Grasping Evil

Chapter 1131: First sage

After a lapse of one year, Ning Fan, who finished the treatment, finally got in touch with Tai Yuandu and reported the details of the war. ????

At the same time, Ning Fan also got news from Taiyuandu. Now, not only is his eleventh waterway completely recovered, but the second, fifth and seventh waterways are also recovering.

The first, fourth, eighth, tenth and twelfth waterways have also reached the final stage, ranging from a few months to more than one or two years.

Only the three, six, and nine waterways connecting the three major western, northern, and southern heavens have emerged with the aliens. The battle over there has begun to heat up. It is said that nowadays, even some vice-presidents are sent. Go to the front line of Sanliujiu Road...

Ning Fan took the initiative to ask, and wanted to leave the 11th road to go to the more violent Sanliujiu Road to participate in the war, but unfortunately was rejected by the Emperor.

[Despite the fierce battle situation of the Sanliuji Road, the number of the Emperor of the enemy is not much. As long as it takes more time, the Raiders can always be completed. Xiandi has to forget that regaining water is only the first step of my plan. The reason why the alien chaos was born, the reason is because the seal of the emperor at the bottom of the river has a problem. Once the water is fully recovered, it is time for the brothers to act. At that time, the brothers will have to venture to the bottom of the river, go to the heart of the aliens, and complete the feat of repairing the seal of the emperor. This matter is extremely dangerous. I don’t know what the younger brother is thinking about, but I am willing to participate in this action...]

Nature is going to participate! Ning Fan quickly gave a certain answer to the Emperor, so that the Emperor and other people were overjoyed.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree. This matter is determined that after the addition of Ning Fan, everyone’s confidence has risen a lot.

It’s strange to blame the East Heaven, there are too many people who care about it, just for this, no matter how dangerous the action of repairing the seal of the Emperor, Ning Fan will not reject this matter, he has... no need to continue to consider this It’s up!

When he thought of it for another ten years, he would have to go to repair the seal of the Emperor. Ning Fan would not be eager to go to other waterways and indiscriminately.

Continue to enhance the strength and improve the success rate of this action is the most important thing...

A few days later, Ning Fan crossed the sea and once again became a fish and sneaked into the bottom of the boundary river.

This time, he did not sneak into the water with a big fanfare, but quietly acted, even the monks of the squad were smashed.

Because Ning Fan had turned over Taishan fish to win the Dinghai Shenzhen before, and had no regard for the boundary river magnetic force to kill the Longma Prince, all the aliens were scared by Ning Fan's behavior.

They did not expect Ning Fan, who is a monk of Dongtian, and this ability to come and go freely at the bottom of the river. They can also disguise themselves as aliens, so that people can't tell each other... For a time, the major groups of the 11th road are like Probable to the enemy, I was afraid that Ning Fan would sneak into the river at the bottom of the river and assassinate the strong people of all ethnic groups.

All the major aquariums are in a state of high vigilance. When Ning Fan enters the water, this is the case.

First, the aliens who have nothing to patrol at the bottom of the river have become more and more.

Secondly, when Ning Fan pretended to be a strange squid who recognized the ancestors and wanted to be mixed into the grotesque woods, he was directly banned from entering the city by the strong blame of the blasphemy. The reason was that he grew up. In special times, all raw faces must not enter the family.

Ning Fan is also disguised as a squid, sea scorpion, flamingo scorpion... As a result, these ethnic groups, like the quirks, do not give him the opportunity to mix in.

Obviously, this time entering the water, unlike the last actual situation, you can no longer use the last routine.

Disguised as a foreign aquarium, confessed to the ancestors, deliberately sin, illusion to control the enemy, shut down the underground veins... This is the routine used by Ning Fan last time.

Ghost face stealth, smashing sword to isolate the heavenly machine, directly stealth into the other family's land, illusion to control the other patriarch, casually find a head to open the underground veins, take the opportunity to sneak into... This is the routine used by Ning Fan this time.

I have to say that the Suiyuan Sword is very easy to use, and with the ghost face, it is the perceptual array of all ethnic groups, and they are not aware of the invasion of Ning Fan.

Because this time is a stealth operation, Ning Fan does not need to specifically select the fish population to invade, as long as it is under the power of the Emperor, he was patronized.

Ninfan did not steal. Because he is now, the gloomy wood veins of the Xiandi ethnic group, and the veins of the Xianzun and Xianwang ethnic groups, have huge differences in the pattern.

The gloomy wood veins of the Xiandi group, I do not know why, connected with the seal of the East Emperor River! If Ning Fan moves the gloomy wood of the imperial power, it seems to cause damage to the seal of the Emperor...

Ning Fan has made up his mind to participate in the act of repairing the Seal of the Emperor, and where is he willing to take the initiative to destroy the Seal of the Emperor? The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. If, because of his greed of the 800 million sinister woods of the celestial group, the restoration of the seal of the Emperor’s seal eventually failed, he could be redeemed...

Under repeated trade-offs, he dismissed the plan to steal the gloomy wood of the Emperor, and only concentrated on stealing the Xianzunxianwang group.

One day later, Ning Fan’s original road turned back and sneaked back to the strange Yi people. Three days later, Ning Fan quietly left the strange Yi people, and took away more than 200 kilograms of 800 million Yinmu wood and hundreds of underground trees from the Monsters. Pure wooden dragon formed by gas condensation...

On the fourth day, Ning Fan patronized the ice eye family and got 900 million pounds of sinister wood...

On the seventh day, Ning Fan visited the Haihuang Dai...

On the eleventh day, Ning Fan patronized...

Unlike the previous one, because the highest-grade Taikoo Leiding and Yanlei's fires were occupied by Sixteen Hearts, Ning Fan was not eager to open the alchemy, but left things in his hands.

In a blink of an eye, ten months have passed, and the entire eleventh waters, totaling more than one hundred Xianzun and Xianwang forces, have all been stolen by Ning Fan!

Looking at the eleventh waterway, except for those emperor groups, the remaining 800 million Yinmu woods all entered the Ningfan pocket...

Where mortals describe wealth, they often say that they are rich. Ning Fan feels that he can't say that he is a rich enemy. He should be rich and powerful, and the enemy will be accurate for four days!

After stealing the waters of the 11th road, he got a total of 24,000 kilograms of 800 million yin wood. If all of them were used to refine the amount of Dan, it might be enough for all the broken monsters in the past four days, all of which broke through the ancient fairy. What...

After all, the ordinary breaking of the peaks breaks through the fairy, only five hundred infinite Dan is enough. Ning Fan is different. His god's waste is too overbearing. At the beginning, it used tens of thousands of infinite Dans, which made the repairs all break through to the realm of Xianzun.

And the cultivation of the ancient realm, each level of improvement, the effectiveness of the infinite Dan will be reduced by half, this is similar to the cultivation of the first virtual world, and the consumption of the infinite Dan will be greatly increased. As a result, Ning Fan has more than 800 million yin woods at the moment, but he is also incapable of swallowing these sinister woods.

Greed is the nature of mankind, and Ning Fan can't be excused from it, because these 800 million gloomy trees are all enemy materials, and Ning Fan doesn't mind being more greedy.

How can you steal only the 11th waters?

Just in the ten months of Ning Fan’s stealing, the 12-way waters near the 11th road have completed the recovery. Ning Fan took a heart and actually swam directly to the twelfth waterway and began to steal the 12-way gloomy wood...

The 12-way sullen wood reserves, no more than 11 roads, only less than nine months, Ning Fan stole the 12-way Xianzun, Xianwang forces, no one noticed.

Coincidentally, in the past nine months, the 10th road waters have also been reclaimed throughout the country, and the same completion of the entire territory, as well as the first waterway.

Therefore, Ning Fan ran unscrupulously to the 10th waterway, and he stole the 10th road. Except for the 3rd, 6th and 9th waterways, all the other waterways have been completely recovered.

It stands to reason that Ning Fan stole the tenth road and should go to the ninth road, but the ninth road is a bit special: Ning Fan relies on the infinite rain, from this waterway, he feels the existence of quasi-holy, and more than one, but Two!

Considering that the ninth waterway is connected to Nantian, the geographical position is especially important. It is not surprising that there will be two aliens sitting in the town.

Because there is a quasi-holy place directly in this place, Ning Fan did not relax on the ninth road. He is now the vein of the ninth road. There are countless bans of the two quasi-sacred in the Ming Dynasty. As long as someone opens the underground veins privately, it will definitely be Two quasi-sacred questions asked nearby...

As a result, Ning Fan had to let go of the ninth road and ran across the domain to the eighth waterway.

After stealing the eighth waterway and stealing the seventh waterway, I went to the sixth waterway. Ningfan’s number of quasi-saints here is actually six or seven, and he is even more afraid to come. The sixth waterway connects Beitian and leads to the waterway of Beitian. The number of quasi-hosages is far to the waterway of Nantian. It is rumored that the situation in the northern sky is the most dangerous. Now it seems that this is not true...

Ning Fan spared the sixth road, stole the fifth and fourth roads, and bypassed the third road with a quasi-sacred town, went to the second and first road.

When Ning Fan sneaked through the entire East River and returned to Lingyunguan, it was a full eleven years since he sneaked into the boundary river for the second time!

The total amount of 800 million yin wood in the Xuanyin world has reached a terror of 220,000 jin!

This amount of 800 million yin wood is enough to make the entire four-day quasi-sacred out to rob Ning Fan!

Ning Fan knows the importance, he will never let outsiders know about it! He is not the Virgin, and he will not divide these 800 million yin woods into the East Heaven monks. Because he knows that the East Heaven monk is still self-righteous after he has taken care of the whole righteousness.

The ancients cloud, the party can share the difficulties, can not be rich.

Clouds, Da En is a big enemy.

The war is just around the corner. If he divides a large amount of 800 million cedar trees to other East Heaven monks, the harvest may not be grateful, but the greed and calculations of countless people...

Originally unanimous to the external boundary river alliance, may even be because of the temptation of a large number of 800 million dark wood, and intrigue, falling apart...

Even if it is a sinister emperor, even if it is a white old demon, which one does not need a quantity of Dan? For that existence, a small amount of Dan may not be able to see the eye. A large number of words are enough to pave the way for them to lead the quasi-holy. Who knows what they will do if they know about it...

"Eleven years have passed, and the few incense slaves seem to have refining my sixteen hearts, so that they can free up the fire of Taikoo Leiding and Yanlei, and refine the infinite Dan..."

"There is another point, it is very troublesome. Although I am a lot of 800 million Yinmu wood, I can refine the quantity of Dan, and it is not enough to just need this thing. I need other medicines..."

With this in mind, Ning Fan suddenly had some headaches. This is really a happy worry.

Where does he get the same amount of other raw materials...

Dongtian certainly can't find so many medicinal materials, even the fraction is not enough.

Sure enough, I can only rely on the trading of ancient countries...

Ning Fan got in touch with the old man who passed through the ancient country trading squad, but this time, the other party could not meet his request.

"Oh, difficult, too difficult! The number of medicines required by the Taoist friends is too great. Every one of them must be hundreds of thousands of pounds... I teach the warehouse, there is not so much inventory, even the fraction is difficult to get together. If you want to know the previous stocks, you can all be bought by a real world. And even if the medicines are enough, the price of these medicines will not be less than 10,000 yuan... The status within the teaching is not high, the power is quite limited, and the help of the Taoist friends has already opened up the old face. If it is a transaction of more than 10,000 yuan, the poor road is powerless..."

The old man's tone is very frank, he really does not have the ability to help Ning Fan open a 10,000 gold white strip...

Wen Yan, Ning Fan is also deeply helpless, sighed, and did not force the old man to do such a clear range of capabilities.

Speaking of it, this is really ridiculous.

Others refining the infinite amount of Dan, are the most difficult to find the 800 million Yinmu wood, he is good, not lacking Yinmu wood, but lacking all kinds of cheap materials...

The old man was sighing, suddenly thought of something, and said: "Yes, there is a message here on the poor road, maybe it can help the Tao. Friends can remember the second usage of the trade circle!"

Ning Fan thought a little and replied: "Of course, the ancient trading arbitrage can directly purchase from Tongtianjiao. On the other hand, it can also conduct private transactions with the monks outside the heavens. But remember that Daoyou mentioned it. If a monk trades privately, he will have a huge trading risk by avoiding the power of the ancient country's balance. About one-third of the transactions will fail due to the turbulence of time and space, and the goods will be empty..."

The old man: "Yes, the monks trade privately, the risk is really great, but now it seems that this method can help the Taoist friends to get together the alchemy materials. I am looking at the Taoist friends to buy these herbs, is to refine the infinite Dan? And the amount of medicinal materials collected by Daoyou is very huge, but it does not accept the most precious 800 million yin wood... I think there are a lot of 800 million yin wood in the hands of Daoyou, but this is the case?"

Ning Fan: "Not bad."

The old man: "Forgive the poor and take the liberty to ask, how many 800 million yin trees are in the hands of the Taoist friends? If it is over 100,000 jin, there is a business that is stable and profitable, and it is willing to provide it to the Taoist friends. ”

Ning Fan: "Oh? I want to hear the details."

The old man: "Things are like this. In a certain high-definition dream world, there is a first-year-old predecessor who taught me the information for the goods, and needs 800 million yin wood of more than 100,000 jin."

Ning Fan heard the words, smiled bitterly: "The 800 million yin wood in my hands is not intended to be sold." He intends to keep his own improvement and repair, why do you sell money? Silly.

The old man: "No. It is not an ordinary sale. So the predecessors of the predecessors are willing to use barter. On her hand, there seems to be a large number of finished products, which was originally used to exchange 800 million gloomy trees."

Ning Fan's gaze shines: "Is it a barter? If I take the gloomy wood directly for his finished product, I can not only save the cumbersome collection of other herbs, but also a lot of alchemy time. This is a good deal, I don't know. What is the ratio of the other party’s transaction."

With Ning Fan's alchemy technique, a pound of 800 million yin wood, probably can produce two infinite Dan.

Of course, if he accumulates experience through a large number of refining, the success rate should have room for improvement, and he can achieve three pounds of wood.

Considering the risk of trading, the cost of other medicinal materials, and the time cost of alchemy, he is willing to carry out the transaction as long as the price of the other party reaches two tons of wood.

If it is lower than this ratio, he needs to consider it carefully...

The old man: "Daoyou rest assured that since the poor road said that this transaction will be stable and will not pay, the proportion will make the Tao friends satisfied. The other party is willing to give four infinite Dan, in exchange for a pound of Yinmu. The Taoist friends each take out 100,000 Jinyin Shenmu, the predecessor would like to increase the proportion of a medicinal herb..."

In other words, if Ning Fan is engaged in the trading of 220,000 pounds of timber, the transaction ratio is one to five!

This ratio is much higher than his psychological expectations!

Even if the ultimate Dan will lose one-third of the amount, the ratio can be one to three, which is too cost-effective!

The old man said: "The predecessor bought another 800 million yin wood for other purposes, so he was willing to use the infinite amount of Dan to do the loss trading. If the Taoist is interested in the deal, the poor road can be the communication of the predecessor. The way to tell the Taoist friends, and help the Taoist friends to contact the predecessor, let her open the old country trading array, waiting for the Taoist contact..."

"Working again."


A few days later, Ning Fan contacted the Tongtian teacher with the trading platform of the ancient country and learned that the first Shengsheng had already taken time. He was opening the trading array and waiting for Ning Fan to contact.

Ever since, Ning Fan switched to another ancient trading array that specializes in private transactions, and entered the address of the predecessor in the formation.

Everything in the world is nothing but the virtual world. The number of the world in this world is infinitely endless. It is difficult to see the side.

If you don't know the address of the other party, Ning Fan wants to complete the structure with the other party's ancient trading array, and it is no less difficult to find a fine dust in the entire East.

It’s much easier to know the address.

Ning Fan is not willing to expose the address of his dream world, but the other party does not seem to have this scruples, the address marked is [hill], followed by a large string of coordinates.

According to the old man of Natong, the hills seem to be a high-definition fantasy world, which can breed saints. From this point of view, the magical dream world where Ning Fan lives is definitely not a high fantasy dream world. After all, no saints can be born...


It is the voice of the exchange of communication between the two countries of the ancient country!

Ning Fan has not yet opened, the other end of the ancient country trading array, it first came a gentle and nice woman voice.

"Hello." The other party asked very politely.

"Woman?" Ning Fan a glimpse.

He only knows that he wants to trade with him is a first-year-old predecessor, I don’t know if it’s a woman...

"What is wrong with a woman?" The woman on the opposite side seemed to be somewhat unhappy, but even if she was not happy, she still performed quite politely, not anxious, and did not seem to be really angry.

Ning Fan knows rudeness and apologizes, "Sorry."

There is not much explanation.

After all, it’s just a fate of a deal. After the transaction is over, it’s probably a shot. 8

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