Grasping Evil

Chapter 1183: There are birds in the rain...

Ning Fan quietly left the two stars, went to find the technique of multiple souls.

He envisioned dozens of possible situations, but did not expect that the secret technique he wanted would be in such a place.

Ancient rain star sea, ghost bird!

The ancient rain star sea is one of the many stars in the northern sky. There is a sea in the sky. It is a spectacle. What is even more strange is that this sea has never stopped raining since ancient times. Many water lines have been loved to come to this piece. Xinghai, the realization of the realization of the rain.

Above the ancient rain star sea, there is also a Zongmen, which was established by the Northern Heavenly Powerful God.

The **** of the **** is a legend of the Northern Heavens. This man was only 60 years old. At first, his brothers and brothers thought he was a firewood. But then, the **** of the gods is 70 years old, the 80-year-old baby, the second thousand years old, the two thousand years of the true, and four thousand years of empty, less than 10,000 years before and after, is called a generation of Wizards.

It is rumored that the path of the monk's monastic practice was smooth and smooth. The only setback was that he violated the four sects of the heavens when he was not empty, and was thus taken to the lower bounds by the four ancestors.

At that time, the four sects punish the gods, unless they break through the empty period in the lower bounds, they must not return to the upper bound.

However, this is the most anti-day place for the gods!

As everyone knows, the resources of the lower bounds of the nine realms are poor, and it is difficult to repair the celestial beings in the lower bounds. Moreover, it is impossible to accomplish the repairs to the vacant land!

The four ancestors set the "no broken thoughts, can not return to the upper bounds" requirements, the original intention is not to let the gods return to the upper bound.

As a result, no one expected, and the **** of the gods broke through the empty space in the rain! Forcibly got the chance to return to the North!

When the **** of the gods returned to the northern sky with the power of being empty and empty, the whole northern sky was shocked, and the four monks were lost! The four ancestors knew they looked away! A person who can repair the empty space in the lower bound, as long as the luck of this life is not too bad, at least can be repaired to the realm of Xiandi in the upper bound, and in the future is absolutely extremely powerful kind of emperor!

All of a sudden, the things of the gods of the gods sensationalized the entire northern sky, that is, those who are kings and emperors do not dare to swear by the gods.

Everyone knows that the return of the **** of the gods to the north will surely rise to the sky and rise strongly!

as predicted!

After the millennium, the **** of the gods broke through the air season!

For another thousand years, the **** of the gods broke through to the late stage!

For another thousand years, the **** of the gods has been the peak of the air!

The true fairy circles of Beitian are speculating, how many years will the gods will break through the broken thoughts, and then enter the ages.

However, things that made everyone speechless appeared.

In order to understand the bottleneck of the broken mind, the **** of the gods went to a wild land. After returning, the cultivation was forever stopped at the peak of the empty space, and there was no further improvement.

After repairing a card, it will be a full five million years!

A person who can break through the empty space in the lower bound will be crushed bottleneck card for five million years? This matter is too ridiculous.

Some old geeks who know something about the wilderness secretly speculated that the **** of the gods should not be in the wild, what hurts the foundation? If this is the case, there is an explanation for the hard-to-reach things.

It is not that there is no such thing as the eternal blame for the purpose of making a sacred priest.

What is weird is that the **** of the gods has categorically rejected all the good intentions of the ancient blame and swept the faces of others. In the end, no one is willing to help the gods.

Later, the ruthless passage of the years, once shocked the entire North Heaven's Wizards and the gods, after all, it became a big laughing stock of the North.

Many of the celestial monsters who are also stuck in the bottleneck of the bottleneck, seeing that this life is hopeless, they often fall for the soul of the gods to find the balance of the heart: see, the qualifications of the gods are so unstoppable. ? We can't break through, it's normal.

No one knows that the reason why the **** of the gods stuck in the bottleneck for five million years is because he was killed and died when he was traveling wildly, so he was born with wisdom.

After five million years, the **** of the gods has long been not the person, but the person who took the house borrowed the body of the **** of the gods, in the northern days of activities...

Others do not know the experience of the **** of the gods, but Ning Fan knows that even he gave the **** of the gods a relief, and will kill the evil spirits of the gods.

What Ning Fan did not expect was that the things he was looking for were actually in the hometown of the **** of the gods, and they were actually in this ancient rain star sea.

Just in the northern days of the ghost bird.

The ghosts of the rainy world are the small ancestral gates that were established when the gods were taken to the lower bounds.

The ghost of the northern sky is the true home of the **** of the gods, and is the master of the upper bound.

Ning Fan can't tell what his mood is at the moment.

There are many Beitian monks who come to the ancient rain Xinghai to build Dongfu and feel the rain. These people are often accompanied by twos and threes. When chatting, they will talk about Beitian’s smiling son.

"I heard that when the wild robbery was in the past, the nameplate of the **** of the gods was also broken. It seems that it was a death in the big robbery. It is a pity..."

"What a pity this is, anyway, even if he is not dead, this life can only be stuck in the bottleneck, and eternal life can not be deposited."

"The battle of the Three Palaces of the World Palace has started again. This time the Zongmen War, the ghost bird has no support for the gods. Only one female doll in the early days of the crossing is sitting in the town of Zongmen. I am afraid that I can't keep the second round of the year... ”

"Oh, life is impermanent. If you are qualified against the sky, you may become a pile of loess in the end. What is the use of higher qualifications? It is better to be happy in time, even if you die later."

"The brothers say it!"


In those people's chats, Ning Fan heard about most of the past deeds of the gods, and heard how the gods of the gods became a laughing stock from a genius.

No one knows that the **** of the gods is lost because of being taken over.

No one knows that after the **** of the gods was taken away, he only asked for the sorrow of death...

Ning Fan took an urn from the storage bag and silenced it.

This is the ashes of the gods that he collected after he had released the **** of the birds. He promised to send the ashes of the gods to go home. Now, let's finish the matter.

It’s just the rain on the sea...

Really familiar with the rain...

Ning Fan looked up at the rain, the rain here, filled with the rain that the **** of the gods once felt the rain, and the rain of the ghosts of the rainy world, like a...

But after all, it is different. The rain on the sea, in addition to the constant rain of the gods, also contains the sadness that can not be erased in the heart of the gods.

The rain here is very sad.

Contains the sadness that the **** of the gods was unfortunately rejected.

More includes a trace of reluctance.

It seems that there is still someone on this sea. It is a person who can’t let go even if he is dead...

"Predecessors, I will send you home..."

Ning Fan stroked the casket and smiled.

He realized the rain of the **** of the gods, and he owed a evangelistic grace to the **** of the gods. He came here today and returned.

The monks are homeless, and they can be said to be homeless. After dying, he can be buried back to his homeland. If the **** of the gods knows the underground, he may be able to see it.


Ghosts and sects, there are still 12,000 monks of the gods, six people of the immortals, and one person.

The only monk who is a true monk is the ghost sect of the sacred sect.

The bird is a daughter of the **** of the gods, and it is the blood left by the **** of the gods before they reach the lower bound.

At that time, the **** of the gods, it is also a true fairy, as a true fairy, it is very difficult to have children, but the **** of the gods always have a way to do things that ordinary people can not imagine. He seems to be mad with the four scorpions: You are not trying to swear my lower bounds? Ok, I can go to the lower bounds to play, but I want to leave a blood in the upper bound, help me guard the Zongmen!

So the **** of the gods really left a daughter in the upper bound, and gave it to their parents to take care of before they went to the rain.

In the main hall of the Sovereign, the bird Jiu Niang supported the window, looked at the waves outside the window, and looked at the rain all the year round, and the good face was full of bitterness.

Although she is about seventeen or eight years old, she has already passed a sentimental girlhood, and she is already a veteran of five million bones.

In the early days of Watanabe, it was reasonable to say that it was difficult to live for so long. Fortunately, she had a lot of secretive secret medicines left behind by her, and she was stalking the secret treasures.

But she was still touched by the rain outside the window.

Because of the rain on the sea, there is a rain that is left behind.

But why, the rain that is left behind, so sad...

"When I was born, I was taken to the lower bounds, so I had never seen a whole childhood. When I returned to the North, I was already a two thousand-year-old monk, and I don’t know how to be like a little girl. , put into the embrace of ......"

"After returning from the rainy world, he has been retreating and has been suffering. He said that he should go to the second step as soon as possible, so that the person who had been jealous of him would shut up. He was too busy, busy to no time to care. I don't have much time to point me to practice... Occasionally, because I am too stupid to understand too much, so the cultivation speed has been slow..."

"At that time, I was very concerned about me, but I knew that there was me in his heart. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be bullied by someone, and he would scream at the headquarters of the four ancestors and ask for justice. ..."

"But I have come back from a wilderness, everything has changed... He no longer cares about the Zongmen, no longer cares about the disciples, and no longer cares about me... He seems to live completely in his own world, always going out in the clouds. I’m always missing... and in the end, he died in a wild robbery...”

"Since the first return from the wilderness, the rain of this sea has been stained with a trace of sadness. I know, I didn’t mean to ignore it, I must have something happening on my body, otherwise his rain There will be no sorrow that cannot be told..."

"Hey, you know? Without you, Xiaojiu wants to support the ghosts, it’s really hard, it’s hard..."

The bird is talking to herself, as if she is talking to the wind outside the window, as if she is talking to the rain at sea, as if she is talking to her who can’t come back.

Suddenly there was a rain, with the wind outside the window, blowing to the face of the bird, and it was cool.

"It’s getting wind again..."

Chen Jiu Niang sighed and closed the window and turned around.

Then I was shocked!

She didn’t know when she was behind, stood a white youth!

"Who is the predecessor! I am good at the main hall of the sacred sect of the sacred sect, what is the matter!" Although the qualification of the **** is not sensitive, it is not stupid. Since the other party can directly invade the prohibition of the main lord, at least it is also a free-following, and she can win, and it is not a ghost that can lose the gods.

"You are called Xiaojiu, don't be afraid, Xiaojiu, I am the old man of your father. Come here today, come to send something, and take another thing." Ning Fan had heard this woman claiming to be Xiaojiu. Therefore, this woman is called Xiaojiu, so it is called this.

"I, I don't call Xiaoji... I call..." Queji Nguyen wants to explain her name, but another thought, if the other party is really the father's old man, it is also an elder, and the elder is called the younger generation. There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Forget it, the predecessor called me Xiaojiu is no problem... The seniors are really the father of the family? I don't know how the seniors call it?"

The father is so lonely and proud that he rarely makes friends. When he returned from the wilderness, he did not make any contact with anyone.

Therefore, Ning Fan claims to be the old man of the **** of the gods. She is really surprised, but she does not doubt that Ning Fan lies.

What is the value of the ghosts and sects of today, so that the predecessors who are above the empty space lie against the heart?

"My surname is Ning, you can call me Ning seniors." Ning Fan laughed.

"Surname Ning? I really haven't heard of it..."

"I have received the grace of honor for many years, but the first time I met with Ling Zun was in the past. I have never heard of me, it is not strange."

"What? The predecessors and the family met in the wild catastrophe!" The bird was hurting and her eyes were red.

She faintly guessed that Ning Fan came to the ghosts and sects, what is to be sent, probably the relics of 爹爹...

"The predecessors came to send their father's relics..."

"Yes, it is not... I am here to send the order to be ashes..."

"What! Ashes!"

Looking at the urns that Ning Fan took out of the storage bag, I felt the father's breath in the urn, and the tears of the bird were finally falling.

She took the casket and was sad and complicated inside. In love, the **** of the gods can return to their hometown after death, is a kind of luck, but the nine mothers can not be happy. Even if the life card is broken, she always has a glimpse of luck. I hope that a kind of misjudgment of the heavens at that time, after all, there are not many things in the realm of comprehension, but it is not without.

When I really saw the ashes, I knew that she had to face this reality.

Oh, I’m really gone, I can’t come back anymore...

"Ning seniors, your great grace, the younger generation will never forget! Right, Ning's predecessors just said that they want to take away one thing from my ghosts. The predecessors have great grace in the younger generation, this ghost thing The predecessors, however, have seen what they are, even though they take it away, the younger generation has nothing to say." The bird Jiu Niu wiped the tears and was grateful.

"No, you are wrong. I sent your father back, and I want to take something away. It is two things. I sent your father back, for the sake of return, for voluntariness; if you take something, you have to And for that, of course, take this thing, I will give you some compensation."

"Predecessors, juniors do not need compensation, you have great grace in the younger generation..." Queji Nguyen stubbornly refused.

"Okay! The elders give, don't dare to resign, if I want to send you something, you will accept it." Ning Fan did not slap the head of the bird, just like taking a child.

However, in fact, Ning Fan is a child compared with the five-million-year-old Nine.

However, the cultivation of the real world has always been determined by the strength of the seniority, and now Ning Fan, even if it encounters the old blame, but also the qualifications of the other generation's predecessors, and Jiu Niang called Ning Fan predecessors, and did not suffer.

But Nine Niangni is still blushing.

She has never been touched by any man so much, even if it is awkward, she has not photographed her head, because she is always very busy, so busy she has no time to deal with her...

Ning Fan’s behavior of treating the younger generation has made her feel a long-awaited elder care.

"Ning seniors, ah no, Uncle Ning, what do you want to do with ghosts and sects, I will take you..." The bird is happy, and there is a closeness to Ning Fan, and the uncle is called.

Ning Fan is speechless. He has lived for so long. It seems that he has not been called an uncle. Forget it. Before that, he was called a brother by the pure old man. The uncle is an uncle, a name is nothing, and there is nothing big.

"I want a secret."

"Oh, then I will bring Uncle Ning to my Zongzang Jingge." The bird is respectful and courteous.

Therefore, in the gaze of the ghost disciple disciple, the man who was not close to the man, Jiu Niang, actually took a strange young man into the banquet of the ban!

Countless people are guessing what identity is Ning Fan, is it the goodness of the Sovereign?

However, because Ning Fan asked Chen Jiu Niang, do not reveal his identity, and Jiu Niang did not tell anyone who is Ning Fan. Whoever asked this question, she swept the knife with one eye and scared the disciples of the Zongzhong disciples.

"This is definitely a small good for the lord..." The disciples became more convinced of this.

In the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures, the bird Jiu Niang retired from the guardian of the guard house, and then took Ning Fan to pick the classics here.

She originally thought that Ning Fan came here to choose what high-class classics, but whoever expected, Ning Fan actually chose a waste book.

Multiple Souls!

This is an extremely superficial supernatural classic, including the **** of the gods, no one has ever cultivated this magical power.

Because the record of multiple sorcerers is too simple, only ten sentences!

Practice can only know the brief information of multiple sorcerer:

Rehabilitation requirements: There are more than three blood vessels.

Practice steps: three points of blood, two save one.

Regarding how the blood is three points, the seal is one, and the classic seal is recorded on the classics. The other ones have no record.

The seal type does not look so smart. Even if the gods are more than a few eyes, they can learn to use them. The seals seem to have no use.

What is even more troublesome is that although this multiple cloaking technique indicates that it is necessary to have more than three blood vessels to cultivate, it does not say what kind of blood is necessary, and it does not say what kind of cultivation effect after repairing.

When I got this book, I saw the extraordinaryness of this book, but who taught this book has too little information? The sorcerer’s savvy is higher, and I don’t know where to start practicing this technique. I also boge that this technique is too incomplete, and there may be hidden dangers in rash cultivation, and finally give up the cultivation of this technique.

Even the things that can't be repaired by the gods can't be cultivated.

Therefore, from the multiple cloaking techniques that no one can build, it became a waste book, and was thrown into the corner, no one cares.

Nine can not think of this, Ning Fan will ask for such a book, worried, "Ning Uncle is best not to practice this book indiscriminately. I have said that this book is incomplete, and I don’t know what effect it will be after the cultivation. Too many unknowns mean too many hidden dangers. If Ning Bobo has something to do with the cultivation of this book, Xiao Jiu will be guilty of his life."

"Oh, Xiao Jiu assured, this surgery will not hurt my life, on the contrary, I want to live, may rely on this book..." Ning Fan laughed and took the head of the bird.

Probably the bird is too short and too small, so that Ning Fan inadvertently always treats her as a child, and wants to take two shots if nothing happens.

Ning Fan has collected multiple sorcerers, and this is not the time to study this technique. He is very convinced that Nalan Zi's three-life divination, no one can repair this surgery, does not mean that this surgery is rubbish.

"Uncle Ning, you don't want to shoot my head all the it's not good..." Chen Jiu Niang weakly protested.

"Okay, I won't shoot it later. Oh, go, I took this book and I should give you some compensation."

"No, no! The uncle sent his father home, just taking a scrapbook, how dare the younger generation to accept the uncle's compensation..."

"Oh? Don't you want to break through the blanks one day and go further on the road of comprehension?" Ning Fan laughed.

"What! What the uncle wants to send, can the younger generation be expected to be empty?" Bird Jiu Niang was shocked.

Her qualifications are so poor that she has only been repaired to the true realm for five million years, relying on all kinds of heaven and earth treasures left behind by her. Can such a stupid qualification really be free?

She is very skeptical and very unconfident.

"Qualification is not the most decisive factor influencing a person's achievements..." Ning Fan is planning to comfort the condolences of Jiu Niang on the issue of qualifications, but he can feel the words, but he feels wrong and stopped.

The **** of the gods is a person with outstanding qualifications. Others ridicule the gods, often using the words that Ning Fan just said. For the bird Jiu Niang, these words may not be comfort, but a kind of injury...

"... In fact, I think that your qualifications are very good, but you lack the guidance of a famous teacher. And you stay in the ghosts and sects for the past year, and you have no time to travel and increase your experience, so you will enter the country slowly." Changed a saying.

"The uncle wants to laugh, Xiaoji's qualifications are very poor, not at all excellent..."

"Oh, I listened to you before talking to you, mentioning that you can feel the slightest sadness in this sea of ​​rain, but is it?"

"Yes, yes..." After seeing his own self-speaking, Chen Jiu Niang was actually overheard by Ning Fan, and could not help but make a big blush.

"You know, one million people who can feel the sadness in the northern rain repairs, even five people are not there? Your understanding of God is inherently higher than the average person, this and your father. It’s very similar. This is your advantage, you have to learn to use it, so that you can hope to break through the empty space."

"What? One million people, can you feel that this sadness is not even five people? I am so powerful?" Bird Jiu Niang is incredible.

"So, you just lack the guidance of a famous teacher. If your father did not die five million years ago, maybe you have already been empty..."

"My father was killed five million years ago? What the uncle is saying, some of the younger generation can't understand."

"Nothing, I will take you to see the rain."

"Ah? Look at the rain, don't use it, the younger ones look at the rain every day, and they have long been tired of it..." If Ji Niang refused.

"The rain that I show you is different from the rain you see yourself."

A roll of Ning Fan's sleeves, in an instant, the two are no longer in the Tibetan Classics, but in a certain part of the sea of ​​endless Xinghai.

Bird Jiu Niang was shocked and stunned!

She is also a ferry, and even the movements of Ning Fan are not clear, and it has been flying out of countless distances by Ning Fan.

During the movement, the limit speed of a moment far exceeds the idle speed of the air, and even far exceeds the speed of some northern days that Chen Jiu Niang has seen!

"Uncle should not be a fairy godmother! Father actually has such a strong friend, this, this is incredible..." Quejiu Niang wants to ask Ning Fan's cultivation, but she is afraid that this matter is jealous, Hesitant and he did not dare to ask.

Ning Fan saw the doubts of Chen Jiu Niang, but he did not intend to break his own cultivation.

At the moment, he just wants to watch the rain!

He wants to bring the daughter of the old man to watch the rain, and return the preaching grace of the **** of the gods to the daughter of the **** of the gods.

This matter is not only beneficial to the bird Jiu Niang, but also beneficial to Ning Fan himself!

According to the understanding of the people in the woods, there are three ways to blink, one is the law of ruthlessness, the other is the method of the palm of the hand, and the other is the method of blinking.

At this moment, Ning Fan seems to have discovered a method of the palm of his hand. His current state of mind, I do not know why, touched the sublimation of the rain and yin and yang... If the sublimation to the extreme, it is the rain!

When he was young, he was in the ghost of the rainy world, and he heard a sentiment from the **** of the gods.

Nowadays, he comes to see the rain with the daughter of the **** of the gods. It is not rain, but the self of the year, but a ... the perfection of the rain!

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