Grasping Evil

Chapter 1040: Wild power

Killing the hundred floors on the ground, struggling to get up, but unfortunately, Ning Fan did not give him this opportunity, a wave of his sleeves, robbing the red mans will kill the entire body of the hundred buildings, sizzling, like a thunder When the bang is heard, the body of the 100-story building will be blown into a **** fog. The **** of the gods will be eroded by the robbing of the red mans, and will continue to scream. On the surface, it is not far from death, even the words say Not complete!

The killing of the hundred floors is very strong. As a monk who has broken the peak, he is able to meet the eternal grace of the ages, which is enough to show his extraordinary.

However, the people who have the ability to fight in the world, not only have to kill one hundred buildings, at least, Ning Fan's leap-level combat power is more powerful than killing the hundred floors. At this moment, Ning Fan Xiu was released for all, infinitely close to the strength of the second robbery of the ancient times, facing the killing of the smashing of the peak of the killing of the 100th floor, only three hits, then hit the 100th floor to lose the flesh, only the gods!

Under normal circumstances, the monks are beaten only to the Yuanshen. Basically, there is not much power to continue the confrontation, and often they can only choose to escape. Fortunately, you can escape, unfortunately, you can only be killed by the other party.

However, the situation of killing the hundred floors is very weird. It is clearly only the Yuanshen, and the breath is already weak and weak, bringing the sense of danger to Ning Fan, but it is stronger than before.

Ning Fan reveals the ruthless color, and is preparing to give the last kill of the Yuanshen who killed the hundred floors. Suddenly, the corner of his eye shrinks, and he will retreat if he does not say anything.

At the moment when he stepped back, the screams of killing the hundred gods suddenly stopped. On the face of the gods, the smile of the haze appeared, and a strange mouth was spit out in the mouth. When the time was up, there was a large piece of gray gas. Above the gods, the gray gas shrouded, the fire of the blood flames on the ground was extinguished, and the dead bodies of the broken limbs on the ground, the flesh and blood were dry. The wet soil was smashed by the ash, and it cracked. The gray gas is constantly spreading, mountains, rivers, grasses... everything, but everything that is shrouded in gray gas, no matter the creature or the dead, is within the limits of interest, losing all vitality and returning to silence.

"this is…"

At the moment of seeing these gray gas, I was a little surprised by the experience of the Emperor.

Then he felt that his body was light, but he was hugged by Ning Fan, and he quickly regressed on the ground where the blood and the gray air swept.

At the moment, Ning Fan temporarily unblocked the cultivation, and the degree of retrogression was naturally very fast. On the earth, only a red awn was seen on the ground, and soon it was far away from the hood of gray gas. shape.

Ning Fan put down the Emperor in the arms and looked at the gray eyes in his eyes. The ash gas scattered by the 100-year-old Yuanshen covered a dozen miles of land.

These gray gas is very powerful. At this moment, Ning Fan’s entire right forearm, dried flesh and blood, like the dried meat, lost all the blood. Rao is that he retired very quickly, and he was still killed by the 100th floor.

Fortunately, Ning Fan has a strong resilience, and those dried flesh and blood quickly healed in the burning of Nirvana flames.

Gradually, the gray gas that has been filled for dozens of miles has dispersed. In the wind, but still echoing the excitement of the crazy laughter.

"Sure enough, it is a very delicious prey! You wait, wait for me seven days, I will come back! Haha! Hahaha!"

As the initiator of these gray gases, the Yuanshen who killed the hundred floors actually died in the middle of the gray gas. The small face of the body of the Yuanshen still retains a sinister smile. On the surface, those words are just unwilling to swear before he dies.

After more than ten interest rates, the appearance of this **** was suddenly changed. From the appearance of killing the hundred floors, it became a child with a sigh of heaven, with a cute smile that was sleepy.

After that, the child of the child's appearance turned into a fly ash, and the smoke disappeared.

Weird, killing the hundredth floor and dying, why is there a change in the appearance of this god? The repair of Ning Fan’s temporary unsealing, a little bit back, the breath quickly dropped to the previous level. Looking at the illusion night pearl, the power seems to use less than one-sixth, because the end of the battle is very fast, more savings, this bead can be used many times.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should kill the 100th floor. There should be no death. Lou Tuo's ability is not good. He is a child. The skill is really not small." Tu Huang carefully looked at the place where the killing of the hundred gods turned into flying ash. And he took a glimpse of the gods flying ash, sniffed, and then came to a conclusion. In a word, Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly became dignified.

"I was actually escaped by him?" Ning Fan did not expect that under his total suppression, the killing of the 100th floor would still have a chance to escape.

"Yeah, this means of escape has quite a few doorways. This technique, I have only seen one person who has been cultivated before, but unexpectedly, there is a second person who can cultivate this evil spirit. If this child really uses this technique, he I want to escape, but when I am a full-fledged, I can’t stop it. Because this kind of magical power, actually does not escape from the real battlefield, but after death, from another place... to get a second life, Reincarnation is born again!"


"You have heard of the three emperors of the Three Flames?"

"I have heard of some... Three flames are big 6 and are three branches of stone flame, wood flame and air flame. Among the three branches, the air flame force is the weakest, but the weakest air flame has a pulse. Among the strongest ones, the third strongest one is the emperor. It is said to be the same as the brightest Buddha of the first strong mountain." Ning Fan thought about it and replied.

"Then you have heard that the most powerful school of the dead emperor is what?" Tu Wang asked.


"This is nothing to say is that you are the character of the five emperors of Zhongzhou, and they are not qualified to know about this matter. The strongest extermination of the emperor is that he learned from the last of the five great supremes. This is not a dream world. There should be some power, but from the legendary real world. This kind of power is called [wild]. It is said that in the real world, there are hundreds of powerful ethnic groups born out of the power of [wild], among them The most famous one is the countless ancient fairyland. The owner of the ancient sacred land is probably the true realm of today, and the person who knows the highest is the power of the wild..."

The Tu Huang paused for a moment, and frowned, or told Ning Fan to continue.

Ning Fan’s eyes suddenly condensed. The ancient land of the wild...the real world...these messages are undoubtedly the secret between heaven and earth! The existence of the Five Emperors of Zhongzhou, it is not surprising that these things are not known, but the question is, how can the Tuhuang know!

Could it be that the Tujia Emperor was the ancient emperor and the burial moon, and the old blame from the ancient times to today?

However, even the ancient emperor and the burial moon fairy tales are all secretive about the secrets of the real world, and refuse to tell Ning Fan more. Some things, lack of cultivation are not qualified to talk about, but even mentioning can not mention...

But the Emperor Tuo dare to mention this secret of the world, is it too bold?

"...I am not a strong person in the real world, but a great and poor person born in the Sanctuary of the Ditan. I was born, the passage of the Sanctuary of the Ditan and the true world has been cut off for many years, the entire San Dan Sanctuary It has long been completely swallowed into the fantasy world created by the adults of the Purple Dou Xianjie. These information related to the real world are not told by others, nor are they seen in any book. But... dreaming. Do you think it is incredible, I dream, I can dream of such an inscrutable secret!" It seems that I saw the concerns of Ning Fan, the Tu Huang explained.

At this moment, the Tuo Emperor seemed to put down the high-ranking Emperor's shelf. Her eyes were very ethereal, very distant, and accompanied by memories, drifted back a long time ago.

"When I first dreamed about these things, I was just a little girl who was ignorant and ignorant. I was in a dream, I saw a scene of another eccentricity, where there were too many bleak clouds. Emperor Xian, a saint who preached the sects and preached missions, and even more powerful than the saints... it was a world that was completely different from the sacred sanctuary in which I lived. Later, as my experience grew, I realized The world I dreamt of is exactly what the world is..."

"The real world..."

"What makes me more unbelievable is that the scene I dreamt of is not a false fantasy. Many dream scenes...are all real things in the real world! Even my illusion is made." Being able to reach the present level is closely related to many real illusions that have been seen in dreams."

"This is also the purpose of my entry into the Fire Tower. I have a layer of confusion in my heart, want to know where the source of these dreams comes from. Gradually, this confusion has become a magic barrier in my heart, a Bottleneck. I can only enter the quasi-sacred situation in half a step. I have not tried to really break through to that realm. However, every time I approach success, this demons will appear and become the biggest difficulty for my breakthrough. I am coming. Here, it is to understand some of the confusion in happiness, and this process needs your help."

"When you reach the sixth floor of the Fire Soul Tower, can you solve your inner doubts?" Ning Fan asked, at this moment, he finally figured out the purpose of the Emperor, and could not help but loose his heart. There is always a question in my heart, how much will increase the alert, and I want to come to the heart of the Emperor, there is a layer of doubts, and the same feeling.

"I don't know, I don't know if this time can completely solve the doubts in happiness, but at the end of the fire tower, there should be some answers..."

In spite of this, the Tu Huang does not seem to intend to elaborate further, and Ning Fan will introduce the topic back to the killing of the hundred floors.

According to the Emperor Tu, there are five great supreme beings that ordinary people can't remember in this Dabei, the supreme power of the five supreme, even above the strong ones of the Guangming Buddha and the Emperor, but the Dabei real The peak of the battle.

Regarding the specifics of the five great supremes, the Tu Huang did not elaborate, only mentioning one of the devils. According to Ning Fan's guess, this cow ghost is supreme, and most of them are the old man who gave the old man a bitter taste.

As for the last of the five great supremes, although the Tu Huang did not mention his name, he described the supreme supernatural power. It is said that the most powerful force in this supreme body is [wild]. The reason why the emperor was able to become the strongest of the three flames was because he learned a trace from the power of [the wasteland] and used it to create a school of extinction.

The death emperor created the magical power, called [blood **** reincarnation], after the successful cultivation of this technique, the dead emperor can be born again in another place, with the help of the media. For any opponent, **** an opponent who is not dead is undoubtedly tricky and horrible.

It’s just that this blood reincarnation is not infinite use. This technique requires the medium, and the medium must be the soul of the direct blood relatives who have been sacrificed by special secret laws! Every time you resurrect, you need to consume a **** soul.

Killing the Bailou is most likely to use the blood **** reincarnation and reborn in another place. It is rumored that the killing of the 100th floor has killed the parents. The reason why the **** is going to dissipate is that the appearance changes and becomes a child's appearance. It must be because this time the 100th floor was reborn and the body of the family was used...

"The rebirth of blood reincarnation will take seven days to complete completely. During the rebirth, the breath of the surgeon will completely disappear and will not exist in the world until seven days later. The scope of rebirth will generally not be dead. The place is too far away, but because of the convenience of the disappearance of the breath, it is not far from the resurrection of the killing of the hundred floors. At this moment, he is invisible and intangible, and there is no interest, you and I want to find him, it is difficult. Going to heaven. Only when he is finally resurrected and the breath is restored after seven days can he sense his place..."

Ning Fan could not help but look down.

It is no wonder that the killing of the 100th floor ‘before death’ once said that it will be killed after seven days. It turns out that there is a time limit of seven days of resurrection...

In other words, after seven days, when the killing of the 100th floor is completed, will it run again to chase him? It’s a tangled fly!

"But it, this kills the hundred floors is able to resurrection, how can it! Kill again, but it is just a head, just your strength, will you be afraid of killing a hundred floors? To the sixth floor of the Fire Tower It is the right thing to achieve this girl’s purpose of this trip.” The Tu Huang said impatiently, because of the killing of the hundred floors, she seems to have wasted a lot of time.

"I am afraid that I am not afraid of being entangled."

From the ruins of this place, Ning Fan found a lot of storage bags. In addition to killing the storage bag of Bailou himself, the rest were all the passers-by who were killed by the 100th floor.

Killing the storage bag of the hundred floors makes Ning Fan very speechless! Actually, there are not many useful medicinal herbs, but they are full of people! There are both men, women and children, all of them are rotted, and only the skulls are there...

Looks like killing Bailou has this collection of good? Oh, it’s really a bad taste.

Those who are so irritating are naturally thrown away by Ning Fan.

In addition, the only thing that kills a hundred-story storage bag is a bit of a use, which is the magical map of the 100-story building.

Entering the first floor of the Fire Soul Tower, a group of three tribes will be randomly transmitted. Killing the starting point of the 100th floor into the tower, it is very far away from the magic bamboo forest that Ningfan started. It is separated by thousands of miles. As a result, killing the hundred floors is such a step by step. Although he does not care about the results of the magic test, it is invisible, but it also lights up thousands of miles of maps.

Today, this map was captured by Ning Fan. Ning Fan only played a magic fire and burned the map of the 100th floor. Suddenly, the lighted area of ​​the 100th floor was won by Ning Fan. On his map, it is not only that the hundred miles around the bamboo forest are lit up, but also the area that has been walked along with the killing of the hundred floors.

The storage bags of other contestants also included three maps, but because the time of entering the tower was short, those people added together, but they also explored the surrounding one or two hundred miles of land, and there are many parts overlapping.

These three maps were also destroyed by Ning Fan, thus capturing the opponent's magic test scores.

In this way, although Ning Fan has been in the bamboo forest for a long time, the map has been lit up more than 1,200 miles, and the conversion factor is 24oo points!

"If you really want to test the scores, you will follow me to the bottom of the sixth floor. There, you will light a map of the land, but you can get 64 points, one hundred and two hundred miles, it is seventy. More than a million points. You can earn more points on the first floor of the Fire Soul Tower. It’s easy to try the first time.” The Emperor said impatiently, time and time, Ning Fan’s storage bags were wasted. A lot of time!

"I know that you are in a hurry, but I am sorry, I seem to have to take up a little time..."

Ning Fan felt helpless and smiled, and began to refine the power of the medicine soul stone.

The land of the Dabei people is extremely strong. If the medicine spirit is not strong enough, it must always absorb the power of the medicine soul stone to survive here. No, he has to add some medicine soul stone...

"Trouble, it's really troublesome! It seems necessary to raise your medicine spirit realm. Otherwise, if you stop and stop like this, you have to spend a lot of time to get to the sixth floor..."

The Tu Huang took the map of Ning Fan and came over and studied it. It seems that he is looking for a place to pass along the road. Where can I upgrade the medicine of Ning Fan?

After a short time, Ning Fan completed refining and refining, stood up and told the Tu Huang that he had absorbed enough medicine and medicine to continue his journey.

The Tu Huang’s expression suddenly became unnatural. It seemed that some of them resisted Ning Fan’s holding her and asked Ning Fan to carry her on her way.

Let’s go back. Anyway, along the way, I can still get the illusion of the Emperor's illusion. This kind of transaction, Ning Fan is not losing.

The Tu Huang, obviously wants to go straight to the entrance of the second floor, but still patience, rounded a few bends, and walked a lot of roads, for the first layer of this fire soul tower Three fierce places, all go over.

The fierce land of the Fire Soul Tower often has good things. If it can be used to give strength to Ning Fan, it will be added to the sixth floor.

In addition to the bamboo forest, there are three fierce places on the first floor, such as Shenglou, Qianzhangya, and Baima Glacier.

Among them, such as the illusion of Shenglou, the seal of hundreds of ten Nirvana, eleven Nirvana treasure; above the thousand feet cliff, there is a congenital spirit that has died for many years.

These things are of little use, making the Tu Huang even screaming and regretting the winding roads.

Fortunately, at the end of the last Baima Glacier River, there was a good harvest and a white dragon coral of 8 million years.

This small white dragon coral can actually greatly improve the power of the nine-turn refining pharmacist! The first reaction of Ning Fan is to leave this white dragon coral and take it to Ouyang Warm. It is a pity that the Emperor Tuo forced Ning Fan to immediately eat this thing in order to improve the strength of the medicine spirit as soon as possible. After all, the strength of Ning Fan medicine spirit is improved, she can be faster on the road. And when doing business on the sixth floor, you must stay naked for a few days. There is no chance for Ning Fan to take time to take medicine. Therefore, the plan of the Emperor of the Emperor was to raise the level of the medicine soul of Ning Fan directly to the level of nine turns before entering the sixth floor!

As long as the level of Ningfan medicine soul reaches such a high level, even if it is a foreign nationality, it is no longer necessary to take the medicine soul stone day. It can fully adapt to the overbearing medicinal spirit in the Dabei people with the strength of its own medicine spirit.

For ordinary people, it is simply a delusion to want to be promoted from seven to six medicines in a short time.

Fortunately, the Tu Huang is extremely familiar with this Fire Tower, knowing that there are many things in the sky that are enough to make this luxury look a reality. Naturally, those things that are against the sky are not so easy to get started. However, it is not a problem for each other's major events, she will point to Ning Fan to solve them one by one.

A white dragon coral did not make the Ningfan medicine soul level directly break through the peak of seven turns, and the distance from the seven turns to the peak was still a little worse.

This makes Ning Fan feel a pity, with his medicinal soul perception, can detect some of the characteristics of this white dragon coral. This material needs to be slowly refining, in order to fully absorb the drug, and can not be rushed. If you act overbearing, you will lose most of your potency.

If he is given to him for several months, let him slowly refine the white dragon coral, he is confident to absorb the complete drug of this material, and break through to the peak of the seven-turn peak medicine!

Obviously, the Tu Huang could not give Ning Fan so much time to temper. For her, the waste of medicine was wasted. There were a lot of good things in front. Nothing was more precious than her time.

At the end of the refining and refining, Ning Fan took up the Tujia, and galloped in the first floor, going straight to the second floor entrance indicated on the map.

On the second day, Ning Fan and Tu Huang came to the second floor.

On the sixth day, Ning Fan and the Tu Huang entered the third floor.

The fierce land on the second floor was also strolled by two people, and several spirits were obtained, which made the strength of Ning Fan's medicine soul completely break through the peak of seven turns, and only one line, it can break through eight turns!

Of course, the benefits he has gained are far more than just the growth of medicine, and the learning of illusion knowledge is the greatest benefit.

There are dangerous illusions everywhere in the Fire Soul Tower. Whenever encountering an illusion, the Emperor will give Ning Fan a little explanation. First of all, from the basic knowledge of illusion, explain the virtual and real changes of each illusion.

Ning Fan's illusion talent is extremely high, the only thing missing is the foundation. He is like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge taught by the Emperor. Many of the incomprehensible concepts have gradually become clear in the mind and have outlines.

The way of illusion is that it is a change of reality and reality. It is only a matter of thought. However, how to use this idea is the key.

Attacking the illusory, defying the reality, defying the reality, and ignoring the reality, Ning Fan did not know that it was a simple illusion that contained so many doorways, as if in his eyes, opened a brand new The illusion gate is general.

Illusion not only needs to use the real and the real, but also divides the illusion of illusion... After finishing these, Ning Fan went back to the illusion of the bamboo grove, and only felt that the mind had already captured the context. If he let him go again, he will surely walk in!

At the same time as the foundation of illusion has increased greatly, Ning Fan has also gained new insights into the use of dark yin and yang. For the dark illusion created by the former Dacheng homeopathic, there is a plan to perfect it.

The magical night vision of Dacheng, the dark illusion that was learned from it, could have been used as a card. After he had realized this illusion, he couldn't perfect it. He always felt that this technique lacked something, and occasionally it could be used, but it was difficult to use it.

Now look at this dark illusion, Ning Fan has a little confidence, as long as he gives him enough time, he has the confidence to use the illusion knowledge taught by the Emperor, to perfect this illusion into a truly terrible magical power!

Of course, the focus at the moment is not to perfect the dark illusion, and the Emperor will not give him this time to do this kind of thing.

On the seventh day, it is finally here!

Ning Fan knows this time, and most of the killing of the 100th floor has been resurrected, but naturally it is impossible to stop his own steps because of killing the hundred floors. It’s strange to kill a hundred-story gods, but it’s not enough to make him jealous!

On the eleventh day, Ning Fan carried the Tu Huang and came to the entrance to the fourth floor. He was about to enter and suddenly stopped.

It was the sky behind him, suddenly shrouded in **** killings, and there was a **** scent of sorrowful sorrows, whistling!

It is killing the hundred floors!

However, unlike before, today's killing of the hundredth floor is no longer a ruin of the peak, but a new immortality of the true value of goods!

Compared to the previous killing of the hundredth floor, after breaking through the fairy, he breathed a sigh of more than one!

"Ning Fan! In order to kill you, I will not hesitate to give up the perfect promotion of Xianzun's plan, and will thoroughly suppress the years of repair as a bottleneck! Today, I am not the first time you were killed when you were weak, this Once, I will kill you!" (To be continued.) 8

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