Grasping Evil

Chapter 1109: Kill out the encirclement!

The robbery of the sea is like the end of the world. Thousands of winds and thunders are raging between the heavens and the earth, killing the sky.

More ancient hatreds of hatred of the gods, from the catastrophe, it is the only person who can communicate with nature, can hear the sky anger.

[kill the gods! 】

[kill the gods! 】

The giant gold armor walked calmly between the heavens and the earth and swallowed the mountains and rivers. Every step of the way, there will be a day of robbery; every punch, there will be a sea of ​​peace.

Every moment, there is a day of robbery directly on the giant, but it does not hurt the giants, only to play the golden light, it shows how terrible the physical defense of this giant!

In the eyes of the giant gold giant, with the anger that can not be vented, he is not a thing, it is Ning Fan swallowed the gods of the gods, and a little bit of magical reality!

Previously, Ning Fan had no conception about his own personal body, and he did not know which one of the many rules should be the dominant one, and what kind of true body should be condensed.

At this moment, he no longer has to be confused, destroying the shield and giving him a choice.

After taking the sacred **** goddess liquid, his blood in the body is boiling, and all the roads he repaired suddenly seem to have the backbone of the heart. After all, the ancient gods, the ancient demon, and the ancient demon are repaired, all of which are imitated by the gods. The three yin and yang that they have cultivated are born with the meaning of surrender for the existence of the gods. At the moment, under the influence of the gods and gods in the body, they directly compromised and reached a consensus.

The consensus is that if Ning Fan has shaped the ancient body, he will be a human figure. And the real body shape, because of the influence of the destroying shield, is very similar to the giant of the gods!

In addition to the appearance of Ning Fan, Baizhang body, Jin Yan armor, left hand-held shield and other features, are almost the same as the original giant of the gods, was inherited by Ning Fan's real body!

Ning Fan's body of gold armor, still refining!

The rejection of heaven and earth for him is getting heavier and heavier!

The golden flame on his real body burns, and the golden flame is not exactly the flame on the real body armor. There are many, it is the temperature of the gods near the horror, burning his blood, body, the fire !

After all, it is the golden armor liquid, the temperature is much more than the horror of the silver armor and the copper armor. The temperature is enough to directly kill the lower-ranking Emperor.

If other sacred gods rush to take the sacred **** sacred liquid, most of them will be burned directly to ashes, but Ning Fan is different, he can feel that there is a will in this **** liquid, it is dying The former will, in helping his master to absorb the power of these gods, is suppressing the temperature of the golden armor liquid too horrible...

Therefore, he can calm down and refine these **** liquids. Even if the body burns, there is not much pain, because all of this is the voluntary destruction of the shield, and the arrangement...

Ning Fan does not know why the destroying **** shield is dead, let him embark on this path of the gods, he can imagine that there is some kind of hardship in destroying the shield, but he does not know why.

As time went by, the sky robbery in the sky gradually became less and was broken by Ning Fan.

The golden flame of Ning Fanzhen is more and more prosperous, the momentum is getting more and more pressing, and the form is also step by step. The armor of the gods is full of indestructible feeling.

When the refining of the gods is completed, the ancient body of Ning Fan is completely repaired.

On the sky that has been ravaged by tens of thousands of days of robbery, Ning Fan Baizhang is standing on the air and standing on the left. He is holding a gold flame shield with a method of illusion, wearing a golden flame armor, and the mighty gods reappear in the heavens and the earth.

When the day robbed, the world was re-smooth.

However, Ning Fan’s heart still has a hint of silence. He has swept his own huge body and swept through every part of the body that is similar to the Destroyed Giant.

"This is my...the ancient body..."

"You and I have been servants for many years, but I know very little about you. Even today, I only know that you are the sixth piece of the broken ancient shield of God. I have never even given you a name...not as a Shield, but as a servant, as a friend, owe you a title..."


Ning Fan immediately landed back to the ground of the tower, and the giant force spread, breaking through the mountains and rivers. This is the proof that he has not yet released the power of the ancient body.

After all, it’s just been repaired, and it takes a long time to get used to it...

For the next few days, Ning Fan did not have the mood to practice, lifted the ancient body and casually sat on the ground, and placed two jars on the ground.

An altar is for him to drink.

Although the other altar was opened with mud, no one drank, and the wind blew, and the wine in the altar was opened.

[This God is not crazy, is this to pay homage to the fragment of the open space? I don't understand, I can't understand the foreign magic of the area, I lost my mistake, and I can't let it go. There is no god, it will be in the accident...] The incinerator feels incomprehensible, and its mission is to burn the magic weapon for the ancient kings. Although the memory is incomplete, but it is vaguely remembered. In the age of the ancient gods, he also burned the heavenly instrument for some of the fourth steps of the gods, and used it for refining.

But from no one god, it will be sad for foreign objects, even if the foreign object is a complete open space, it will not.

Ning Fan seems to be the first one he met... some special gods.

At this moment, Ning Fan did not open the gift of communication of all things, and naturally could not hear the heart of the incinerator. He heard that there was no feeling at the moment.

He is not a person who likes to indulge in sorrow. Even though he is heavy, he still remembers his original intention to enter the Year Tower. Suddenly lost the complex mood of destroying the shield, and gradually calmed down.

He came to cultivate, and there is a big enemy outside, waiting for him to challenge.

He has no time...

"Old man, if I call you a singer, you shouldn't mind... After all, you are the sixth shard of the Shield, ranking sixth, this title is the name that I have tried my best to think of. One of them... In addition to the first time, I also thought of the name of Shield, Master, and God, but I always felt that these names were lacking in a sense of intimacy..." Ning Fan was silent for a few days before he died. I came up with a title. Just thinking about the title that was hard to come up with, but the **** shield could not be heard, and could not help but sigh deeper.

[My new owner seems to be not good at raising his name...] The incinerator is speechless, and the words of the abdomen, of course, Ning Fan did not hear.

"Old man, go all the way!"

A few days later, Ning Fan finally put down his empty wine jar, and sprinkled the altar wine prepared for the destroying of the shield on the ground. As a sacrifice, he gave a long breath and changed his mood.

In the decades that followed, he was only busy with one thing. That was to realize the newly-built eternal body and adapt to the strength of the ancient body.

Today, he has four levels of cultivation in the world to achieve the level of the ancient fairy, truly balanced; if from the yin and yang opposition, the three aspects of the yin and face repair, but also for the first time really over the sun, robbing the blood, and getting along with each other The more harmonious.

The four lines are superimposed. He does not use any means of addition. The sum of the mana in the body is comparable to that of the four kings. Who asked him to be a fellow practitioner of the four departments. Although the difficulty is very high, the benefits are enormous.

If you open the body of the ancients, then under the skyrocketing, he can be compared to the repair of the five kings!

The most terrible thing is the improvement in defense.

There is not much improvement in the physical defense of the body. Of course, there is a slight improvement, but it is not the focus of the incinerator.

The smelting furnace is more focused, and it seems to be the cultivation of the golden body of the body.

At this moment, Ning Fan can stimulate the body's golden light at any time, so that the physical defense is soaring, just like when the Shield of Destruction was used, the body of the Shield is not the same.

The only difference is that today's body care is golden, belonging to Ning Fan himself. If this bodyguard Jinguang goes all the way, it can become the armor of the gods, but that is too far, too far...

Do not open the ancient body, only use the body of the golden light, Ning Fan has the confidence to hardly pick up all the attacks of the six robbers, including the self-destruction of the six robbers, may not be able to hurt him!

If you open the real body of the ancients, the power of the body golden light will be expanded to the maximum. His true body defense is simply a replica of the giant of the gods, and it can defend most of the attacks of the nine heroes!

"I have some understanding of the difference between the incinerator and the refining of the gods. The defense of the refining of the gods, the emphasis on all aspects of the body, is the improvement of the basic attributes; and the physical defense of the incinerator is similar to the magical power, to The way of protecting the body of Jinguang and Jinyan Giants needs to be actively opened before they can be waved out. Even if they rarely enhance some physical qualities, they are only incidental, not the main role..."

"Wangu is a kind of transformational skill. Once it is opened, it can greatly enhance the monk's cultivation and explode higher combat power. In the realm of comprehension, there are a few real bodies, with special abilities, my true body. It seems that there is also a special existence in the real body of Wan Gu..."

Ning Fan opened the body of the ancients, and became a hundred-footed person. One reminder, the palm of his hand, suddenly had a flame rune born, burning.

The rune structure, like a [back] word, is just the inner and outer borders of the back word, which are composed of countless tiny ancient characters. The golden flame, burning on the runes, dazzling and unobtrusive, like a small golden sun.

The golden flame above the rune has no hot temperature, and even the mortal grass can't burn.

But this rune brought Ning Fan a feeling of extraordinary ability. I don’t know why, but it can resonate with the power of the gods in his body...

This rune, only the release of the ancient body of Ning Fan can be used, you need to open the real body as the front.

This rune is the burning of the gods in Ningfan's body, transforming this rune, and the consumption of Ningfan is extremely large and cannot be used.

The number of ancient scripts that make up this rune is as many as a thousand words. With Ning Fan's experience, I can't recognize that it is the kind of ancient text, and I can't see the ability of runes. So he decided to talk to the golden flame rune and set the words.

"You are the ability that comes with my own body, let me talk about it, what is your function?" asked Ning Fan.

[Destroy the gods, destroy the gods...] The runes are not high-minded, and they only use simple words and replies, which is far less than the incinerator.

"What does it mean to destroy God?"

[Penalty, penalty...] Rune replied.

"What does the penalty mean?"

[Destroy God, destroy God...]

Ok, it’s coming back...

Ning Fan repeatedly asked dozens of questions about runes, and the runes either answered [penalty] or answered [death], and there was no third word.

When Ning Fan was speechless, his expression was a little dignified.

When he became a ten-generation sacred god, he cultivated the power of punishment. It is a kind of ability to practise punishment. It can be ignored and leveled, and it is incomparable.

Since the word "penalty" mentioned in this rune is in the rune, is there a force similar to the penalty? If so, it can explain why this rune can resonate with his power of punishment.

Ning Fan follows the resonance of the power of punishment in the body to sense the rune. Gradually, he really perceives the existence of a penal power from the runes.

Similar to the power of the sacred god, but it is fundamentally different, it seems that it is much higher than the power of the sacred god!

The barbarian is a race that imitates the spirit of the gods, and the power of the sinful punishment of the sacred gods has some traces of the power to imitate the punishment in this rune...

Destroy God...

Ancient country destroys God...

If the effect of this rune is indeed a penalty, is it the power of punishment for the ancient gods?

Can be sanctioned... ancient gods?

The power of punishment is not accurate, it is more like a kind of power!

Ning Fan had a guess and decided to experiment one or two. He took out the purple power that had been forced out of the body before, and tried to use this golden flame rune to erase this purple power.

We must know that although this purple power is only a trace, it is difficult to be entangled. Ning Fan has used many means, and it is impossible to truly erase this power from the world...

Whoever expects the golden flame rune to touch the purple power, the purple power will be steamed directly, in the event of heaven and earth, annihilation dissipates...

The process can't be said to be easy, and weird...

"Sure enough, this rune has a restraining effect on divine power! My guess is probably right... this is a kind of rune that has the power to destroy God! My ancient body has the speciality of restraining ancient gods. Ability? But why is this happening? Could it be..."

The ancient country destroyed the shield.

Yes, it must be him. His name is in the name of Desperate. The two words are not just good, but... they do.

Perhaps, the Shield of Destruction is an instrument of punishment in the ancient country. He swallowed the Aegis, so... In the real body of the ancients, there was a special change in the power of the gods...

"If there is no such demon-like rune, I say that the strength is soaring, and at most it can only be invincible with the black rope, but if you use the gods rune... Maybe I will ignore the gap and beat the black. The opportunity of the rope..."

This is not a delusion!

How bad the punishment is, Ning Fan has already experienced it. On the island of Tienji Island, the sect of the Nanzu Zhunsheng came, and he was strong, but he was beaten by the palm of his hand.

The slap in the palm of your hand, why is it against the sky! This is the second-order quasi-san of the Musong Taoist, but I would like to do it, but Ning Fan...has done it!

I can do this, it has nothing to do with cultivation, but because Ning Fan’s power of punishment is too strong, and there are 36 terrorists!

It is enough to reduce the sanctions across the gap, or how to call it a sacred god, if you lead the barbarian saint, the emperor?

From the level of power, the demonstration rune is higher than the barbaric penalty, but unfortunately, Ning Fan’s ability to swallow the shield is not much, not as good as him. There are thirty-six criminal mountains sitting on the scale.

This level of power to destroy the gods, even if the gods really exist in the production of grams, fear is restrained. Among the same-level gods, the power of sanctions is not too high...

Of course, if the level of the gods who are hostile to the gods is not as good as him, but only a god, the sanctions may be easier, and it is not known...

There are two points, Ning Fan is just guessing, not really sure.

Is the black rope a half god?

Can his sanctification rune be able to sanction the demigod who has the blood of the royal family?

With these two uncertainties, Ning Fan does not dare to guarantee that he can easily defeat the black rope if he has a gods rune.

If he guessed wrong, he still can only rely on the strength of the skyrocketing, and the black rope is invincible. The tie is a lucky one. It is not a monster that can be defeated by the court. At least for now, he has not defeated the black rope. strength…

"I should not pin all my hopes on the gods and runes, but I should also increase my chances of winning in other ways."

"I swallowed the gods and gods, I didn't get all the benefits, but also the disadvantages. At the moment, when the golden body of the body is greatly increased, the world's rejection is also unprecedentedly huge... No, the rejection is already inaccurate, At this moment, I was regarded as the first enemy by the heavens and the earth, and hostile! This kind of hostility, I experienced in the rain, I also rebelled against the heavens at that time, but this time, obviously more serious times, even the world Force has stopped me. Just because this time, my jealousy is more serious than the original Tiandao ... ... ... ... ... 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神with…"

"Tian annihilation, annihilation and repair... This edifice, the way of cultivating the Tao, the circle of not cultivating the Tao, is it a kind of... a different way of saying the gods?"

"The monk is a sacred man; the monk is a god, the god...the opposition between the Buddha and the ancient demon, the opposition between the robbery and the savage, fundamentally speaking, is the opposition between the **** and the god?"

Ning Fan seems to be a moment, I want to understand a lot of heaven and earth secrets, and then I feel a little boring.

What kind of relationship does the world have to do with him? It is better to understand that the ancient body is really important.

After refining and destroying the gods and gods, the difficulty of extracting the power of heaven and earth is ten times more than before!

This means that Ning Fan will release the former magical powers and use the magic weapon of the past to consume ten times more mana to achieve the former power. When fighting, there will be a huge amount of mana being wasted!

This is what Ning Fan can do after he has learned the heavens and the earth.

If you do not comprehend the heavens and the earth to borrow the law, and he will arbitrarily practice the guilt of the spiritual road, the end of the world will completely ban him from extracting any power from heaven and earth. That is really trouble!

Considering that the cross aura is open, the mana will be infinitely endless. Ning Fan will not worry too much about the increase in mana cost, but it is somewhat unpleasant.

I don't like the fact that others have given me a penalty!

"He wants to take my life, and it is more qualified for me to extract the power of the heavens and the earth. Sure enough, once this path of the gods really sets foot, it will not be able to turn back."

"Without turning back, you don't have to look back! There are more magic weapons in my hands. Although I can't burn the golden armor with the destroying of the shield, I can also burn the silver armor and the copper armor. I can still With the incinerator... it gets stronger!"

"I saw that I was first killed by the immortal life, or the shackles of this world, and I was stunned by the gods!"

Ning Fan has been used for thousands of years before he completely consolidates his own true body.

Then he entered the third million-year-old tower, began to incinerate other magic weapons, and swallowed the gods to practice.

He is not a person who loves the magic weapon. He has never been. The destroyer shield is a special one. Other magic weapons rarely make him sad, and he is cherished and makes him sad.

It is incinenation, and it is also a feeling of indifference.

As a result, the magic weapon that is rarely used in storage bags, except for things with special meaning, was mostly burned by Ning Fan.

The first step of the magic weapon, in exchange for a large number of copper armor.

The second step of the magic weapon, in exchange for a large number of silver armor.

After the day Xianbao, Ning Fan does not care, it is the world's best magic weapon, he does not feel bad.

The prison rope that was destroyed by the black rope is useless anyway. It can be used to burn a pool of silver.

Five poisonous cockroaches, wash the fairy, Montenegro bear ancestors, five thunder bombardment cover, God Lei Mirror, Garro Dynasties magic beads, ancient 阙 sword, town boundary Taishan... all kinds of innate magic weapons, all are Ning Fan Incinerated, turned into a silver armor liquid, refined into the body!

The higher the second step of the magic, the more silver liquid is refined.

With a large number of innate magic treasures, even if there is no high quality, but the number is high, the benefits can not be underestimated.

In addition to the special features of the innate treasures, or the innate treasures, Ning Fan does not intend to leave extra innate magic. In the process of burning innate magic, his body is getting more and more golden, and the ancient body is getting stronger and stronger, even stronger than the once-killing giant!

The third 10,000 years have finally passed.

In the process of burning huge amount of magic weapons, Ning Fan lost eight million years of Xianshou, which is the price of his hundreds of thousands of low-order magic weapons, hundreds of post-mortem treasures, and several innate magic weapons!

During this period of incineration and practice, a total of 17 million years of fairy life was lost. Although his bones are only 170,000 years old, the catastrophe that he faces in the future is already the power of the 17 million-year-old monk.

The 17 million-year-old monk is weaker than the ancient fairy, while the powerful one is the king.

These days of robbery, of course, are still not enough to make Ning Fan jealous, but if Xianshou continues to deduct, one day, he will face the horror to the looting...

At this point, Ning Fan has already prepared himself. He has already set foot on the road of the gods, and he will not hesitate. The risk of repairing the gods is great, and the benefits are very obvious.

Once he was determined to cultivate the spiritual path, he had an ambition to collect all four artifacts.

He already has a reverse grade smelting furnace, a rectification of the sacred dynasty, and lack of blood and gourd, the gods know how to grind...

In the future, I have to pay attention to it. If you can find these two artifacts, Ning Fan has the confidence to make his strength soar again!

After 30,000 years of exhaustion, Ning Fan reorganized his bag, repaired Taikoo Leiding, and re-entered the Xuanyin world. With a stronger posture, he only rushed into the dark rope of Xuanyin. .

Although there is no punch to create a black rope, it also shows that Ning Fan at this moment is more powerful than before entering the Xuanyin world!

Before him, he couldn’t do so easily to fly the black rope! At this moment, although he is still not as good as the black rope, the gap has shrunk a lot!

After that, Ning Fan turned out to be the real body of the ancients. He only stunned the black rope with only one punch. Naturally, he relied on the sneak attack of the power of destroying God. I want to kill, but it is extremely difficult. The blood of the black rope is too bad...

It’s strange to say that Ning Fan’s power of destroying God is not much. Even if the black rope is only a half god, the face has a level of suppression. It is also difficult for him to cause a huge killing... can stun, or he is not ready to take the black rope. The power of destroying the gods quickly attacks the result of the other side's knowledge of the sea...

If something is not sudden, if it is not for Ningfan to attack it, if the black rope is aware of the time to destroy the power of God... Ning Fan has no confidence, can successfully count the black rope with the power of destroying the gods, and win with a fist.

This is a decisive battle that won't win.

But this decisive battle, there is no fairness at all, he is the victory, and how! He is arrogant, arrogant, and how!

Dark, dark!

After that, he and the dark tribe completely tore the face, and then he fled all the way to the lower sky of the dark family...


Ning Fan’s eyes are calm, as if he is screaming and killing the sky, there is no generality.

He drove the ancient body and ran rampant in the dark tribe, but when anyone dared to block the road, they all drove the real body directly and killed the other side!

Overbearing, do not say anything, no more mercy!

At this moment, he has torn his face with the dark people, there is no need to reason!

Those ordinary monk monks who do not ask the world, he can open one side, but those who dare to stop him to go, and attack him, he will not be merciful!

Before, the battlefield was only dark and big 6, not a big dark day.

But now, the situation has changed!

"The thief is taking a break!"

A quasi-hoc riding a black gourd, whistling, this person is not aware of, is also a first-order quasi-holy, look at the previous station, identity should be above the quasi-sacred dark battle, repair is also slightly stronger Fight in the dark.

The sacred sacred sacredness is much faster than Ningfan. It is the fastest of the five dark sects. Because he is riding a gourd, it is a forerunner, so it is the second-order of the dark. Quasi-sacred, single degree is slightly inferior, but he is the first to catch up with Ning Fan!

Black gourd...

Could it be an artifact **** gourd?

Ning Fan God swept away, now the other party's black gourd is just a common innate magic weapon, and can not produce any sense with his blood, could not help but be speechless.

He really wants to be beautiful. Just got the second artifact, he wants to get a third artifact again...what is so smart.

"Black finger!"

The huge black yang is presented in the rear, and it turns into a giant finger, and wants to kill Ning Fan.

This is a black scorpion finger made by a first-order quasi-holy, which is much stronger than the black rope.


Ning Fan’s head did not return, and he smashed hundreds of thousands of martial arts swords behind his body, and he smashed the giant finger that was chasing after him.

However, it is still not enough to break the giant finger in front. After all, it is the quasi-sanctification that makes the black scorpion finger. Fortunately, after Ning Fan’s attack, the power of the giant finger also lost 7787%. , drown him.

"Hey! Hit it, it seems that this kid is not dead, but also delamination..."

The gourd is just sneering, and suddenly the old eyes are stunned.

It is Ning Fan Bai Zhang Jin body, all the way out of the black light sea, only cough a small amount of blood, it seems that the damage is not heavy.

"Impossible! How can I be slightly injured by my finger?"

One finger can't do it, then ten fingers, one hundred fingers! As long as the attack is effective, you can always kill this kid!

He has a congenital gourd, this is a congenital treasure, this is a very fast, but fast, and it is impossible to escape from a quasi-saint with a congenital treasure!

"Congenital treasures, you can have more than one person!"

Ning Fan sneered, the giant foot stepped into the sky, a giant black cloud suddenly appeared at the foot.

His ancient body is like a god. At this moment, he stood on the black cloud, and was dyed by the black gas. It seems to be an ancient demon god, and there is a lot of evil spirit.

The effect of Wu Xianyun is based on the degree of the host, the degree of addition.

This means that the faster Ning Fan itself is, the faster it will fly with this cloud!

On the top of the Emperor's Great Ceremony, he had a great understanding of the martial arts. His own degree has already been extremely against the sky. At this moment, the use of Wuxianyun to add degrees, almost one vertical body, and the gourd quasi-hoc behind the body The distance of millions of clouds.

After the rest of the breath, I completely smashed the hunt of the gourd quasi-holy!

"Impossible! I don't believe it! How can there be a congenital treasure in the district?" It is faster than the old man! He is not a repair of the Guangzu!"

"Where are the emperors, drag me this, you can't let him escape the dark days!"

The gourd's sacred sacred sorrows the underground command, and the sound goes straight into the sky. It passes through a heavy heaven, and passes through the nineteenth heaven. The entire dark dark sky and the nineteenth sky are echoing his roar.

All the dark monks who heard this snoring were shocked.

The most proficient sacred elders, the dark emperor, did not catch up with Ning Fan, but ordered other people to intercept!

Isn’t the degree of Ning Fan faster than the quasi-sacred elder, faster than all quasi-sacred elders?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Constantly there is a road repair, and Ning Fan’s rampage is directly hit by the body, and the blood is sprinkled.

Ning Fan’s footsteps in the dark clouds, lifting the shield giant, blocking in front of him, like a demon **** galloping, Xianzun or Xian Wang, who can not bear the power of his collision, but also directly killed, or so? It was hit by vomiting blood and flying down, all miserable!

The darkness of the 6th World War, although the killing was thrilling, but only a few people know the ferocity of Ning Fan, but this time, the dark tribe went up to the dark ancestors, down to the civilians, all witnessed Ning Fan's rampage.

The quasi-sacred can't catch it!

Xianzun Xianwang can't stop!

When he wants to come, he will kill all the way to the 19th Heaven; he will leave, but the ancestors have not left him!

There is even more explosive news that spreads among all the dark people in various ways.

The reason why the ancient messengers left was because of the decisive battle with the black rope, and the results have been separated!

The ancient messenger... wins!

"Even even God-respected adults are not the opponents of this chaotic ancient descendant!"

"Damn! Damn! This ancient messenger searched my family for countless sensational materials, and now I am killing you, I can let him go!"

"Block him!"

"But I can't stop it!"

"The quasi-sacred is in the higher sky, can't catch up with this, who can stop him!"

In the lower sky, the corrections of the guards of the dark gates were anxious, and suddenly the voices of the people were heard.

"I want to wait for the kid to panic! My family's emperor has all gathered in the lower sky. If the ancient people come, they will kill this, to be my glory!"

It is a team of murderous emperors, confident and full of voice! 8

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