Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 11 - Grandmaster's Rebirth

In the streets Of Almaria's capital, there blossomed the businesses of the denizens. Whether selling goods like flowers, weapons, foods, armors, accessories, clothes, and, formal wears.

They were happy to sell with passion, striving for getting income for their families. Stephen was enjoying his holiday vacation and was walking beside the stalls to shop for his new training shoes.

He was choosing for brand new shoes as his current one was worn out due to his training. While looking for their wares, he jolted as he heard a female vendor of fruits shouted. "Thief!"

The old man stumbled and the fruits were thrown to the floor.

"Catch him!" She shouted angrily and they grabbed the man.

The female vendor grabbed his hands and wanted to slap him but Stephen stopped her hands..

"I will pay for him, he is my grandpa!" Stephen lied to cover up for the old man.

"You better feed him or we will beat him up if he will steal again!" The woman shouted to Stephen.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, It will not happen again," Stephen said sorry to everyone and paid one silver. Giving fruits to the old man.

"I'm sorry to cause you trouble but can the old man know your name?" Asked the old man.

"I'm Stephen Burg," Stephen said cheerfully.

Stephen walked with him and the old man expressed his gratitude to him unceasingly. In return, the old man offered his knowledge in ancient arts as well as his guidance, he has to pay food though for the cost of every learning.

"Well isn't it great! To be thought by an Almarian War survivor and a Grandmaster like me? You will be far stronger than your current status." He said to him while caressing his beard.

Stephen laughed at his remarks.

"You're joking right? You're a War survivor? Like how old are you now?"

The old man laughed at his initial reaction.

"A hundred and fifty, I forgot and I lost count but I know it's not lower than that."

"Wow really? How did you survive?" Stephen asked.

"Well, it's the secret of Holy Magic but it is not an information young ones like you can have easily because it's an ancient magic that has been forgotten for a long time. By the way, let's meet with my old team in the vacant lot near the junkyard. Can you imagine the old ones who are war veterans became a beggar asking for food to just eat? We're old and we have no one to go to. If we ask for help we are driven away because no one knows who we are! Like they're gonna help an old man who is on deaths bed, the one they don't know," He said helplessly.

"It's okay Sir, I'm gonna help you in any way I can!" Stephen said vigorously.

"Hohoho! It's like this old man will happily receive your help!" He said while stroking his mane.

"No problem!" Stephen replied.

They walked to the dark alleys and walked pass the broken walls, there in the walls was an opening covered with a cloth.

The old man opened it like a curtain wherein inside, there were ten old aged persons happily sitting in the campfire.

"I'm here guys! Let's have a feast!" The old man said to his teammates.

"Hohoho! Well, Frank's here!" said the other person with tattered clothes.

'Frank? So he has the same name as the hero Frank,' Stephen said in his mind.

"So guys this is the boy who saved me recently. He is Stephen Burg," Frank said to them.

After he said his name, everyone clapped their hands and said, "Congrats boy! We owe you our meal thus let's have a cheer for Stephen!" Said the wrinkled man.

"For Stephen!" Shouted the other one.

"Cheers!" All shouted in unison while Frank holding a banana and the others were fruits they hold. They gave a toast to Stephen who was holding a mango.

"HaHaHaHaha!" Stephen blurted out laughing for he never experienced something so hilarious like this before in his life.

"We know now your name! Well, it's our turn to introduce ourselves!" Frank said as they all looked to each other's faces seemingly hiding something.

"Well, we have no choice since we owe him! I'm Frank Williams, and I'm Snap, I'm Baggus, Saber here, call me Splinter, Branmoor, I'm Maldor, Deathbane, Arthras, and Mistiban, call me Shinpatsu senpai!"

As Stephen hears it while they were introducing one by one, his body trembled. And after they finished, he collapsed.

He woke up a bit and it was afternoon already.

The sun was about to set.

"Hey am I dreaming?" Stephen asked.

"You're not!" Said with a familiar voice.

"Oh it's you Sir Frank!" Said Stephen, still half asleep.

"Why did you collapsed? Is there a problem with our names?" Asked Baggus.

"You shouldn't tell your names again, it's dangerous for this fella's heart." Said Frank.

"No, it's okay! I didn't imagine that you're the Fallen Heroes our kingdom has," Said Stephen to them.

"Fallen Heroes? We are revered as heroes now?" Frank questioned him.

"Fallen Heroes, means we are hailed as dead!" Shin said to him.

"Um yes, but it would be unwise if you will shout that you're the heroes. The guards will accuse you of being a fake and they will catch you, they will accuse you of being a crazy old beggar," Stephen explained to them.

"Yeah, we tried it but we were imprisoned instead, so we switched to beg for food. We just recently arrived at the kingdom but it changed so much and the King who knows us has already perished," Said Frank.

"Well, that complicate things. I'm sorry to hear it Sir Frank, but I will surely help you. I know a friend who can help. It was our friend who owns our current headquarters, but we haven't seen it yet so wait here for tomorrow and I will notify you." He suggested to Sir Frank.

"Hahaha! Maybe you need to know [Teleport] first! So that you will be here instantly!" Baggus said to Stephen.

"Wow really! How do I do it?" He asked excitedly.

"First I'm gonna teach you the basics," Baggus said to him. Baggus and Stephen discussed spatial magic and Stephen successfully made a teleportation rune. He was learning at an extremely fast rate that it shocked everyone.

"Now go home and don't forget to teleport here with your friends," Baggus said while he said goodbye to Stephen.

Stephen hurriedly went home and he arrived at night.

"Where have you been Stephen? Did you enjoyed too much that you forget the time?" Asked Isabella.

"Mom it's," Stephen whispered all that happened.

"Oh! So you collapsed after meeting them," Said his mother.

"Well I believe you son but I don't know if the heroes still exist because it's been a hundred years now. But I want to meet them sooner If they're real. Now son let's eat, for now, your father is currently at Navasca Fortress and he is assigned to training the recruits. Your father is busy and can't come home this weekend," Said his mother.

"It's okay mom! I am still enjoying even without him I have friends!" He said to her.

Isabella patted his head and said, "My son is a good boy now let's eat".

Stephen Changed his clothes and ate dinner with his mother. He made a teleportation rune outside their house and tried to teleport to Frank's hideout, appearing to their faces.

"Oh, so you're successful in making runes now! You're a fast learner!" Baggus was surprised.

"My mom wants to meet you guys, is it okay to disturb you for a minute?" Requested Stephen.

"Of course! Let's teleport mates and greet the mother of our savior," Said Frank to the heroes.

They teleported to Stephen's house and they met his mother Isabella.

"Hello come into our house! Let's talk inside," She said courteously.

They came inside and Frank introduced himself as well as his companions.

"I'm Frank Williams and this is Snap, Baggus, Saber, he is Splinter, Branmoor, Maldor, Deathbane, Arthras, Mistiban, and Shinpatsu. If you noticed something, maybe it's just a coincidence," said Frank humbly.

Isabella laughed and said, "Don't be so humble sir Frank, I know you're the real deal. Make yourselves at home, sit first at the bench and wait a minute for I'm gonna prepare a snack," she said to them.

"No it's okay, we were fine," Said Frank but suddenly.


Frank's stomach made a sound.

Isabella giggled and went hurriedly to the kitchen.

"We olds sure gets hungry easily huh," Said Frank.

"Heheheheh," Shinpatsu laughed.

Isabella carried cookies and Stephen helped his mother carry the orange juice.

They drank and were merrily talking to each other and Frank told his story when they met with Stephen.

According to Frank, they visited their relatives just recently but they were cast out for their nephews were already dead.

While their relative Granddaughters didn't even recognize them. So they ended up with these current situations.

Isabella said to them to stay in their house for the night while they were finding a place to rest.

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