Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 81 - Unsealing

From the place where the seal was glowing in red, stood a man in robes who was solely focused on breaking the seal. The seal was pulsating in red and was slowly weakening with every pulse. The man then grinned as he felt that someone was approaching.

On his back appeared a Greater Devil and another man who was heavily wounded. A scar was on his face while the other one has its lower canine broke. The two immediately kneeled as soon as they arrived at the place.

"We greet thee, Lord of Affliction of your brother's revival soon." Said the greater devil.

He then turned around towards them and uncovered his hood. Smiling with his teeth as sharp as a spike. While he was in a great mood, he never forgot to let the two rise from their kneeling..

"You are both successful in bringing me sacrifice and thus I reward you both. Now, we will begin the sacrificial ceremony!" He shouted then lifted his hands.

They brought the captives and placed them one by one on the altar. A metallic platform with devil imagery inscribed in it. Two devils were on both sides and has a basin to collect blood. By dripping their blood to the altar, they killed them all in the process without a spare. Desecrating the heroes statues with their blood and then also the seal. Making the seal of the heroes weaken.

With the Lord of Affliction himself to do the task of unsealing his brother, it will be far more effective and efficient. He was the perfect person for the task and he was by far the strongest enemy they have to face.

While all cultists present were watching, they were bathing in the miasma of the Demon Lord. Making them feel stronger and stronger as time goes by. The cultist leader then absorbed a huge amount of power from him and also the greater demon that was drastically changing while they were promised to be rewarded.

Power surging from their veins soon made them become an entity, a higher realm than before. The cultist leader became a Demon Noble, making him grin at the moment. His clothes changed and were having a greater mana realm from before. His scar healed in the process.

The Greater Demon then turned into a Demon General, making him have a greater physical form. A body of a bipedal Dragon that has the horns of a bull. Wings were leathery but tough to damage. Resistances were all present and have higher vitality compared to before.

The Demon General then roared at them, making them cower at his presence. The cultists then were reignited by their leader's newfound strength. Respect for their leader as well as confidence was what they felt at the moment. Their enemies shall fear them and it will just be the start.

Dullan! Dullan! Dullan!

Chanting of the cultists were what echoed the seal site. Making them have high morale at the moment. Rousing their spirits and bolstered their confidence. Enough for them to consider themselves as unstoppable.

While everything was getting heated, Joan and Isaias were just looking outside the entrance. Hiding in the bushes as they have seen only a few guards standing by the entry. Robes in dark red and others were armed with weapons. If they will count them, they were only countable by your fingers.

While the others have torches on their hands, Joan was watching at them and was hinting at Isaias to distract them.

"Isaias, you seemed to be harmless at a glance so you will distract them," Joan said to him.

"I thought we will storm the place?" Isaias said to him.

Joan then sighed. Thinking that they will immediately be alerted by their ruckus. Joan thought that maybe if they were fast enough while not letting any guards escape and report their attack, then it will be the fastest while a surprise attack at the same time.

Joan then grinned, still, he grabbed Isaias and pushed him from where they were hiding. Making Isaias stumble while regaining balance from his push. Rustling the bush on the process.

"Wha.....what?" Isaias blurted out as he was surprised by Joan's push.

"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing here?" Shouted the alerted guard. Approaching him on the process.

"Oh! I am but a bard! You want me to play you a song while telling you a tale of a mighty Demon Lord?" Isaias said then showed them his ukelele.

The two guards then looked at each other. Thinking of what could they make him do.

Immediately, Joan jumped in the air. Conjuring bow and arrow quiver while backflipping, he fired at the ten guards and they were all hit in the forehead. Crashing their dead bodies to the ground at the moment the arrow struck.

Joan then landed on the ground and made his weapon disappear. Inhaling deeply and then exhaled. He immediately thought that his accuracy was not getting rusty with his new body.

"Hey? What is that for?" Isaias immediately wanted to throw him his ukelele.

"Haha, let's go!" Joan said then put his arms on his shoulders.

Entering the tomb, the two then ran. Torches were hanged on the walls, having complex forms and structures. Walls were having blood but the ornaments were still seen. Having paintings of Dullan and the heroes sealing him was what was seen in the pictures.

Picture by picture, they saw the paintings having a sequence of events where Joan can see. Looking at it while they were in a hurry. Isaias then told him that it was the story of their last mission. The last painting was seen as the heroes surrounded the demon lord and Isaias was the one who made the seal. Petrifying the heroes as they made the eternal prison. Only Isaias was left for a thousand years and was waiting for the prophecy child.

With Isaias leading the way as he memorized the tomb's layout, they went dashing towards the inside where the hallway was just a few meters wide, they ran without reserve. Not wanting to waste time, the two charged.

Seeing cultist guards while on the way, Joan Shapeshifts into a Werebear and swatted them with the back of his hands and they were thrown to the wall. A splattering sound was made after their bodies slammed the wall.

Charging some more, other guards were slapped and they went crashing to the walls. Making their shout when hit to cut short. Others were grabbed on the head and were slammed to the floor headfirst. Wanting to scream when grabbed but ended when their heads were buried in the floor.

Isaias felt very happy with every enemy efficiently killed and was cheering kill after kill. He was on a high horse too and while running, he moved away to create space for Joan to smash the enemy.

"Good Joan! That was impressive! More approaching!" Isaias said to him while running.

It was then, many enemies appeared and were blocking the way. Joan growled and then used his Druid skill [Charge]. Crashing to the enemies who were the bystanders, they can only shriek while being thrown. Others attempted to evade but it was for nought.

After dashing, they made it to one spacious room. As Isaias has said, it was the room before the seal site. Just as they were panting, other Lesser Devils appeared. Making Joan clenched his fist. While he was clenching his fist, he accidentally grabbed the floor and he was able to crush it like uprooted pebbles. Making him grin in the process.

It was then he tried to grab the floor and then his fingers dug the flooring. Clenching his fist, he threw the pebbles to the lesser devils.

They were left unprotected as they saw it as too fast for their eyes to see. Making them cover their faces with their arms. Still, they were pierced by it. They were sprayed left and right and they all slammed their bodies to the floor. Holes were in their bodies and they shrieked as their lives ended. It only made Isaias gulp saliva.

"That's good Joan! The seal site was just on the other side of this door. He said then tapped the door. Inscribed with many markings, it then glowed after Isaias touched it.

Opening it, Joan reverted to his human form and inhaled great amounts of air. Preparing for the worst as enemies awaits them. The two entered as soon as the door was opened. Soon after, they saw the enemies. Making also the enemies stare at them with their grand entrance.

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