Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 15 - Deathbane Vs. Baggus

The first match was Deathbane and Baggus. They all made a circle in the backyard with a barrier made by Baggus, and Frank made a floating light at the center.

"Whoa, you can do that?" Stephen felt astonished in his new encounter with Frank's skills.

"Course yes, it's the least that I can do," Frank said to him smiling.

"Well it's time to let loose," Baggus said as he stretched his arm.

"It's time for me to let them know how much my experience is," Deathbane said a bit confident.

They walked at the center and they both smiled and readied themselves.

Deathbane was a Necromancer and Baggus was a Mage. Both were masters of their own craft..

Baggus summoned fire in his hands called [Fireball] and [Mage armor] while Deathbane summoned his [Death scythe] and his [Necromancer robes].

[Fireball] - basic attack of fire element in the form of ball of fire.

[Mage armor] - used by Mages to negate attacks like physical and magical damages to a certain degree.

[Necromancer robes] - used by Necromancers to increase Mana regen. and amplify the effects of Necromancer skills.

[Death scythe] - the sole weapon of necromancers used to reap the lives of enemies as well as to defend himself.

Frank will judge the fight, this time he was in between Baggus and Deathbane.

"Ok now I will tell the rules, it is prohibited to injure your opponent and make permanent injury. It is also not allowed to cast huge spells inside the barrier,"

"Now fight!" Frank said as he puts down his hands in between them, a sign of go signal.

"Ha!" Baggus shouted as he throws five small fireballs to Deathbane, sprinting afterwards towards him.

Deathbane summoned [Bone wall] to defend himself from Baggus' attacks.

[Bone wall] - was a summoned wall made of bones used primarily to defend.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bone walls were assaulted by fireballs that echoed throughout the vicinity. Deathbane was covered by smoke coming from the walls and he escaped from the smoke, still holding his weapon of death.

He managed to repel Baggus' attacks but as he left the smokes, he was attacked again by incoming fireballs.

He defended using his weapon by swinging them to the incoming spells and his weapon clashed with Baggus' attacks.

Clang! Clang! Ping!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The former sounded from him defending and parrying with his weapon while the latter sounded from him evading his strikes.

Baggus sprinted to him and attacks using his [Burning hands].

[Burning hands] - used for close-quarter combat of Mages using their hands enveloped by fire and attacks drastically to their foes with agility.

Deathbane was surprised by Baggus' sudden change of tactics. Baggus suddenly appeared to Deathbane and strikes like a hurricane.

Baggus attacks like a dancer, performing with fierceness and tempo while hitting Deathbane with his fiery hands.

Deathbane in contrast attacked with his weapon gracefully, like a war saint who swings and turns his scythe around his body.

Whether he was a summoner or not, he was displaying great maneuver and mastery in both attacking and defending with his weapon.

The same through for Baggus, he was agile enough to evade and attack close-quarterly even though he was a mage.

And it was unlikely for a Mage to switch to close quarter combat when he was a ranged caster.

This has resulted from their experiences in the past, being excited to let loose for a while because they have younger bodies this time.

"Heh! Don't tell me that your 'Child body' is affecting your battle instincts Deathbane. You still can't defeat me even though I'm giving you this handicap," Baggus teased Deathbane in the fight.

"Well, who's the one giving a handicap?" Deathbane said as he reminded him too that he was a summoner, not a Fighter.

He summoned an [Skeleton] after he summoned [Grappling hands] to hold Baggus in where he stands.

[Skeleton] - a basic necromancer summons that didn't have weapons or armor, basically used by Deathbane for a piggyback ride and a training dummy.

[Grappling hands] - summoning a pair of hands from the ground to grapple the enemy, basically to hold, but not called "Holding hands".

He managed to get away from Baggus' fury of attacks and commanded his summon to punch Baggus in the face.

"Hey! Did you forget that I'm a Mage?" Baggus suddenly bloated up with laughter. He was holding back for a while and casts [Fireball] simultaneously, throwing it to the skeleton.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The skeleton was attacked indiscriminately by Baggus.

While Deathbane slipped-in through the smoke from Baggus' attacks on the skeleton. It was only for a diversion.

Deathbane appears outside the smoke while sprinting and that shocked Baggus.

Stephen who was watching was deeply amazed by their performance and he clenched his fist. He needs to be stronger to be able to chase their backs.

He will have to eat many sacks of rice to be able to catch to their experiences. He observes for a while and he can't help but be mesmerized on the bliss of moments he spends with the heroes.

He sure can't compare himself to the heroes with his current self, but with their help, he can achieve greater heights.

He will have to steel his heart if he wants to accompany the heroes and be determined enough to achieve greater results than his peers.

Meanwhile, Baggus was still being held by the skeletal hands and Deathbane was approaching fast.

He can use [Teleport] if it was from the past but his Mana well has been brought back recently to being an earth realm first stage, he only ascended recently so he can only attack the hands and pray that he can be released from it at the right time.

[Teleport] - spatial magic used to relocate your position to another place, can be in a form of runes or by relocating manually through pointing out your intended location with your mind.

He attacks the hands that were holding his legs and it was eventually destroyed to cinders. It was successful but in the last moments, Deathbane appeared instantly in front of him.

Deathbane assaulted the distracted Baggus when he was still vulnerable.

Baggus was caught by surprise when Deathbane appeared. He managed to react fast when his sparring partner strikes with his weapon.

He made a [Force field] using his telekinetic abilities and repelled Deathbane's scythe.

[Force field] - used to stop outer physical force and magical attacks but allows your attacks to pass through.

The tip of the scythe stopped at the outer layer of the barrier. This barrier can last from several strikes and you can attack from the inside.

Without second thoughts, Baggus fires several fireballs to Deathbane in point-blank range, but it was expected by Deathbane.

He parried the attacks of Baggus with his scythe while stepping back. He cast [Black Fog] to Baggus to render his sight useless.

[Black Fog] - a shadow skill of necromancers to make a fog of dark gases to be unseen by the enemy. Only the caster and the minions can see the enemies within the area of the fog.

Stephen and the others can't see what's going on inside the barrier that was covered by fog, but they can only hear the banging sounds of the [Force field] of Baggus.

Bing! Bing! Bang! Bing!

Baggus was still holding on to Deathbane's attacks, he mustered his strength to defend while stepping further from his attacker.

Even though his fireballs were useless when he can't see his opponent, he still made a way to break from Deathbane's [Black Fog].

He created a large fireball that lights his surroundings and lifted it upwards. With the effect of his light, he can see five meters away from where he stands.

Deathbane didn't worry, even the tides have changed to his disadvantage, he was calm and composed. If Baggus will fire his fireballs, he will let go of his source of light.

This was the time when he will have to move, but unfortunately, he can't break Baggus' defense.

So he came up with a plan to infiltrate his defences without breaking it.

He summoned [Grappling Hands] to Baggus' feet and distract him for a second and then with a hint of surprise, Baggus fires his [Fireball] to the hands that shackled him.

[Grappling Hands] were summoned one after another until Deathbane runs out his mana well. They were fighting on equal grounds but they stopped the fight.

"I surrender!" Both of them shouted with the same words at the same time.

"Huh?" Stephen, as well as the others, have a question mark appeared from their heads.

"I can't destroy your barrier, I surrender," Deathbane said as his butt fell to the ground.

"No, I surrender because I can't get out from that skill pervert hands, It touches my skin like a rapist wanting to molest me. So I dislike the moment and surrendered," Baggus said while laughing.

"Hahahahaha!" I didn't know you don't like to be touched by skeletons. Well thank you for naming that skill but it's not 'perverted hands' but 'grappling hands'. I didn't know what you're thinking but It's a good name!" Said Deathbane.

"Next time I learn [Teleport], be more serious with the match, I'm gonna be stronger when that happens," said Baggus in a condescending tone.

"Well, next time will be a lot tougher for you I think, my minions will be a lot stronger and my skill will be a lot lethal than before," replied Deathbane.

Both of them laughed when they finished the match and shake hands like a bro.

"Okay, this concludes this match! Both sides bow down your heads," concludes Frank with a loud voice.

Every single one of them congratulates the two and was amazed by their performance including Stephen.

"Wow, that's awesome Deathbane, would you teach me sometime if you're not busy? About the scythe control and mastery?" Asked Stephen with a cheerful voice.

"Sure! Why not?" replied Deathbane.

"Wow Deathbane, you're improving! You can survive even without the help of your minions!" Said Snap to him.

"Yeah!" Said Shinpatsu.

"And you too Baggus!, I didn't know that you're improving your close-combat [Burning Hands], with the combination of [Teleport], you can easily defeat him next time!" Said Shinpatsu.

After a while, Frank breaks their conversations with an announcement that the next match will begin. They silenced themselves and listened to Frank's next statements.

"The next match is...."

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