Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 79: VR killer

   The results of the high school entrance examination will not be released until one week later, and the admission letter will probably be published two weeks later, and will be sent to your personal network account. Xu Zhi has no doubts about getting the admission notice of Huaan No. 1 Middle School. He is quite curious about the rankings he can take this time. Relatively speaking, his grades have actually increased a lot, but I don’t know. The situation of other opponents.

   The only score determined is physical education. The total score plus the additional score is 480. Xu Zhi passed the 456 exam. There is some distance from the top, but I have tried my best. Xu Zhi has no regrets. Compared to a month ago, it was already in a big situation.

  The liberal arts Xu Zhi estimates that he is about 570 to 580. This year's ranking will probably be very intense, accurate to the point, rather than the rating competition of previous years.

   After the two-month vacation, Xu Zhi wanted to go to Dengfeng City and take the old man's ashes to Jianmen Mountain. After all, this was the place he had been talking about for a long time.

I have to accompany Wang Zhongwang to sweep the arcade arcade in Hua'an City. This project is quite huge. There are hundreds of arcade arcades in Hua'an City. I can walk two or three a day, and I can't finish it in two months. To see how Wang Zhongwang arranged it, Xu Zhi was speechless about the child's huge plan.

With the taking of a group photo of Class Three, Two, Three, the third day is over, cheering, tearing, farewell, inexplicable love triangle, four corner love, and even the recent friendship, also with the wind And go.

   "I really want to pick one by one" Xu Zhi looked at the serious Wang Zhongwang.

   "Must, I am an arcade VR killer."

   "Okay, let's hang the children together."

   Xu Zhi can only lay down his life to accompany the gentleman.

  Dynamic game hall, the first stop.

   "You win me, I give you ten coins, I win you, you give one, you can't fight."

   "Fight, why not fight" Liu Li responded.

   Ten minutes later, Liu Li disgraced down the joystick and lost five games in a row. He didn't play anymore. Liu Liu was an overwhelming maniac, but it was too hard to get rid of this ordinary difficulty.

   "Entertainment difficulty, entertainment difficulty" Liu Li, ten coins flew away, and his face was ugly like a dead person.

   "Grandpa Ben only played ordinary difficulty today, but it will be more than just playing ordinary." Wang Zhongwang has a stinky face, and he was very happy to win today. I finally saw this guy depressed.

   "Your uncle, you can't fight for entertainment" Liu Li refused to accept the loss, but people don't play, there is a woolen thread, he has no capital for fishing.

   "The grandson wants to fight, let's fight on ordinary difficulty, don't play that kind of low difficulty, shameful," Wang Zhongwang said happily.

"This bad temper finally turned around. In the past, I always used my own shortcomings to attack each other's strengths. It had to be more difficult to entertain. It was normal to be hit hard by hard operations, and it was normal to be killed. Master is not uncommon."

  Xu Zhi looked at the two of them, he didn't know what Wang Zhongwang always wanted to do with Liuli, and they couldn't beat any one in this life.

   "Really happy" Wang Zhongwang walked out of the dynamic game hall with a smug look.

In particular, Liu Li stubbornly didn’t dare to do it for a long time, but he was happy. It is estimated that he was scared last time. Actually, Liu Li definitely must suffer from it when he starts his hand. Free yourself and spread pits everywhere.

   "Young Master, Young Master"

   "Hey, Dahei, Xiaohei, why are you here?"

   As soon as they got out of the game hall, they saw the two **** men who came all the way. It was the bodyguard and driver of the Wang family who were black.

   "Young Master, Master let us tell you" Dagang.

   "That group of ladies is here again" Xiao Hei took over.

   "Master wants you to send them back" Dahei.

   "Otherwise he doesn't mind letting you be a stallion, more grandchildren" Xiaohei continued to pick up.

   "Pray for you!"

   "Silence for you!"


   Xu Zhiliang looked at Wang Zhongwang silently and asked.

   "What family are you here for?"

   Wang Zhongwang scratched his hair, a helpless expression appeared on his face. He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

   "Master Ben must go back and send them away"

"What's special, a bunch of relatives come here every year. Seven aunts and eight aunts are cousins ​​who are far away, commercial, and all kinds of relationships come in." Wang Zhongwang complained. "My father used to block them with my young age. Later, I couldn't stop it. The year before last, I said I liked men and disliked women. As a result, this group of girls brought a lot of little cousins ​​with pink noodles last year.

  Xu Zhi heard chrysanthemum tightly, "You don't really like men."

   "Who really likes men, I'm crazy, I" Wang Zhongwang's stern expression "Block the gun, block the gun."

   "How did I get rid of it last year?" Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't just to cover it, otherwise a big bomb was placed around him.

   "Last year I said that I didn't like this kind of weak wind, and then they all went back."

  Xu Zhi stared solemnly at Wang Zhongwang.

   "Good luck, goodbye!"

   "What, what is your expression, straight brother?"

   "Dahei Xiaohei, what are you talking about?" Wang Zhongwang stared at Dahei Xiaohei.

   "Master, still the same group of people, a group of old ladies," Dahei said, and Wang Zhongwang was relieved.

   "That group of old ladies all carry a burly man, it looks like It looks like your little cousins ​​have become stronger" Xiaohei received.

  The king of the king couldn't get up in a single breath.

   "Farewell, you go back and tell the old man, ask him to have another son."

  Wang Zhongwang finished running after raising his legs, leaving Dahei and Xiaohe staring at each other in situ.

   "There is no way to live, straight brother" Wang Zhongwang sorrowfully said, he did not know whether he had committed sins in his previous life, even if there were a bunch of young ladies around him, there were various sources of harassment every year.

   "You will be content, you, it is difficult for others to marry a wife" Xu Zhi smiled.

  He is really not a lie. Think about how many otakus in the 21st century can only be associated with second-generation beautiful girls, and even be married to silicone dolls. There are real people who are willing to follow you. Satisfy you.

"They all came to our family. If it wasn't for my father's early fortunes, I still don't know who his relatives are. There are no relatives in the past. They never die," Wang Zhongwang sighed. "He comes every year. Once they were exploited, Dad spent money every time to send them away. You said, are they so stupid, do they come to disgust me?"

Xu Zhi knew that Wang Zhongwang was talking about bringing a boy to a blind date, which also made him feel a little ugly of human nature. Many social conditions of the Dongyue Empire are completely different from those of his previous life. This situation came from the Dongyue Empire. It was said that it was still normal. Some people in big families, men and women kill each other, and obscene and erosive can not be cleaned up.

   The tranquility of the old street and the innocence of the campus have kept him out of the ugly face of society for a long time.

   "I suspect that if I like a bitch, they will definitely have to bring a **** over this year."

   Wang Zhongwang said in anger, Xu Zhi was speechless.

   Is there really anyone with such a low IQ in the world?

  Is it possible, Xu Zhixin said.

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