Grasping Evil

Chapter 1069: God waste, all things communicate

Bai Luzhen is regarded by many as the successor of the next five emperors of Zhongzhou. He is extremely high in the entire Dabei people. His death will naturally lead to a storm in the whole. ?

Unfortunately, Ning Fan does not care about the impact of killing the white deer. Bailu Qianli ran to kill him. He countered the white deer, which is a matter of course. Even if he knew that this would make him once again in the limelight, he could not keep his hand.

The storage bags of other hundred flower disciples were all made into fly ash by the nearly eight hundred palm prints of the white deer. Therefore, the trophy of this battle is only the storage bag of the white deer.

Of course, there is also a pair of golden antlers, which are good things cut from the real human body of Bailu.

On the degree of hardness, this pair of antlers can be entangled with the anti-sea swords of the six kinds of rules. It is absolutely a perfect material for refining magic weapons.

On the degree of nutrition, this pair of antlers contains the most pure deer blood of the white deer, and after taking it, it is quite beneficial for the body to practice.

Ning Fan directly drank the deer blood in the antlers. The strong body completely ignored the huge energy contained in the deer blood. Under the refinery, the ancient demon was refined and refined.

Then, Ning Fan randomly collected a pair of dry antlers into the storage bag. In a short time, he did not intend to refine the magic weapon, but if one day really wants to refine the treasure, this pair of antlers can be used.

As for the white deer live storage bag...

The magic weapon, in addition to a few good quality twelve Niefa magic, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

In the case of medicinal herbs, there are twenty or thirty bottles of nine-transfer medicinal herbs, lead dan, silver dan, and golden dan, all of which are healing and detoxifying medicinal herbs. The medicinal herbs that have been cultivated have long been refining and whitening by the white deer. .

There is also a single Dan, only one, was carefully sealed in a jade box.

Ning Fan opened the jade box and carefully observed the only one of the emperors, and in the mind, compared to the classification of the Dabei multi-drugs.

In the end, Ning Fan confirmed the name of this Dan.

[Jin Yuan Sheng Di Dan].

This is a kind of medicinal medicine that enhances the chances of a monk becoming a monk. When breaking through the ninth and the fifth, it can increase the success rate of a half.

It is a very precious medicinal herb, and it is mostly the white deer real person who wants to seek the remedy for the future. These levels of medicinal herbs are extremely precious in the Dabei, and the four days and nine worlds that the Emperor's alchemy teacher lacks are even rarer.

"Chengdu is too far for me. This Dan is temporarily useless for me. Let me take it..."

Ning Fan looked at the many jade slips in the white deer live storage bag.

Many of these jade slips record the unique nine-way Danfang of the Dabei, which is somewhat helpful to the practice of the ancient realm.

In addition, some of the jade slips actually recorded the mysterious secrets that Bai Luzhen had learned all his life.

The soul-souling, the sorcerer, and some of the alchemy's medicinal souls related to the medicinal souls have some help for Ning Fan.

In addition, most of the white deer lived in the world, and Ning Fan could not look up.

Not all of them are not visible. For the eight hundred arhats used by the last few strokes of the white deer, Ning Fan is still very interested.

The slap in the palm of the hand is a kind of sacred mountain sacred school. The single palm will have unpredictable power, and the eight hundred combos will be enough to destroy the earth.

Ning Fan did not learn the plan to apply for the palm print. This technique is powerful, but it is a kind of Buddhism. It contains all kinds of Dharma, which runs counter to the way of Ning Fan’s ancient devil. If the ancient magic is released, the power can be the most. It can only be used for one or two percent.

It is absolutely impossible to achieve the horrific lethality of the white deer.

Learning is not going to learn, but if you borrow it, you can still learn from one or two.

If Ning Fan learns the essence of the eight hundred combos, it will be used in his own ancient devils to break the mountain, and give the enemy a hundred-hundred-old devil to break the mountain. It would be a big killing to think of it.

"Speaking of it, my body skills have not followed any genre in the realm of cultivation. Since the monasticism has been practiced to this day, I have also qualified myself to create a school of genre. The ancient devil's way is to destroy the word, I can from this essence. Out, create my own body genre..."

Ancient devil breaks the mountain...

Eight hundred ancient devils break the mountain...

Magic palm surgery, magic boxing, eighteen magic weapons...

Well, there are so many research directions.

In the end, Ning Fan’s eyes fell on the storage bag, above the jade.

This is a Zhongguanjiebao, a place where Bailu real people store 60 billion incense disciples.

The white deer is dead, and these incense disciples can receive it in full.

Although the degree of incense accumulation is very slow, if the number of incense disciples of Ning Fan is thousands of times more than that of Bai Lu real people? It takes only a few hundred years to collect the number of incense that White Deer has broken his defense.

That kind of power can be a sword, even the giants of the gods can cut open, want to come to the emperor, and few people can resist.

Naturally, it is not an easy task to have that number of incense disciples.

At the level of Bailu real people, they often open up their own incense and fragrant incense disciples. However, the resources of the thousands of worlds are limited, and the population tends to be different because of the size of the incense community.

This incense of the white deer is only able to raise 60 billion incense people.

But if Ning Fan tries to expand this world, then the people who can raise it can still multiply to more...

Ning Fan put the incense on the ring finger of the left hand, and the gods passed a reminder, and the fingers fell into the flesh and blood, and the look was slightly embarrassing.

The last time I wore a finger, it seems to be traced back to Yuanxiaoyu of Beixiaoman...

Bei Xiaoman’s pretty arrogant little girl, after years, should have broken through the simplification of simplification, um, it may have been broken, her qualifications are still very good.

Laughter shook his head, Ning Fan returned to God, finishing the smashing of the white deer's spoils, reopened the space of the sea valley forbidden land, all the way to the altar in the depths of the forbidden land.

Before the sea devil mentioned the god's waste, he said that he later said something to him, Ning Fan is still very concerned about this matter.

The physical quality has been greatly improved. Ning Fan privately called it a yin and yang transformation, but perhaps the real name of this evolution will be the **** waste body mentioned in the sea magic mouth...

The sea devil still maintains the human form, standing on the side of the silver altar in the center of the altar, waiting for the arrival of Ning Fan. But when Ning Fan finally arrived, the sea magic still had a slight surprise, and it was a surprise that Ning Fan was coming back too quickly.

He expected that today's Ning Fan, who has the strength to cook the white deer real people, but did not expect that only two hours later, will complete the feat of killing the peak of the king.

"You...this...the same level...the comprehension...power, sure enough...yes...the god..."

After the exhibition of the sea magic demon, the prisoners in the eleven blood cells were all comatose, they lamented that it seemed to be of great importance, and they did not want others to listen indiscriminately.

"What did the predecessors say about the waste of the gods?" Ning Fan did not talk nonsense, and directly asked the doubts in his heart.

The sea devil just shook his head, grabbed it under the big hand, and turned it into a few memories after the corpse, condensed into a jade slip, and handed it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was slightly indulged, and Shen Nian finally came into jade.

The sea magic can be engraved into the memory of jade, rarely, rarely.

He died in Taikoo, and he was older than the ancient emperor. It is for this reason that he is qualified to know the secrets that many ancient times may not know.

It’s a pity that it’s turned into a corpse. With regard to the memory of life, there are only a few trivial fragments left.

Ning Fan Shen Nian Fang explored Yu Jian, and the scene of the broken scene was like a flood.

One of the pictures is a little girl with a long horn, playing with a small octopus at the beach.

The second picture is a slim young girl who grows up and rides a big octopus out of the sea to pick up some scenes of the golden armor.

The third picture is the scene of the octopus being shaped as a sea lord, in a dragon palace, obeying the girl's orders, and going to other sea areas.

In the fourth picture, the girl has died, the Dragon Palace has been destroyed, and the octopus has died.

The girl, grown up and Wu Na is quite similar, is the owner of the octopus.

Ning Fan is now quite aware of the reincarnation. It is faint to be able to see that the octopus is the identity of the sea magic, and the dragon horn girl living in the Dragon Palace is the past life of Wu Na...

"Is this the reason why you call Wu Na the master? Is it also on her face, did you come forward to block the white deer and others for me?" Ning Fan sighed and asked.

The Sea Devil did not speak, only nodded.

"You are very loyal to your master. I can't think of the predecessor of Wu Na's little girl who has a long horn. Is her past life a demon repair of the real dragon?"

The sea magic shook his head and expressed a bit of disdain for the so-called true dragon.

"How do these memory fragments relate to what you call the gods waste?"

"Look at it..." The Sea Devil replied hoarsely.

Ning Fan once again sank Shen Shen into jade.

More fragmented pictures were printed in his mind.

They are all trivial pictures, and the logic of time is also out of order, making it difficult for Ning Fan to understand what these broken memories record.

I can only get some information from the lines of some pictures.

"I am the long princess of the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea. You are my servant.

"The South China Sea has been robbed... the father and a few brothers have died... I can't go... small octopus, let's go alone."

"Well, etc., why do you rebel against the ancient gods!"

"You are... Taikoo food spirit bee! Hold your hand, don't kill my little octopus..."

Still can't get too much information, but Ning Fan has heard many words related to the secrets of heaven and earth from these memory fragments.

Princess of the South Sea Dragon Palace...

Ancient country god...

Taikoo food spirit bee...

All the clips were browsed by Ning Fan, and the Sea Devil finally spoke again.

"The era of the gods...has...the end, the real world...the gods..."

"The ancient gods...the ancient demon...the ancient demon, and...the many...the shady...the comprehension is the imitation...the god...and the repair..."

"But only... imitate... part..."

"Outstanding people... or into... gods waste..."

"Waste body... above... gods..."

"On the day after tomorrow...for...innate...the god..."

"You...the special method is special...this world...the only...the gods waste...but...not complete..."


Ning Fan felt a lot of headaches. He only felt that listening to the sea magic was very difficult, but he still managed to understand the meaning of the sea magic.

In other words, before the three real worlds, there is also an era of gods. After the end of the era of the gods, entering the era of the real world, there are still many monks trying to cultivate the path of ancient gods.

The ancient gods, the ancient demon, the ancient devil, the barbarians, and the like, are all based on the power of ancient gods, and they will be cast aside by the laws of heaven and earth.

However, because of the special practice of yin and yang, because the four bloods were repaired, the yin and yang were separated, and eventually I did not know why. I actually repaired the gods and officially embarked on the path of ancient gods.

However, according to the sea magic, his god's waste body is still a complete **** waste body, and there is still a lack of appearance...

And when the gods waste body is repaired again, it is the **** of the day, the innate god...

The so-called three stages of the gods, the gods, and the innate gods, in the eyes of Ning Fan, are completely evolutionary, yin and evolution, and three-transition evolution of yin and yang.

"The ancient emperor created the "Yin and Yang" and "Chaotic Decision", and claimed to have ruined a Taikoo. Could it be that if this practice is truly cultivated, the monk can be made into an ancient god?"

"The ancient emperor seems to have not cultivated this **** waste, and I... actually built it..."

"On that day, the ancient emperor gave me the kind of blood robbing. If this is not the case, I would definitely not have the opportunity to cultivate it today. My god's waste, perhaps the situation that the ancient emperor tried to promote..."

Ning Fan secretly guessed.

"I have something... please... help... for you... in terms of... there are... benefits..."

"This is... Dabei... Nan Yao Sheng... Life Jiuding... Seventh Ding... Ding Ming... Refining God..."

"Other people... only available... this tripod... alchemy..."

" can...make God!"

The sea demon raised his hand and smashed the gods, and this dynasty suddenly made a great work, and there was a line of ancient words, which was revealed from the tripod.

That is the text that the sea monster does not know.

That is the only ancient gods who can understand by the power of the blood...the gods!

Ning Fan clearly does not know the words, but... at this moment, he can understand the meaning of those words, and it is really strange!

"Nine reversal twenty-one refines the gods..."

Ning Fan stared at the text and read the sound. The name he read was the real name of Baoding.

At the moment when he called out the real name of Baoding, the tripod suddenly came out with a soft will and showed him closeness.

After waiting for countless years, this trip finally waited for an ancient **** who could call its real name.

On the face of the sea magic, the excitement is revealed.

He has not remembered the details of the fall. He only vaguely remembered that he died in the South China Sea rebellion and was killed by a black scorpion.

The black stick is the magical power of some ancient gods. Only those who are also ancient gods can remove them.

This black stick is the culprits that make him worse than death!

In order to remove the black stick, he even had a deal with the Baihua Emperor, but unfortunately, the other party did not have the real ability to remove the black stick.

But now, he has seen a glimmer of hope from Ning Fan’s body!

"This tripod... Nanhai Dragon Palace... treasure... can smelt blood... repair God..."

"You try... motivate this tripod..."

Ning Fan nodded and memorized the mouth of the record on the tripod, and meditated in the mouth.

In the meantime, there are countless ordinary runes on the top of Yin Ding Ding, and they begin to shine with the light, and the difference is steep!

But the eleven prisoners who were imprisoned in the blood cell of the half-empty, one by one, the body was dry, and it seemed to be sucked out of the flesh and blood essence by the blood ball for a moment. It was the fairy **** in the first blood ball, and it was only in the blood ball. Supported for more than ten interest, it will be tragic death, the essence of the gods are all drained by the blood cells!

The eleven prisoners, all killed!

Anyway, these people are the scourge of the former Witch, so for these people, Ning Fan has no pity.

What he was astonished was that the eleven prisoner's flesh and blood extracts were all inhaled into the refining gods. The flesh and blood essences were visible to the naked eye, and they were condensed into a blood-colored blood-colored Dan pills.

When the condensate was over, Dingzhong had about three hundred blood Dan.

"This [Wan Lingxue]...not a god...wear it...harmful and unhelpful..."

"And you... can eat..."

The sea magic indicates that Ning Fan takes these blood Dan.

Ning Fan did not immediately take this Dan, but took a Dan Pill, looked at the palm of his hand, and frowned slightly.

This refining **** is a semi-destroyed thing. Before that, he saw that the main effect of this trip was not attack and defense, nor alchemy, but another purpose. Unexpectedly, its real purpose is to use it to refine people's flesh and blood.

Is the so-called ancient god, such a cruel race, eating people as food, is this the reason why the gods were ended by the rebellion?

Of course, Ning Fan, who has long been accustomed to swallowing monks and gods, is not qualified to blame the cruelty of ancient gods, and it is even more impossible to be a good person.

He is different from the good ones who slaughter the flesh of the livestock and appeal to the lives of the people.

He is a bad party!

If the flesh and blood of the refining and innocent people is Dan, perhaps Ning Fan will hesitate, but since it is a group of scorching flesh and blood, Dan Pills, there is nothing wrong with it, and it does not deviate from his heart.

"Your...the god...the waste body...still...lack are not...awakening...the god...the talent..."

"Different gods...natural talent...different..."

"Genius... I can... I can... condense my power... Help me to remove... Black stick..."

"Wanling a god...there must be a practice...this trip is half-destroyed...the grade is also low...can be refined...the lower product...the blood of the whole..."

In the interpretation of the sea magic, Ning Fan has a fascinating color.

People who seem to be truly ruined by the gods can still awaken their respective spiritual talents? He seems to have not awakened, taking these blood Dan, can you awaken some ability...

After checking that Dan Pill was not in trouble, Ning Fan finally took the hand of the Dan Pill named Wan Ling Blood and swallowed it into the abdomen.

The huge heat flow suddenly turned into its body, and the power of a blood Dan can almost match that of a nine-turn golden dragon!

Ning Fan refining the body's medicine, he can vaguely feel that his body seems to have changed, and wants to explore it carefully, but there is no trace.

The toughness of the flesh, the sea, and the gods seems to have been improved by the potency. Of course, since his base is already quite high, this kind of improvement is not particularly obvious.

A blood Dan refining is complete, and Ning Fan begins to refine the next blood.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

On the third day, this awakening was suspended.

At the moment, Ning Fan, the golden body of the ancient gods scattered around, gradually, Jin Hui began to calm down, Ning Fan exhaled a sigh of gas, slowly rose.

With his strong physical body, there is no need to slow down the map at the time of refining and chemical power, but it is carried out rapidly. In just three days, more than 300 blood Danes will be refining.

This is not something that ordinary Xianzun Xianwang can do.

"Your...the gods seems...finally...complete...feeling...more...what...power..." Haimo asked with great interest.

Ning Fan looked at himself and frowned slightly.

He can clearly feel that at this moment, he really awakens some kind of spiritual power, which should be regarded as the real **** waste.

As he remembered his heart, he could condense little golden power in his palm.

But... but I can't feel the extra talent of the body.

His **** talent is not offensive and defensive...

Not repairing as a gain...

Not a change in law...

It’s not a celestial eye....

No, it is not...

I would like to ask what the natural devils of the sea demon have, but the memory of the broken sea magic, just ask three do not know, Ning Fan can only helpless.

When Ning Fan studied his own spiritual talent, he suddenly had a voice that was uploaded from the stone pillar on the altar.

Shizhujia: "I am a stone pillar, la la la."

Shi Zhuyi: "I am standing on this altar every day, so I am bored."

Shi Zhu B: "This old man is so ugly, but this little brother is so handsome, I want to marry him and give him a small stone pillar."

Shi Zhuding, Shizhuwu, Shizhuji...

Altar: "The two men stepped on me for three days and three nights. How can I still stand on me? I am so annoying!"

Before the Ning Fan and the Sea Devils started, the ruins formed: "I am a mountain, a mountain that is ruined! I am so hurt, why do you fight me, please don't hit me again!"

Ants on the ground: "I climb! I climb! I climb hard!"

The wind in the air: "Blow, blow, I am not afraid!"

Ning Fan's clothes: "I am clothes, clothes!"

Ning Fan's shoes at the foot: "I am a shoe, I am a shoe!"



what's the situation!

Could it be that his **** talent is... listening to the inner activities of the living creatures and dead objects?

These voices really exist, or... his consciousness has an illusion...

Ning Fan informed the sea magic about the sound of all things heard at this moment.

The expression of the sea magic is strange.

"You are kidding... right..."

Obviously, I don't believe in the ability of Ning Fan to listen to the sound of all things.

Ning Fan shook his head helplessly.

I thought that the so-called awakening of the gods talent will make his strength have a qualitative leap, but unexpectedly, such a strange ability.

Or, the blood Dan that he ate was not right. He ate too much and ate his brain, and there was an illusion reaction...

But in any case, it seems that at this moment, he can really condense the power of the ancient gods, although the power of cohesion is still very few.

"External repair... remove it for me... black stick... then I... owe you... a person..." The sea devil no longer cares about the fact that Ning Fan listens to the sounds of all things, and pleads.

At the same time, Zhongli Liulicheng, a place called Xiufang, was the ten bee in front of the crowds, and the eyebrows were lightly picked.

"It is actually the most common communication between the nine major gods... This butterfly qualification is so high?" (To be continued.) 8

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