Grasping Evil

Chapter 1128: Lingyun **** battle!

The eleventh waterway, Lingyunguan.

Because Ning Fan has a number of famous emperors, the 11th road aliens are deeply shaken, and they dare not easily quit the water. Occasionally they attack the Lingyun Pass. They are also attacks of small-scale harassing nature. Guan Shushi personally played. Calculating the time, Lingyunguan has been calm and calm for almost a year.

During the period when Ning Fan was absent, the size of Lingyunguan was decided by Jinfeng Sanren.

Jinfeng Sanren was one of the three immortals who followed Ning Fan’s expedition. The other two immortals were Mrs. Shame and the Dragon Lord.

Mrs. Shame has already died in battle, and naturally she is unable to assist in the customs at this moment. As for the lord of the dragon, she was destroyed by the seriousness of the body, leaving only the god. In the year when Ning Fan sneaked into the bottom of the river, the dragons who had accumulated over the years of the dragons had finally been unable to hold back.

If he is not physically ruined, he will have a grasp of six or seventy percent of the catastrophe, but he is now seriously injured. His grasp is not even 20%.

In the end, the dragon lord reluctantly robbed, but died in the catastrophe.

The golden wind is scattered like a water. Dong Tianben is a place of war. He has been used to killing since childhood. For the fall of the same road, he should have ignored it.

It is clear that the monks who died in the border river are not deeply involved, but Jinfeng Sanren still feels the feeling of a rabbit dying.

"Adults, the brothers responsible for investigating the waters, from the southwest of Lingyunguan, have irregular water waves, suspected of large-scale alien flooding." Suddenly a scout came to order.

The golden wind has changed its face and asked, "Is it possible to judge the specific number of enemies?"

"No, no less than ten million..."

"What! There are so many aliens out of the water, this, how is this possible! Such a number of aliens, it is impossible to have no foreign emperor command, it seems that the other party wants to level me Lingyunguan, come, incense, pray, please General Ning came back to keep the gate!"

Jinfeng Sanren does not think that this is a micro-end of cultivation, and can deal with the alien emperor.

Although Ning Fan said that if there is a major event, he can be called to return, but the Jinfeng scattered people are not sure how long Ning Fan can rush back.

He was gloomy and ordered hundreds of scouts to go to Lingyunguan to investigate.

But those scouts have not yet come out, and suddenly there are countless bubbles emerging in the southwest direction, and the waves have become turbulent.

In a short time, a huge alien beast emerged from the bottom of the water and floated to the surface. At the entrance, the black pressure is all alien, and its army has stretched for hundreds of miles!

The whole Lingyunguan is flustered, the number of enemy troops is not less than tens of millions. What is even more shocking is that the enemy army is strict and the Chinese army is sitting in the ten emperors!

"It's over! It's all over! The other side has ten emperors, I can't keep it!"

"I can't keep it! I have to keep it! As long as I keep returning to General Ning, I will have a chance to live!"

"Put it! The whole army climbs the wall, enters the mana into the formation, and strengthens the defense!"

"Full defense!"

"Full defense!"

The guardian of Lingyunguan is only a thousand people. In front of the alien army, it seems extremely insignificant. However, the morale at the moment has not yet collapsed.

Only because of this, there was one person who gave them infinite confidence and told them that the alien emperor was not terrible. Although the man has not returned, as long as he can wait for him to come back, the aliens, there is nothing to fear!


Under the order of Long Anguo, the alien army suddenly attacked Lingyunguan.

Ling Yunguan's formation is very powerful, that is, the Emperor can repel, killing ordinary aliens, it is simply cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

Hundreds of low-order aliens were killed by the formation. The bodies sank into the water, and the blood stained the river. But there were more interracial ancestors who did not know the terrible death.

"These alien emperors are so oysters, they don't want to use the power of the array. They want to take the life of the low-order aliens and exhaust the power of the array!"

He can see the other's plan, but he can't stop it. After the aliens filled in 100,000 lives, Ling Yunguan's formation began to weaken.

When the aliens died and injured 400,000, Ling Yunguan's formation began to crack.

More and more Dongtian monks are not able to support the formation. The cracks in the law are getting more and more, completely broken, just a matter of time.

"Adult, what to do! The array method can support up to the maximum interest, and the generals of Ning are afraid that they will not be able to come back..." There is a desperate monk in the East.

Jinfeng Sanren bites his teeth and screams. "Since the deity has come to participate in the League, there is already a sense of death in this battle. This guard can't keep it. Let's go and escape by myself. Let me fight for your escape time!" ”

The monks of the Eastern Heavens heard the words, they were all silent, but not long after, they all ignited the war.

"Adults don't go, I won't leave!"

The golden wind was silent, and then laughed. "Good! I am waiting to die here, not to rob me!"

"Do not pay attention to a gown!"

"Death is not back!"

"Death is not back!"

This group of East Heaven monks is obviously weak, but the warfare that comes out at this moment is shocking. If the formation is broken, they will be desperate, and the above thousands of troops will attack the enemy army!

Ning Fan, who is hiding in the alien army, is deeply sighed by God. The four-day monk in the end of the law era has many shortcomings: selfishness, utilitarianism, greed... but it is not nothing.

At least, they still retain the bloodliness of their ancestors, which is the glory of the purple Dou Xian Xiu once died.

Life and death are all purple bucket fairy!

The big array will have to break in seven or eighty, and Ning Fan will naturally not see the blood flowing into the river.

He was mixed in the battle of the Taishan fish, but the gods turned into rain, turned into fog, and locked the alien army.

There, ten emperors, including Longma Xiandi, sat in the town; there, there was a giant pillar standing tall, hundreds of feet high, and a giant turtle repaired by a quasi-emperor.

The celestial pillar is like an antiquities, very old and covered with rust. Under the cover of rust, there is no trace of glory flowing out.

And it seems that the iron pillar is very heavy. It is necessary to know that it is responsible for the Pillars of the Pillars, which is the moving mountain turtle known for its power among the eleventh aquarium. A fairy reincarnation of a mountain tortoise, the ability to smash a number of comprehension stars, the emperor to repair the mountain turtle, at least a few anti-sea swords can walk quickly.

But at this moment, this only emperor moved the mountain tortoise, but his look was strenuous. Obviously, the iron pillar on his back was somewhat controlled by his weight.

If the ordinary Emperor went to perceive, most of them could not see the specific grade of this iron pillar. What kind of eyesight can you feel, and how you can feel it. Naturally, you can feel the enormous power contained in this iron pillar. It is not just heavy.

Congenital products, no, it should be congenital products...

Through the layers of rust, Ning Fan's perception can not be accurate, but it also has the confidence of the points, and concludes that this is a congenital treasure.

But there is not much confidence, and it is concluded that this thing is the pinnacle of the sea.

God pin, listen to the name, it should be a small thing, how can it be such a giant iron pillar?

Obviously it is an iron pillar. If it is in the name of a needle, it seems that it is unreasonable...

But among the iron pillars, there is indeed a huge sealing power, which is almost enough to suppress the full power of the flooded bottle. It is extremely powerful...

Ning Fan's eyes flickered, seemingly hesitating, seeing the big array being broken, he knew that he did not have much time to hesitate.

He slammed his head and pretended to be hurt by Ling Yunguan's formation. He was afraid of color and swam in the direction of the Chinese army where the mountain turtle was moving.

Responsible for guarding the high-ranking aliens of the Chinese army, naturally noticed the closeness of Ning Fan, both frowning.

In their view, Ning Fan is a deserter, but was injured by the Lingyun system, and even collapsed in the direction of the Chinese army, the kill!

"The fish in the Taishan Mountain, return to the battlefield, otherwise kill innocent!" Among the guards of the Chinese army, a powerful king of the Thunder sharks smashed the machine and warned Ning Fan.

Ning Fan seems to have been scared by the Lingyunguan big squad, lost his sense of reason, completely ignored the warning of the Thunder Shark King, and still swims toward the Chinese army.

Upon seeing it, the Thunder Shark King sneered a sneer, a big mouth, spewing a purple **** thunder, and smashing Ning Fan into a myriad of burnt meat.

The minced meat flew out in the direction of the Chinese army, but no one paid attention to the broken meat, and no one noticed that one piece of minced meat seemed to be inadvertently flew toward the mountain turtle. .

Seeing a large piece of Taishan fish flew over, responsible for the back of the sea **** needle, the greek tortoise, greedily out of the saliva, swallow the fish into the abdomen.

Moving the mountain tortoise not only loves to eat human flesh, but also likes to eat fish, like the smooth fish of Taishan fish, it is his favorite delicious.

This move the mountain turtle naturally does not eat, but just eat a piece of fish meat, but actually ate a disaster.

Occasionally, the corpse of the fisherman flew over. He was eating it, and there was no accident. But this time, something went wrong.

He suddenly felt a terrible pain in his belly!

It is not ordinary pain, but something is ruthlessly destroying his guilt!

You must know that as a man who moved the mountain tortoise, the guilt has already been cultivated as a magic weapon, but at this moment, he was destroyed by a small piece of fish, and destroyed countless organs!

He seemed to be aware of something, his face was full of fear, and he wanted to vomit the scorched fish that he had swallowed before.

But it's too late!

With a rush of swordsmanship, this greedy moving mountain turtle, directly from the inside out, was smashed into two halves by Ning Fan and a sword.

The scorching fish flew out of the body of the moving mountain turtle, and in the eyes of countless interracial masters, he turned into a Ning Fan!

In a white dress, the style is absolutely beautiful, but the look is like a secluded ice!

"This needle, it belongs to me!"

Ning Fan wants to take the needle, but suddenly his eyes change slightly, and now the needle can not be loaded into the Xuanyin world!

I want to take this needle with the physical strength, but now he is now able to take the pinnacle of the sea!

It’s hard to pretend to lurk, close to this needle, I wanted to take it away in one fell swoop, but I can’t take it away now!

The fighter plane is fleeting!

There are countless interracial roars coming from the side!

"It's a white coat! Be careful, he wants to win the pinnacle!"

"Get him! Kill him!"

"Can't let him take this thing away!"

It was a group of emperors, all of whom were shocked. They did not expect to be deceived by Ning Fan and came to take the needle. This is the only thing in their hands that can be used to deal with Ning Fan's flooded bottle. If it is taken away, the consequences are unimaginable.

Only Long Anguo, in the face of Ning Fan, did not panic.

He never underestimated Ning Fan!

He has always been convinced that with the ability of Ning Fan, he can learn from some channels that he has made a big attack and prepared a magic weapon for the sea **** needle.

He is even more in his mind, rehearsing this battle countless times, every time, he has considered the worst situation, and thought of the way Ning Fan might deal with Dinghai Shenzhen.

He considered that Ning Fan might hold something, and he could also make a Poseidon needle. If so, he can only accept his fate.

He considered that Ning Fan might sneak up and steal the Dinghai Shenzheng. If so, he set up a bureau to trick Ning Fan into stealing the needle.

I just didn't expect that Ning Fan would pretend to be a Taishan fish. In this way, he secretly approached the pinnacle of the sea. As a result, he broke the hidden stealth array around him and lost his effect.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how Ning Fan is close to Dinghaishen, he has reserved his back!

First of all, Dinghai Shenzhen can not be included in the treasure space!

Secondly, Dinghai Shenzheng is extremely heavy. In fact, it is the quasi-Emperor who moved the mountain tortoise, and it is impossible to move this weight. It is his nine-royal emperor, and he cannot move the Dinghaishen with one person. I don't see him. He went to borrow the sea **** needle on the same day, or invited the help of another nine-robbery emperor under the seat of the great god, and combined the power of the two to move the needle of the sea god!

The emperor moved the mountain tortoise. In fact, he had taken the medicinal herbs that had lost roots and stimulated potential, so he could explode ten times in a short period of time, and this barely moved the Dinghaishen needle.

Can Ning Fan is absolutely unable to move!

Even if this child is close to this treasure by intrigue, he can't take it away!


Losing the needle of the sea turtle that moved the mountain tortoise, slammed into the water, but in the Longan country, some kind of secret technique was exhibited. This needle did not enter the boundary of the river, and did not sink all, but floated strangely. The surface of the water.

Long Anguo did not give Nao Fan a hesitant time.

He once again moved his mind, and the space around Ningfan suddenly broke open, and from the cracks in the space, he shot countless chills and forced the sacred ropes to tie Ning Fan to death.

Ning Fan was bound by the shackles and seemed to be shocked. Looking at Long Anguo, his face was unbelievable. He wanted to mobilize the mana, but he was bound to seal all the mana, just like a waste.

Long Anguo only slightly applied a subtotal, and then he smothered Ning Fan, and finally swept away the shadow of his heart, and said with pleasure,

"Oh, what **** white clothes, but this! The old man only took a subtotal, he took you, you only the old man will take the sea **** to pay for your flooding, but unexpectedly, the old man will take the sea **** needle as a bait, set up Grab you! You care! Little bastard!"

"Yeah, Ning is really too big." Ning Fan reveals the color of despair.

At the same time that Ning Fan was desperate, the entire Dongyun Xian Xiu of Lingyunguan was also desperate.

Originally, they suddenly appeared in Ning Fan, and even directly killed a quasi-emperor to move the mountain turtle, still very happy.

When Ning Fan just appeared, he was taken down by the enemy Xiandi, which made them suffer a lot. It seems that the last hope in the heart is also disillusioned.

How come, how come...

So why is the powerful Ning Fan, why is it taken by the enemy?

No, they are wrong.

They are too high for Ning Fan adults, they should not give such heavy burdens and pressure to Ning Fan adults.

Ning Fan’s record is even higher, after all, it’s just a fairy. When the enemy sees through all the means of Ning Fan’s adult and restrains him, he can only win by himself and has no advantage.

As a fairy godmother, Ning Fan has always done enough, enough. Instead, these subordinates are too weak and too incompetent, and they dragged the hind legs of Ning Fan adults again and again...

If any of them, like Ning Fan, who is the enemy of the enemy, even if Ning Fan is being defamed, they can save Ning Fan adults and make plans.

But they can't save back to Ning Fan.

They can only watch Ning Fan fall into the enemy.

Jinfeng scattered people suddenly had a sense of death!

Yes, he is incapable of saving Ning Fan, but this is not the reason why he does not go to rescue Ning Fan!

It’s one thing to do it or not, it’s another thing to do it!

"The deity must enter the enemy army, save the Ning general, not afraid of death, and come with me!"

"I go!"

"I am going too!"

"Count me in!"

Just when Jinfeng Sanren ordered the removal of Lingyun's law and the killing of Lingyunguan, the change suddenly rose!

The ‘Ning Fan’, which was **** by the celestial chain, suddenly turned into a illusion and burst open.

At the same time, Long Anguo, who was still laughing at the moment, was smashed with a sword encrusted with Tianzhuyu.

Then, the glare of a thousand days of Gou Jade, a bang, bursting in the dragon body of Long Anguo!

Long Anguo did not even have time to react, and his body was smashed by Ning Fan!

Inlaid with the anti-sea sword of Tiangouyu, each sword is cut out and has the power of infinite explosion. This is the power of Tiangouyu. This power may not be enough to hurt the steel skin of Xiandi, but if it is from The internal explosion, it is the nine robbers, it is also difficult to compete!

"Heaven, Tiangouyu! How come!"

When the blood fog is empty, the real spirit of Long Anguo escaped, and the danger has avoided the next sword of Ning Fan.

His true spirit chest is attached to the mysterious fairy of the defensive body, and the face of the real spirit is full of mistakes, anger, resentment.

He doesn't understand, don't understand!

Obviously, he calculated his hand, and Yin went to Ning Fan, but why was he turned down by Ning Fan, and even the flesh was destroyed!

Damn it **** it!

The flesh is destroyed, and the strength he can sway at this moment is similar to that of the ordinary eight robbers, and because of the real injury, he can't use too much mana, otherwise it will damage the foundation!

Although the pinnacle of the sea **** was not taken away, but he stabilized the strength of the nine robbers of Ning Fan, but temporarily unable to wave, between the gains and losses, it is difficult to say!

"I clearly put a stealth array around, how do you sneak into my side! You can't be invisible!"

Ning Fan sneered, he is not an idiot, why do you chat with the enemy on the battlefield and give the other party a way to attack yourself.

What was taken is the fake body that he changed with illusion.

His true body is hidden in the distance. Long Anguo and others thought that they would kneel down. Under the big joy, the mind and heart relaxed for a moment. This is the moment. Ning Fan seized the opportunity and exerted illusion on everyone, and the light went straight to the back of Long Anguo. A sword.

He is not invisible, so there is no warning of any restraint in stealth.

If Long Anguo does not think that he has left Ning Fan, and his mind has relaxed, Ning Fan’s current illusion of illusion is not enough to directly plant illusion about these existences.

And even if you plant a word, you can't be confused for too long, but you can still do it in a flash. With this moment, he is still enough to cut a sword in Long Anguo.

Seeing that Ning Fan was not shackled, but a sword hit the enemy's highest emperor, Lingyun Guan up and down, cheers and thunder. The generals of Ning, whom they admire, did not disappoint them. The beggars were only illusions. It was the reality that a sword hurts the emperor!

"Ning General is mighty!"

"Ning Fan is awesome!"

"The Emperor's Royal Highness is invincible!"

"The Rainy King is invincible!"

Unlike Lingyunguan’s joyful thunder, the alien army, because Ning Fan’s sword hit Long Anguo, was caught in a strange death.

The low-order aliens with a number of over ten million, one by one, shocked the sigh of the sky, and did not dare to shake. There are many behemoths that can't stop the fierce pressure of Ning Fan, and can't help but shake.

Long Anguo’s true face is full of shackles. Seeing Ning Fan’s disdain for him, his face is almost distorted.

He can't wait to eat the flesh and blood of Ning Fan, and smash the bones of Ning Fan! It should be noted that he is a supernatural powers, and most of them are on the flesh. Afterwards, even if they rebuild their bodies, they will be somewhat weakened. Even if you kill Ning Fan today, it is hard to eliminate this hate. This hate is even heavier than his brothers were taken by Ning Fan!

"Kill! Don't bother with Lingyun's ants! Just kill this one, I will be enough! Don't kill this, sleep hard!"


With the reign of Long Anguo, thousands of alien army, military squad, and numerous magical powers formed into a formation, Chao Ningfan rushed to the scene, and even more than nine princes such as Long Ma Taizi, under the torrential rain of tens of millions of magical powers, Look for gaps and attack Ning Fan.

Long Anguo did not participate in the attack. He lost his flesh at the moment, leaving only the true spirit. It is not appropriate to use too much force. The law does not mind personally smashing the body of Ning Fan.

[Close your eyes! 】 This is the voice of Ning Fan to every Ling Yun Guan monk!

With a sigh of relief, Ning Fan directly flashed hundreds of miles and flashed outside the alien army, making countless attacks empty.

If it is a Xiandi-level attack, it is difficult for him to dodge him with the power of the Emperor's level. But if it is only a low-level alien, it is more, and what is the use?

Perhaps when he is standing still, he will be attacked by thousands of aliens.

But why doesn't he move, why should he be attacked by the other party, why not hide?

While escaping, Ning Fan raised his hand and sacrificed Taikoo Leiding.

At this moment, all the emperors, including Long Anguo, were shocked, and they closed their eyes without saying anything.

Many foreign powers have heard of Taikoo Leiding in advance, and they have prepared for it. At this moment, they have closed their eyes.

There are still millions of aliens who can't close their eyes.

When the glare to the unimaginable thunder flashed, there were millions of alien beasts, and they were shot by Lei Guang, and they pierced a few gods.

One hit, Ning Fan did not intend to lift Taikoo Leiding.

Dinghai Shenzhen can not steal. As long as the needle is still here, his flooded bottle will be restrained and cannot be attacked by waves.

In this way, although he relied on a sneak attack, he first ruined the body of the other strongest emperor, but still occupied a great disadvantage.

After all, the other party is a full ten of the Emperor who has targeted defense against him!

He can't guarantee how many of the magical powers he has used have been restrained by the other side.

In this way, he must find his own advantage and look for a chance!

Taikoo Leiding is where his victory is!

As long as the Thunder and Thunder are opened, everyone can't blink and use God's thoughts. Everyone is blindfolded. For the aliens, releasing the supernatural powers will only hurt their own people. It is difficult to fight Ning Fan.

Can be different!

He has a small number and has an advantage at this moment!

In the army of thousands of people, if the other side wants to hit him with a single magical power, it is almost one in ten thousand hit rate.

If a group attack is released, it will spread to its own soldiers and cause massive damage to oneself.

Ning Fan has no such concerns. Among the thousands of alien army, there is no Dongtian monk. He just finds a direction to release the supernatural powers and kills all the enemies!

Cross aura, open!

Wan Guzhen, open!

Sun and Moon Star Monument, give me a free ride!

Against the sea sword, give me a casual cut!

Seven treasures, give me a free sweep!

Ning Fan Shen Tong opened wide, and there were screams screaming in the surrounding area. In the dazzling light, Ning Fan did not dare to blink, and I don’t know who and how many people he killed.

Anyway, they are all enemies, it doesn't matter! You can kill a good eye with your eyes closed!

Long Anguo and others are dumbfounded!

They tried to capture the position of Ning Fan with hearing, and screamed at the dense place, closing their eyes and releasing the single attack.

But these attacks, often do not hit Ning Fan, can only accidentally hurt their own people; it is occasionally happening, playing Ning Fan, will also be defended by Ning Fan's defense against the sky.

All the different ethnic emperors felt their inner grievances. Although they did not care about their lives, they were forced to kill their hands by the enemy, but they were as uncomfortable as eating flies.

"Don't worry! This kind of glare, it must not last! This is the wide-ranging thunder of the innate treasures. How much mana is this man, how can it be released for a long time! When he is thundered, we will kill him! "Long Anguo from the channel.

Unfortunately, in the state of the cross aura, Ning Fan is bound to be unlimited in force. Unless the mind is exhausted, this almost glaring thunder of cheating can always be opened!

As for the loss of the mind, there is a lot of Ning Fan who is returning to the gods, and there is no need to worry.

He is going to cheat!

He just wants to be mean and shameless!

Why can the enemy not be able to fight back if he can dispatch ten people to fight him? He wants to hurt the enemy's millions of troops, he wants to let the blood of the aliens flow into the river! He wants to pay for the people who murder him!

A scent of the past.

Two musks in the past.

The thunder is not weakened!

Long Anguo did not want to admit it, but he had to admit that Ning Fan’s mana was too vast, and the vastness was not normal. It was the Nine Robbery Emperor, and it was impossible to use the innate Chinese magic weapon for such a long time!

It is a pity that their research on the Aura of the Cross is limited. They only know that they are fixed. They only know that the gods are collecting fire, but they don’t know that the Aura of the Cross can make Ninfan’s mana unlimited.

Seeing that Lei Guang has no head, I don’t know how long it will take to disappear. Although Long Anguo is unwilling, he has to order, so that the low-ranking alien army temporarily sneak back to the bottom of the water and withdraw from the battle.

There are Taikoo Leiding here, those low-level aliens, can not help, and want to rely on the number of people to fight the war, or rely on the number of magical powers to set up fire, it is impossible!

After a short time, the alien army withdrew from the bottom.

Among the thunder, only the alien emperors, including Long Anguo, and Ning Fan!

In this way, although the Emperor Xiandi still can't open his eyes, he can determine the position of Ning Fan by listening to the sound!

"Kid, your thunder has been useless, and died!" Longma two princes laughed loudly, along with other emperors, Chao Ning Fanlian manually attacked...

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