Grasping Evil

Chapter 1087: There is no way to find the earth

At the foot, it is an endless red clay.

In the ear, there is no wind in the dead.

The sky is a star-studded starry sky formed by the infinite number of stars.

The body of Ning Fan Yuan Shen rushed into this strange place. It has been three days. This strange place is the oral world of the huge human head.

His body was bound by the golden hoop and could not move and stayed outside.

His god, rushing into this strange place alone, wants to bring back the Tuhuang, or Jianzu from here.

In this trip, the body of Ning Fan Yuan Shen took the shield of the gods, the storage bag, but did not bring the yin and yang lock, but left the yin and yang lock in the body of Dantian.

He did not know whether this trip could bring back the Emperor. He did not know whether the trip could be successful, whether he could survive or not, and whether he could return to his hometown. If this trip fails, if he dies here, he can't let countless furnaces in the Xuanyin world be buried with him.

At the moment of entering this strange place, he even managed to suppress the life and death of the ban, such as slavery, so that he would die and would not cause death damage to the funeral moon, Wu Lao Ba et al. ...

Yes, he took the consciousness of death and rushed into this strange place. Because of this strange place, the sense of crisis that brought him, so that he did not even have a billion of life to grasp...

Entering this place is definitely the most unwise decision he made in his life.

But even if there is only a slight grasp, he must try it, and never want to see the Emperor in the eyes dissipate.

Although the Tujia has had a man and woman with him, this is not the reason why he is crazy to the uncontrollable. In fact, even if it is just an ordinary tripod, there is such an encounter, and with the stubbornness of Ning Fan, it will definitely save everything. The result is the same, but if it is just an ordinary woman, it will not let him have such crazy emotions, burning in the chest.

Don't understand, don't understand...

Ning Fan of this moment can't understand his inner heart. There are countless faces around him. If you have the deepest feelings, you must count his first woman paper crane.

It is not that other women are not good, but his feelings with paper cranes, acquaintance with the end of the micro, end from the barren, and his first love in this life, the most cherished, so there is a kind of other people can not compare.

Mu Weiliang, Xu Qiuling, Luo You... There are many, many women who regard him as a life. He is not a good man, not even a good man...

However, for the first time in life, Ning Fan first appeared. In this world, there is actually a woman. His meaning is different from other women.

That difference has nothing to do with feelings. His feelings for the Tujia are far from being the heaviest among the women.

What the Emperor brought to him was a feeling of incomprehension.

It is a kind of closeness that is not in the future. It is a kind of gratitude from the heart. It is a kind of owing that can't be repaid in the endless cycle...

Yes, it is a owe...

Until now, Ning Fan only understood a little, the feeling that the Emperor gave him the most special, what is the reason.

The Tu Huang must not be the one with the deepest feelings.

But most of them... is the woman who owed the most in his life!

"I have a feeling that my past life, I owe her, and I owe a lot, and even if there are countless reincarnations in the reincarnation, my soul is deep, and it is still difficult to let go of this matter..."

"When I was in the bones of the bones, I saw that the bones of the sword ancestors dissipated in front of the eyes, unable to stop, and there was a feeling of grief, which was simply ridiculous; this time, I saw that the Tujia dissipated, and I hated that I could not subvert the whole world... this madness On the surface, it is the birth of my heart, but perhaps, not... Maybe, that is the madness that I have left in the heart of the butterfly, and I keep it in the depths of my soul..."

"The Tujia is the sword ancestor. Jianzu, she has died many years ago. The sword ancestor who constitutes the body of the Tuo Emperor is the last imprint of Jianzu's stay in the world..."

"What is the light spot swallowed by the giant head? What is the mysterious saint who stopped me? I said that I am interfering with the return of the sword ancestor, the Tao, what is it..."

Ning Fan Yuanshen holding the shield of the gods, flying against the dark red 6, did not dare to fly too high, fearing to touch the stars in the sky.

The stars of this strange land have every moment of unpredictable power. He accidentally approached it once, and as a result, a certain star smashed a star of destruction, and even the **** shield was pulled out of a hole, its god. It was penetrated by the starlight, and it was seriously injured by the degree of sudden death...

Even if you use the minds indiscriminately here, there is a certain possibility that the mysterious stars will be attacked.

Then, Ning Fan took up a lot of medicinal herbs, only to suppress the injury, but it was just barely pressed, and there was no way to restore the injury. The position of the wound, like a force that he could not understand, was constantly torn open and could not be closed. That kind of power was the first time Ning Fan saw it.

Later, he was blindly looking for three days here, because he could not spread the minds in a wide range, and could not find the spot where the Emperor was scattered into the heavens and the earth...

The pattern of the heavens and the earth here is changing rapidly. From the moment he entered, he could no longer find the way to return.

The fourth day.

Ning Fan still did not find the Tu Huang.

His **** of blood began to steam in this strange place, and there was pain everywhere.

The fifth day.

His **** has been reduced by a large circle, only the original half size, the breath is extremely wilting, but the bones are still looking for here.

The sixth day.

Ning Fan Yuan Shen finally did not support, fainted to the ground, destroying the shield and storage bag, also fell on the clay soil.

The seventh day, the eighth day, the ninth day...

Ning Fan never woke up again.

The blood of his god, was completely evaporated, narrowed to the limit of the gods, and finally turned into a transpiration gas, dissipated in this strange place, into the void.

"On the 9th, will it die? If the support is not enough, the old man will want to help you, but also can not help. After all, you are in a dream world, too far from the old man, too far... the old man wants to read The second world, it takes time..." In the endless starry sky, Cai Weisheng sighed with regret, and the voice came from a very distant place. Ning Fan, who died, could not hear it.

The tenth day.

The eleventh day.

The storage bag, which was quietly lying, suddenly shot a moonlight.

At the moment when this moonlight appears, the power of time in the surrounding space has a strange countercurrent!

"Plajolo Polo..."

It is the mouth of Ning Fan that is placed in the storage bag in advance, and the delay is effective!

In time, the fallen **** of Ning Fan was actually restored and reshaped a little.

In the end, Ning Fan, who had already died on the ninth day, was resurrected on the eleventh day!

"Good risk, if I have not attacked the holy mountain, I have already called out the real name of the moonlight box. At this moment, most of me have already died in this strange place." Ning Fanxin has a sigh of relief, the taboo on this strange place, rising Going unprecedented.

He had a small hand and took the storage bag and the destroyer shield on the ground, and tied the small shield to the chest, like a slightly raised chest; the storage bag was carried on the back.

Then take out the moonlight treasure box from the storage bag, and look at it carefully. The sage will in the treasure box, because he was a resurrection, actually used a quarter!

In other words, the remaining sage will only be enough to die three times here...

The so-called moonlight treasure box is actually the real name of the pig face treasure box. When Ning Fan awakened the talent of all things to communicate, he heard the real name from the treasure box.

It is also amazing.

Before you know the real name, the use of Moonlight Box is extremely cumbersome. You must first set a certain area of ​​the mark before you can use it.

When Ning Fan learned the real name of the Moonlight Box, he used the Moonlight Box, which actually had the strange feeling of integrating the box. When used again, even if it is not marked in advance, it can be used anytime, anywhere, and there are many restrictions such as the number of uses, cooling time, and so on.

Since then, Moonlight Box has two very different usages: normal mark use and real name status non-mark use.

There are three additional considerations when using non-markers.

First, you can only let Ning Fan, the owner of the treasure box, go back alone, and you can't change the time of everyone or things around you when you mark it. This means that Ning Fan’s death can be resurrected by unmarked time, but others can’t do it. Only prior marking is possible.

Second, the use of non-markers is extremely expensive for the saints in the Moonlight Box, which is a multiple of the mark used. If the attack level that caused the death is too high, it will consume more...

Third, the non-marking resurrection, there will be a certain delay in time, or one or two hours, or one or two days, depending on the surrounding environment, the cause of death is different, the resurrection delay is not fixed.

This is why Ning Fan was delayed for two days before being resurrected by Moonlight Box.

"Oh? Actually, I was resurrected by the Moonlight Box of the Taiyin Shengzong? The old man thought that you were already dead here, but it was a small one." The voice of the sage was with a trace of surprise, echoing from the heavens and the earth.

Ning Fan Yuanshen had a small face and took the moonlight box back to the storage bag. God carefully spread it here, because the coverage of the gods was too shallow, and naturally the place where the speaker was hiding could not be found.

"Gathering the mind, don't let out the body ten feet!" is the reminder of the goodwill of the Weiwei Saint.

Ning Fan suddenly took a look.

Listening to the voice, the person who mentions him at the moment is clearly the mysterious saint who prevented him from gathering the soul of the Slayer.

Why should this person kindly remind him...

Is it really good, or is it another plot...

Ning Fan has experienced too many calculations. In the face of a mysterious saint who is unknown to the source, it is naturally very wary.

When he was wary, he still followed his words. He gathered his mind for about ten feet and did not continue to search for the mysterious saints. After all, this place should not be too distracting, and he can see some.

"Here is the "soul soil", which is the supreme being of heaven and earth, and the place where it is returned after death. Every star is the extremely powerful one of the saints, and even after this death, even here, There are some stars, which are the fourth step of the emperor. Do not want to be close to those stars. Although you have one of the fragments of the ancient annihilation of the gods, in front of those stars, it is still only a small ants, and you need to be awe."


Ning Fan still heard the term for the first time, and his heart could not help but move.

"Here, you can't tell others your name. Otherwise, it is the strongest sacred sage among the saints. You can't leave, you will be trapped forever by the wall of the earth. If you want to find someone, you can't call that name. Otherwise, the person you are looking for will never be found. Remember, remember... the more real and illusory things are, the root of the monk's existence in the eyes of the earth. You may not understand it, but it cannot be violated." Road.

Can't you call the name here?

Ning Fan has no doubt about the authenticity in the sacred words of Cai Wei. After all, it seems that there is no need for the other party to deceive him.

The heart is even more fortunate. He is looking for the Emperor in the land, never saying a word, no shouting. If you accidentally shouted the names of Tu Tu and Jian Zu, then it was really trouble...

"Thank you for your predecessors." Ning Fan is still vigilant, but still toward the endless starry sky, thanked.

"You don't have to thank me, I am not helping you, just my own cause and effect. The pattern of the earth is all false. If it is not a desert, walk in this earth, never find the end. I can't give you Guide, because everyone's eyes are different, the pattern is different...but I can give you some guidance, the world of heaven and earth, the digital pattern, is nine..."


Ning Fan Yi Yi, and then the gods face has a serious, binocular green flashing, looking at the world in a nine-digit calculation, suddenly has a difference.

The secret of the word is quietly motivated.

Ning Fan does not have to pick Wei Sheng to continue to remind, look for a direction, turn left and right, all the way gallop.

Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth day... twentieth day!

Ning Fan Yuanshen did not support, once again fallen, on the 22nd, relying on the moonlight treasure box for the second resurrection.

"The rest of the sage will, enough for me here, to resurrect twice... This place is too high, using the moonlight box to resurrect, the loss is too big..."

Ning Fan is extremely dignified and moves on.

On the twenty-fifth day, there was a boundless sacred earth in front, and suddenly there was a strange smell, which was introduced into Ning Fan’s nose.

That kind of incense does not know what it is, only sniffing a sniff, Ning Fan originally weakened the Yuanshen, actually directly restored to the normal size, full of breath, no weakness!

He has a strong spirit and continues to hurry. The more he goes forward, the stronger the incense.

On the twenty-eighth day, in front of his eyes, there was a fascinating ancient tree with an illusory shape. The old tree was covered with the fruit of a baby form.

Countless stars shine into a firefly, parasitic on the ancient trees.

Under the ancient tree, he is facing him, holding a robes and saints in his hands, not the entity, but the illusion of the power of the gods. When Ning Fan arrived, the saint took a few accidents and turned around.

"It's amazing, the old man only mentioned you a little. You actually came to this place with a general understanding. On the qualification of blood, you may belong to the worst of the world's monks, but the means is the ancient fairy." None of the best, I can do this..."

"The younger generation is have seen the seniors. Thanks to the seniors for their kindness." Ning Fan’s expression is hard to cover up. After coming to this ancient tree, he can clearly feel that there is one of the numerous parasitic fireflies on the ancient trees. Breath is the same as the Emperor and the sword!

Finally found!

Because he was too excited, he forgot to remind him of the sacred moment and almost uttered his real name. Fortunately, it is timely to detect and stop the words, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

The sacred sacred praise of Ning Fan, no longer speaks. In his view, although Ning Fan is the leader of the ancient immortal level, it is nothing more than that. Although there is praise, it is still far from shocking.

After all, the real world seems to be like the ancient fairy of this level, like a star...

"I have heard of you, the butterfly of the sky. In that year, the person in Zishan Douhai personally came forward to ask the people of Shengzong to give a group of purple buckets to repair the opportunity of reincarnation. There is actually a butterfly that has nothing to repair, the whole The Three Realms are shocked. Some people even speculate that the ancient ten spirits of the Purple Dou Xian are not the back hand of the adult. You and the group of purple fights are repaired. But later, none of you have walked out of the fantasy world. Returning to the real world. Everyone knows this afterwards, they overestimate your group of purple fights that have entered the reincarnation of the dream world..."

Ning Fan is silent, he is not interested in these secrets.

"Do you know how much you slammed, and in the second step, you broke into the earth, huh, huh... although you have the fragments of the ancient annihilation shield, there are also the Taiyin Shengzong moonlight treasure box in hand, but you can repair Too weak, this is a deadly game. If my old man intervenes in this matter, you will definitely be scattered in the earth. The woman, is the important existence that you would rather find the soul?"

"I don't know if she is important to me. It is an instinct to come to her. It is a kind of ... repayment." Ning Fan calmly said.

The kind of calm, only because of his past life and owed to the sword ancestors too much, if you can't save her, there will be an instinct, let him be willing, and die with the sword ancestors buried in this boundless earth, as this.

"Repay? How do you plan to pay her back and take her remnant to leave this place?"


"You know, she was already dead in order to protect you from reincarnation. Today I was placed in the earthly system. It only contains a trace of soul. If a soul of a whole soul is one million units, then today The soul of the coming, even ten units are not. And even if the soul of these ten units, the earth will not allow you to take it all away, even if there is a husband who crosses the sea for you, the most, can only take away these ten Among the units, one thousandth of the soul... so few souls are almost useless. And in order to take away this number of souls, you have to pay the price, but it may be your life..."

Ning Fan seems to have not heard what Sai Wei is saying, still calm, looking at one of the countless fireflies of ancient trees.

"The soul you can take away, too little, and more important, you can't take away a trace. You take away so few souls, what do you want to do? Resurrect her? Don't you only make the first five rounds The round is the fourth round of cultivation to the legend. It can't be done at this time, because her soul is not complete."

"..." Ning Fan is silent.

Listening to the meaning of Wei Sheng, he can not bring it back to life even if he took away the soul of the Tujia today.

But if he doesn't try it, he is not willing.

"I say this, I don't want to stop you from acting, I just want you to be mentally prepared. As a saint, I can see the fate of all the second steps of the monk. You and her destiny have no intersection. Unless you are stronger than fate, you can't change this."

"..." Ning Fan is still silent.

Cai Wei Sheng looked at Ning Fan deeply, and seemed to re-recognize Ning Fan. He praised, "It’s a very determined little guy. If you talk about it, you can’t even shake it a little?”


"What are you going to do next?"

"Try to take her remnants into fireflies and take them away!"

"The whole one is taken away? I said, you can only take away one thousandth...But you, this kid, too reluctant, anyway, the power of your treasure box, enough for you to resurrect twice, do not let you know It’s hard to get here, you won’t look back.”

The sigh of Sanwei has just fallen, and Ning Fan has turned into a residual image, rushing out toward the old tree, and his body shape is vertical, and he is vacated, and he wants to infuse the fireflies that have been destroyed by the Emperor.

At this time, the entire ancient tree suddenly had a vast breath!

Then the whole emperor of the earth, in the eyes of Ning Fan, turned into a scene of inconspicuous, boundless dark red 6, turned into a boundless giant palm, a grip.

Ning Fan only felt that the front of the black, not touched the fireflies, they were killed in the palm of the whole earth!

That is the third step of the blow!

That is the most common attack on the fourth step of the Emperor!

Killing Ning Fan... like killing ants!

After a single blow, the whole earth was restored to the original, and the sacred and old trees were still in place, as if they had never moved, as if the whole big 6 was turned into a palm, it was just an illusion, it did not affect these existences, only attacked. Ning Fan.

On the 30th, Ning Fan was resurrected in the moonlight.

The only treasure box will be enough to resurrect his last time here...

Ning Fan Yuanshen's small face looks ugly. He does not want to admit it, but he has to admit that he now takes away all the remnants of the Skulls who had inhaled the place before.

No, he took one thousandth of the time and couldn’t do it...

"After the saints, there are three realms of the beginning of the Holy, the Nirvana, and the Sanctuary. I am a desolate, and belong to the desolation in the wild, but it is my existence to do my best, and only enough to help you. Take away a little remnant. And after this, I will be heavily blamed... As for you, I can't do this at this time. This is not something that can be solved with discouragement and fighting spirit. I hope that you can recognize the reality."

"...this matter will continue to squash seniors? Why do seniors help me?" Ning Fan looks complicated. If he takes away the little soul of the Emperor, he needs the help of the power of the sacred sacred, and if this matter may bring punishment to the sage, then Ning Fan has to consider the position of the sage.

He can abandon his life for the sake of the Emperor, but he does not want this matter to be involved in the cause and effect of others.

"The old man said, this is not helping you, but it is the cause and effect of my own. It is the choice I made to attack the fourth step in the coming days. It seems that I have such a presence, it is difficult to help others by friendship and appreciation. Everything is interest, everything is just interest, you don't owe me anything, you don't need to feel owed. Of course, don't expect the old man to make more sacrifices for you..."

"The meaning of the predecessors, the younger generation understands. Then, what should the younger generation do to take her a little soul?"

"Next, the old man will use the power of the gods to fight the whole earth. You will protect the law for me! Don't be afraid of being hurt. In this range of incense, any second step injury is enough to heal! You can die. A battle!"

With this in mind, the Divine sacred look has a dignified, hands fluttering afterimages, and instantly throw out thousands of fingerprints. Time, the whole earth, the earth shakes, and there are millions of ancient phantoms, floating from the earth, everyone wears, is the ancient crown! One by one is full of breath, the lowest is the second step of repairing, that is, the repair of the Emperor of the Emperor, there are hundreds of them, and there is no shortage of quasi-holy, ancient overhaul!

"Be careful, the first phantoms of the earth are the sacred sages who have been buried in this place, and their disciples are buried here, and they will not die! The old man must fight with the meteor in this place, can not be distracted, these phantoms, you to deal with! Remember not to let these phantoms approach the old man half a step, affecting the old man to act! Otherwise the old man can only say a sorry, can not help you take away a trace of the soul, can only go!" (to be continued.) 8

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