Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 147 - Trainer

They travelled home where their base was. Having killed the queen was a feat they would cherish for the rest of their lives. They were in a partying mood until they arrived at the Riverside stronghold. Gates opened and they saw the adventurers were kicking stones. Others were sitting on the ground while the face was facing the dirt.

Slowly, their team entered and their partying mood died down. They have read the mood and it was gloomy. Thinking what was the reason, why they were in such a pitiful state.

"The queen! The queen devoured my comrades! I was the only one left! They died! They died! I saw it with my own eyes. Wings beating fast as it chased me after she ate them whole!" He said then he whimpered. Showing his whimsical state at the moment. Another band of adventurers arrived and they were also in defeated states.

"Please help! My comrades! Maybe they are still alive inside her belly! We have to rescue them!"

"They are too many! Why won't you understand that they were dead!" Replied his comrade.

Joan's mind was chaotic. It was hard to accept that they died that fast. With just a mishap on them, they all perished. He still can't save everybody even with his Master rank. Many more adventurers arrived and it was the team of the Captain. They successfully defeated the gargoyle queen that needs to be killed. They were in a happy mood but then saw that the number of adventurers has lessened. More than half of them were not present at the moment.

"Where are the others? What happened? Answer me!" He shouted.

"Captain! They all died! We couldn't help it, we nearly died too but escaped. It was a shame but we are cowards! We don't want to die yet!" Shouted the survivor.

"Did you leave them behind?" The Captain asked.

"No Captain, you misunderstood me. They hold her off to let us escape. It was our leader who decided to let the rest of the party survive, but without him," He said to the Captain.

It was then, they all seemed quiet. Others started to sob, others want to cry while they were whimpering. It all seemed a great victory for the others but a defeat by all of them. Only two teams survived among the five. All of their deaths were in the Captain's responsibility. He carried that burden and was a heavy one. They can't even carry their corpses home with their weakness.

"Everyone! Formation!" Joan shouted.

"Who said you are allowed to cry? The defeated teams will have a round of training as a punishment! Move now!" Joan added.

They all stand up with their pride on the line. Moving towards the training ground and formed themselves.

"A round of jog ten times in the training ground! Push-ups! One hundred! Pumping! One hundred! Do you dare leave your comrades behind? Shame on you! You will all have to face me in the sparring lesson! Now move!" Joan said to them.

It was then, they all moved following his command. They all jogged ten times on the training ground and others were still tired on their battle. Making it a more exhausting process for them. A hundred push-ups went next and the others who can't cope up were spanked with his stick on the butt. Pumping to one hundred also made them breathed hoarsely.

"Reflect on what you've done! The dead are dead. But you need to become stronger! And stronger, to defeat the enemy! Now all of you should grab your weapons! I will hammer this to your heads. You are all weak that your comrades died!" Joan lashed them with his words. Making them almost cry at their guilt.

Joan then conjured his greatsword and they all readied themselves to spar him.

"All of you! Come here! Let out your anger and pour it into your weapons!" Joa shouted.

They all moved at him and Joan dashed towards them. While his weapon was still on the hilt, he smashed it to them and they were flung.


With one slash, three were swatted away. Blocking with his weapon, the Rogues were agile enough to be on an equal footing with his feet. However, Joan was faster. His blows were also heavy enough to make their weapons to be thrown from their hands. Not being able to block his greatsword with their daggers made it harder to look at.

The Paladins and Chaos Knights all combined their attacks. But still, Joan evaded their strikes and landed his blows towards them. Making them thrown one by one. Summoners were also joining in the fight. Joan slashed faster and faster when he made an onslaught on the enemy summons. Druids and Lycans transformed but Joan battered them with his sword instead. With them not being able to land a hit on him made the tides to in fatally against them. They created chaos but chaos was Joan's friend. They made a ramble and Joan was just like a snake, evading their strikes and was getting out of their encirclement. Getting out of their group strikes and landed their attacks on others instead.

Joan swings his sword and they were all tossed upwards. They all charged at him but he made it to them first before they can approach him instead. Making them battered on the face with his fist.

"Coordinate your attacks! All are in a mess!" Joan shouted.

"Be more serious! Let out your all!" Joan said it to them but they did from the start. Making their efforts become like a joke to him.

They still tried to coordinate their attacks but Joan still slipped through to their attacks. As a slimy eel, he was like, he was hard to be caught up with their attacks. Joan then trashed all of them. Making them battered up until they all went panting while lying on the ground. Beating them senseless until they passed out. Joan then turned around from them while hugging his greatsword.

"All of you are dismissed! Now rest for the meantime. We will have lunch later on," Joan said to them.

It was then, the Captain was impressed. He didn't think that Joan has such capabilities to punish them. Not to blame the person but his weakness. Cowardice will soon vanish in their selves. They all stand up and then rested at the sleeping quarters. They were spent at the moment and they slept until the night.

Joan and The Captain then discussed their battles. With the survivors have told their part of the story, they said that the queen was the one who wreaked them. The underlings were bearable and they first cheered after defeating those, but it was a different battle with the queen. They were overpowered by the great difference of strength. The Captain was there in their ranks so they were able to defeat the queen. Whoever, they didn't have a strong comrade that time and their leaders barely stopped her or did just bought them time to let them escape. It was then, Joan's team and the Captain's team went again for the queens who were the only ones left on their lairs. With the survivors joined into their ranks, they were able to defeat the other queens with their leadership. Making their comrades, avenged on the process. Joan also didn't forget to absorb their essence in the process. Making their hard-fought battle to be reaped by Joan.

They made a small feast afterwards they defeated the enemies that surrounded their base. Making them merry once again in a while.

It was then, Joan focused on coaching them on their skills. They have great skills as individuals and so Joan coached them one by one. He made instances on how to make use of their skills at the right timing and the right moment. Also, they improved a lot since he scolded them. Making their physical capabilities rise with more drills that have been made. Also, Joan made activities in their camp to make two groups. They will have an all-out brawl but one of them will have to put the ball on the hoop. One hoop from each team and so they battled. All were in chaos and the two teams competed with each other. Making Joan laugh at them while he was watching.

Time passed by quickly on the camp and the adventurers have gotten stronger. They all have gotten closer to each other. With their little numbers left, it became a quality group not just on quantity. It was a thing of the past but they have grown. Making Joan proud of them and as their trainer, he was meticulous at planning their growth. It was all planned and has been well thought out.

"A caravan! There is a caravan approaching! It has the kingdom's flag!" Shouted the tower guard.

It was then, a caravan of soldiers arrived at the stronghold. Carrying adventurers on their carriages. The Captain then went to greet him which was the Commander who wanted him to be recruited by a messenger who was a Ranger. It all became more complex as Joan has thought about it.

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