Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 53 - Bonfire

Joan walked outside the carriage a little bit dizzy. Caressing his head as he tried to relieve his headache.

Just outside, he saw his horse Priscilla that was in the grassy plains. Eating fresh grass in the hills from afar.

Joan saw a bonfire just on the side of the carriage and a skewered rabbit was in the fire. Immediately, Isaias offered him to sit by the fire. Illuminating their faces with yellow radiance as they sat there.

Joan sat with haste and found comfort for his butt to rest. Regaining strength as he looks by the fire. As he was staring at the hanged raw meat of a rabbit, he noticed that it was still not yet seasoned with spices.

Immediately, Joan took the initiative to pour pepper and salt into it.. Rotating the meat while doing so.

Isaias chuckled as he saw Joan doing his stuff. He stared at the fire and was then struck with a premonition.

From the fire, he can see Joan consumed in darkness and he felt troubled after he saw it. Staring back to Joan who was rotating the meat with hungered eyes as he licked his lips. Isaias can only sigh on the process.

By the time that Joan felt tired for minutes of rotating the roasted meat, he immediately grabbed his attention.

"Joan, I felt bad tidings shortly. I know that you are doing your best but I pray that your best is enough. I may be old but I haven't seen someone like you who can wield many job classes. But I am troubled about what the future holds. Despite our circumstances, you should be strong. Steel your mind and harden your heart. I will guide you till my last breath," Isaias said to him who was starting to eat the roasted meat.

"What? I'm hungry," Joan said to him while biting the meat.

Isaias can only sigh and shake his head. Smiling bitterly while looking down to the ground.

"Okay, it seems that you are unaffected by how grave our situation is. I will keep quiet then," Isaias said to him then made his silence.

"I know what you are talking about. I have a dream too about my image being corrupted by evil. Choking me up but as I was about to lose consciousness, you have woken me up!" Joan said to him. Not a trace of worry was seen in his voice, nor his eyes.

"Oh, that is terrible. I think you also have a vision similar to mine," Isaias said to him.

"Maybe? But then if it comes, let them come! I will make them pay for what they have done!" Joan said being resolute as he spoke.

"Hahaha! That's the spirit boy! Now let's eat!" Isaias said to him.

Joan then hides his meat, thinking of Isaias wanting a bite too.

"Hahaha, I will cook my stupid child!" He said then grabbed a hare from his back.

He removed its pelt and cleansed the meat. Skewered it then sprinkled salt and pepper. Putting it on the top of the burning fire while biting his lips.

"Say, Isaias, how old are you now?" Joan asked.

"A thousand years? I forgot how old I am. I am there when the heroes sealed the Lord of Affliction in his cage. I am wondering why the heroes didn't stop the Lord of Affliction as they are guarding his tomb. Waking up when it is unsealed. That is why I want to visit the tomb of the Lord of Affliction and find the cause as to why the heroes have not awakened yet," Isaias said to him, stroking again his mane.

"Wow, you are a lot older than me! Is that the powers of a prophet?" Joan asked curiously.

"I am not joking when I said 'child' to you, as I am a thousand-year-old sage. I am waiting for your appearance for a thousand years now as it is written in the prophecy," Isaias said to him.

Joan was perplexed as he didn't hear about such prophecy from the God of Angels. He was wondering if he was not yet born when the prophecy was foretold.

"What is the prophecy about?" Joan inquired for answers.

"Hahaha, it is about a boy who will save the world from darkness. Restoring peace and uproot all seeds of evil planted around the continent. You can guess who is that?" Isaias said to him.

"It is Joan!" Joan replied in glee.

"Indeed, but he is killed by a monster while he is still weak so you are replaced as the inheritor of his prophecy. Sadly, the God of Demons also received a prophecy. It is because the God of Demons knew about the prophecy too and killed him while he is still the weakest. Making the future a lot darker than originally is. Stopping the prophecy beforehand while he still can kill Joan," Isaias said to him.

Joan was perplexed by what he heard. Joan was originally the prophecy kid but killed while he was still a bud. To his surprise, he was also dead by that time and so he was picked to be the next prophecy child. The God of Demons also did what he has done to Joan and attempted to kill him.

But that was unfortunate for him that Joan was a past Grandmaster. Not someone to be trifled with even though a beginner. Lucky enough, the God of Demons underestimated him this time and survived.

Still, he didn't know if he will survive if the God of Demons will go all out for him to be killed. Wondering about it was something making his hairs to went up.

Joan then erased negative thoughts and resumed his happy eating time.

"Hmmm, taste like chicken!" Joan said then the two of them laughed. Hesitant at first but soon was getting louder and louder.

Tears of joy soon began to drop his eyes. Drinking a cup of water then coughed a bit.

"Okay I will....uhug uhug.... call Priscilla, uhug, to feed her," Joan said while coughing.

Whistling in high pitch, she approached them with neighing. Joan grabbed carrots and she gladly ate them like a dessert. Caressing her hair as she munched the carrot with a drooling mouth.

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