Grasping Evil

Chapter 1095: Brother...

What are the four extra heartbeats, Ning Fan did not ask, because he faintly felt, he even asked, and the holy sword would not answer.

He did not ask much, but he tried to calm himself down and calm down.

Before his heart, there was a certain degree of unrest. The reason for the lack of calm was partly because of the shock of the sacred heartbeat. In part, it was also known that the sacred sacred sword had another identity, and some accidents.

Another important identity of the holy sword of the holy day is actually the first generation to kill the emperor? The first generation of killing the emperor is not a person? Is it a sword?

In this matter, Ning Fan also wanted to ask, and did not speak. He knew the matter first and foremost. At this moment, the primary task was to try to let the heart go empty and let the body and mind be integrated, so as not to waste the only chance of hearing the Holy Emperor.

"The successor to the emperor succeeded in killing the emperor. There are three advantages. Listening to the heartbeat of the saint is the first advantage. Because of certain restrictions, one person can only live once. When you kill the emperor, you will come here to listen to the saint's heartbeat and get it from it. Comprehend... I, choose which saint will be heartbeat to listen..."

Ning Fan forgot everything around him and left all the distractions. Gradually, his breath began to be absent at first; gradually, his breath completely disappeared from heaven and earth.

People clearly sit on the floor with their knees, but the whole person seems to be part of the heavens and the earth, or, heaven and earth have become part of the body of Ning Fan...

Heaven and man are united, the second realm!

[This is such a terrible concentration... This son seems to have noticed the problem of the number of heartbeats. This is something that the emperor can't do. It is worthy of being the second monk of heaven and earth...not awkward, it is a person who has two great Taoist images...]

The holy sword of the holy day is again sounding. This time, it is amazement, but unfortunately, Ning Fan at this moment has not heard this exclamation completely.

There is nothing in my heart, and six knows nothing! At this moment, some people will cut the knife to Ning Fan, and Ning Fan will not be moved!


Hey! !

Hey! ! !

The heartbeat that echoes in the ear is getting more and more fierce and clearer. A picture of the saints flows through Ning Fan's mind, and the included principles are presented one by one.

In the face of these complicated and sacred hearts, Ning Fan has a small feeling. He felt his bone age of more than ten thousand years old. It seemed to be long, but it was short-lived. He felt that his hardships along the way were just the wrinkled waters of Pinghu Wind. At the moment, the peace of mind was still at the bottom of the lake. The vast lake water...

The picture that keeps flowing in my mind, although still switching in a hurry, but the kind of back and forth switching, has been quiet because of Ning Fan's heart, and the speed is slowing down.

The length of the screen that can be seen between the switches is gradually expanding.

"Ask the rest of the meaning of the Bishan, laugh and not relax, the peach blossoms go away, there is no world."

In the picture, a sorcerer is living in the peach blossom source and is giving 100,000 disciples in Taohuayuan. When he raised his hand, he moved a peach petal. When he was really sincere, he opened up the heavens and the earth in a peach petal in the area. There are trillions of creatures in the petal world. So many souls do not think that the petal world is narrow, but they still explore Not at the margin of the petal world. These creatures don’t even know that the world they live in is actually just a piece of flying flower that the saints are casually picking up...

The sage of the sorcerer was indifferent, and the petals in his hands were smashed into powder, the petals were destroyed, and the smashed, and the tens of billions of creatures in the petal world died.

When he opened up the world and created the trillions of creatures, there was no joy; when he destroyed the world and killed the trillions of creatures, he had no mercy.

In his eyes, all the spirits are just illusory...

The 100,000 disciples talked loudly, and the sages closed their eyes and did not explain anything to the disciples.

I don't know how long it took, the sorcerer's sorcerer opened his eyes and seemed to feel a little, frowning. He slammed the disciples a few words, and then leaped into the air, flew away from the peach blossom source, flying on the land of this world filled with peach trees.

He raised his hand and tore the peach blossoms from the world, and walked out of it. Numerous disciples heard the movement and got up and sent the ancestors to leave.

Outside, a stream of light flew out of a drop of peach blossom water, and it became a saint of the robes. He looked back at the dew and shook his head.

"I am waiting for filial piety, but non-humans... I don’t know the true colors of the mountains, only in this mountain..."

The so-called Peach Blossom Spring World, in fact... is just a drop of dew in the outer world, and the 100,000 disciples who had sent him away before, in a closer look, are like the bacteria that are slightly larger in the dew. Things that are weaker and more subtle can't be seen from the outside world, and they can't be presented in the dew. Only when you enter it can you see...

"The war in the ancient times has intensified. This time, even I have to intervene."

The sorcerer shook his head and vacated, and the picture switched. Although it is still switching, it has presented too much content than before...

Ning Fan only feels a shock inside!

The trillions of creatures in the petals, the creation and destruction of the petal world, the 100,000 disciples who live in the peach blossoms are also a drop of dew. People are like a beggar, and the world is bounded... everything is like opening a door to a new world. Let him seem to understand what it is, as not understand anything...

In the next picture, there is a sage of the scorpion who picks up the stars and smelts the magic weapon.

The subtlety of the saint's refining method is beyond the understanding of Ning Fan, and it is by no means the common sense of the second step!

The saint refining treasure to the general, suddenly frowning, self-talking, "the end of heaven..."

Then, he directly halved the magic weapon, and he left in a hurry.

The picture changes again. There is a saint who destroys tens of thousands of worlds. The skill of the swordsmanship, if mastered by Ning Fan, can definitely be invincible in the end of the era!

The picture has changed again. It is a scene of two saints’ freehand confrontation. The body skills used are all beyond the second step...

A heartbeat, a picture, a sentiment!

The forty-three heartbeats in front are all like this, no exceptions.

In these forty-three heartbeat sentiments, Ning Fan even saw a saint who killed the Tao. Every move involved a mystery of killing one. If you realize it, you can understand the position of the killer step by step. Go to Daoyuan, even... reach a higher level!

There are saints feeding the third step of the worm, and there are saints who open the altar, and preach and preach, there are saints who make people...

However, when the forty-fourth heartbeat appeared, the forty-three pictures that had been switched back and forth in Ningfan’s mind were all calm.

Starting from the forty-fourth heartbeat, the heartbeat sound behind it seems to be very different from the previous one...

I don't see any reason, I don't see any sentiment, as if those realizations are not on the surface, but deep.

In this scene, there is only one mortal old man, carrying his head and looking at the night sky, staring at the Big Dipper in the night sky, as if watching the stars, it seems to be watching... yourself!

He seems to be thinking about something, but he can't get an answer, so his brow is very tight.

His eyes are silver, the silver, is born, is the color of the stars, the silver eyes look at the sky, silent.

He didn't move, and even his expression never changed. If the grass in the picture would move, the stars in the night sky would flash. Ning Fan would almost think that the mortal old man was standing in a still picture.

More natural birds, nesting on the shoulders of the old silver eyes, actually used this living person as a tree...

The vegetation under the feet of the silver-eyed old man has just broken ground, and the season around it seems to be spring...

"People? No, no, this forty-four heartbeat, no doubt, is also the heart of the saint. This old man looks like a mortal, but in fact it is a saint."

"Looking up at Beidou, it seems to be watching myself... This sentimental sentiment has made me feel like I have met before, but with the ‘I’m fishing today, he is fishing me every day,’ it seems to be different...”

Ning Fan closed his eyes and frowned slightly. He was trying to understand this scene, but the picture changed.

Can not continue to study in depth, the forty-fifth heartbeat, arbitrarily broke into the ears of Ning Fan.

The picture of the 45th scene is a scene of a middle-aged man looking up at the Big Star.

The middle-aged man is also a pair of silver eyes. His appearance is very similar to that of the silver screen old man in the forty-fourth scene. It is like the young form of the old silver eye.

But it is not only the appearance of young, the feeling of being brought to Ning Fan, seems to be weaker than the old silver eye...

This middle-aged silver eye also looked up at the sky, and the brow wrinkled deeper than the old silver eye.

He looked at the Beidou on the night sky, as if he was watching himself, but it didn’t seem to be just himself...

On his shoulder, there is a bird's nest that has been built for the whole spring.

At his feet, the vegetation has grown to the knees, and the season has entered the summer.

"The middle-aged silver in this scene, and the silver-eyed old man in the previous scene, should be the same person."

“It’s weird, from the chronological point of view, the forty-fifth scene should be after the forty-fourth scene, but the silver-sage saints seem to be getting younger and younger. It seems to contain something that I can’t match. Feelings..."

Soon, the forty-sixth heartbeat was forcibly cut in.

In the forty-sixth scene, the autumn night is full, and a silver-eyed youth does not look at the moon, but looks at the Big Dipper.

The bird's nest on his shoulder has already gone to the nest.

The surrounding vegetation began to be yellow, and the leaves were covered with thick ground.

The time goes from summer to autumn, but the silver eye saint seems to be younger, and the cultivation has also weakened more...

He remained silent, until the forty-seventh scene was cut in, and there was still no speech.

The forty-seventh scene is the winter!

Snowy nights, heavy snow.

A silver-eyed boy stood in the snow, never moved a step, he looked at the Big Dipper in the snow, and suddenly coughed up a blood.

Then, sigh.

"Oh, this road, I really can't get through... Everyone says that the fourth step is to rebel against the emperor, but this is the reverse word, but where did it come from, and where is the end... I don't know if there is a fifth step in the world. But there is, I am... I dare not go..."

In the snow, the appearance of the silver eyes is gradually vicissitudes, and the cultivation is constantly climbing!

Gradually, the teenager changed back to the silver eye youth, changed back to the middle age of the silver, and changed back to the silver age.

When his white hair and the ground, the flesh dried up, and the teeth were gone, a strong fourth step momentum rushed out of him.

At this moment, the winter begins to go backwards, return to the autumn, and return to the midsummer, and then back to the early spring!

He grabbed his hand and went straight to another world outside the countless days, raising his hand to take a sect, and landed there.

"Is the emperor successful?"

Inside the Zongmen, several saints repaired and walked out to the silver-eyed old man and asked respectfully.

The silver-haired old man only shook his head silently.


After the fourth heartbeat, it is not the heartbeat of the ordinary saint, but the fourth step of the anti-sacred heartbeat!

Ning Fan secretly stunned, the heart of the night view of the Emperor of the North, is it the ancestor of the Beidou people? This heartbeat is the heartbeat of the Emperor Beidou!

But why, the same heartbeat of the Emperor will send out four distinct voices... According to Ning Fan’s observation, the last four heartbeats have many similarities, but they are more different, not like the same person. The heartbeat is more like the emergence of four different people...

What is the Beidou Emperor's feelings?

What is the path of his ‘nowhere’ in his mouth?

Don't understand, don't understand...

The more Ning Fan wants to think deeply, the more he can't understand, the headache is cracking, the blood is burning, and the body is like a collapse!

He knows that he is afraid of being greedy for something that should not be greedy, biting his teeth, cutting off greed, calming his mind, and throwing away the last four heartbeats. As a result, those pains will disappear.

Intuition tells him that the enlightenment contained in the last four heartbeats comes from the fourth step of the Emperor, and the value is naturally far beyond the forty-three heartbeats!

But reason tells him that the last four heartbeats are not something that they can get. They can only profit from the many heartbeats in front.

Ning Fan suddenly had some intentions.

He began to examine himself, and he found that even if he could benefit from many previous heartbeats, the benefits were only temporary.

He has learned countless scholastics in this life, and he has taken it out as he can, so that ordinary monks can be invincible at the same level.

He is not lacking in magic!

He is also not lacking in the way to the peak of the end of the law!

If you follow the road of the moment, go all the way, Ning Fan has the confidence to step into the peak of the magical dream world in the end of the end of the law, and then, in the direction of the legendary saints!

Chengcheng is invincible!

Even if the sanctification fails, it is at least an enhanced version of the ancient emperor, who can still sweep the dream world and guard what he wants to guard.

If you don’t see the ancient emperor, you are not sanctified, but you have also killed the saints. Ning Fan has a **** robbery than the ancient times. In the future, the achievement is naturally higher than that of the ancient times. Even if he stops at the realm of the saints, it is enough to become a legend.

As for the three real worlds? Ha ha…

That seems...not important.

The original intention of Ning Fan’s cultivation was not the strongest in the world. From the beginning, he was different from most monks.

As long as you can sweep the enemies of the dream world, as long as you can protect your relatives, then sanctification is good, and the fourth step is just a icing on the cake, but you can have nothing...

His vision is actually very small, and it is enough to hold only one acre of land in front of him.

But when he thinks about it, he is somewhat confused. The more he cultivated, the more he could... could not find his own way.

Because the road is extending forward, and he does not have all the way to open up, he just wants to hold behind him...

"The energy of people is limited. After all, I have learned a lot about the world. But the yin and yang swords of the ancient emperor are no less inferior to the third step of the saints... the same level of things, and more Much... but because I have learned too much, I have come along the way, and many things have no time to study."

"This time I listened to the Sacred Heart. It was supposed that I would get another chance to stand out from school. But after I saw the Enlightenment of the Emperor Beidou, I felt more and more small, but I didn't plan to do this."

"Maybe, my path doesn't know pointing to the front. Maybe my way, the end point is enough."

"I don't have to pursue the length of the road. I can stop and broaden the width of the road..."

"I am willing to stop on this road of comprehension for the things I care about... or, this half-way stop is the road that belongs to me?"

Ning Fan’s heart suddenly screamed!

He seems to recognize himself at this moment!

He seems to be at this moment... I heard... my own voice, my heartbeat!

Yes, he is a very wealthy person, he is just a very satisfying person... Without external pressure, he is not willing to pursue those illusory cultivation, fame and fortune...

If he smashes all the enemies of the fantasy world, if he has no need to upgrade, and then meets the realm that must be taken to death, he will choose to give up...

"This is my heart... heart!"

"I don't bother to go all the way, but if I really decided to stop here, then this place is my country. Wherever the sword is, no one can invade!"


Hey! !

Hey! ! !

A heartbeat sounded from the body of Ning Fan. This heartbeat is far less powerful than the third step of the saint, but it is more steadfast than any saint's heartbeat.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s heartbeat may still have doubts, but it will completely sweep away the confusion of the third and fourth steps of the monasticism!

Because I can mourn, I can hold my heart! For Ning Fan, the surviving frustration of others is extremely important, and the immortality is not dead. In fact, they are all just illusory.

[This is actually in the second step, to achieve the Ming Sheng heart! How can this be! 】

[He can hear the heartbeat of the Big Dipper, which is very valuable, but in fact, it is only because of the help of the second world. Anyone who can repair the second world can probably hear these...but Sacred Heart... Even the true saints, few people can do this! It is the only one who does it, and none of them is the strongest holy sage among the saints! 】

[Even if it is the weakest sacred sacred, it is not the one who reaches the third world of heaven and earth. Obviously, the unity of heaven and man is not the reason to help this son. 】

[No, it can't be said that it is a holy heart. This is not a saint. What he does is actually a clear heart, but if one day is truly sanctified, then this child can easily achieve the Sacred Heart, even if it is just stepping into it. Start holy! 】

It’s hard to hide the inner sorrow of the holy sword. If you have not died for many years, only the will left in the sword, he will definitely show the human form, to feel the body of Ning Fan, and to study why this is so outstanding!

At this moment, he finally believed that Ning Fan had a Taoist image of the Emperor Beidou, not accidental.

The Tao is the real thing of the Tao! The path of this sub-selection, fearing that it is in the course of obedience, is one that is extremely against the sky; and if one day, this road is fortunate to be a road, then this child... fear that it will be another crushing class Emperor!

[I am afraid that even the Emperor of the Purple Emperor did not expect it. This is similar to the dreamland of the mass graves. Actually, there are still those descendants of the Purple Fighter. Unfortunately, it is a pity... this sub-qualification is high, and it is impossible to In the middle of the world... If he was born in the wrong age, if he was born in the era of the Purple Emperor, the future is simply limitless! Even if you don't enter the fourth step, it is enough to have a world of prosperity! 】

[My ability is not enough to help him die from yin and return to true yang. But even if this child has his life, he can only stop in the fantasy world, and I am willing to help him, consolidate the heart that has just realized! 】

[This son does not seem to see these saints' heartbeats? Speaking of it... this son is just an ancient god. In this case, take the power of these ancient sacred hearts and help them open up the ancient gods! The benefits of succeeding in the succession of the emperor have never failed. It is not always good for this son to be empty-handed in me! Even if you kill the emperor and then miss the Sacred Heart, it's fine! Whether this son can become stronger and stronger against the scourge is the key to the survival of my killing hall! 】


A **** sword was suddenly spread in the seventh layer of the **** cell, and Ning Fan was instantly overwhelmed.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s heartbeat is a little steady. He is no longer paying attention to the other saints’ heartbeat. He is trying to stop this realization, and he suddenly realizes that the overwhelming sword is coming, and he takes a breath of air.

This sword is too horrible, killing him hundreds of thousands of times is enough! This is the sword meaning of the holy sword of the holy day. If it is malicious, he will die!

Fortunately, Ning Fan is convinced that the holy sword will not harm him, and the left and right will not be able to compete, but will be indifferent, letting the overwhelming sword come to life.

Sure enough, after the sword was put to the side, it did not cause any harm to Ning Fan, just just drilling into the body of Ning Fan and piercing into the heart of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan felt the pain in his heart, but there was no stopping, because... he felt the great benefits brought by the sword and the heart!

This sacred sword has turned the power of the saint's heartbeat to help him open up the ancient heart!

[Eight generations, since you are not willing to listen to the heartbeat of the saints, I will change the more direct way and give you good benefits. The sages that I collected in the past were not many, because the emperor’s listening to the Sacred Heart is a lot of loss and residual power, which is enough to open the fourth and fifth hearts for you. More heart, you need to find another opportunity to open up. 】

This is the first time that the sacred sword has been so officially called Ning Fan.

Eight generations!

This is not only the recognition of Ning Fan, but also a kind of respect, as a level!

At this moment, he did not talk to Ning Fan as a sacred sword, but to the benefit of the younger generation as the first generation to kill the emperor!

[Speaking of it, the seven generations have left you with something, and they have been sent to me through the secret law, and have not been taken away by those traitors. When the Emperor of the Emperor dies, there will be a certain chance to give birth to the palm of his hand. The seven generations have died unfortunately. Perhaps God has made compensation, and his killing position has been passed down! Next, I will not only help you to open up your heart, but also help you absorb the power of this killing position. Of course, you will not directly condense your head, but it is a matter of course for the killing. 】

[I kill a temple for seven generations to kill the emperor, regardless of the relationship between the emperor before each other, the father and son are also good, mentoring or apprentice, after the emperor, each other is commensurate with the brothers and brothers. You are eight generations, and the same is true. In the future, you can call me the first generation, but also call me... brother... can also call me a holy sword, ancient seal sword... with you. As for Master, we... no Master... only common beliefs, passed down from generation to generation, and maintained among us. That is the belief in guarding the descendants of the Beidou. It is different from the simple guarding of the Beidou Xianyu. We are not guarding the Beidou Emperor, but the Beidou **** world, which is the the homeland of the killing monk and the Northern Dipper...]

[Of course, the most I want to hear you shouting a brother in the eighth generation, in fact, it should be seven generations, but unfortunately there is no chance anymore...]

Plain white and more has the power to kill the palm of his hand, Ning Fan has no surprises in his eyes, but a glimpse, his heart is sour.

The seven generations died in sorrow, and they died of humiliation, but even before they died, they actually left for him, and they left behind the killing of the palm of their hand...

He is so versatile, he can be so blessed by the seven generations...

[I believe him! He will definitely be back! 】

[My baby left for this, you, you can't get it! 】

Ning Fan shook his fist, closed his eyes, and hidden all his emotions in his heart. When he opened it, he was calm and determined!

Heart, a little bit open...

The violent martial arts are secretly motivated in the body.

The power of the palm of the hand is easily condensed into the highest grade of Tianpin Daojing. He suddenly refers to the sky, the Taoist presentation, the index finger volley, and writes a new chapter in the Tao.

That is a chapter of killing!

Ning Fan, written to the ranks of the gods!

Because he received the power of killing the palm of his hand, there is no magical power, only... the care of the elders to the younger generation, only the warmth before the death, the warmth left behind...

Not violent, but warm...

Such as brothers, care for the future of the younger brother...

"Seven generations, have Ning Fan in one day, you will not let the killing temple be destroyed before me. You have been carrying this burden for too long and too long. In the future, I will carry it for you..."

Ning Fan’s inner secret.

There is even more complexity, flowing in my heart.

He used to have no brother, but in the future, he has...

These brothers have nothing to do with all the masters he has recognized in his heart. They are not related to race, and they have nothing to do with the Xianyu camp...

If the seven generations are still there, I would be very pleased to hear that Ning Fan called a brother in the eighth generation. Unfortunately, there is no chance for the holy sword.

"If there is another reincarnation, I will call you a brother in front of you to make up for it."

Ning Fan seems to be talking to himself, and he seems to be listening to the power of the killing hand that is constantly pouring into the body.

Among those who killed the power of the palm of their hand, there was still a trace of negative emotions that almost regretted. When Ning Fan said this, he quietly dissipated...

Like the seven generations of killing the emperor, the last trace of regret, but also relieved, with the old Huai Xin.

I believe in him!

This child will certainly keep the killing hall, must!

Because, he is the eight generations of the young emperor I personally chose, is my personally chosen younger brother! (To be continued...)

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