Grasping Evil

Chapter 1134: Wanxing array

In theory, for decades, it is definitely not enough for a eternal cult to practice the realm of the fairy king. Unless it is the use of some damage-based toppings, or borrow some secrets of time lapse.

Could it be that this white robes are using these methods of tiger wolves and tricks to forcibly improve?

"No, no! It's not the law of empowerment! It's not a secret of time! The legend is true! The legend of the 16-hearted Dan is true! There is a dragon and horse in this body!"

"What a joke! This son has been smashing the sixteen Long Matai who have been taken away into sixteen hearts in a few decades? Is that the legendary medicine really exists?"

"He is a big courage! Don't he know that the Longma family is the imprisonment of the blood **** adults! He dared to eat the food of the blood **** adults! Not afraid to be cursed by the blood **** adults!"

"I didn't expect that Sixteen Hearts really allowed the monks to step into the sky and achieve the King of the Fair! It's terrible!"

"When this white robes are in the fairy, it is already very powerful. At this moment, it is more difficult to deal with the 16-hearted Dan."

"Don't be afraid! He arbitrarily shot and interfered with the robbery. The breath has been locked by the slain. I don't have to shoot, and see how he is killed by the killing of the baby!"

Ning Fan is only one person, but it has made countless alien strong people scream and mess. His sense of being is too strong, so strong that no one is there, dare to ignore his existence!

Azure is up and down because of the sudden appearance of Ning Fan, and the joy is thunder. For the aliens, Ning Fan is perhaps the most difficult enemy, but for the East Heaven monk, it is the most reliable helper.

"Ning brother, thank you for coming, otherwise I am already dead under the catastrophe..." Luo Yan's eyes are complicated, looking at Ning Fan in the high distance, his heart is grateful and embarrassed, and he is also shocked by Ning Fanxiu for promotion. rapid.

He owes a life to Ningfan. Today, he still has not found a suitable opportunity to return to Ningfan. Instead, he was saved by Ning Fan once, and he could not help but feel deeply embarrassed.

If it is not for Ning Fan, this time, he will definitely die in the robbery of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Hey, he seems to owe a life to Ning Fan.

"Small things only, Luo brother does not have to care. If you are not counted by the aliens, without my help, it will not be killed by the ninth five." Ning Fan comforted, and turned his eyes to lock the way to Lei Ying, there is a trace dignified.

"Ning Daoyou is careful! The baby who sits on the robbery cloud is the legendary wave of killing the emperor's annihilation of the baby! Although you blocked the first round of the baby's robbery, it also interfered with the robbery. This makes the day robbery can skyrocket. The next blow of the killing of the baby will surely not be easily blocked by you! It will drop to the inside soon, I will join forces to block the second round of this baby attack!"

Eight Kings and other people were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Ning Fan. In the face of Ning Fan’s remarks, he was afraid that Ning Fan would be lost in the next robbery attack.

Ning Fan gently shook his head and refused the good intentions of everyone. He calmly said, "No matter, this is to kill the Dao Ying is still in the scope of Ning's ability. I am alone, and it is not enough to be shot. Hit hard."

He’s arrogant tone! I have to fight against the legendary killing baby alone!

However, the Eight Kings and other people are not a narrow-minded generation. They know that Ning Fan does not let them intervene, it is good for them. It’s terrible to kill the Tao Lei. It’s said that there were ten emperors, and they were greedy to destroy the huge thunder of Lei Ying. They joined forces to attack the Dao Lei Ying. The result was six deaths and four injuries...

They are worried about the safety of Ning Fan, willing to fight with Ning Fan, and fight against the killing of the baby; of course, if Ning Fan has a way to deal with this baby, it is better to have them not to shoot. They have no confidence, and they are self-protected in the confrontation of Lei Ying.

Although they did not think that Ning Fan, who was cultivated by Xian Wang, could kill the legendary annihilation. Perhaps Ning Fan has any way to restrain Lei Ying one or two, so he will be confident...


Destroyed Lei Ying once again shot, more golden Lei Hai was swept out by his fat little hand, with a sigh of anger, locked Ning Fan down.

I can't be angry!

It must be known since the end of the law, but where there is such a situation in which he has disappeared, it is the quasi-hospital to be jealous of three points, and does not dare to disobey the will of heaven.

But this is a big courage, dare to use the district's immortal king to repair his robbery, this is a sin!

This child has a breath of incompetence in the world, which makes him unhappy and unbearable to kill. This is sin!

A few crimes and punishment, this child kills innocent!

Desperate Lei Ying's expression with contempt, he is convinced that Ning Fan can block his first round of attack, because he did not try his best, only used 30% of the power.

But this second strike, he decided to use 50% of the power, this force is a face-to-face bombardment of the Eight Robbery Emperor is enough, killing a Xian Wang, presumably more than enough!

Lei Hai rushed to Ning Fan, and illusioned the illusion of countless ancient immortals, as if the entire ancient heaven and earth had fallen to Ning Fan, and there was an instant to smash the power of the Eight Emperors.

Everyone was scared by the second round of the attack of Lei Dao, that is, the half-step quasi-saint of the aliens was secretly screaming, and there was no grasp of the attack alone.

Ning Fan did not have a little expression, Gujing did not wave control the Qibao Miaoshu, and once again brushed the sky into hundreds of thousands.

It stands to reason that these seven treasures have not yet been promoted to the innate ranks, even if the category is special, at most, they can only play the power of the inferior products.

But I don't know why, this kind of wooden magic weapon is in the hands of Ning Fan, and Wei Neng has raised a level out of thin air! Whenever it is brushed out, the power is not inferior to the innate magic weapon!

The viewers are shocked! They don't understand how Ning Fan has added another innate treasure! This child is too much too expensive!

In the eyes of everyone's horror, the second round of attack on the demon killer was re-expanded by Ning Fan with the seven treasures, without mercy.

In the moment of breaking the second strike of Demonstration Lei Ying, Ning Fan pointed to the sky, a huge ray was presented between the heavens and the earth, and swept out of the deterrent thunder, and wanted to take away the baby directly.

This Thunder, it is Tai Su Lei Tu!

Destroy the thunder and the baby is licking his teeth. He can see that Ren Tuo's Lei Tu has some Cray ability, but the restraint is limited, it is not enough to limit him!

The other party actually took such inferior means to deal with him, it is simply despising his majesty!

He was even more angry, the fat little hand jerked, and the heavens and the earth were all condensed between his fingers. Ten percent of the thunder force broke out, and only one finger broke the Taisu Leitu.

However, although the Sulei Tutu was broken, it was not destroyed. Between the broken pieces of the Thunder, there is a string of woody palms that are connected in series, as if the needles were sewn together. Subsequently, Ning Fan's wooden hand was launched, and the broken Thunder was instantly repaired!

The grass and wood between the heavens and the earth is strangely less, and I don’t know where I’m going, it seems to be taken away by Ning Fan in an instant...

"Hey?" Destroy the thunder baby, I can't figure out why my own full blow, did not break the seemingly weak Tai Su Lei Tu.

Ning Fan naturally will not explain the reason for the killing of the child.

Seeing that Susie Leitu missed a hit, Ning Fan smiled a little and praised the Tao Dao, saying, "It’s a legendary thing. It’s not very likely to want to rely on the Leitu Trail to directly smash you."


As soon as this statement came out, there were countless Dongtian and interracial strong inside and outside Tianqingguan, sucking in the air and screaming for Ning Fan’s arrogance.

Ning Fan actually wants to take the road to kill the baby!

The East Heaven monks are okay, not much to say, they have always been confident in Ning Fan.

The aliens have already sneered at them, laughing at the incompetence of Ning Fan.

"This white robes think that he is a quasi-holy! I really want to take the desolation of the baby! It is ridiculous!"

"Even if it is a quasi-holy, it may not be able to do this!"

"And even if you can do this, there will be no quasi-small stupidity to risk the world, to offend Tianwei, and take the road to kill the baby!"

"Since the end of the law, the killing of the thunder and the baby can not be supplemented by the strength of the third step, the number can not be increased, only a few of them are there. Within the heavens of the entire East, there are only three or four dead. Lei Ying! This greed is too heavy, and if you want to take one of them, you will suffer from it and die in the hands of Lei Ying!"


In the ridicule of the inferior strong people, the demon slaying baby thundered the Thunder again and again, crushing Tai Su Lei Tu again and again, but never able to truly destroy Tai Su Lei Tu.

No matter how many times it is crushed, Taisu Leitu can repair it by itself and restore it as it was. Gradually, there were aliens who were aware of the eccentricity of Taisu Leitu and were shocked.

Ningfan is used to repair the power of Taisu Leitu, which is actually the power of the extremely pure wood palm!

It's not the half-handed position, but the real hand!

Xian Wang... Why can I take a hand!

"This is a child who has already cultivated a niche in the palm of his hand! He succeeded in repairing the king with Xian Wang. This is absolutely impossible!"

"This is a complete wooden palm, which is completely different from the half-step position of the lord! The wooden main life, the monk with the complete wooden palm, the magical power, the physical body, the resilience will be terrible to imagine! No wonder Ningdao Friends of the Thunder, can be repaired again and again!" Eight Kings and other people are also amazed.

Ning Fan was too lazy to pay attention to the exclamation of amazement around him. His gaze only condensed on the desolation of Lei Ying.

At the moment, Tai Su Lei Tu Nai can not kill the Tao Lei Ying, Ning Fan cross aura suddenly opened, like the arrow from the string, the direct disappearance of the road to Lei Ying directly flew past, a face is dozens of ancient devils to break the mountain.

Destroy the thunder and see the baby can not completely crush the Tai Su Lei Tu, is self-depressed, and suddenly see Ning Fan rushing to face, suddenly scorned, simply disdain to resist the ancient magic of the Ning Fan to break the mountain strike, let the ancient devil break The mountain hits the body.


With Ning Fan’s current cultivation, the ancient devil’s smashing of the mountain is so powerful that even if the number of combos has just started, it’s enough to punch the prince.

These powerful punches, dozens of dozens of hits on the giant body of the demon killing baby, actually only provoked a layer of thunder, completely hurt the origin of the demon killing baby, with the character of Ning Fan, also I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It is a legendary thing, and it has such a strong defense...

Ning Fan was surprised at himself, and suddenly saw two heroes shooting out of the eyes.

The two gods are condensed by the power of Thunder at the level of the Tao, but they do not know why, with a trace of chaos. One hit and knock down, it is easy to run through the body of Ning Fan's god, on the chest and abdomen of Ning Fan, leaving two blood holes running through the chest and back.

There is also a thunder with a chaotic atmosphere, which invades his body along the wound and ravages it.

"The chaos of thunder, but there are some doorways, but unfortunately, the chaos is too little, far enough to reinvent me... fix!"

Ning Fan murdered the power of the palm of his hand, the position of the two blood holes in the chest and abdomen, suddenly appeared numerous roots of trees, staggered together, blocked and filled his wounds.

Those roots must be assimilated into his flesh and blood skin, causing his flesh and blood to regenerate. In the blink of an eye, Ning Fan was wounded by the killing of Lei Ying, and he was cured by the power of the palm of his hand and other treatments.

Among them, Wei Neng uses the power of the wooden palm, at the bottom of the boundary river, there are countless aquatic plants that are being tuned by Ning Fan, but no one is aware...

"Hey?" Destroyed Lei Ying is even more puzzled. He doesn't understand why he even used chaotic thunder, but he still can't hurt Ning Fan. The other party is obviously a little fairy, why is the magical power so strange.


Ning Fan is also a series of ancient devils hitting the mountain, his boxing strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting faster and faster. It is like a storm, and it is only a few dozens of hits.

This is the first time he has played three thousand combos without opening the real body of Van Gogh and not using the destroyer shield!

We must know that the anti-seismic force of the three thousand ancient devils broke the horror. If it was before, he could not do this, and he would be directly killed by his own boxing power.

It can be different in the past. After tens of millions of infinite Dan's quenching, Ning Fan's body and mana have undergone earth-shaking changes. Together with the repairing power of the wooden palm, he will not be able to open the 3,000 without hurting the body. The ancient devil broke the mountain.

If you open the real body of Wan Gu, then it is four thousand, five thousand, six thousand ancient devils, and he has the confidence to try it!


It is the hemoptysis of the desolation of the baby. He coughed up a sizzling thunder blood, and was smothered by Ning Fan’s three thousand ancient devils.

He was shocked. He was shocked. He didn't understand why he was a little fairy. Why is a punch more powerful than a punch? The invisible boxing is like a mountain range. After three thousand combos, it is enough to hurt his origin!

For the first time in his life, he was injured by the little fairy king for the first time! This child is too bad!

"Hey!" Who are you!

"Hey!" You want to go against the sky!

"Hey, hey" speeds down, this fairy boy can spare you not to die!

No one can understand what is going on.

Only Ning Fan can understand, but Ning Fan does not bother to give any response to the killing of the baby!

Going against the sky?

Is it terrible?

He has already entered the moment of the gods, the world can not be allowed, he has long been... can not return!

Once again, with the power of the wooden palm, he healed the wound that was killed by the demon killer. Ning Fan had to admit that this was a good thing.

Three thousand ancient devils broke the mountain and they couldn't explode this. He had to open his mind and change the real body.

A golden flame giant in the world appeared between heaven and earth!

Three thousand ancient devils break the mountain, it is today's Ning Fan, does not open the limits of the real body.

But if the real body is turned on, then these numbers of combos are far from the limit!


Destroy the thunder and see the Ning Fan breath suddenly, and was shocked, and the eyes again burst into the sacred, attacking Ning Fan with chaotic thunder. But this time, his chaotic Thunder can no longer break Ning Fan's physical defense.

The evolution of the gods' waste, the birth of the gods, has made Ninfan's defenses much better.

Under the opening of the ancient body, it is the first-order quasi-sacred want to hurt Ning Fan, it is not easy; the attack of Lei Ying in the district, even the face of Ning Fan's body Jin Yan can not do!


Ning Fan connected with the previous boxing, raining down the boxing mans, the golden flames of the rain destroyed the land, and the killing of the baby was beaten everywhere.

Destroy the thunder baby, dare to hardly pick up the three thousand years later, the ancient devil broke the mountain, had to escape, had to dodge!

However, the entire world has been blocked by Ning Fan’s fist, and it’s easy to avoid all the punches! Even if you dodge, you can only avoid most of the boxing, and you will still be hit by a small part of the boxing.

Even more so that the fear of killing the road is that the number of combos of Ning Fan is still rising, and the three thousand combos have not reached the limit yet!

Four thousand combos!

Five thousand combos!

Six thousand combos!

Ning Fan still did not hit the limit of the ancient body of the ancients, but the detonation of Lei Ying has been unable to withstand the six thousand fists of Ning Fan, and finally screamed, the source was hit hard, and Ning Fan was born to explode the giant body.

His will is immortal, and his body is not dead. He forcibly turns the giant body into a billion-dollar broken spirit and flees. As long as there is a detached Lei Ling who can escape to the interior of Heaven, he can be born again under the nourishment of Heaven!

Can Ningfan give the chance to escape the thunder and escape, and finally it will be able to explode this difficult Thunder baby. How can I not collect some loot?

This is a terrible killer than the ancestor of his ancestors. If it is used as the second Turing of Taisu Leitu, it will definitely make Taisu Leituwei soar! It’s a pity that the killing of the baby can not be met, and it’s a shame!


Ning Fan gave a designated day, and hundreds of millions of broken Lei Ling in the sky were all designated by him and could not escape.


In the screams of countless fears, Ning Fan Tai Su Lei Tu Wei can be fully opened, turned into a giant of heaven, and swallowed hundreds of millions of broken Lei Ling.

All the avatars that swallowed the annihilation of Lei Dao were not finished. Ning Fan even swallowed the power of the robbery of the ninety-five robbery clouds into the Tai Su Lei Tu, causing the robbery cloud to collapse.

The robbery of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is a catastrophe. It is also a creation. The emperor's cultivation of this catastrophe is a dead life, but it can also gain a lot of sentiments in the process of resisting the robbery, which will help the future emperor practice.

Therefore, Ning Fan did not appear in the first time, which would affect Luo Qi’s feelings of robbing; until Luo Wei was disturbed by the robbing, he couldn’t pass, and he showed up to help Luo, so that Luo 睺 died in the sky. Under the robbery.

In the sky, hundreds of thousands of robbery clouds collapsed one after another. It seems that the collapse of these robbery clouds has been slow, and Ning Fan has breathed a sigh of relief and turned into a hurricane, blowing more of the robbery clouds.

In the end, the day of the robbery subsided.

From his appearance, to the day of the murder, even a scent of incense is not.

Just a scent of incense, so that everyone is awe-inspiring, and the heroes of the ninety-five robbery have all been killed by one person...

The scene was quiet at a time.

Only the hurricane that Ning Fan blew out was still screaming in the world.

Before ridiculing the aliens of Ning Fan's arrogance, all face. No one can think of even the quasi-sanctification of the annihilation of the demon, but it was easily taken away by Ning Fan!

madman! This is definitely a madman!

Not to mention the ability of other quasi-sanctuals to do this.

Doesn't this son know that it is a nail in the eyes of the end of the heavens, and it will not be allowed in the world!

"Luo brother, the 9th Five-Year Thunder has passed, but according to Ningmou, after the thunder, it seems that it is necessary to retreat on the 5,945th, to understand the opportunity of the Ludao Mountain, so that you can truly become an emperor. Quick body Wudao Mountain mystery, these aliens, give us! Eight scenic friends, three swords and friends, you can with Ning Fan together, all the aliens outside the customs?"

"Ha ha! Solid wish! If you are not a friend, I am absolutely afraid to take the initiative to attack these aliens, but now, I am very willing to help Ning Daoyou, give these aliens a blood lesson!" The three Swordsmen Xiandi did not dare to support the big, and they responded to the invitation of Ning Fan.

In fact, Ning Fan is now undergoing a skyrocketing, even if he is an enemy nine, he also has the confidence to defeat the other side of the Emperor.

It is not difficult to defeat. It is difficult to kill the enemy emperor, kill all of them, and let no one escape.

If the Emperor Xianyi escaped, Ning Fan pursued one by one, but also trouble.

There are four ready-made emperors to serve as helpers. Why not? There are four people on the side, the alien emperor wants to escape, but it is not easy... Dong Tian Xian is weak and weak, but it is not useless.


Ning Fan Jin Yan took the lead and rushed into the alien army. Every time the ancient devil broke the mountain, thousands of interracial strongmen were smashed into blood.

There are three six-robbery emperors of the Yubei, the squad, and the stone reefs. They came to the siege of the Ningfan and wanted to stop Ning Fan from killing in the herd.

Ning Fan's mana is fully open, reaching the six thousandth of the ancient devils and breaking the mountain and hitting the three punches. Only one face will explode the body of the three emperors, and they will sacrifice the goddess and take the demon of the three emperors. , smelt death.

One face smashed three three emperors!

This is no longer a confrontation with Xiandi. It is totally... one side down to the ground!

The other few Emperors who wanted to besieged Ning Fan, for a moment, sweating coldly, as if they were nailed to death in the same place, where they dared to attack Ning Fan.

As a fairy emperor, they could not help but tremble!

They are in fear! Ning Fan raised his hand and smashed the scene of the Three Emperors, too terrible, let them chill!

"He, why can he kill the emperor like a dog! This is impossible, he is not the ancient king! I am waiting for the emperor of the river, not a waste!"

"Devil! He is the devil! I can't be his opponent! His six thousand combos, that is, the quasi-holy can't be hard-headed! That waits for the magical powers, only the seven or eight fists can use us all the mana, Why can he fight a few thousand punches and the mana is inexhaustible! His mana is really endless! Like the blood **** adults?"

"There is him, I don't have any chance to capture the Azure Pass! Run, run!"

"Running slow, you will be smashed by white clothes! Speed ​​off the white tiger off!"

In an instant, all the high-end powerhouses of the aliens disintegrated, and they rushed to escape, countless.

The existence of the Xiandi level is not the enemy of Ning Fan, but all the aliens who are somewhat intelligent are scared by Ning Fan. How can there be courage to fight again?

That is, those low-ranking interracial people who are mentally inferior and indifferent to life and death can continue to attack Ning Fan without fear of death. However, these low-order alien attacks are too slow, that is, the number of attacks is much more, and it is not useful to beat Ning Fan, and it is useless.

Ning Fan’s number of combos continued to rise, rising to 7,000 and 8,000.

Eight thousand ancient devils broke the mountain, and the faintness is about to reach the limit of Ning Fan Wan Guzhen.

These ancient combs of the number of combos are not inferior to the full-strike attack of the first-order quasi-sacred. More and more low-order aliens have been slaughtered by Ning Fan, blood stained the river, and there is a bad luck. Emperor Xian was smashed by Ning Fan and smashed the demon.

Ning Fan's momentum is too strong, so strong that even this place is the highest half-step quasi-sacred, facing the red-eyed Ning Fan, can not help but cold sweat.

Is this the mana force that the district king can have? !

Why does he think that Ning Fan’s mana atmosphere is even more vast than many first-order quasi-holy! This child actually only relies on mana, so he can't breathe! ! !

To know that he is half-step quasi-holy, isn’t the mana as good as a fairy king? This is really ridiculous!

In the face of the raging Ning Fan, this half-step quasi-sacred instinct has to avoid its edge, but he remembered the reward of the great gods, and remembered the Ziwei must kill...

As long as you kill this child, you will have the opportunity to become a quasi-saint!

Although he has already stepped into the quasi-saint for many years, but in the end, he can't step out on his own strength!

If you can kill Ning Fan...

His breathing suddenly began to rush, and his heart was filled with greed. He felt unprecedented excitement and excitement. He wanted to get rid of Ning Fan and use the blood of Ning Fan to pave the way for quasi-holy!

"Pull! Wanxing array, open!"

He drank a word, and suddenly there was a starlight scattered from his body, swept through the entire Tianqingguan waters.

He, the immortal name, is a half-step quasi-sanctification of the Wanxing people!

The Wanxing people are not good at fighting the law. His combat power is only half-step and quasi-holy. It can only be regarded as plain; but he has a **** heritage, which is praised by the people of the boundary river!

That is the starry array!

That is the ancestor of the Wanxing family, the immortal method learned from the Ziwei Emperor. After the death of the first ancestor, this technique was broken in the Ming Dynasty, but it was still passed down from generation to generation in the blood of all the Wanxing people, but only a few people can really awaken this immortal inheritance.

And his Wan Xingzi is one of the very few lucky ones, and he is fortunate to wake up the Wanxing array!

With a meteorite as a star, you can shine in the void.

Taking Taikoo as a star, you can take a reincarnation.

Taking life as a star, you can take Ziwei.

Wanxing is purple, and the emperor is pointing!

Wan Xingzi's gaze became crazy. Under the light of his star, countless low-order interracial bodies exploded, and life turned into his starlight, dyeing his starlight purple.

Those who want to escape, Xianzun and Xianwang, who were dragged by his star power, suddenly looked stunned. They were like puppets, and they were lost in his orbit, and their vitality continued to flow into Star Power. .

In addition to the Wan Xingzi, there are still four other emperors of the various emperors, all of whom were scared by Ning Fan.

These Xiandi have also had the meaning of retreat, but when the Wanxingzi opened the Wanxing array, these Xiandi also became stunned by the force of the stars, one by one, like a walking dead, and the star power depicted by the Wanxingzi. Track, confused flight.

Heaven and earth scenery, all changed at this moment.

Printed in the eyes of Ning Fan, no longer astronomical, no longer the boundary river. The sky disappeared, the Guan disappeared, the river disappeared, and the inexhaustible aliens disappeared. The Eight Emperors and other people who hunted the low-order aliens behind him disappeared.

There is only one scenery in the eyes of Ning Fan!

At the entrance, countless Ziwei stars follow the track and roar. An ancient starry sky map, presented in front of his eyes, reveals a very sinister atmosphere, as if there is a supreme figure, through this ancient star map, is looking at him.

"Ha ha ha! What **** white clothes, Luo Luo, is not trapped in the old man's star-studded big array! Let's go high, you have to put it into the water! You are dead, and wait for the old man to play the emperor , destroy your endless reincarnation!"

In the starry sky, the arrogant laughter of Wanxingzi constantly reverberates. Every time it reverberates, there is boundless magical shock; countless reincarnation pictures related to Ningfan are looming in the stars...

Ning Fan feels a pain in the sea. At this moment, it seems that there is an old, cold finger, with supreme majesty, contempt, indifference, and dialed his reincarnation...

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