Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 57 - Sacrifice

"Teleport them somewhere! Hurry! I can't hold on any longer!" Joan screamed with all his might. His throat was about to explode as he shouted.

Immediately, the duplicate hurried. Thinking that time was of the essence, he started casting his skill.

Soon after, Isaias and the carriage was glowing. The duplicate included but not Joan. A split-second late will make them covered with boulders so Joan maintained the [Telekinesis]. Joan can be included in the teleportation but he needs to repel the boulders. If he was included in teleportation, his skill will be interrupted. It will only be possible if he has higher skill. But for now, it was impossible.

Higher teleportation skill will make you have faster casting speed, longer range, and can be used in battle, can't be interrupted, and, instantaneous transport while doing or maintaining other skills..

The goblins rained arrows on them and so Joan cast [Force field] to repel the arrows. Some goblins were also throwing rocks as big as their heads that were making the [Force field] crack.

Goblins screeched as their attacks were stopped. Making angry faces on the fact that they can't do anything. Some of them even cursed at them with human language.

"Hurry!" Joan bellowed.

"I know! Idiot!" He screamed in response.

Having thought of the time being the essence, they focused on what they were doing. Joan was about to give up but he forced himself to do one thing, and that was to stop the boulders from falling.

It took all of his focus and willpower to stop the heavy boulder but was holding on for them. For Isaias, for Priscilla, and the chickens. The duplicate was included of course and so he hold on, making his telekinesis stronger than before.

Just moments before he gave up, the duplicate successfully made it.

"Yes! See you on the surface!" The duplicate said as he saluted at him.

"Joan! Don't die on me!" Isaias shouted before they vanished.

'I can be resurrected by you, idiot!' Joan can only scream in his mind.

Joan now was solitary in the pit. The pit was ten meters below the ground with spare space for the spikes to be planted. Joan can only grin as he has an earth element as a foothold.

Not wanting to experience the same spikes related wounds. He etched it in his mind that it was the last.

Just a moment of being in trance, he used his Mage skill [Ice breath].

[Ice breath]–breathing cold icy breath and can freeze even metals that can be broken down like glass if frozen.

With his breath, he was able to put off the fire and made the boulders frozen. Thinking that it will become as fragile as glass, Joan then grabbed the opportunity to break them one by one.

Equipping his Fighter Job class, he used his buffs to complement his lack of strength and speed to shatter such thing.

[Shattering strength]–a boost on the strength that made him uncomparable from his past original strength.

[Speed]–an increase in both attack speed and movement speed.

[Gentle and Hard fist]–the two of the most basic skills of the Fist series. The Gentle Fist emits shockwave and the Hard Fist that makes his attack explosive. Can be combined with the Kick series.

[Axe kick and Roundhouse kick]–the two most basic of the kick series. Axe kick was hitting the ground by a vertical slam of the feet and the Roundhouse kick that kicks sideways to the enemy. Can be combined with the Fist series.

His [Telekinesis] was on the verge of collapsing and so he devised a plan. Thinking that he needs to eliminate such obstacle before his mind will surrender on maintaining the [Telekinesis].

By stopping his telekinesis, he dropped one boulder while others were maintained. Using his Fighter job class, he used his skill [Hard fist] by smashing it with his punch that was able to make it to tidbits.

But by doing so, his focus was averted and his [Telekinesis] was disturbed. They were going down but he Lifted them again with his [Telekinesis].

Joan groaned as his mind was about to explode. It was on the verge of giving up ever since the teleportation. How much more on the time of the current events.

He grinned as he holds on longer and let go of another boulder, smashing it again with [Hard fist]. Making the tidbits to hit him but he swatted some with his skill [Gentle fist].

Making the rocks blown by the shock wave.

Moreover, he was on his knees as he lifts the last two boulders. In split seconds, his mind snapped and he almost passed out.

But still, he used [Teleportation] skill before he blacked out.

His force field was broken and he collapsed on the earthen foothold. He attempted to use his skill [Teleportation] but he soon saw a thrown rock by the goblin and hit his head.

He was buried in the rubble and the boulders smashed the earthen foothold. Boulders hit the spikes and Joan was not seen.

Just as inside the dark pit, Joan was being piled with rocks. His head was bleeding and his breathing was hoarse. His chest was crushed with a boulder and was breathing with what's left of his life.

It was no use to heal himself as his wounds will still be damaged again as the boulder was on top of him.

Grasping his hands, he used his Job class Chaos Knight.

[Chaos aura]–enveloping his body and surrounding with chaos miasma. A hot black smoke with embers flowing out of his body.

This made the boulders melt in great heat. Due to being frozen, it melted faster than normal. Making it in embers then into melted lava.

[Chaos breath]–a skill of inhaling the miasma and breathing it out towards the enemy.

He breathed to the boulders and it corroded like an acid. Making him bathed in lava itself.

[Berserk]–a skill that makes him have high regeneration and all his stats were doubled.

He was able to regenerate his crushed organs and bones and stood up, lifting the rocks that were piling on him.

[Revenge]–a skill of making his stats rise with more damage he takes.

His damage was etched on his mind, making it fuel his damage and power to pour out on enemies. Returning the damage he received to the enemies that damaged him.

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