inspired by firewood, but by spiritual energy,” the fairy spirit said again.

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, “Aura inspires? How much aura is needed? We can’t stand it!”

“Haha, I knew you couldn’t stand it a long time ago. But you don’t have to worry, there is a middle-grade spirit spring below here, you only need to activate the spirit-attracting formation on the stove.”

Then talked about the method of excitation.

Ye Qing pressed it up with one hand and activated the stove according to the method said by the other party.

The stove immediately spewed a light blue flame like a flamethrower.

Those are flames emitted by the burning of spiritual energy.

The temperature of the flame is much higher than the general flame.

Then the spirit of the fairy taught Ye Qing the method of refining weapons.

“In fact, so many weapons can be made into a complete set. I just have a set of sword formations here, which require 108 flying swords. If you have the strength, you can make two or even three sets.”

“Sword formation? Is it great?”

“Naturally it is very powerful. But the quality of these swords is average, so it may be able to trap the land fairyland a little bit.”

Ye Qing was heartbroken.

“But you don’t have to have too high expectations. Because the 108 flying swords consume a lot of you. It is estimated that judging from your current strength, you are at most the strong man trapping the land gods. It’s only two or three interest time.”

That’s a fart!

Ye Qing couldn’t help thinking to himself.

However, as the cultivation level improves, it should be possible to go one step further!

“What should I do then?”

“I will teach you the method. This requires you to separate a trace of the soul and integrate it into the sword. In this way, the flying sword can form a complete set.”

The method was quickly handed in, and Ye Qing also learned quickly.

In a blink of an eye, they began to refine.

This of course requires the cooperation of the spirit of the fairy.

First, a fairy qi came out, and he took the initiative to dissipate most of the celestial qi in his body.

The fairy qi condensed into a trace and fell outside, Ye Qing grabbed it quickly and absorbed it.

After that, the faerie body was immediately thrown into the sword.

Ye Qing immediately put the sword above the flame.

For the fairy spirit inside, this is of course very painful.

But in order to be able to go out, they also fight.

That fairy spirit was lucky enough to be transformed into an artifact spirit.

After finishing the exercise, Ye Qing couldn’t help but wipe the sweat on his forehead.

As soon as the finger moved, the handle flew up.

Has become a flying sword!

“Haha, it really became!” A fairy said excitedly.

The spirit of the fairy is too much, how could Ye Qing alone be busy, so he simply taught Luo Sha the method.

Luo Sha took a deep breath and started refining.

On the other side, the ancestors of Yuan Ying and the five envoys all began to frantically search for treasures.

An ancestor of Yuan Ying came to the medicine garden fortunately.

“This is… the medicine garden?!” He was stunned looking at the elixir like weeds inside.

I couldn’t stop trembling all over, and then exclaimed: “There is still a spiritual spring here?”

Then I naturally thought: Naturally, there are spiritual springs. How else would the spiritual medicine grow? It seems that it is at least a middle-grade spirit spring, and possibly even a high-grade spirit spring!

Digging medicine?

Or dig the spiritual spring first?

Nonsense, of course Lingquan is more important!

His figure flashed, and he came to the middle of the medicine garden.

There is a big pond there.

There is no doubt that Lingquan is here!

Look at the water, it is so clear that you can directly see the bottom.

Only then did he notice that the pond turned out to be bowl-shaped.

“Is this also a magic weapon?”

At the bottom of this bowl, a golden object can be clearly seen.

“High-grade Lingquan!”

Where could he stand it, he jumped straight down.

Anyway, there is nothing in this water, take Lingquan and talk about it!

It’s just that he hasn’t gotten close to the golden light, and suddenly he feels a danger that makes him stubborn!


A gas mask was built up on his body.

But he didn’t feel where the danger came from.

In the next moment, he found out.

Because there was already a huge colorful fish in the water, it opened its mouth to bite him!


It’s just that this monster beast seems a little special, and there is no trace of aura on its body.

So he didn’t find out just now.

And, where is this fish hiding just now?

What’s more terrible is that when the fish attacked him, he actually felt that the spiritual energy in his body had stagnated for a moment that was fatal!

This fish is weird!

Because of the stagnation of the spiritual energy at that moment, even if he had reacted at the conscious level, his body couldn’t react, and he was swallowed by the fish.

Then the fish shrank quickly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The water splash fell, and there was a clattering sound.

After that, it was calm, as if nothing happened.

The old ambassador held the demon knife in his hand and rushed all the way.

He only wanted good things, so he just took a look at almost one place and didn’t look at it again.

At this time, he came to the gate of the Book Collection Hall.

“Book Collection Hall!”

He looked up at the plaque and took a breath.

“If there are any defying techniques, then this trip will not come in vain!”

He gritted his teeth and pressed his ear to the door to listen.

No movement was heard.

I used my divine mind to sense inside and outside several times, but still didn’t sense any danger.

So he pushed the door slowly.

Sure enough, it opened with one push.

The inside is very clean and the air temperature is just right.

Walked in.

Of course I was taken aback.

Because there is a recliner behind the door, and there is a person lying on the recliner!

It was an old man in a green robe, motionless, looking like alive and dead.

Just now his divine mind didn’t even sense this old man.

Is it alive or dead?

The old ambassador frowned.

Whether it’s alive or dead, it’s very weird anyway!

Let’s slash it first!

He raised the demon knife in his hand.

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