Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 167 - Research Part 5

They went back to the lab after eating their lunch. All of them were full and so was Joan. He was so full that his stomach will burst. Digesting a bit of what his stomach can before getting to work.

"The food is great! I am full to the brim!" Said Bruck.

"I know right? I prepared the best food for our meals," Troan said to him.

"That is a blast! Hope we maintain our bodies even with the feasting on foods. I have to work out more with all that carbohydrates," Weldebert said to them.

"Yeah, I might have an overgrown belly with this kind of lifestyle," Said Kenji.

They rested in their seats first then Joan digested his food first. For he knew he might need all that carbohydrates later on. As he rested, they all have a random chit chat with themselves.

"Hey Joan, do you like girls? You can find one on our campus," Asked Troan.

"Girls? Of course, I like girls. It is just I am not romantically inclined right now with all the troubles I am currently facing. They might likely get in trouble if they will make a connection with me," Joan explained

'I failed to save my loved ones in the past as they were killed with my enemies. I won't make the same mistake again,' Joan said in his mind.

Regretting that he failed in saving his lover's lives in the past, he ceased to think of getting in love again. It felt like a curse for him ever since then. Not wanting to repeat the same incompetency in the past as of today.

After digesting the food, Joan decided to start the next skill-making. Standing up and then facing the crystal ball on his front, he used the skill to start their activity.

[Skill forge]

The burning anvil went inside the crystal ball and so they started. Lifting his hands then putting it on both sides of the ball, he called forth the next one to be the tester.

"I called forth Roan of the Rogue department," Joan announced.

It was then, he stand up from his seat then approached him.

"At last, it is my time!" He shouted then laughed.

"So, what do you want to create?" Joan asked him.

"Hmm, something that increases the movement speed of the Rogues. But it will be dead silent and instantaneous in effect. Will make you climb buildings without problems and as much as possible passive," Roan said to him.

"Hmmm, a precise description of the skill. You have thought it out well ahead, right? For your request, it will be easy. Having an instantaneous effect on the Rogues but if passive, it will be a tad hard to train the skill.

"You will have to train it to the bones to increase your mastery in it. But that will also consume more mana if used. Except for a buff that has determined mana then sustained by additional mana to sustain it.

"This one is something that the Rogue lacks currently and so I will make this one have mana consumption and stamina consumption to lessen the requirements on the mana requirement needed. As I have thought, this will be the greatest skill that a Rogue can have to have the greatest mobility in all classes.

"I am jealous of the next generation. They have this skill to learn and will have a brighter future," Joan said to him.

"Yes, I am looking forward to this skill that you will make," Roan said to him.

Upon creating a passive imprint, he put the effects of the skill. Faster movement speed for faster assassination executions, lighter steps for the silent dash, making your weight into a feather for climbing the tall walls. Assassination attacks will never be the same as before from now on after Joan created the skill.

Programming it to consume both mana and stamina for a longer duration of the skill and it was created to be passive. Mastering the skill will also be a tad harder as you will have to be physically attuned to the skill. Meaning, you have to use it as long as you can to increase your mastery of it. The same with other skills that they have currently.

Still, it was a breakthrough. Joan finished creating the skill and managed to put the skill effects to the imprint. Holding them tight then gave it to Roan.

"Finally! I will be using the skill I wished for all my life!" Roan said to him.

Inserting the skill into his skill tree, he managed to get out without problems.

"Test it now, will you?" Joan said to him.

"Ah, yes of course," Roan replied.

He went outside and then dashed. They all went to watch him and then were mesmerised by his speed. It was almost like teleportation upon their senses. He was light as a feather and so his speed rose. His movement speed was incomparable from before. He dashed to the walls and climbed up with some manoeuvre and jumps. Making them watch on such a spectacle.

Joan was impressed with the results. But as he imagined it will not be available for the beginners. Getting the skill was one thing, but mastering it will be another thing.

Others might only exert a low level of mastery on the first try. Others will also have higher mastery in the future and it depends on their stats. It will not have the same effects on everyone.

After exerting himself, he was wasted. Both on stamina and mana. After drinking water, he smiled at them and then announced the rank.

"The rank is Grandmaster! Seriously, no beginners can't hold out long. This skill has absurd mana and stamina consumption. It felt not passive at all!" Roan said to him.

You can use it if you want. But I advise you to use it only in emergencies. And mastering it is, as I have said, will be a tad hard.

"There is no skill that has effects that didn't ask in return for its activation. Passive skills can sometimes be enhanced by mana. Other skills will not ask mana but stamina instead. No skill behaves that way. There is always a return to its service," Joan explained.

"Ah yes, I know. Haha, maybe I am asking too much. Thank you very much for creating such a skill. The Rogues will eternally be grateful to your efforts," Roan said to him.

"Nah, I won't think of it as a primary goal. I can only do this as I am the only one who can," Joan said to them.

"Ah yes, of course. Knowing you deeply reminds me of that humbleness. I am happy to have met someone like you," Roan said to him.

"As for its name, it is called [Lightfoot]," Joan said to him.

"Yes, a name befitting it. Thank you deeply for making me the first to try it," He said while bowing down.

"Haha, don't think too much about it. Now let us proceed to the next one. Bruck of the Druid department," Joan announced.

"Yes?" He said while approaching him.

"It is your turn, any request?" Joan asked him.

"Yes, just as simple as making my summons stronger. Even in a slight increase is deeply appreciated," Bruck said his request.

"How about something that gives an increase to your summon's capabilities? A slight increase in all stats with a start then cultivates it to get stronger. No need to maintain it with mana as it was a permanent increase to your summons. I call it [Flora and fauna mastery]. As the name implies, it will make your animal and plant summons get stronger.

"No need to be physically attuned with the skill but only by cultivating it with mana," Joan explained.

"Ah, I see. I am looking forward to it," Bruck said to him.

He started creating the imprint then put a stat-enhancing program to it in all different kinds of summons. Whether plant or animal, he put it there. Also, he made it possible by making the mana as its feed for its growth.

Extracting the imprint, he put it inside Bruck and then attached it to his skill tree. The place where all his skills were located. Exiting the place, he managed to get out without problems.

"Woohoo! At last, it is finished!" Joan said to him.

"I will test it out just this instant," Bruck said to him.

As he went into a lotus position, he started cultivating the skill [Flora and fauna mastery]. Increasing the stats of all his summons slowly by his mana as their feed for growth. As Joan expected, mana consumption was great. The reason was, all of the summons were nourished, not just one. And so Bruck surrendered after a few minutes.

"As sad as it is, this skill is for Grandmasters and up only. If you have low numbers of summons, then maybe it will not be hard to handle their mana consumption. But for me to have unlocked numerous animals and plants, it will be a hard one to sustain.

"Still, this skill is revolutionary.. I hope I have met this skill when I am still a kid," Bruck said to him.

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