Grasping Evil

Chapter 1066: House hollow robbery!

Seeing that the sea demon cultivated by the Emperor of the Emperor is actually soft, Ning Fan has a slight look, and his face has a strange look.

Instead of chasing and slamming, but after the sea magic recovered the soul of the soul and the tentacles attack, the same trend to close the hand, stopped the flooding of the bottle of the launch, and put away many magical magic.

An earth-shattering matchup ended in a calm and calm manner.

Even if he used a congenital Chinese magic weapon, four pieces of the world's best magic weapon, Ning Fan did not arrogant, thought that with the current cultivation to kill the sea magic.

The sea magic in front of you is very strong, at least one point stronger than the Mengjia Xiandi who intercepted Ning Fan that day. Even when confronted with the emperor of the Mongolian family on the same day, Ning Fan used the flames of the ancestors to make such a lore, and did not do a single blow. The sea magic of today is even more unlikely to be killed.

At most, it can only cause a certain degree of damage to the sea magic.

This sea magic, fear is also a scruples about the power of the innate Chinese magic weapon, this is determined to take soft,

Of course, it is not excluded that there are factors of Wu Na. For whatever reason, the other party is willing to close the hand, and Ning Fan will be happy to see it. After all, he and the sea magic have no innocence, and they don’t have to fight for a broken net.

By this short battle, Ning Fan also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of today's face of Xiandi.

More than enough defense, but if the other side of the Emperor has the means to suppress the shield, it is another matter.

Insufficient attack can hurt the Emperor, and can not be killed. Of course, if the other party is the immortal emperor who is dying and desperate to die, then another matter.

Escape is not a problem. After all, there is Wu Xianyun. Before Ning Fan, he ran away from the hands of the dead emperor.

Today, he still feels that the Emperor is a mountain, but this mountain, at least you can already see the peak, and no longer out of reach.

"External come for [Refining God Ding]...or for...12 Dingnu slaves..." The sea magic retreats and asks.

Refining God Ding? Twelve Dingnu?

Ning Fan’s gaze fell on the silver giant Ding on the altar of this place. Is this tripod called Ding Ding Ding? Look at the faint breath of this trip, it is also a natural weapon! It is a pity that it is not intact, but a serious object that has been damaged. In terms of power, it does not seem to be the main attack and defense, but it has other uses.

As for the twelve Dingnu slaves, it refers to the twelve blood-colored light groups floating above the altar. The blood-colored light group extracts the vitality of its inner seal, which seems to be to supply those vitality to the silver giant...

"I am not coming for this silver giant trip. I am here to take away a bite slave in your mouth." Ning Fandao.

"If it's just... Ding slaves... I can... don't intervene... but... you can't take it...anyone...there are gods...the ancient blood curse..."

The sea magic words, the huge beasts slowly closed, and then the sound of the earth-shattering noise, actually fell asleep in front of Ning Fan.

Obviously, I don’t plan to continue to intervene in Ning Fan.

Refining God Ding has an ancient blood curse? What do you mean?

Ning Fan does not quite understand the meaning of the sea magic discourse. At this moment, since the sea devil has decided to stand by and watch, he will no longer waste time. His body will appear in the center of the altar, and the black-and-white world will open. Na put it out.

"Big brother, are you okay? Have the sea magic adults hurt you! Hey, if the sea magic adults dare to hurt you, I will never chat with them again!"

Wu Na screamed in tears and cried to Ning Fan's arms. When she found that Ning Fan had no injuries, she was surprised to close her mouth.

How could it be... Big Brother shouldn’t have a fight with the Sea Devils... There is no injury! The sea magic adult is very strong, of course, the big brother is also very strong, but...

Still very incredible!

Ning Fan had a slight headache and pushed the crying little girl to embrace. "You wait a moment, I will save your sister."

"Well, big brother is really a good person!" Little girl blinked in the eyes.

Ning Fan's body shape is a vertical, flying into the air, looking at the twelve **** light **** suspended around, thoughtful.

A turn of the hand, the counter-sea sword in hand, exploratory **** ball of light to the seal of the witches, a half-moon-shaped swordsman rolled up a thousand winds, all the way to go, but approaching the **** light ball At that time, the blood-colored light ball suddenly burst into countless irregular blood lines, and did not see how the blood line attacked. The swordsmanship that Ning Fan took out directly exploded, and the power was dissipated.

"This blood ball seems to be weird..."

Ning Fan did not release the sniper, but took the sword to the air, step by step toward the **** ball of the seal of the witch, and decided to personally test the blood of the weird. When approaching the position of the blood cell, the blood cell bursts out of numerous irregular blood lines.

A sense of crisis instantly appeared in my heart, which made Ning Fan not talk about it.

But still a slow step! In the retreat, Ning Fan's left arm sleeves decayed directly into the gray light, and then the blood of his left arm began to dry up. In the blink of an eye, his left arm was not like a living arm, but like a hand of a dead body!

Amazing blood ball!

So terrible lethality!

Seeing Ning Fan's blood in one arm was sucked dry, and Wu Na at the altar below was worried.

There are even more ridicules and laughter, which are heard from some blood cells.

It turns out that not all people in the blood ball are in a coma... The witches are only uncomfortable because they are too heavy, and they are special cases.

"District robbing Xianzun, actually wants to counter the curse of curiosity, stupid, really stupid!" In the ninth blood ball, an ancient dragon who breathes the four kings of the sacred king digs.

"There is no way to find a dead end." In the seventh blood ball, a thin and thin old man with a scent of the five kings disdain.

"It's another kid who doesn't know how to be tall and thick. This is something that the Emperor can't do." In the third blood ball, a quasi-emperor big fish sneered.

"Waste only." In the first blood ball, a golden dollar that did not know how many years of seals was empty, and there was a breath of six emperors.

This place actually imprisoned so many repairs as tyrannical existence!

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly moving, but he didn't say much. After taking some blood-enhancing drugs, he barely made up for the lost blood. The flesh and blood of the left arm recovered as early as the first time, and then the magical powers were exhibited, and even the decaying sleeves were restored.

Without paying attention to the sarcasm of other prisoners, Ning Fan observed the blood of the seal of witchcraft, thoughtfully.

The blood cell's power to dry up the blood of his left arm seems to be a force that transcends the level of the palm of the hand and reaches the level of the avenue.

After all, it is the power of Daoyuan. Even if the emperor of the Six Robbery and the Seven Robbery arrives, if there is no means to counter the power of the Tao, he is afraid to suffer big losses under the attack of blood.

Those who are trapped in the blood ball, Xian Zun, Xian Wang, Xian Di, escape from the imprisonment of bleeding balls, because they can not resist the source of the blood.

In the words of the sea demon, it is estimated that it is impossible to counter the power of these sources, and thus will speak the same words as before.

Ning Fan is different.

As a chaotic ancient descendant, mastered the yin and yang five swords, even if this blood ball has the power of the Daoyuan level, Ning Fan can also ... smash it!

Ning Fan’s sword against the sea is a cross. The light of the sword of the Taoist sword gradually rises from the front of the sword, and then the tip of the foot is a little long. In the twinkling of an eye, one person and one sword have crossed the **** ball of the seal of the witch, flashing to the back of the blood ball.

A sword light runs through the sky!

Then the blood cell slammed, and was actually broken by Ning Fan and a sword!

The witch words in the blood ball are naturally rescued by Ning Fan, slightly huddled and landed on the ground.

In the meantime, the original demon of the sea devil, opened the shocked beast.

And those blood ball prisoners who ridicule the sorrowful and sorrowful are all cold and unbelievable.

District Xianzun, actually smashed the curse of the reverse, how is this possible!

"Junior! No, Daoyou, no, predecessors! The predecessors can actually smash a sword and smash the curse. It is really a god, too, please save me from this curse. I will serve my predecessors all my life!"

"I have been imprisoned here for a full 35 million years, I don't want to stay here again! Save me! Daddy kid!"

"The kid will let me go out! Otherwise, when I escape by my own strength, I will kill your family and destroy you!"

"I have a congenital treasure, and I am hiding in a certain place in the Sanctuary. If you save me, I will send this treasure to you!"

The prisoners of the remaining eleven blood cells are screaming at this moment and are excited.

Because Ning Fan brings them hope of leaving life!

The content of the discourse, there are requests, orders, temptations, threats... There is only one purpose, that is, let Ning Fan break their blood cells together and let go of this **** place!

Ning Fan's eyes are moving.

Those who threaten him are not saved, but those who ask him for it are not saved, how many benefits can be obtained...

However, this idea has only just risen and was stopped by Wu Na’s little girl.

"Big brother, no, you can't release these people! The prisoners here have been arrested a long time ago except for their sisters. At that time, the hands of Baihua the Great have not yet reached the sea witch department. These people are all My sea witch had committed a huge killing before being imprisoned. Once they were released, they would definitely revenge on our sea witch..."

When Wu Na’s voice fell, it immediately attracted the unanimity of the prisoners. Obviously it is strange that Wu Na reveals their old age and hinders their chances of being free.

Ning Fan's brow is slightly wrinkled. If the other person is a felony who has committed a sin in the sea witch department, it is not appropriate to let go of these people.

Then, save the witch words, those people do not have to pay attention.

Ever since, how can those people be jealous and coercive, and Ning Fan has not rescued these people. Gradually, those people are also tired. When they see Ning Fan’s heart as a stone, they will no longer talk nonsense with Ning Fan. They only secretly hate in their hearts. Ning Fan’s squatting, the prisoners, though not talking more, did not hide their murder and locked in Ning Fan.

Ning Fan brows slightly wrinkled, but he is too lazy to pay attention to these madman-like prisoners. He thanked the sea magic and took the witches and the sisters to fly away from the altar.

Thanks, naturally, the sea magic is sitting on the sidelines. After all, if the sea monster prevents him from saving people, it is difficult for him to fight against the sea magic, and to distract the blood ball.

As for the name of the **** curse... against the curse...

Looks familiar.

[Turning back, turning back, turning back...coming from my way to the zero, four illusions and four annihilation, and a flame from the ground...]

[Back, look back, look back... Come from my way to the ancient, to the Ming Dynasty, the palm of the hand, and the flames of the land...]

Ning Fan remembered the attack he had suffered when he broke through the air.

The reverse of the word, seems to be related to the real world, of course, this true secret, today's Ning Fan does not care, and does not have a deeper meaning.

Seeing that Ning Fan and others left, the sea magic moved and seemed to want to say something, and finally shook his head and kept silent.

"This is a smashing and cursing curse. It seems to be external force, not its own ability... He has a lot of means, but most of them can't solve the shackles of refining the gods and help me to remove the black sticks from the body..." sigh.

After Ning Fan rescued people, he did not immediately leave the sea valley forbidden land. Instead, he searched for a place suitable for refining the heart of the heart in this curfew. He planned to use the ancient sea atmosphere in the forbidden land to refine the heart.

In the end, he chose a canyon with the most ancient fossils of ancient fish and landed on the ground.

Wu Yan’s injury is very heavy. Even if it was saved by Ning Fan, it is still in a state of coma. Ning Fan took the bones with the help of the sorcerer’s words, and gave Wu Na some medicinal herbs to let Wu Na turn around. Give the witch a word.

In my own smoky canyon, refining his heart and mind.

Because of the proficiency of the refining of the nine-transfer medicinal herbs, the failure rate of Ningfan Refining Wenxin was quite high, but this time, it was no longer a failure to succeed. Ten times to open the furnace, and occasionally one or two furnaces, refining the perfect quality of the heart of Dan.

This is thanks to the special fish fossils that Wu Na offered to him.

More special fossils that are inexhaustible and inexhaustible here.

After all, the fossils of Wu Na are also embarrassing from here. This place is a piece of ancient fish fossils, but there is a special kind of rhyme, which can be the biggest help for refining the heart of Dan.

Two days later, Ning Fan retired a total of 47 questions, because he did not know how much he needed, and he refined some. After the medicinal materials were exhausted, he stopped using alchemy and began to serve Dan.

Once upon a time, he thought that his first heart robbing was a promise, and the second heart robbing was a grace.

But after careful consideration, he found that this kind of thing is not such a pure thing...

In the mist of the canyon, Ning Fan crossed his knees on the stone floor and took a heart of Dan, a cold medicinal herb entrance, swallowed his throat, and the medicine slowly turned into a heat flow in the abdomen.

Ning Fan’s consciousness began to blur.

The five senses began to be confused.

The world around you is like a sea-like change.

The fog in the canyon seems to be getting deeper and deeper, and it is becoming more and more invisible. It seems that the atmosphere of Wuyan and Wuna sisters is not far away...

Ning Fan feels that his body is getting lighter and lighter, as if flying into the clouds, flying over the dome, flying over the boundary between time and space.

He seems to be constantly moving forward in the long river of time, as if he is constantly regressing...

For a long time, the body suddenly recovered the sense of weight, and the five senses gradually recovered.

The fog around it began to disappear, but the scenery in front of us is no longer the scenery of the forbidden land, but the rain.

"Here is... the rainy world, the country. Here is..." Ning Fan slightly glimpsed.

Here is the home of the Hu family in the west of the country, Hanyue Mountain.

Here is the Hu family after the bones of the emperor.

[Old husband Hu family ancestors, Hu Fengzi, I have seen the ghosts of Zong Ning elders. 】

[If the elders of Ningning, promised to take three veterans for the Hu family, willing to pay for the reincarnation, with a lifelong cultivation, condense a repairing Dan, and give it to the elders! 】

Under the power of the heart of Dan, the Ning Fan at the moment seems to be able to directly see his heart.

Even, he actually felt the whole process of his own heart change!

Sure enough... and as he had guessed before, the first heart robbery would have a scene of Hu Fengzi, not without reason. Where he practiced, the first change of heart, happened here!

The surrounding scenery suddenly blurred.

Then the time and space switch, the scenery that appeared in front of Ning Fan, became a scene of memories related to the mother.

There is a false memory that once lived in the purple illusion and lived with the mother.

There is a pale memory of the mother-in-law with blood.

There are also people sitting outside his father's golden house, not afraid to enter the house, dare not go to see the memory of the chilly stone statue of the mother...

In the illusion of the purple Emperor, Ning Fan lived with his mother for a while.

As a result, his Taoist mind has changed for the second time. From then on, he understands that going up the mountain as a fairy, going down the mountain as a person, and following the repairing road, has always pursued this principle...

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed again!

Ning Fan knows that the scene that I see next is most likely related to his third heart attack. The first two times of robbing him have already passed, so he did not care so much, but if the third heart robbery can penetrate, for him to be refined, it must be of great use, so the spirit is especially concentrated!

The third heart robbery was really related to the coolness. Here, he saw the scene in which Xu Qiuling sent him to the golden gas. Then he flew to the ancient heaven, and then he ruined the weak body when he was in the ancient heaven. Appreciate the Emperor.

Yes, yes...

This is the first time that the ordinary butterfly has courageously contends with the world's strongest!

This is also a big change moment of the heart! Without such changes, even if the butterfly is reincarnate in the future, it is impossible to have such a too rigid spine...

The scene in front of me suddenly broke down.

It turned out that the power of a questioning mind has been exhausted.

At the moment, Ning Fan is still sitting in the forbidden land in the sea valley. The time around, but it has been a very short time, but he has experienced too many memories in his potency.

There is this life, more past life...

Ning Fan once again served a questioning heart, feeling the third heart robbery, feelings... the feeling of changing the heart.

Under the effect of Wen Xin Dan, Ning Fan’s comprehension often points to his heart.

The so-called hollow robbery is the process of changing the mind of the monk. This change may be in this life or in previous lives. There may be more than four, there may be countless...

It is the wrong way to ask the monks to abandon these changes in the morals.

Whether it is the change of the Tao of the previous life, or the change of the Tao of this life, if it is abandoned, if everything is made empty, the reincarnation of this person will be lacking...

In the short term, we may not see any drawbacks. If we look at it from a long-term perspective, if we look at it from the third step, it will be difficult to find a perfect conclusion.

The road to comprehension in the end of the law seems to be quite problematic.

And I will not give up, nor will it be empty. This is the same as that of the singer, the world has gone to its own dust, and I only have a small heart. The world has given up the important heart changes in the reincarnation and regarded it as a robbery, and I regard it as an important heart change in the reincarnation, not to abandon it, but to reinvigorate those forgotten hearts, not forgetting the heart...

It’s the right way to be free!

After taking ten questions in a row, Ning Fan had full confidence in the breakthrough of the third heart robbery. The third heart was no longer a hindrance to him.

"If I take some more questions, can I see my last heart robbing..."

Ning Fan continued to take care of Dan, and once again fell into a strange state.

The scenery around us is changing rapidly, as if from the sangtian back to the Bohai Sea, it is moving back to the ancient times...

The scenery in front of me is finally clear.

In the night sky, an ancient round moon is hung.

Under the night sky, there are countless colorful butterflies collecting honey between the flowers.

Deep in the flowers, there seems to be a small lake. In the lake, a woman is naked and bathes in the moonlight. The woman can only see one back. The woman, who has a terrible atmosphere, makes the surrounding butterflies unable to fly to the vicinity of the pond.

Only Ning Fan, with a hint of curiosity, is a little closer.


Not a person, but a butterfly body...

Ning Fan noticed his state at the moment. He is not a person, a monk, but a butterfly.

He can't control his body.

He seems to follow the memory of the reincarnation, doing the things of the year, a little closer to the lake, but not too close, but tired, and landed on the women's clothing off the shore.

It seems that I just wanted to rest here for a while.

The faint body fragrance, which was uploaded from the women's blouse, made Ning Fan feel that there was a feeling of quietness and calmness. The tiredness gradually began to fall on the women's clothing.

When the wind blows, the petals are swaying, and they fall on the women's clothing, covering the body of the butterfly of Ning Fan.

I don't know how long it took, the woman cleaned the dust on her body, didn't care about the petals falling on the clothes, and put the clothes on.

Then, I left the world where the butterfly fluttered.

Her eyebrows are close to each other, and she seems to have a lot of thoughts and is uncomfortable. Under the heavy affair, she did not care about a small butterfly hidden in her conversion.

Or did you notice it, but didn't care at all.

After all, it’s just a little butterfly that hasn’t been repaired.

Eventually, she left the hometown of the butterfly, and the same butterfly that she left with her.

When she only left, her mouth muttered an unknown word.

"Can't find... On the poor blue, Huang Quan, why... I can't find him..."

She, who are you looking for?

Ning Fan was slightly silent.

This scene should be the content of his fourth heart robbing.

The butterfly that was taken away from the butterfly hometown by the woman should be... it’s him.

Perhaps, his fate should have been a butterfly for the rest of his life. He lived in the hometown of the butterfly and reciprocated.

But the woman, who took him out of the butterfly hometown, had his own experience in the future.

Perhaps this is the most important change in his countless past lives. From the world of butterflies, the first time I walked into the world.

The woman who brought him to the world has a very similar appearance to the solitary, but the temperament of the two is good, the breath is good, everything is subtly different.

The breath of the woman, Ning Fan can really feel it. As early as the beginning of his comprehension, he felt this breath. After the completion of the road, he also often heard the name of this master from all kinds of ancient books.

It is the woman who is called the sword ancestor. It is the woman who if I fold the sword and the world is martial.

"My fourth heart rob... it will be her. I have this cause and effect with her..."

This is really something unexpected.

From the butterfly world to the world, it is his last heart robbing, which he can understand.

I just can't believe that there will be such an intersection with Jianzu.

I do not know why, Ning Fan thinks of the ten bees supreme, the woman also has a face similar to the solitary, hard to say, the ten bees are so long... more like the sword ancestors.

The fog in the Dabei people has a certain degree of connection with the sword ancestors...

Ning Fan also took some questions about Dan, and realized the scene of the fourth heart robbery again and again. For the breakthrough of the fourth heart robbery, he gradually gained full confidence.

As long as the mana is enough, his ancient demon and ancient demon can be used to break through the late stage, the peak, and even the impact of the realm!

The only thing that made him unable to let go was the sword ancestor seen by the fourth heart robbing... I didn’t feel anything before, but nowadays, I always feel that the sword ancestor in the heart of the robbery can make him laugh. Heartache.

It’s really weird.

For a long time, Ning Fan took back his mind and began to plan to start the rapid improvement of the ancient **** and the ancient demon. He could not delay the cultivation because of some strange thoughts.

Ning Fan's original intention is to buy enough medicinal herbs and fruits directly from the trading circles of the ancient countries, so that they can be quickly upgraded. This time, he was cautious, with Wuyan and Wu Na sisters entering the Xuanyin world, and arranged the ancient country trading array in the Xuanyin world.

Through the Xuanyin world, no one can detect the operation of the trading troupe of the ancient country?

It’s natural to avoid the witch’s little girl’s head. This is the secret of the world. It’s not necessarily a good thing to repair it. It may be a good thing.

Coincidentally, this time to serve Ning Fan, is still the one who is a passer-by. It seems that this person has registered Ning Fan to his name. As long as Ning Fan and Tong Tian Jiao trade, the service provider will definitely be him.

Unfortunately, the finished medicinal herbs and fruits that Ning Fan wants to buy are not sold to the monks in the fantasy world.

"The Taoist friends don't know. There is a ban between the ancient sacred sects. It is not allowed to sell the finished medicinal herbs to the monks in the fantasy world, as well as the monks and priests. This is the reason why I did not sell directly to the Taoist friends for the last time, but only Sold to Daoyou Danfang. These bans are that I don’t dare to violate the Taoist teachings. Therefore, the Taoist friends want to buy the things that the disciples have to improve their lives. They can only buy the medicine Danfang and refine the medicine. ""

"By the way, the medicinal herbs that have been improved by the emptying are basically nine-turned Yindan. In the case of Yindan, the restrictions are still small. If it is Jindan or Didan, then even Danfang can't sell. Some of the key medicinal materials that are cultivated as Jindan and Didan are also not sold to Daoyou. The innate Chinese products and the above magic weapons are equally incapable. There are also certain categories of goods, certain categories, and the same cannot be... 哎, this ban is not only For the Taoist one, and for thousands of dreams, I really don’t know the old stubbornness of the ancient saints. Why are these stupid bans promulgated? Because of these bans, I don’t know how many less money to earn each year...”

At the other end of the trading arbitrage, the old man said with some indignation.

Ning Fan slightly frowned.

The last time he was curious about why Tiantian teaches that there is no innate treasure and the finished product is sold out. Today, it is known that there is a trade ban on the fantasy world between the ancient saints.

As a result, although the ancient trading stratus can bring him a lot of convenience, it is no longer a panacea.

"But, at least the limit of nine turns of Yindan is not too big, I can still buy enough herbs, refining the remedy for the remedy."

Ning Fan bought dozens of Danfangs and bought tens of thousands of medicinal materials.

If there is no such ban, with Ninfan’s Tiandao Gold and Silver, I wonder if it will be directly piled up to what extent...

After thinking about it, Ning Fan asked, "There should be no ban on the comprehension resources like Daoquan?"

"The four springs and the above springs cannot be sold to the Taoist friends, but the springs below the four products can still be sold to the Taoist friends."

"So, I will buy some more springs."

Ning Fan once again spent more than 20 gold and bought a lot of Daoquan, which ended the transaction.

Then I entered the tower of a year and began to finish.

The biggest trouble that once prevented Ning Fan from being promoted was the hollow robbery. Now this trouble is canceled. Of course, Ning Fan’s repair will usher in a skyrocketing!

The skyrocketing is inevitable, and Ning Fan is more expecting, but it is the repair that may be triggered after the rise of the demon.

Outside the forbidden land, dozens of monks unveiled the magical powers, blocking thousands of miles around the entire Witch and keeping it here.

The people who led these monks were actually the white deer of Baihuafeng!

"White deer, the culprits of the old group who destroyed the sea witch minister, hid in the forbidden land! Can I wait to enter the capture?"

A great man who was cultivated by Xianzun asked the real person of the white deer. In the words, he was quite disdainful of the culprit who destroyed the elders of the sea witch. (To be continued.)

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