Grasping Evil

Chapter 1033: Shen Twenty-three

Out of the fire door, it was a thin and old giant, and he was very dead. He was not a living person, but a corpse.

The old man said that it is a giant. In fact, it is only fourteen and five feet high. It is not the kind of giant who has become hundreds of feet. The skin is bare, stiff and dark, and I don’t know how long I have died. The worn-out animal skin, the animal skin, although still a long time, still retains a bit of fierce beast, apparently stripped from some extremely powerful beast.

Between the feet, the lock is locked, the walking is extremely inconvenient, and the head is wearing a gold hoop. The wrist is free, holding a giant sword with a serrated arm on his shoulder, and the giant sword is covered with rust and blood. After a long time, it still gives a thrilling killing atmosphere. Obviously, when the sword is in good condition, It used to be a Taikoo magic soldier with a low grade.

He was slow and stiff, and he was locked up by chains. It seemed that it took a long time to move one step at a time. However, every step of the way could actually make the ground earthquake in the city of Liuli generally shake, and it seems that this is entirely due to physical strength. This is a bit horrible.

We must know that the strong people in the city of Liuli are gathered, and there are reinforcements everywhere. Like the Guangming Temple, the array is more powerful. It is the singer's all-out shot, and it may not be able to shake the mountain. However, this corpse giant has easily done this.

This physical strength, even if it does not reach the level of the Emperor, is afraid of the level of the high-ranking fairy king!

"The second round of the Lingling is divided into two parts. One is the trial of the power, and the other is the trial of the magic. This old man of the corpse should be the one who came to preside over the trial of force..." Ning Fan’s inner secret, Even when God touched the body of the old man, he gave a slight glimpse.

The old man's body and skin seem to have been sacrificed through some kind of secret law. When God touched it, he was bounced out and could not go deep.

Although it is impossible to go deep, Ning Fan still feels a deep hidden ancient demon from the old man...

It is no wonder that the physical strength of this old man is so terrible that the whole glazed city will be shaken by the mountains. It was still an ancient demon before his death...

The old man of the corpse walked out from the fire door, and the residents of the glazed city outside the square suddenly screamed, and there was disdain, fear, indifference, and disagreement.

This makes Ning Fan unable to understand.

Once, for the first round of the Nanjiang grassland to host the tomb, it was also a corpse, but when the corpse appeared, it would be worthy of worship.

The old man of the corpse seems to be extremely humble, endless, no one to worship, and some residents who are not weak in the city of Liuli, from the outside of the square, throwing rotten eggs and rotten cabbage from the outside of the square. ...

The person with the cultivation is actually doing the things that the mortal people usually lose the cabbage eggs. How boring, how ridiculous... Can Ningfan know why, can't laugh.

The corpse veteran's face was stiff and expressionless, so he walked out of the fire door with his ankle. He was indifferent and his eyes were empty. He couldn't understand why so many people threw rotten cabbage rotten eggs at him, but they ignored it. He glared at the rusted sword, his spine was not bent, his face was clearly hanging down the egg-shaped egg liquid, but he carried the thin neck with arrogance. In the eyes of the glazed city residents, they were like a triumph. And return to the general.

The unyielding momentum of the head is the last posture that the old man had retained before his death. Now he is dead, and he is a low-minded corpse, but he still has not lowered his head.

It seems that there is something from the corpse old man who is infected with Ning Fan, so that his expression is solemn, he slowly closes his eyes, and the hand hidden in his sleeve is secretly playing a mana wind. Some rotten eggs that were thrown at the very old distance to the old man’s rotten cabbage, all blown away...

"Mom, who is blowing up the wind and blowing away the old man's rotten egg!"

"Hey! Is there anyone who is sorry for this sacred corpse! It’s ridiculous!"

"The sacred demon, can be sinners!"

The buzzing sounds, but naturally no one knows, is the hand of Ning Fan.


The mortal old man slowly walked to the bottom of the high platform, slammed, and put the rust giant sword on the ground, and then moved toward the high platform on the direction of the five emperors of Zhongzhou, slowly and stiffly holding a fist and worshipping, still the back is not bent.

"Shen... Twenty-three... see... five people..."

The old man named Shen Twenty-three, the voice is like Lei Zhen, echoing here, some people who are not good at repairing, can not bear the sound, was dizzy.

There are even some residents of Liulicheng. After the old man’s words, there are many discussions.

Ning Fan dissipated the gods and listened to some of them. Only then did they understand why the old man of the corpse was cast aside by everyone.

Because he is different from the corpse who presided over Nanjiang Xiaobi, he is the Shenzi number...

Since the ancient times, the Dabei people have had the tradition of making the corpse, and among the various tribes, there are basically guards of the corpse. In the Dabei, there is a class of corpse, with a very high identity, only to listen to the command of the Holy Mountain, known as the Holy Messenger!

The sacred ambassador is generally divided into two grades, namely, A and B. The sacred sacred ambassador is the corpse below the ancient realm. For example, the sacred sacred ambassador of the Nanjiang grassland was hosted by Xiaobi, and it was a B-type corpse. The sacred sacred sacred ambassador has a very high status. The strongest under the ages sees the sacred ambassador, and most of them need to bow down.

The name of the corpse is higher, and most of them are the corpse above the ages. It is that some emperors encounter the sacred sacred ambassador, and they all need to give certain respect and hugs.

The Dabei people's research on the corpse is very profound. The sacred sacred sacred sacred under the name of the holy mountain is generally higher than the ordinary corpse, with basic thinking ability and fluent language ability.

But in fact, above the A B font, there is a class of corpse, which is classified into the application level...

Shen, literally to understand, is the scorpion corpse, with dissent, want to open the bondage, get freedom...

The script corpse is basically out of the corpse of the scorpion, belonging to the alien class of the scorpion corpse, not convinced of discipline, not respecting the master, but also ignoring the head and not ignoring anyone.

These corpses are unruly, so most of them have been abolished by the original high intelligence, one with very low intelligence, and even basic thinking is difficult.

The strong sacred mountains are not at ease with this kind of corpse, and they are still worried that they will rebel against the unyielding instinct, and they will lock the corpses and seal their strength. The sorcerer's golden hoops brought to this type of corpse are also one-of-a-kind.

The corpse of the Shenzi is generally regarded by the Dabei as a traitor in the sacred sacred priest. Naturally, it is impossible to have a too high status, but a very humble existence.

Above the high platform, full of fairy buddha, looking to the eyes of Shen Twenty-three, are the color of contempt and indifference.

Today, in the second round of the Tomb, the five emperors were the mainstays. Among the five emperors, Tiandu was the mainstay. Tiandu Emperor faced Shen Twenty-three, his eyes were too lazy to open, indifferent, "can start to test the power!"


In the face of the high of the group of Buddhas, the heart of Shen Twenty-three, I do not know why, there is a violent thought steeply, want to destroy some of the constraints.

But this violent thought just started, the faint golden hoop on his head, just flashed the light, the magical exhibition, the violent thoughts in his body were suppressed.

Kakakar! It is the golden hoop that shrinks and squeezes the sound of its skull!

The skull of Shen Twenty-three is so hard that the golden hoop can't break the skull anyway.

He died for many years, and he couldn't feel any pain from the squeezing. He only touched his head after the violent thoughts.

What happened?

He doesn't understand...

Although I don't understand, in the eyes that have been dead for many years, there are actually two unwilling blood and tears flowing out, but when they are halfway through, they will dry up, because there is not much blood in the body.

Seeing the sudden madness of Shen Twenty-three, the audience here was full of surprises. Fortunately, it was immediately seen that Shen Twenty-three was still tamed by the golden hoop, and then he let go of his heart.

Some residents of Liulicheng did not sigh and laugh.

Sure enough, it is very dangerous to apply for the corpse of the word. But what about it, it is not to surrender to the Dharma.

Ning Fan frowned, but did not say anything.

The first round of the Tombs was divided into two parts: the text test and the martial arts test.

In the second round of the Lingling, it was divided into two parts: the trial of force and the trial of magic.

The trial of force is mainly to test the physical strength of the participants. If there is no certain refining, it is impossible to achieve good results in the trial of force.

In this part, each team does not have to kill each other, but each team receives the test of the corpse in turn.

The test content is very simple, requiring each team to cooperate with each other to take over the giant sword sniper to assess the corpse, and each team can increase the total score by one percent.

There is only one requirement. This section can't use the magical power of the empty treasure. You can't use all kinds of spells, you can't even use the magic secret of the medicine spirit, but you must use the physical force to assess the attack of the dead.

Obviously, in this round of links, physical training is dominant, and the team with more physical training is more dominant. The people join hands to resist the giant sniper, obviously it is much easier than being alone.

"This is the horrible strength of the twenty-three life, but after the death, it was limited by the golden hoop and the shackles. The strength was sealed, and the strength could not be exerted too much. I don’t know how to use my ancient devil to pick him up. Sword..." Ning Fan secretly.

After Shen Twenty-three gave the Five Emperors a glimpse of the ceremony, he began to tell the participants about the rules of the second round of the Tomb. His mouth was not fluent. The sentence was even more eccentric and difficult to understand. Occasionally, he could say many words that could not be understood. But fortunately, all the contestants are people who have some understanding of the rules. They don’t need to understand the rules of the corpse giants. They don’t have a few people at all. They listen patiently to their speeches, and they all start to close their eyes. The trial of waiting for power begins.

After telling the rules, Shen Twenty-three mouths spit out a golden light group, and to the Tianyi Festival, among the light groups, scattered 108 golden lights, flew to the 108 teams here.

Among them, there is also a golden light flying to Ning Fan, Ning Fan reach out to pick up, but it is a gold token of the square, the letter [South Xinjiang Tamu] four words.

This is the scoreboard for the second round of the Tomb, which records the team's scores. Naturally, the first round of identity cards cannot be used.

Ning Fan is a one-person team. This scoreboard naturally falls on his hands. As for the multi-person team, most of them are held by the highest scorer.

Suddenly there is a team's scoreboard, golden light.

It was the team of the Yunjin grassland Fuhu Department. This light flashed, and everyone in the Fuhu Department suddenly took care of it and walked out of the queue to the front of the corpse giant.

The scoreboard will be lit randomly, and which team will be played, which team will play.

The Fuhu Department is not a powerful tribe among the three thousand tribes of Dabei, but it also belongs to the middle and upper reaches. The team is 20 strong, each body is tyrannical, no less than the air, and there are three big thoughts sitting in the town. The same muscles are strong.

Obviously, the Fuhu Department is prepared for the trial of this force. The people sent to participate in the second round are all good at repairing.

The Fuhu Department is the first one. It is a middle-aged man with a long body. He walks up to the front with arrogance and enthusiasm for the twenty-three, "Please enlighten me!"

"Give me...the not give it to you..." Shen Twenty-three Hud pulled out the giant sword that was inserted into the ground and squatted on his shoulder. The tone said stiffly.

"Oh, gift, of course, will give you..."

The middle-aged man coughed a few times and suddenly coughed up a thick sputum and spit directly on Shen Twen.

After the middle-aged man, the other Fuhu strongmen also stepped forward, stunned and screamed at Shen twenty-three.

Their heads are not short, but when they are put together with the giant's general twenty-three, it is too short to spit on the legs of Shen Twenty-three.

Shen twenty-three was originally hanging on the body with egg liquid rotten vegetables. It was already very embarrassing. At this moment, people were spit out and more wolf, but they seemed to be very satisfied and nodded. "This gift... very good... I like... don't kill you. trial begins..."

"Come on!" everyone in the Fuhu department laughed.

Outside the square, among the residents of Liulicheng, many people couldn't help but laugh.

Too stupid, the Shen Zi is really stupid!

It is rumored that the memory of the corpse of the Shenzi was destroyed, changed, and spurned and treated at the time. Now, when I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that this is not a false statement...

It’s just too stupid!

"Where is it... funny?"

Ning Fan’s heart suddenly had a sense of desolateness.

He did not know what the name of the application was before his twenty-third life. Whatever he came to, he could imagine that he would be an ancient demon warrior who was upright and dead.

Before his death, he was so famous that he would not bow his head. He still retains this unyielding posture. He is a corpse behind him. If he is a real corpse, he is humiliated in front of countless people...

If this is expected to have such a day, I am afraid that it is better to blew the body before death, and will not leave the whole body...

No one can hear the voice of Ning Fan, and not everyone is funny about it. Some people frown, but too little, too little...

The trial of force began in this joyful laughter.

The Fuhu Department had prepared for it, lined up in a row, facing the vertical line in the direction of Shen Twenty-three.

When Shen Twenty-one was under the sword, everyone raised their swords and tacitly tried to block the sword of Shen Twenty-three at the same time.

Although Juli is far from the full force of Shen Twenty-three, it is also extremely terrible.

The length of the great sword was even longer than the 20-man column. Under the sword, the heavy swords set off a violent wind and whistle in this ancient square.

Twenty swords and a collision with a giant sword are like the confrontation of the true star. The huge force shook the surrounding space.

On the one hand, there is a short team of 20 people, and on the other hand, a giant of 14 or 5 feet, the picture is quite spectacular.

This pair of slashes, in the end, was slightly superior to Shen’s XXIII. Although the Fuhu Department blocked his first sword, there were six or seven Fuhu’s shorts or swords, or The tiger's mouth is bleeding, and all of them look stunned.

This is the limited size of the corpse! Even if it is not a full-fledged, it has such a terrible power, it should not be underestimated!

Those who are strong in the sword, how dare to neglect, have to take out the sword again, almost did not leave too much time for them, Shen twenty-three second sword has been cut down, still is the force to sink into the wind .

The hairpins of some of the strong tigers were directly blown away by the wind, and the chaos was scattered in the sword wind, which was extremely embarrassing.

The second sword, the Fuhu Department is still blocked.

Then the third sword, the fourth sword...

The strength of Shen Twenty-three is as if it has never been exhausted. Once again, the giant sword is swung down, and the strength has never been weakened.

However, the people in the Fuhu Department, the strength was weakened a little, to the eleventh sword, and some people began to lose strength, but helplessly retreated.

In the nineteenth sword, the Fuhu Department still had the strength, leaving only the three early thoughts.

When I arrived at the twenty-fourth sword, it was the early days of the three broken thoughts, and they were exhausted. They tried to stop the trial and did not pick up the twenty-fifth sword.

Twenty-four swords, it is 2400 points, the middle-aged Han headed by the Fuhu Department, looked at the score on the scoreboard, slightly sighed, the first link can get this score, enough, and then strong support, can I have to exhaust my injuries...

Seeing that the Fuhu Department stopped the trial, Shen 23 did not chase after the fight, and quickly put the giant sword down, re-insert the stone, indifferent.


As his voice fell, another team's scoreboard was golden.

Then there was the retreat of the Volkswagen and the second team.

The second team was born in the valley of the Xihe grassland. The strength of this valley is not as good as that of the Fuhu Department. It only took the sword of the 23rd and 14th and gave up. The whole process has no place to be noted.

Of course, like everyone in the Tigers, before the trial began, Shen Twenty-three was still stupid to say that.

"Give me...a gift...don't give it...kill you..."

The gift that was later received was still a scent of the people in the Valley.

Then, it was Shen 23's almost stupid satisfaction nod.

He is very happy with this gift...

It’s not that the heart is really satisfied, but the memory has been deliberately changed to this way. It’s good to feel that someone is spit.

"It’s really a bad thing to change the person who wrote the twenty-three memories. It’s so funny to humiliate a dead person...” Ning Fan’s brow wrinkled deeper.

I only think that those who are ridiculed for the stupidity of Twenty-three are very harsh and very annoying.

After the Valley Department, it was played by the Xiaori Department, and the score was 16 swords.

After that, it is the 11 swords of the purple sand department, the 9 swords of the sea bow department...not all the tribes, there are a large number of physical training competitions, and some teams are planning to give up the trial of the abandonment force and focus on the trial of the magical experiment. Therefore, there is not too much physical training in the team, and the results of the trial of the force are naturally not optimistic.

Time has passed a little bit, and more and more tribes have scored the test of strength, but few tribes with more than twenty swords.

Seventy or eighty tribes have scored, but only six tribes have scored above the twenty swords. The highest score is 33 swords.

At this point, the trials have always been carried out without any waves, and the audience who watched the trials gradually became bored.

Ning Fan is a brow and a deep lock. He has repeatedly watched the scene of being squandered for seven or eighty times. It is naturally impossible to be happy.

He does not like the insult to dignity.

The only thing that interests him is the Tu Wang who was hiding in the Magic Sea Department and the pseudonym Qingling. He also did not spit on the Shen Twenty-three. Instead, he took a plover and was not too dirty. I rubbed the cockroaches on my legs.

This move directly provoked the wrath of Shen 23! He is one of the few ingenuity. He doesn't understand why the woman named Qingling wants to wipe off her own gift. In a rage, the giant sword is more fierce, directly causing the magical sea department to suffer from the sword. The tribe is more fierce and heavier.

The results are naturally even worse!

Poor that the Magic Sea Department was not a tribe who was good at refining the body, and was treated with the anger of Shen Twenty-three. Actually, he only got the poor results of the 4 swords and gave the whole force a trial.

Ning Fan also deliberately released his thoughts and heard a funny conversation inside the Magic Sea Department.

"Mom, you little skinny skin is really tight, so do you want to provoke this Shen Twenty-three! I don't know if you are better at applying Twenty-three, he thinks that you are making it worse! They are all stupid. Stupid, you go to the bad heart, anger him, it hurts us to the bottom, you and you... see this home after the end of the battle, how can I clean you up in bed!" This is the sword of Qingling Broken to the roar of the spirit.

And Qingling, if the appearance of the grievances of the head, the eyes that no one saw, brewing a terrible murder.

After watching this, Ning Fan smiled for the first time. He can imagine that the Queen of the Emperor at this moment must have collapsed inside!

The knife man who was smashed by a district called and drank so much that it was unbearable...

As Ning Fan expected, this moment of the Tu Tu, the heart is indeed a collapse, if it has not yet achieved the purpose of this trip, she almost wants to expose the identity to kill.

Her grandmother, what kind of identity she has arranged for her under her gang! Even if you are a Taoist, you are still being humiliated by the other party... still bed! Hehe, hehehe, wait for her to finish things back, but have to give back to her few stupid subordinates!

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Ning Fan, the previous trials are such a small bright spot.

Fortunately, the audience just felt bored. A black horse team in the second round of this year debuted, and everyone made a spirit!

Chifeng Department! That is the team with the Red Master and the sages!

Finally, there is a decent team to play (unfinished.)

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