Grasping Evil

Chapter 1154: Strong overhaul!

Turning around, the space in front of you is dark!

Ning Fan feels that he seems to be swallowed by something, like the top of the seal tower, which was directly swallowed into another dark space. The swallowing of his powerful anomaly reveals the breath of ancient overhaul.

In the nose, it is mixed with the smell of acid and phlegm. The dark space in which he is now seems to be the stomach bag of the overhaul.

Ning Fan’s gaze, the dark passage to swallow his ancient overhaul, is the real cause of death of many bones at the top of the tower...

The ups and downs of the mood have made him, even now facing the ancient overhaul, can be at risk and calm.

He also has the responsibility of repairing the seal of the Emperor, the mission has not been completed, and he can be eaten by this unidentified major repair!

"Finally, wake up... Junior, this seat just woke up, very hungry and hungry, you, can be willing to become the food in your stomach." In the dark space, a hoarse voice whirls, with the vast atmosphere of ancient overhaul, Heavy pressure, want to directly kill Ning Fan.

This is a supreme being, only Dao Ningfan is an ordinary dynasty king, and this degree of repression is the end of the Emperor of the Faith to be tired of coping, let alone a little fairy king.

He just woke up, this time is the most frail time, it is also the time when Ning Fan escapes from his stomach bag, the greatest possibility!

This voice reveals a strong temptation, which makes Ning Fan know the sea, and the subconscious will have to promise this person and volunteer to become his food.

Fortunately, Ning Fan’s resistance to illusion is quite high. In a blink of an eye, he wakes up from the confusion, and a konjac sends out, shattering the sorrowful voice of the dark space!

Also a magical reminder, the whole body suddenly shines, the bright space of this dark space: all around is a squirming stomach wall, this place is really the supreme existence of the stomach!

"Well? Xiao Xiaoxian Wang, actually can break this illusion..." The other side was obviously a little surprised.

Ning Fan still did not say a word, turned his hand to summon the search treasure compass, and set the top of the weakest stomach in the compass.

In a flash, he called out the sword of the counter-sea, and he said nothing to the weak side.


With the heavy and sharp edge of the counter-sea sword, the thorn on the soft stomach wall of this supreme existence, can not be pierced, but the sound of gold and iron impact.

Although there was no single blow to pierce the stomach of this person and escape from it, Ning Fan relied on this blow to cause the supreme existence of the weak state, causing great pain.


Inside the seal tower, an angry roar like a cow-like beast suddenly emerged, and the snoring sounded through the ancient overhaul. The pressure caused a torrent of water at the bottom of the water, and the huge water pressure suddenly took the seal tower as the center, and swept the entire Tianying relics crazy!

Jin Hengdi and others who were guarded outside the tower felt the ancient overhaul pressure from the tower, and the face changed dramatically. Where did not know that the tower had changed, Ning Fan encountered an unknown danger.

They want to immediately rush into the tower to support Ning Fan, but they can't get in, but because of the lack of strength, they are directly rushed by the huge water pressure around them.

Jin Hengdi and other three repair towers of the emperor, the Void emperor and other four guardian monks are also good, all by the water pressure all the way out of the shadow of the Tianying nationality, only barely stabilized the body shape, blood surge, heartbreaking.

Before the four corners around the ruins, it was only a moment, and it was crushed by the water pressure released by the ancient overhaul, which seemed so vulnerable!

"Damn, what happened in the tower! Ning Daoyou can never do anything!" Jin Hengdi and others looked extremely ugly.

At the same time, there is a hint of fear.

No one expected that the repair of the Emperor's seal in the tower would actually encounter the danger of the ancient overhaul level. That is to say, Ning Fan can face such a crisis, barely protect himself, if they are replaced by them into the tower, I am afraid that a face will be destroyed by ancient overhaul...

At this moment, Ning Fan’s breath is still there. The emperors can still perceive Ning Fan’s survival through the seal tower. This makes Jin Hengdi and others who care about Ning Fan’s safety a little relieved.

But everyone looked, after all, it was still overcast...

There is no reason for him. In the view of Jin Hengdi and others, Ning Fan suffered from the ancient overhaul and the hope of life-saving is extremely embarrassing. There is no possibility to resist this dangerous repair of the Emperor Seal.

Today's action, I am afraid to end in failure. More likely because of the failure of today, the most powerful of the Ningfan Allied Forces...

"What to do! There is a mess in the tower. Do we give up the plan and immediately retreat?" Void sighed.

"Can't go! If I wait to leave, Ning Daoyou alone, it is difficult to survive from this tower. The ancient overhaul of this tower seems to have a hint of temperament, and this tower gives me the feeling at the moment, it seems to be alive. People generally have their own breathing... The old man vaguely knows what kind of dangers Ning Daoyou encountered, but how is this possible! The Tianniu family clearly signed a contract with the Purple Emperor, how can they betray, if the repair seal is repaired It is impossible to attack only..." Jin Hengdi's face is ugly, and the mouth says something that the empty Emperor and others can't understand.

"The seal tower can only enter one person at a time. I can't wait to enter the tower. How can I support Ning Daoyou?" asked Luo Xiao frown.

He owes a lot of human feelings to Ning Fan, and he does not mind if he was killed in the death of Ning Fan.

What is the problem!

Here, the seal tower has changed, it seems that there is an inside story, and this inside story seems to be seen by Jin Hengdi, who is familiar with the secrets of Jiehe.

Therefore, Luo Wei asked the Jin Heng Emperor to solve the problem.

"Directly ruined this tower! This tower betrayed its responsibility! I have no possibility to use this tower as a medium to repair the seal of the Emperor. Today's plan is a mistake from the beginning, and the old man is missing. Missing the years and rivers, there may be a possibility of a traitor to the hornbill!" The secret in the words of Jin Hengdi is still not everyone's temperament.

But everyone still understood the meaning of Jin Hengdi.

Actually, the hard-fixed seal tower will be destroyed again, and Ning Fan will be saved! This…

"Put it together! Attack this tower!" Jin Hengdi did not hesitate to go out of the crowd. He had already rushed out, regardless of the suppression caused by the huge water pressure around him. He forcibly rushed back to the ruins of the Tianying nationality, rushed back to the seal tower and started to the seal tower. offensive.

After Luo Jin followed Jin Jindi, he rushed back to the seal tower and launched an attack.

Bai Yulou and others did not hesitate for too long, and eventually they all rushed back to the Tianying relics and joined the queue that attacked the seal tower.

Inside the tower, an imaginary horned horned man, replacing Ning Fan, stood on the side of Ning Fan's portrayal, and he screamed with pain and angered.

It was he who sneaked from the side and swallowed Ning Fan in one bite. At this moment, Ning Fan is already in his belly.

He only swallowed a king of the last law, it was easy, but he could not break his illusion, and attacked his stomach more daringly.

Oh, it hurts. The sword of this junior is a bit powerful, but unfortunately, I want to use this sword to penetrate his stomach, but I still have some heat!

"It is a terrific end of the king of the Fa, but it is nothing more than this! In front of this ancient overhaul in this seat, the immortal king, just the ants! The stomach liquefied sea, the ancient fairy food! Reincarnation, purple fighting smoke!"

In the stomach wall space, suddenly the stinking waves appeared out of thin air, and the Chaoning was flooded.

That wave is not a side thing. It is this stomach juice that has been cherished for many years. It is extremely acidic and brings great threat to Ning Fan.

The sea of ​​stomach juice is light red, but somehow, it can absorb a small amount of reincarnation left by the Emperor of the Purple Emperor in the seal tower and turn it into its own use.

As a result, the sea of ​​gastric juice absorbed some purple-gold smoke, and suddenly it became purple, and the threat of Ning Fan was also increased several times.

Almost a deadly threat!

Ning Fan's body instinct, from the moment the purple sea of ​​the stomach of the stomach, felt the mortal crisis, the mind can never be submerged by the sea of ​​stomach juice, must keep these waves in the distance.

"Dinghai Shenzhen is now!"

Ning Fan called out the Dinghai Shenzhen, and launched its Dinghai Shentong, smashing the time, the sound of the stomach and the waves of the stomach, and was directly fixed by the sea **** needle.

This is aimed at the restraint of the water magic, too much against the sky! Even if Ning Fan and the ancient overhaul strength are very different, still relying on this needle, a face to seal the sea of ​​the other's stomach.

With one hit, Ning Fan’s confidence rose and his courage grew.

How about the ancient overhaul, dare to swallow him into the belly, you have to pay the price!

"If you want to be a good! With the order of my Ning Fan, grow bigger and grow longer! Give me the heart to break this stomach!"

Under one command, the needle of the sea **** became bigger and bigger, and the longer it became longer. In the blink of an eye, the top of the needle of the **** had already reached the top of the stomach wall space, but it continued to grow longer, as if the day of the space was forcibly broken. general!


A loud bang came out, and Ning Fan actually took advantage of the growing trend of Dinghai Shenzheng to wear the supreme stomach and smashed out of his stomach space.

At the top of the seal tower tower, the imaginary horn-horned man, suddenly looked pale and white, snorted, and opened a blood hole in the abdomen.

Ning Fan held the needle of Dinghai, which was re-small, and fled out of the blood arrow ejected from the blood hole. He landed on the ground and crossed the bar in the chest. He looked at the horns in front of him.

The other side is also looking at Ning Fan, how can this big man not think of it, Ning Fan Xiaoxian Xian Wang, actually has the ability to escape from his stomach. When his eyes fell on the needle of Dinghai, he suddenly understood why Ning Fan escaped.

"It is actually a sea **** pin! Oh, interesting, little end of the king, is actually qualified to use these things! It seems that this seat is a little bit of you!" Horny big man sneer, look at the eyes of the gods, full of greed and taboo .

Obviously, I know the name of Dinghai Shenzhen who suppressed the dusty sea.

"Who is the predecessor, why did the late generations repair the seal of the Emperor's seal on the occasion of attacking me!" Ning Fan on the surface asked the horns of the big man, but secretly urged the power of poisonous yin and yang, a virulence into the dim light of the tower In the middle of the sneak attack on this horn.

"Hey! What are you thinking about, and you are also asking for your identity! This seat..."

The horns of the big man said half of it, suddenly slammed and closed his mouth. The next moment, without warning, spurted a poisonous blood.

His gaze was a slight glimpse, and he did not expect that he would be overhauled by the ancients.

"Use light as a medium to poison, oh, worms and small skills! In the face of absolute strength, all calculations are useless!"

The horns of the Great Han Dynasty were repaired by the mana, and they directly refining the toxins that invaded the body, making Ning Fan's face change.

We must know that Ning Fan’s virulence nowadays is integrated into the redness of the Wanjie and the completeness of the blue wave of fire. The power is not comparable to that of the past. It is the first-order quasi-sacred in this poison, but also suffers.

But this horn-horned man can actually refine the virulence of the body.

Is this the strength of ancient overhaul! Exceeding the first order is too much!

What makes Ning Fan incredible is that the damage caused by Dinghai Shenzhen to the horns of the horns of the horns is actually abrupt with the ray of the horns of the big horns.

Even the pinnacle of the sea **** can not leave this person with a wound!

Ning Fan is not a hot-blooded person. His calmness makes him very clear-headed to realize how far he is from the big man who is in front of him.

This horn is a big man, and the strength is never weaker than the blood god! Even if it is not that this person has just awakened, the breath is still somewhat weak, and Ning Fan may not be able to escape even his stomach space, and will be directly digested in the stomach!

It seems that today I have to give up the restoration of the seal of the Emperor. This person obviously does not want to repair the seal of the Emperor. If there is such a person, self-protection is a problem, and Ning Fan has the strength to repair the seal!

Only retreat from here, look for opportunities from the other two seal towers, repair the seal of the Emperor!

Compared with the seal towers that have been built in ancient times, whether it is the seal tower where the alien gods sit, or the seal tower of the three St. Paul's sitting towns, the chances are bigger than this place...

"Imaginary, burst!"

Under the singularity of Ning Fan, there was a fascinating illusion power in the body of the horned horn, which slammed into the sea.

Unexpectedly, the horn horned man was fascinated by Ning Fan's illusion for a moment, but he was trained to be strong, and he was almost awake at the moment of confusion.

This is a illusion that Ning Fan hides in the virulence. The previous poisoning was not the purpose. With the virulence, the illusion was smashed into the body of the horn horn, and it was the purpose to get away from the place!

Although the horns of the horns were only enchanted for a moment, this moment was enough to run far away. It had already ran from the top of the tower to the first floor of the tower and ran to the tower door.

The horn horn man is angry and angry!

In his supernatural powers, although the illusion is not the strongest, but it is not weak, it will be too shameful to be counted by a junior with illusion!

"You can't walk! Heaven cowhide, space pattern!"

The horn horned man smiled coldly, his face, the back of his hand, and all the bare skin on his body began to appear with a strange pattern of palm prints.

It was a natural cow pattern that Ning Fan had seen in the Taurus Palace once!

The reputation of the Taurus Palace is inseparable from the cowhide pattern of the day. The ancient books are loaded, and the day when a certain emperor of the ancient kings got the road, the sword of the gods was smashed by the palm of his hand, and the palm of the beast was broken. The sacred grain was like the anti-sacred palm print, which shows that the cowhide pattern of this day is so huge.

Ning Fan did not expect that this horn horn will actually have the magical power of the sky.

He did not expect that, at the moment when the horns of the horns urged the cowhide, his body could not help but directly moved the space.

Originally, he had taken the opportunity to escape to the position of the tower gate, but at this moment, he was directly dragged back to the top of the tower by the force of space, and then re-entered the horn-horned man.

With the strength of the sky cowhide, the horns of the horns directly sucked Ning Fan back to his side, and then slammed it out, and wanted to blast Ning Fan out of the powder.

In a hurry, Ning Fan opened the body of Wan Gu, and the size of this seal tower was enough to accommodate his ancient body.

His eternal defense is very high, but under the bang of the horns, all the defenses are ruined and collapsed.

Ning Fan squirts blood, flies out, and his body squats on the top wall of the tower.

This is the first time he has been defeated by the gods!

This horn horn is too strong, and there is no half-winning for this person. This person is not as good as the ancient emperor, afraid that it is difficult to meet the enemy in the second step, which belongs to the ancient overhaul of the anti-day level!

"Interesting, actually not beaten by this seat, your reaction is very fast, the moment of space conversion, actually had time to launch defense, so the reaction speed, it is very suitable for the cultivation of the space of the grain of the grain, but unfortunately, unfortunately If the old man had no hatred for the purple Dou Xian Xiu, he might not mind accepting you as a disciple of the end of the purple fighting, and pass on your Tao. However, the Purple Emperor deceived me! I am not willing, I am not willing! This is **** The magical dream world is also good, you **** the end of the purple fighting, it is all right to kill, all the kill!"

Day cowhide grain, space pattern!

The horn horned man once again launched this magical power!

For a moment, Ning Fan switched from the original position and space to the front of the horns, and the front was black, and it was a punch!

Can't avoid it!

This person's day cowhide pattern is too strange, even if Ning Fan escapes to the ends of the earth, this person can also take Ning Fan back to the original beaten!


A sword light spurred and flew into the seal tower, and the danger was in front of Ning Fan.

It is a sword that is inserted in the ruins of the Tianying nationality. It senses the danger of the owner.

If it is a leisurely fist, the sword of the edge of the edge is enough to take it down, but this is an ancient overhaul of a punch, the edge of the sword slammed, and was broken by the horns of the big man!

The sword of the border screamed, and the power was destroyed and fallen.

Ning Fan’s eyes were filled with anger.

He never paid attention to the sword of the shackles, but at this moment, the act of faithful protection at the moment touched him!

The sword died for him, angered him!

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