Grasping Evil

Chapter 1101: Feng Di (5)

The ink distraction technique is a kind of magical power that Ning Fan created when he was still in the rain. It is not the strongest of many self-created magical powers, but it is a magical power that applies the avatar ability to the extreme.

At this moment, Ning Fan uses this technique as a carrier to integrate many magical ones into it.

He remembered the scene of the initial understanding of ink distraction, based on the incarnation of the chanting of the gods, and created this technique step by step.

He remembered the endless sea calendar practice, had borrowed the power of Taisu Leidi, and the war with the Emperor Luo Luo across time and space. At that time, he lived and died in a line, and the chance of coincidence entered the realm of harmony between man and nature, and he realized the realm of tens of billions of distractions.

Strong as the Emperor Luo Luo, Tai Su Lei Di, were shocked by the billions of gods at that time.

The ink flow of tens of billions of distractions is the final understanding of Ning Fan's final understanding of this technique. However, due to the lack of strength of the mind, it is a great pity that it cannot be truly displayed.

It is different now!

After the destruction of the gods, Ning Fan’s knowledge of the sea and the intensity of his thoughts rose to the level of incredible thoughts. Distraction of billions may not be enough, but thousands, tens of thousands of distractions can still be done!

In addition, Ning Fan is now a sacred sorcerer, and his vision is far from comparable in the past. On the basis of this technique, he incorporates other characteristics.

The endless power of the infinite sea makes his gods clear and clear, so that every thought at this moment is full of creativity.

In the eyes of Ning Fan, the black demon shines in the eyes, the ten fingers squat, the time body is divided into two, and the second two minutes, four points eight, the more points ... more than a few breaths, there are tens of thousands of black clothes on the sea Distracted, on the sea, each has its own skills.

The black clothes Ning Fan swept away and went to one of the distractions. The distraction, carrying Ning Fan all the way, the understanding of the martial arts is almost close to the essence of the Tao. Just step out in one step, there is faster speed than the vertical golden light!

Black clothes Ning Fan and the sorcerer distracted for a long time and finally asked, "You, can you be a brand of me?"

The sorcerer smiled and said, "I am you, you are me, become a brand, why not?"

In other words, the sorcerer's sorcerer's eyes turned into ink and shadows, and the ink shadows flowed into the feet of the black clothes, and under the feet of the black clothes, each of them formed hundreds of martial arts runes. Branding, and then did not enter the body of Ningfan!

Everyone was deeply shocked by this scene!

It is no wonder that this black-clothed Ningfan district has an incarnation, and the feeling brought to others is so terrible. It turned out to be a special embodiment that can directly brand the other magical powers on the body!

This scene is like a magic weapon, forcing a certain magical power.

But people are not magic weapons. In the era of the end of the law, how many people dare to use themselves as a practice treasure and force them to join the magical powers?

And the so-called magic weapon with the spirit, in fact, is just to imitate the spiritual costume, and the spiritual costume is to imitate the real ancient demon...

Ning Fan's ink distraction technique is a little bit blending the characteristics of the ancient demon. It can be like a spirit in the heavens and the earth, forcibly branded on the body, and treat yourself as a magic weapon, a spiritual costume!

The incarnation of others is hard to do this, but Ning Fan is an ancient demon, and it is still a **** ancient demon. It is not difficult to do this!

He is also a **** waste body, all aspects of physical quality is extremely against the sky, enough to withstand the physical damage caused by branding Shentong, not to be crushed by those imprinted body, this is even more valuable!

After the fusion of the martial arts, the black clothes Ning Fan went to the second distraction, which is a distraction with five lines of light shining around the body.

"You, can be my mark!"


The gods turned into ink shadows, flew into the black clothes Ning Fan, and turned into hundreds of runes imprints, printed in the black clothes Ning Fan body.

Then, the black clothes Ning Fan went to the third distraction, and turned it into a rune imprinted into the body, which is the distraction of the spirits.

The fourth distraction is the distraction of killing.

The fifth distraction is the Tao of the wood.

The sixth is that the rain is distracting.

In this way, there is a dark way to distract the gods, and the road to war is distracted... more and more runes are printed in the body of the black clothes.

Others naturally cannot see that there is any mystery in each distraction. Only Ning Fan knows that all the distractions here have some kind of magical power and ability that he has learned in this life.

In a distracting way, he separates the various supernatural powers in the body, and then... absorbs and consolidates one by one.

Not all distractions, they have the ability to resist the sky, but also some distractions, only master the first step magical spells, but also by the black clothes Ningfan to take their essence to absorb.

The phoenix Nirvana is distracted, the undead blood is distracted, the black star is divided into gods... all kinds of gods are branded, which increases the resilience of the black clothes.

Burning the illusion of distraction, the collapse of the sword refers to the distraction, reversing the Beidou distraction... the black and white Ningfan brand is more and more, the momentum is getting stronger and stronger!

The ancient devil breaks the mountain and beats the gods. The yin and yang are divided into five swords, and the return to the market refers to the distraction.

The swordsmanship is distracted, the gods are divided into gods, the gods are divided into gods, the gods of war are distracted, and the gods of heaven and the sky are distracted...

Broken bones become soldiers distracted, three flowers gather top to distraction, anti-spiritual distraction, mountain sea curse distraction...

Time passed by, and tens of thousands of distractions were finally branded as black and white.

Tens of millions of ink marks, circling in the black and white Ningfan body, giving people the feeling that every brand is a planet distributed in the stars, and Ning Fan is the only sun guarded by those planets.

Black clothes Ning Fan ten fingers, tens of millions of ink shadows between the brand, the commonality began to merge with each other, the number is gradually reduced, but the black clothes Ning Fan's oppressive feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

When those ink marks were reduced to only 100,000, the black clothes Ning Fan finally stopped squatting, slightly frowning, it seems that there are 100,000 ink marks left, still making him dissatisfied.

100,000 ink marks form a crisscross cross aura, a few inches in diameter, such as the planetary ring, the black Ning Fan is in the center; and the black hole aura is very common in the universe, but the aura is black, such as ink Deep and more enchanting.

The black clothes Ning Fan then swayed and changed back to the previous appearance, but the cross aura formed by the 100,000 ink seals of the whole body did not disappear, but remained, and has become a part of Ning Fan's body!

First, in the way of the ancient demon spirit, attach a magical mark on the body!

In the form of the intertwined ancient demon spirits, those imprints are unified, forming a huge aura of cross-stagger!

This technique requires the compatibility of yin and yang to balance the mutuality of different supernatural powers. It is extremely difficult to do this without changing the yin and yang.

This technique is also caused by a huge amount of power and a heavy counterattack. It is also the genius of Ning Fan and other gods who have dared to make a whimsy and create this technique.

This cross aura will make Ning Fan a perfect method of learning, taking its essence, all in one, giving people a sense of power. Under such a state, Ning Fan's attack, defense, speed, response, illusion, perception, and assistive ability have all been elevated to an unbelievable state, and he can feel it!

When the cross aura is opened, Ning Fan is equivalent to using countless magical powers such as killing, spiriting, astrology, phoenix nirvana, etc., without the need to open a variety of abilities at the time of fighting!

Ning Fan feels himself at the moment, just a punch and a sword, is equivalent to the use of hundreds of thousands of supernatural power!

The mana in the body is almost endless, and you can continue to restore mana from heaven and earth!

Of course, once the cross aura is opened, Ning Fan's mind will be in great consumption. It can be said that this cross aura is the highest combat power of Ning Fan, which broke out 100%; while the normal Ning Fan fights with people, it often only plays one or two percent of the ultimate combat power, and sometimes even one or two Cheng is not willing to use more, so as not to consume too much.

As for the newly created cross aura, what step is it, and it is necessary to go through actual combat to reach a conclusion...

"100,000 magical imprints, the cross of the aura of the cross wheel... This is the child of Ning Fan, what is the magical power created? Even the old man, he noticed a trace of danger..." Outside the starry sky, Fushan Emperor’s inner drama was shocked, and then the feeling shame.

As a fairy emperor, it is ridiculous to have fear of a fairy goddess. This oppression is an illusion!

"This is not a single magical power, but a fusion of magical powers. The theory is very simple, but if you really want to do this, you can't do it for the quasi-holy! For example, two magical powers, one is fire control, and the other is Water control, different from each other, how do you integrate? But this can only do this, it has nothing to do with the identity of the ancient messenger... This is really dangerous..." Sang Haidi’s eyes are extremely dignified At this moment, I look at Ning Fan’s gaze, and I’m just looking at the same level of Emperor!

The great gas transport of the Killing Temple was able to succeed in the eight generations after the death of the seven generations. If this child really grows up, the scourge will have the day to destroy the temple!

"Sang Haixiong, this son must not stay! Once you grow up to Xiandi, my family can no longer seek that sacred day! You must kill the cradle! Don't worry about the identity of this ancient messenger, the ancients will be on the wood, it is Favored, but also can not go to the South!" Fushan Emperor murdered a flash, the color of the road.

"I think so too. When the elders of Helian arrive, we will start! Even if we can't destroy the killing hall today, we must try to kill this one! The specific power of the cross aura, I don't know, but only said that there is no end. Seven levels, you can know that this son is absolutely enchanting, it is placed in the ancient fairy, is also an absolute alien..." Sang Haidi is also murderous, has regarded Ning Fan as a roadblock for the rise of the scourge.

The fish of the endless sea, I do not know when to start, grow to a few feet of giant, longer short wings. Thousands of big fish jumped out of the water and flew low over the sea.

This is the seventh level of nowhere. This level is the limit of all the second steps of the monks from the past to the present. As for the eighth level, only the holy people can feel it.

It was the ancient overhaul of the Beidou Xianyu, which was similar to the ancients and the like. When it was full, it was almost the seventh level.

Ning Fan can enter the seventh level of baptism with the repair of the King of the King, which is enough to show that it is extraordinary. Unfortunately, Ning Fan himself has no concept and no concern for the twelve levels of the infinite sea. It won't be so happy because of this fame.

He cares more about actual interests. He is a real person.

When the mind is moving, Ning Fan will take the cross aura into the body, and the intense heart consumption will stop, and the eyes will show a deep exhaustion.

At the same time, using all the magical powers learned, it really can't last for a long time, and the consumption of the mind is different from the mana and the injury. It is difficult to recover. If it is not necessary, this cross aura is still less useful. If it is depleted to the exhaustion of the heart, it is the Emperor, it will also be dead on time...

Ning Fan's mental strength is still the best in his class, but even if he uses this cross aura, he can't last too long. According to his estimation, the maximum amount of aura around two hundred percent will be lost.

At this moment, the heart has lost nearly half of it, and at most it can only open more than one hundred...

"This cross aura is a fusion of magical powers. The more magical powers there are, the more terrible the ability... I created this technique, I should have given it a name, but... the trouble with the name, or forget it..."

"I used to learn too much because of a supernatural power, but I can't take it into consideration. Now it's different. I will learn a lot of magical powers in the future. I can turn it into a cross with a cross, making it even stronger, and I remember the three great schools of the ancient emperor. Among them, there is a kind of vain that can be used to win the power of others. The ancient emperor once said that when I am enough to repair, I will feel this technique through the two monuments of the sun, the moon and the stars..."

Ning Fan was thinking about himself, and he heard a congratulatory voice in all directions.

"Congratulations to the eight generations of killing the emperor to learn new skills!"

The original baptism is over... Ning Fan is slightly sorry, and his cross aura has many shortcomings. It seems that it cannot be further improved by the power of the infinite sea, and can only be perfected in the future.

The big fish flew into the bottom of the sea and disappeared. Then, the sea of ​​the infinite sea, because the call time has arrived, evaporates into a mist and dissipates between the heavens and the earth.

In the mist, there was a large starlight, flying out of the main star of the killing star, forming a shadow of a tree of fruit trees around the altar.

Those fruit trees are not entities, they are illusory, but the fruits of the trees are all true!

Ning Fan knows that after the baptism, the ceremony will enter the most popular banquet time.

Seeing the fruit trees appear, waiting for the many killing temple ladies on the side to start incense and prayer, and then hand-carrying the basket, holding the gold hit, knocking down one of the aura's aggressive fruit, picking it up, then sending it to the venue, giving it to the venue. Enjoy it for all guests.

It is said that the ancestral rituals of the predecessors who killed the emperor went to this link, often with fewer people, only a few people or even dozens of people, eating a fruit.

But today is different, there are too few people to come, even if you add the monks of the temple to kill the temple, the number is actually much less than the fruit trees, often one can eat two or three fruit.

Since the guest and the host are happy!

On the surface, Ning Fan has joined the banquet and sipped with the guests, but in fact, his mind has always kept the rain from falling, watching the two evil emperors outside the distant starry sky.

His rain is too secret, secretly to the two emperors, I don’t know if I was monitored by Ning Fan!

The reason why the funeral month and others were delayed was precisely because of the order of Ning Fan, who was ambushing the two emperors.

Ouyang warm and other women, I want to come with the people of Qianqiuzong, so the Qianqiu sect up and down, only to finally agree to come together to congratulate Ning Fan.

"One six robbery, one seven robbery... And these two seem to be waiting for Elder Helen... Nahlian elders, fearing it is even more powerful, but most of them are not quasi-holy... There is a funeral moon, and there is no need to worry about the elders of Helin. If I invite the King of War to take the shot and deal with the remaining two emperors, it will not be too difficult. I just don’t know when the clan will come out..."

Did not take the consideration of Xian Loli, after all, Xian Loli has become smaller, the mental decline is very serious, how much will affect the strength of fighting law...

Ning Fan was drinking alcohol, and suddenly saw the little demon woman came over, in the name of toasting, but took a chance, took his hand and wrote a few words in his palm.

[To the ancestors have arrived]

Ning Fan stunned, and then the heart was warm, did not expect to seal the emperor's ceremony in his own district, actually even the scorpion of this sacred sacred, please move this face, it is too big!

The cultivation of the scorpion is far higher than that of Ning Fan. If there is a hidden heart, and there is no malicious or killing of Ning Fan, Ning Fan is naturally difficult to detect the fact that the scorpion has arrived.

There is a scorpion in the present, and today’s dynasty, you don’t have to worry about it.

At this moment, since it is known to come to the scorpion, under the perceptual perception, Ning Fan vaguely perceives the direction of the scorpion, lifts the wine cellar, and greets a glass of wine in a direction toward the distant starry sky.

A glimpse of the sea, ask why, Ning Fan just laughs and does not speak.

"Oh? This is the chaotic ancient descendant that you are very valued by the Musong Taoist people. I waited for the three quasi-sacred forces to hide the figure, but I was still aware of this place. This child was repaired as plain, but the perception was really good! , yes!"

In the starry sky, one of the two quasi-sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

There is still a strange quasi-holy, to participate in his Feng Dian ceremony? Ning Fanyu heard this voice and expressed his surprise.

"Oh, this is nothing more than the perception, and other means are endless. If this is not a real skill, I am a pine, how can I owe this person, so that I step into the red dust?" Answer, listen to the sound, actually Musong!

Even the people of Musongdao came in person!

"Speaking of it, I am very strange. With the character of your post-earth, you will actually stand on this side of the side, and be an enemy of the dark and the evil. If you owe it to this person, what is the situation?" Asked.

It turned out that the other mysterious quasi-sacred, actually the post-Tudou old man!

Ning Fan heard about the name of the old man after the earth, and Hou Tu Zong was also a big door in Dongtian. However, Ning Fan never knew that the old Tuzu ancestors who never showed up were actually a quasi-holy! And today has arrived!

"Oh, the human condition is not owed, but it is to give me some benefits to the old man, let me out for this." After the old man replied.

"Oh? Can you please take the land back out of the mountain, the price paid to the old man is not small." Musong curious.

Just smile at the nephew, for the price paid, not to mention.

He naturally wouldn't tell Musong. He gave half of the yang water that Ning Fan gave him, and gave it to the old man in the land to exchange it.

And by the way from the back of the soil, in exchange for a piece of open stone, it is what Ning Fan needs.

The three quasi-sacred no longer speak more, and Ning Fan is more reassured.

Looking at the situation, there are actually three Quasi-Saints in the Emperor's Grand Ceremony to support themselves in secret. As a result, it is said that the scourge only sent three emperors to cause trouble, that is, to send three quasi-sacred, it is not good!

Today, the Emperor's Grand Ceremony can be guaranteed!

Time passed by, and the banquet was over halfway.

Ning Fan is working with several Dong Tian Da Han to make a drink, and suddenly his brow wrinkles.

Almost at the same time, three lines of colorful light, crossed the stars!

Colorful cover, since the Emperor is undoubtedly, these three emperors are not concealing a killing machine, it is not obvious to the enemy and non-friends!

All the guests at the venue, the monks who killed the temple, took a breath of air and sank inside.

One six robbery, one seven robbery, one eight robbery! These three imperial lineups are called luxury, and the atmosphere is stronger than many of the same emperors at the same level. Obviously they are amazing generations!

The emblem of the dark tribe has spread throughout the world with repeated incidents! The emblem of the three emperor's horns is not a dark clan, but other.

The discerning eye has speculation, these three emperors, I am afraid that the Nantian secret group sent!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Everyone replayed the wine cellar, and Horan stood up, took out the magic weapon, and glared at the people, ready to fight, even if the other party is a high emperor!

If it is a normal time, it is to give these people eight courage, and absolutely do not dare to release the killing of the Emperor.

But nowadays, they are also dying with Ning Fan in the cross, and they will not be killed, and they will be afraid of the Emperor!

"Interesting and interesting! A group of ants in the district, actually dare to show their killings to the old man. People say that the East Heaven monks are mostly fierce, very different from my Nantian monks, huh, huh, really different, but also a look when the army broke. ”

Breaking the army refers to the emperor of the seven generations of killing the emperor [breaking the army to kill the emperor].

In the middle of Fushan and Sanghaidi, a hunchback old man with one hand and a cane, the other sleeve is empty, like no arms. He squinted and sneered at the crowd at the meeting.

He is the elder of Helian in the mouth of the Emperor of Fushan Sanghai, Helian Xuanzong! The ancient eight robbers were repaired, and only a few can be close to the nine robbers, the breath is very strong, and the two emperors who have seen Ning Fan are both powerful!

The three clan sects were high above the venue, and the pressure was overwhelming. Everyone felt a top-down Tianwei!

The elders of the sea are sinking in the water, ordering a large array of guarding stars to kill the comet, but the old man with a humpback will only take a random crutches, and will destroy all the big stars of the killing star!

Numerous palms of the monk were broken by the formation, and they vomited blood!

After the resurgence of the aftermath, hundreds of thousands of monks were swayed by the wind, and they were still stunned, but they still returned to their original positions, screaming and glaring at the Three Emperors.

Hey, trembling, are the instinctual fears of the body when facing the Emperor!

Glare, but it is a kind of determination, after the wine is hot, the spirit is alive!

No one fled!

The elders of Helian were even more gloomy. The scene of the Sixth Emperor's siege and killing of the temple in the past reverberated in his mind, and the lost left arm was even more painful.

Kill the temple! A good killing temple! The old man has to look at it, there is no killing temple to break the army, how to resist his arrival!

"Who is the eight generations to kill the emperor!"

Helian Xuanzong kills the sky, and sees the monks under his feet as nothing!

There is only one of the celestial celestial being Xiandi, and it is more than enough for Fushan Sanghai to deal with it. He is alone, killing the rest, but taking a bag!

"I am, what do you think of!"

Ning Fan's body swayed and flew into the sky, and he was alone and confronted with the three murderers, and the momentum was not weak!

After all, killing so many emperors, the single soul of the emperor's soul, is the three people in front of the eyes together, did not kill so much!

He Lianxuan's brow wrinkled, and did not expect a eternal life in Ningfan District. The momentum is so amazing, even his existence is not as good.

Before Fushan Sanghai, Ning Fan was absolutely unique. He still had some unbelief. At this moment, he believed in one or two points.

When more, still disdain, this is his pride as the elders of the elders, how can it be scared by a little doll of more than ten thousand bones!

Seeing Ning Fan's initiative to appear, He Lian Xuanzong even lazy to talk with Ning Fan nonsense, under the big mouth, a bowl of mouth thickness of the extremely cold light, instantly hit the Ning Fan face.

At this moment, destroying the Aegis is embarrassing, and Ning Fan simply abandoned the defense and directly attacked the attack!

The Han Mang has not yet played Ning Fan, and he was immediately smashed by a roll of a sudden roll.

At the same time, the Garro dimon magic beads were shot from the oblique spurs in the shadow of the stars. Helian Xuanzong was too careless. He was shocked by the sneak attack. He was still trying to hide, but he was still slower. He was shot in the right arm by the magic bead, and he couldn’t hold the crutches!

Under the slightest pain, the corner of the mouth actually shed a trace of blood, and the look was stunned and furious.

When he was left in the seventh generation, the eight generations of today’s district actually injured his right arm!

How humiliating!

The kill, the kill!

"If you don't speak a word, Ning will not be merciful. If you are a fairy or a secret, if you dare to make trouble today, don't want to leave!"

Ning Fan cold channel.

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