Inside the place where he trains, he was using multiple skills at the same time.

[Chaos burst]


[Chaos breath]


[Chaos roar]


[Elemental damages]


[Heavy hitter]






[Multi slash]


[Draw slash]


Joan was panting as he used multiple skills at the same time. Inside the training ground, was a boy breathing hard and drenched in sweat. Sitting in the ground where he was training.

As he rested, he was able to regain some of his stamina. Also, his mana was slowly regaining as he rested on one of the benches. He wiped his sweat with a towel and drank water on his water canteen. As Joan was resting, he saw several shadows from the top of the arena. They disappeared in a whim and appeared on Joan's face. Facing him and Joan's eyes widened, he was in utter shock as he saw who they were.

"So, why is a student has access to the training ground?" Asked the old man with white hair.

Another old elder has appeared and they were all having a great aura in them. Domineering and strong. They were expressing a baffled expression.

"I am intrigued by you child. I haven't met a kid that can wield several job classes at the same time. Tell me, who are you? How did you do it?" Asked another one. Joan then gulped his saliva.

"I have been given the keys here by the principal. I have his permission," Joan said.

"Hmmm, that prideful principal? Interesting! It is impossible to bribe him and more impossible to steal something like the keys of the training grounds in the first place," Said another one.

"And about the job classes. I hope you will keep it a secret. In return, I will share my knowledge on how to ascend to Legend easier," Joan said to them.

"Ho? You? Surely you jest! Nice try but anyways, your secret is safe. No need to bribe, but I am interested in your offer. I am the Holy Knight Director remember? The ascension to becoming Legend is a forgotten tale. Most of us died before achieving longevity and that is by ascending to Legend," The Holy Knight Director said to him.

"I know you, you are in my department. A Holy Knight student." He added.

"I will just rest a bit. I will all make you become Legend here and now," Joan said. The Directors were baffled. They haven't heard such a joke for a while.

"What? How? Tell me, child! Fooling us won't get you anywhere. And you will be banned from training here if you messed with us," Told the Chaos Knight Director.

"I have to explain this in simple terms. Your monster essences are enough for you all to ascend and that is the good news. Now, you will all expend the essences gathered by your years of accumulation and with the help of some of your stats, you can all have a Legend seed. Now processing this seed will consume your stats and essences in the process. That way, your lifespan will be extended and you will achieve longevity. Also making yourself younger than your current selves. But all of you will be weakened a bit. Still worth the risk for me to say, so is anyone interested?" Joan asked.

"You can do that?" Grandmaster Troan asked.

"Yes," Joan said confidently.

"Grandmaster Eldezar, you first! Or are you afraid of it? Are you scared?" Said Grandmaster Troan.

"Heh! You bet! I am the first! You must bet your life kid if anything goes wrong. I won't sit by and relax if you fraud us! I won't let you sleep in the night if it is a scam!" Grandmaster Eldezar said.

"Sure! Just sit in the lotus position on my front. We will proceed immediately," Joan said.

"You sure? Just that?"


Immediately, he sat on Joan's front, sneering at them.

"Go Eldezar! You will be the first to reach Legend if it is a success," Said Grandmaster Hildegard.

"I know, I know," This time he smiled.

It was then, they began. Joan sucked first his monsters essences and stats. Cultivating it then injected the Legend seed on him. Further mixing his stolen stats and monster essence to nurture the Legend seed. Joan then slowly injected the fertiliser on his Legend seed. Grandmaster Eldezar then felt that he felt weaker. But other than that, he felt that he was getting younger and younger. Bit by bit, he felt that his youthful self has been restored. His energetic self was brimming with an outburst.

The others who were seeing him were amazed and were convinced. He was radiating with energy like his presence has become more and more domineering. His face was radiating an energetic aura.

"Hahaha, hahaha! So this is what it feels like to be a legend! Hahaha!" He blurted out. His body was floating in the air while radiating a golden light. His hairs who were white became black again. His wrinkles became soft and plain skin. His younger self was what was seen in front of their eyes.

The other Grandmasters were now getting impatient. They wanted to be one too. His clothes were fluttering and then Eldezar landed on the ground.

"Congratulations Grandmaster Eldezar on ascending! Or should we say Legend Eldezar? We will be celebrating your ascension!" Grandmaster Troan said to him.

Eldezar then almost leapt in joy. But as he saw Joan, he almost felt worried.

"Are you okay? You look anaemic and pale!" He asked Joan.

"Ah, haha, just tired. I have to rest for a while as I am tired of my training. And cultivating the seed is laborious too. I have to rest in intervals to make you all ascend," Joan said to him.

It was then, the impatient Grandmasters were worried. They immediately gave him water to drink.

"Should we let you rest? Like we will meet again here the next day?" Asked Troan.

"No, you all have to ascend now. I have to rest for a minute," Joan said.

It was then, the time was up. Joan first makes the ascension of Grandmaster Troan of the Holy Knight Department. Then Grandmaster Hildegard of Paladin Department. Grandmaster Weldebert of Fighter Department. Grandmaster Mills of Mage Department. Grandmaster Ion of Necromancer Department. Grandmaster Greaz of Lycan Department. Grandmaster Bruck of Druid Department. Grandmaster Roan of Rogue Department. Grandmaster Herthall of Ranger Department. They all ascended to Legends. Making them into their younger versions. They tested their youthful bodies in a small brawl and they were all enjoying it. Joan's practise became livelier as Joan joined the brawl. Further trained him on how to handle different enemies at the same time.

They fought like young kids, making the arena rumble with their spells and skills.

Joan never felt so exhilarating as he was battling them. As Joan was familiar with all their skills, it made them question him why he has many job classes. Also making their fight into an interrogation battle. Still, Joan didn't let the most precious secret get spilt. Making him being their sole enemy.

"How! How did you have many job classes! Answer me!" Shouted Troan.

"It's a secret!" Joan shouted as he evaded their skills and attacks.

"Interrogate him! We must let him spill the beans! All together attack him!" Eldezar shouted.

"The secret is mine!" Greaz shouted.

"No mine!" Bruck said to him.

It was then, they fought again with each other. Making their clothes in a mess.

"Train me! I would like to get stronger in all classes!" Joan said to them as he bowed.

"You are our benefactor kid. Of course," Said Troan.

Joan was then delighted by what he heard. It was then, he was attacked by them on all sides.

"But the secret is mine!" They shouted.

"Ahhhh!!!" Joan can only scream.

Joan then was beaten left and right with them. It was a one-sided beating until morning. He has then woke up in his room and his memory felt like a dream. He dressed to go to school and have breakfast. He was eating and he felt so sleepy. Barely able to lift the spoon with his energy. He felt so wasted at the time he was eating. Still, he mustered his strength to eat.

Going to his class and then slept at his desk. He felt the world turn around and his body has no strength left to do anything. His classmates arrived and greeted him but he was just replying while half asleep.

Their teacher came and they started their class. It was then, Joan was called by his teacher. He was shaken by his classmates to wake him up.

"Joan! Don't sleep in my class! Who told you to slack of huh? I will ask you a question and if your answer is correct, then you will be free to sleep. As my question to you, what are the stages of Mana well and the ranks of Holy Knight?" Asked their teacher.

"Ah, wha...what? Ah, ahem. The stages of mana well are divided into stages one to nine and its realms are Earth, Space, Universe, Galaxy, and Limitless. The Ranks of Holy Knights are just like other Job Classes, first is Beginner, Adept, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, Legend, and last Mythic." Joan explained.

"Good! Now go to the back of the class and stand there. Your sleepiness will vanish if you will be in a squatting position. Now move!" He shouted.

"But, ugh never mind," Joan said.

It was then, he was squatting there until the class ended. His sleepiness did vanish but he was full of sweat instead.

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