Grasping Evil

Chapter 1138: Weird statue

Ning Fan is not interested in the so-called ancient fairy emperor.

Helplessly, the Emperor of Heaven, who is the head of the vice-president, has invited him in every way, and he has to take him to the ancient emperor’s house.

With the banquet of the Emperor and other people, the same enthusiasm, invited Ning Fan to explore, and claimed that the cave has sealed a lot of secret treasure Shen Dan, after Ning Fan went, can be separated, sent to Ning Fan.

This is to make Ning Fan very curious, why is the Emperor in the room so enthusiastic, and unanimously invited him to go to the ancient Emperor Dongfu, to divide the cave treasure?

Will this matter be a deliberate calculation?

Will these Xiandi lead him to the ancient emperor's house and join him in murdering him?

This conspiracy theory flashed in the heart of Ning Fan, and was immediately annihilated by Ning Fan, shaking his head with a smile.

He has experienced a lot of calculations in these years, so when things happen, they tend to think bad things. However, the current boundary of the river is in chaos, these Dongtian Xiandi should not betray Dongtian at the same time, calculate his. Therefore, this conspiracy theory is not very likely, but he thinks more.

The motives of these Dongtian emperors are very simple. They should just want to borrow flowers to offer Buddhas, take the treasures of others in the cave, and please him.

Or, there are some treasures in the cave house, which cannot be used by the power of the gods and the like, so I want to use his power to a certain extent.

After thinking about the joints, Ning Fan finally agreed to the invitation of Shen Kongdi and others, but did not expressly agree, which day and the emperor went to the Dongfu.

This is a perfunctory disguise. Ning Fan is more concerned about the ninth road war, and temporarily does not want to pay attention to the ancient emperor.

A glimpse, three days passed.

The river at the bottom of the eye is the weather that is high in autumn. On this day, the four emperors, such as the Emperor of the Void, the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of the Red Camel, and the Boy of the Ming River, suddenly went to the door to ask for help, and invited Ning Fan to go to the ancient Emperor Dongfu.

Ning Fan is slightly speechless, how do these people care about the ancient Emperor Dongfu? Seeing that it is perfunctory, I just nodded and accompanied the four emperors.

The ancient Emperor Dongfu, mentioned by the Four Emperors, is not too far from the Wansheng Pass, and it is not even a half-day water ride. The Dongfu is located behind the Wanshengguan and is protected by the law. The location is very safe. There is no danger of encountering an alien ambush when you go there.

Dongfu is located in an independent space. Because of its age, it was only a long time ago that a tiny space crack was cracked, which was just found by the emperors.

This is an extremely old Dongfu space. I have been ignorant of how many years have existed, and the aura of heaven and earth has been somewhat abolished. However, what is weird is that the power of the fascinating power in Dongfu still retains two or three points, and it is not completely annihilated in the years, quite a bit magical.

Ning Fan did not care about this ancient Emperor Dongfu at first, but after seeing the peculiarities of this cave house, he finally got some interest.

The landform of the Dongfu space is an endless glacier. Above the glacier, there are eight huge icebergs towering high in the sky, such as eight giant guards, standing upright.

On each iceberg, there was an ancient emperor who opened a cave house here. It is indeed a space in the ancient emperor's house, but it is not owned by one of the ancient emperors, but is owned by eight ancient emperors.

According to the testimony of Shen Kongdi and others, these eight emperors should be the characters of the East Emperor. Eight people are brothers of the same class. They are called "Shuizong Eight Sons" by their contemporaries. It seems that there are many Dongtian ancient books, and they all mentioned these eight ancient emperors.

This title comes from where the future generations are unknown.

According to the records of ancient books, the most glorious record of these eight people was that they had defeated the ancestors of the East Heavenly Emperor, using the waters and gods.

Can beat the East Tian Zu Di and other people, even if you have a lot of people, it is enough to be proud. This water sect is not small, but unfortunately, even the most powerful people can't resist the years. The Eight Emperors eventually fell into the middle of the river, leaving only eight caves to survive today, witnessing the changes in the world, embarrassing.

On each of the icebergs, there are a large number of arrays of methods, which can be unpredictable. The eight icebergs are different in their owners, and the colors of the arrays are different. Eight colors and eight colors of icebergs are in harmony here, quite a bit magnificent.

Among the eight icebergs, five have been attacked by the gods and other emperors, and they have taken the baby out of the way; unfortunately, there are still three abilities that have gone out of the air, and they have not been able to break through today. Law, each has suffered a lot.

As a result, these people have their minds. Anyway, the last three icebergs of the baby, they can not take it, it is better to borrow flowers to give the Buddha, brought to Ning Fan.

Of course, if there is any baby that Ning Fan can't see, they don't mind getting a point. Ning Fan eats meat, they drink soup, it is not bad!

"Ning's younger brother is famous, I have been admired for a long time, and I have no way to make friends. With the skills of Ning's younger brother, it is easy to break through the three caves. As long as Ning's brother broke the law, the last three icebergs, But everyone who is useful to Ning’s younger brother is all owned by Ning’s younger brother!”

If it is something that is not useful to Ning's younger brother, oh... you are full of strength in the white clothes, the family is big, and the horizon is very high. I think there will be many things that are not eye-catching. Let us have some soup...

The gods and the emperor, all of them put on an extremely generous expression, as if to bring Ning Fan to this, let Ning Fan smash how much cheap.

This makes Ning Fan very speechless.

He understood that these people were so diligent and asked him to come here to see.

It turned out that I wanted to help him, and then he had some benefits behind his ass...

Shen Kongdi and others led the way and brought Ning Fan to a black-and-white iceberg.

This is the last of the three icebergs, the weaker one of the Fawei, and the third of the Shuisong Eight.

Ning Fan and his party had just approached the iceberg, and suddenly there were countless black ice thorns. They appeared out of thin air and attacked by Ning Fan and others.

Even in the ages, those ice thorns still retain a divergence power, enough to hurt the weak fairy emperor.

Even though God Air Emperor and others have already learned the power of this ice thorn, they are still being forced by this ice thorn. The Emperor of the Void, the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of the Red Camel are all good. They are all figures of the seven or eight robbers; the Minghe Boys are more disadvantaged. He is only a six-robbery repairer. Even though he is prepared for prevention, he is still a careless one. The ice thorn breaks through the defense and penetrates the left shoulder.

The Minghe boy was shocked and immediately removed the black ice thorns without any hesitation. Rao is his quick movement, the wound is still a large amount of black pus and rancid.

The Minghe boy was also pale because of an ice spur attack in this area, and there was already a slight injury!

The method of the ancient fairy emperor, even if the power can be greatly reduced, can actually easily hurt the end of the Fa Xiandi. Is this the gap between today's people and the ancients...

"You and retreat, I will deal with these ice thorns." Ning Fan sighed and said to the Minghe boy.

This statement is indeed a good intention. Although these emperors wanted to use him to break the line, he did not want the other party to be overweight.

These people are more damaged, and the strength of the Allied Forces will be lost. The overall situation is heavy, but he does not mind blocking all the dangers of these places.

It is a pity that his good intentions fell into the other's ears, but it seemed a bit harsh.

"Ning's younger brother is too small to marry us. The younger brother is extremely strong, I can't be weak! Why are these black ice thorns! Back to the words, Hugh to mention i!"

"Minghe Daoyou is injured, but it is just an accident. Instead, the Taoist friends should be more careful. These black ice thorns are extremely powerful. It is one of the saga of the Shuizong eight sons. Only dozens of ice thorns are attacked at the same time. The emperor of the Eight Robbery is also difficult to parry. I will join forces to make it bigger!"

"Dao friends can't be underestimated!"

Shen Kongdi and others all frowned, and felt that Ning Fan was too small to slap them, and actually let them back. Although they are here to please Ning Fan, which one is not a proud generation, and who wants to be so small by Ning Fan?

Ning Fan frowned, seeing the four emperors insist, they will not do more persuasion. In the face of countless ice spurs attacked by the face, only the seven treasures of the tree were raised high, and they were brushed thousands of times.

In time, hundreds of black ice thorns are easily smashed by the seven treasures, and the process is not too easy.

Shen Kongdi and others rounded their eyes and opened their mouths. They kept their mouths for a long time.

They were still blaming Ning Fan for ignoring them, and even saying that dozens of ice-stab attacks were enough to make the Emperor of the Seven Robbers and Eight Robbers difficult to parry. Later, Ning Fan told them by fact: These ice thorns are just for him. Insignificant, thousands of ice thorns, raising your hand to destroy...

For a moment, Shenkong Emperor and others were proud and shattered, and all of them felt a sense of frustration and powerlessness.

They know that there is a gap between themselves and Ning Fan, but unexpectedly, the gap will be so large that they are like each other through an insurmountable sky!

"... It seems that Ning's younger brother can easily break through this array of laws. I don't really have to shoot. I am awesome, and I am awful afterwards..." The Void Emperor seems to be a few million years old, bitterly.

Shen Kongdi and others are all like frosted eggplants, and they can't afford to be half-pounded in Ningfan.

Seeing that he took a casual shot, he turned the arrogant Dongtian emperor into this appearance. Ning Fan sighed even more, and did not want to hurt the self-esteem of the four emperors. Pulling out a few smiles, comforting the four emperors, the four emperors only revived.

However, the next array of methods, but all were handed over by Ning Fan.

The black iceberg's array method has a total of nineteen weights. The first one is the black ice thorn attack. It was broken by Ning Fan three or two times.

The second is the water poisoning attack. Ning Fan is poisoned by yin and yang. He is not afraid of this poison. On the contrary, Shen Kongdi and others are suffering from the attack of water poison. If it is not saved, it will almost be troubled. It’s a life.

The third heavy array method, the illusion of a water giant built by the six robes of the emperor, was easily smashed by the Ning Fan Qibao Miaoshu, and the stunned gods and other emperors chilled, watching Ning Fan as a ghost.

The fourth heavy array method turned out to cover the big waves and flooded the whole glaciers. The water potential was strong. The four emperors who were almost rolled up were unstable and the mana was in chaos. Ning Fan took out an unknown black fine needle. , only take a fine needle and a finger, actually let all the waves disappear instantly...

The fifth heavy matrix method...

Sixth matrix method...

Seventh Array Method...

Shen Kongdi and others gradually became numb. In their eyes, the extremely dangerous form of the law, all were broken by Ning Fan three or two. Ning Fan has an endless stream of means to deal with all situations, dazzling them, and finally convinced.

If I first saw the true strength of Ning Fan, they felt that they had to fight and stayed a lot. They felt that they were used to it and felt that it should have been.

Quietly, Shen Kongdi and others changed their name, no longer called Ning Laodi, but called Ningxiong. In the face of Ning Fan, they dare not trust the big ones again, and they are self-proclaimed; for this trip, they are even less willing to think carefully about the fish.

Only a fragrant incense is not enough, and the black iceberg's nineteen-fold array method has been broken by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan entered the interior of Dongfu in the Black Iceberg and searched for more than ten bottles of medicinal herbs, including two nine-turned emperors. Unfortunately, Dan Li lost more than half; three pieces of magic weapons were found, all of which were semi-damaged and innate magic weapons; I found a sacred jade, and recorded a water attack called Shennong.

After the ancient years passed, these medicinal herbs were not completely exhausted, and this incident made Ning Fan extremely surprised. This is extremely rare in the remains of the ancient monks he has seen. Shui Shou Ba Zi seems to be very good at preserving things.

The semi-damaged innate magic weapon can be used to burn the **** liquid.

Although the drug power of the drug has been lost more than half, it is barely able to eat. Of course, these drugs are not very useful for Ning Fan.

The funeral Jiang Ning Fan saw, not a super power, the power of even one of the turbulent rivers can not reach, even if he learned, but also a kind of supernaturalism into the cross aura.

Ning Fan decided to keep the magic weapon for his own use, and the medicinal herbs were taken to give points to the people. As a result, Shen Kongdi and others did not want to use the medicine of Ning Fan.

It’s not that these remedies are not good, but they are not willing or willing to take advantage of Ning Fan’s cheaper.

Seeing that the Four Emperors insisted on not accepting these medicinal herbs, Ning Fan was not reluctant. He only printed four copies of Shentong Yujian and sent one.

Then I ignored the four people and turned the second circle in Dongfu alone to see what was missing. This turn, do not tighten, Ning Fan suddenly glimpsed, stopped in front of a quirky ice sculpture.

This is a quirky statue, carved from the mysterious ice, placed in the deepest part of the cave, I don't know the purpose.

When searching for the first time in the cave, Ning Fan’s attention was on the magic weapon, the medicinal herbs and the jade slips in Dongfu, and he did not notice this strange statue.

In the second investigation, he noticed this strange statue, and he noticed that the statue was still in front of it, leaving a beach of weathered grass ash.

Ning Fan squatted down and carefully observed the ash, which is actually the remains of the futon after the weathering.

The statue was not carved, only the beginning. I can barely see that this is a woman's statue because she has a long waist; but the face is not carved, and the body is not carved. On the top of the statue, there is still a scent of incense, and it has been The owner of Dongfu seriously bowed.

Although the woman's body is not carved, but from the general shape of the statue, the woman's lower body should not be carved with legs, but intended to be carved into a fishtail.

A woman with a upper body and a lower body fish?

In the mind of Ning Fan, Aphrod’s voice suddenly appeared. The statue of the dark road is to be carved. Is it a deaf woman?

Then the problem is coming. The third child of the Dongshui, the owner of this cave house, why should he carve such a statue of a monk, why should she worship her?

Seeing Ning Fan staring at this weird statue, Shen Kongdi and others are different.

"What is wrong with this statue? Do you not see the mystery from this statue?"

"No, it doesn't. It just feels like a hole in the house. There is such an unfinished woman statue inside, some strange." Ning Fan replied.

"What's strange about this. Before I broke the five caves, there was such a statue of a woman who couldn't see her face and shape. This woman is mostly the teacher of the Eight sects of Shuizong, so they can sincerely bow down."

"What else is there in Dongfu?"

Ning Fan shook his head and pressed down the strange feeling in his heart and turned to walk out of Dongfu.

At the moment he walked out of Dongfu, he seemed to feel the direction behind him. The woman who did not have the statue of the five senses smiled at him with a cold smile.

He jerked back and frowned at the statue.

"Is this statue really wrong?" asked the Emperor, and repeatedly examined the statue, but of course he could not detect any problems.

"Be careful, I don't think it's right here..." Ning Fan said.

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