Grasping Evil

Chapter 1188: Holy ant

Guangzu Diyuan is a place of extreme fire and a place of extremes. .

There is a flame in the air, the earth is shining, and there is an endless hibiscus forest. The radiance of this place is endless, making the ground bright and white, without the night.

As a forbidden place for the Guangzu, the internal environment of the Guangzu Diyuan is extremely complicated and dangerous, and there are countless ancient prohibitions left to this day. If there is no saint to cultivate, it is impossible to squat in the land, because it is impossible to say which kind of light in this place, which flame is the supreme prohibition, if it is accidentally hit, it is not dead or hurt.

Strong as Ning Fan, after entering this place, you also need to be careful to move forward, not to fly too fast.

He must carefully check the prohibition around him, and he needs to pay attention to a kind of fierce ant that is unique to this place.

It is a giant burd-like ant, whose body is transparent and composed entirely of light; it has short wings, can crawl, and can fly.

This kind of light ants tend to be in groups, and the individual repairs are not high, but they are very good at fusion attacks. Ning Fan just flew tens of thousands of miles in the land, and encountered several light ant attacks. At this moment, more than forty light ants stopped Ning Fan.

Most of the light ants that appeared this time were only broken and repaired, but when more than forty broken virtual ants turned into light and merged with each other, the light ant of a man Xuan Xiu appeared in front of Ning Fan.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

The man Xuanguang ants rushed to Ning Fan and spit out three light bombs. If someone is a Xuan Xiu, it will be very fearful in the face of such a situation, but Ning Fan naturally cannot fear this light ant, only the sleeves. A roll of robe, the light bomb hitting the face was smashed into the sleeves by Ning Fan.

He also rushed out with a flash of robbing, and Xuantang ant screamed and was killed by Ning Fan.

"These light ants seem to be the headaches of the light family..."

Ning Fan frowned. As soon as he came to the Guangzu, he directly entered the Guangzu Diyuan. Although he had spread the rain, he did not deliberately collect intelligence in the Guangzu. When Shen Shen was scattered, he also sporadically heard some Guangzu people. In the light ants problem in the discussion of the land, it is natural to speculate at these moments.

"Well? This is..."

Ning Fan's gaze moved slightly, but he saw the land where the man Xuanguang ants fell, and the shattered light suddenly condensed, forming a tattered light bead.

This kind of light bead is called "light ant inner dan" by the light monk. It is something similar to the fruit. After taking it, it can be directly added to repair. It seems that the reason why there are monks in the Guangzuo Yuanyuan is to hunt these inner alchemies.

Ning Fan walked all the way and killed a lot of light ants, but it was the first time that Nedan was broken. It is obvious that the probability of this inner dan is not high, which is similar to the fruit.

This is a man Xuan Nei Dan, but its classification, not just a logo of the person. Looks like in the light family, about these inner alchemies, there is also a "breaking inner Dan excellent inner Dan" and other quality divisions, specifically how, Ning Fan knows not much, is not very interested.

Handling Neydan into the storage bag, Ning Fan continued to move forward, and Rain thought tried to explore deeper into the land, but unfortunately, his rain could not be too far away.

Inside the Guangzu Diyuan, there are too many restrictions on the mind and perception of the gods. No way, Ning Fan had to borrow the power of the search treasure to perceive the place.

According to the search of the search for the compass, this piece of land has a total of twelve, each layer is a different landscape. Ning Fan’s area at the moment is only the first floor. Bei Xiao Man is not at this level, but at the lower level.

"Help! Help!"

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a cry for help, which made Ning Fan's footsteps slightly.

See you! On the ground in front, four horses burning in golden flames are pulling a golden chariot and running wild. In the rear of the chariot, there are six or seven hundred burdock-sized light ants, showing fierce light and chasing the chariot.

Each of the light ants has a repair on the broken imaginary. There are five celestial ants, and one venom.

On the chariot, there were more than a dozen Bei Tian Qing Jun who came to this experience. They were suddenly chased by six or seven hundred light ants. These Bei Tian Qing Jun, who are not deeply involved, are almost scared to death.

They are either the Taoist descendants of the ancient ancestral gates, or the eternal descendants of the ancients, one by one.

They came here to experience, but they couldn’t think of it. The once-in-a-lifetime [light ant hunting] was actually ahead of schedule!

"Brother, are we going to die here!" Ming Mingming said, the light ant hunting food will appear once every 10,000 years, but this time the light ant hunting, actually six thousand years ahead of the scheduled time! If it is in peacetime, Most of the light ants need to hibernate, naturally they will not actively attack us. We only need to find some small ant nests and dig some light ants to hunt, but this time we actually met the light ant hunting! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Inside the chariot, a young girl who was not deeply involved in the world was scared to cry by the light ants chased after the car. She took the sleeves of her brother and grabbed it.

She is called Lin Qingyue and is the Miss Yan of the Northern Tianlin family.

The young man she called her brother was the eldest son of the Lin family, the young master. At the same time, he is also among the more than a dozen Beitian Qingjun, who is the highest one, and has a half-step manuscript. However, even if this is done, facing the killing of the light ant army, he can only feel powerless. .

"Don't cry! Be calm! The chariot we are riding is a sun car rented from the Guangzu. This car is powered by light. As long as there is light around it, you can never stop. This car is extremely fast. The defense is also strong, we can always use this car to escape, and wait until the people of the Guangzu enter this place to rescue..."

Young Master Lin calmed down and comforted his sister, but the next moment, he could not calm down.


A light bomb with a powerful power hit the chariot!

The chariot was attacked by the light ants again!

All the way to escape, the chariot has been ignorant of how many times the light ants have been attacked, but because of the strong defense of this sun-riding car, almost all the attacks below the post-transfer period can be ignored. The previous light bombs did not cause much damage to the sun car. damage.

But this time the attack is different!

The sun car was actually smashed by a hole!

This time the light bomb actually reached the power of the air!

"Not good! Those light ants are merged! The ray of light ants merged with other light ants and turned into a light ant!"

Lin Shaoye finally changed his face!

The empty ant is enough to easily destroy the sun car. Once the car is destroyed, it is when their lives are not guaranteed!


More of the light bombs were sprayed out by the hollowed-out light ants, and the sun-dried car was completely shattered. A group of northern Tianqingjun's gray-faced face fell to the ground, and watched as the giant awning light ant snorkeling approached.

The light ants in the predatory period, the most favorite to eat, is meat!

They will be eaten!

"No, don't eat me..."

Lin Qingyue was actually scared of urea pants, soft on the ground, standing can not stand!

She has never experienced life and death, and the family has protected her very well!

She is empty and ruined, but there is no timid enough to match it!

Just when she thought that she must die, a scarlet beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, and the light ants that had been repaired in the air, became a powder!

How powerful!

Like a miracle!

Lin Qingyue looked up and entered the place. He was a young man in white, standing on the air and standing like an unbeatable god.

"Only one stroke will smash the light ants! This person is at least a predecessor!" After the Northern Tianqing Jun robbery, the surviving magic name, all fell to the ground, toward Ning Fan thousand thanks.

Only Lin Qingyue was still not returning from the shock, and he was dazed and forgot to thank him.

"Sister! Thank you for your predecessors. You are so rude!" Her brother whispered.

Lin Qingyue panicked, and then he realized that what happened, he was stunned and wanted to thank Ning Fan, but he listened to Ning Fan’s words and naturally did not dare to interject. All thanks for going back.

"Can there be a map of the earth?" Ning Fan landed on the ground and asked the younger brother Lin, who did not thank him for his care.

"Yes, the map is here, if the seniors need it, but they can take it." Master Lin respectfully handed a map, which was purchased from the Guangzu.

Ning Fan’s thoughts were swept away, and the map was printed in one instant. The original was returned to Master Lin, and he turned to leave.

Just didn't take a few steps, Ning Fan suddenly had a meal, and looked at Lin Qingyue with a strange look.

Very weird feeling.

This girl brought him a feeling of incomprehensibility. When she had this feeling last time, it was the time when she met Si Yingyue and Su Man Yue.

"What is your name..." Ning Fan asked with a frown.

"I, my name is Lin Qingyue..." I was asked by a stranger to be anonymous, and Lin Qingyue’s face was red.

"Lin Qingyue? How can you call this name..." Ning Fan brows deeper.

"Back, back to the predecessors, this is the name that my mother gave me. My mother said that people have joys and sorrows. The moon is full of yin and yin, the yin is away, the sunny is reunion, the circle is long, the lack is a long story..." Obviously the answer was not asked.

What Ning Fan asked was not the reason for her name.

Ning Fan asked about other things.

Si Yingyue, Su Man Yue, and then met Lin Qingyue...

Ning Fan seems to be able to feel some kind of very close cause and effect from this Lin Qingyue, but it seems like... just an illusion.

"I will draw a circle on the ground, you stay in the circle, don't come out, you can save it, and someone will come to save you later."

This trip is to save the North Xiao Man, Ning Fan does not want to pay attention to this girl named Lin Qingyue, it is even more impossible to stay here to protect these people. Such as Si Yingyue, Su Man Yue, Ning Fan in the quiet of the body of Lin Qingyue quietly left a sigh of thought, and with the power of rain and yin and yang, painted a circle of rain on the ground, will be the northern Tianqing Junwei In the circle.

Then, leave.

Seeing that Ning Fan is leaving, Lin Qingyue is a beautiful woman. There is a sense of loss that cannot be said. I don’t know why, just like waiting for the reunion of countless cycles, passing by...

However, some of the North Tianqing Jun headed by Master Lin, because of the departure of Ning Fan, obviously breathed a sigh of relief, staying in front of Ning Fan, the pressure is too great.

"Who do you know who this predecessor is?"

"He actually asked Lin Xiong for a map. It seems that he is not a member of the Guangzu, but a monk who came from outside."

"It should be the four sects to deal with the light ants..."

"Awful, terrible! I thought this predecessor was a broken monk, but it wasn't! You look at the circle! This is definitely a circle drawn by the power of the hand. We stay in the circle, it is broken. I missed the light ants, but I also thought about breaking the circle easily and hurting us!"

"It’s close to the palm of your hand! This predecessor is not a hidden North Heaven emperor! It’s too strong!”

Zhong Qingjun was very excited and stayed in the circle. The admiration for the mysterious predecessor of Ning Fan has been endless.

Ning Fan entered the land and entered the rush. He was confident in his own rain. After entering the place, he discovered that he still needed a map.

With the map, he can choose the fastest path and rush to the place where Bei Xiaoman is located. As for the rescue of other Beitian Qingjun who came to this experience, is this related to him? If you encounter a fate, you can save it at your own risk; if you don't get it, it will be a life. If you dare to practice, those people will be responsible for their actions, and they must have the consciousness of death.

"Well? It turns out that this is the origin of the Guangzu dynasty. It is the birthplace of the Guangzu. There are twelve layers of the earth. Each layer has an ancient fairyland. Each layer is named after the country. The twelve immortals formed an alliance and jointly established a family. This is the light family. I am on the first floor, the site of the Guangshu country, the entrance to the second floor, a total of seven, the nearest one. The entrance is located in the ruins of the national capital of Guangshuguo. The average person goes to the second floor and does not go to this entrance. They prefer to go around the road because this entrance is very dangerous..."

Danger, it is really dangerous.

If the search for the search for the compass is correct, in the direction of the relics of the country, there is a semi-sacred breath.

There seems to be a semi-saint light ant, and the average person walks this way, because this move is likely to disturb the semi-light ant sleeping, causing the attack of the semi-light ant.

But Ning Fan is different.

Ning Fan does not like to travel around the road!

In this ancestral ancestral ridge, there are bans everywhere, he can't fly too fast, want to get to Bei Xiaoman as soon as possible, you need to go near!

After selecting the direction, Ning Fan galloped all the way. After a fragrant incense, he came to an ancient ruins.

Here, it was once a national capital built in the forest.

The size of the capital is not small, it can accommodate millions of monks, but now there are only ruins. The entrance to the second floor is in the central area of ​​the capital.


Inductive to Ning Fan approaching, in this abandoned building, there are constantly light ants crawling out, millions of light ants vibrate short wings, fly into the air, spray light bombs to Ningfan!

"It's really trouble... Kitty, don't you like to fight? Let's go out and fight."

Ning Fan released the kitten, also released Aphrod, and summoned the ghosts of the underworld!

Therefore, Ning Fan did not even have to personally take shots, and millions of light ants were only half-column fragrant, and they were killed by Ning Fan’s army.

Nedan broke out hundreds of times, and the forming rate was much lower than that of the same level.

Nei Dan, which broke out, was all stored in a storage bag by Ning Fan. The behavior of Ning Fan and his entourage to slaughter the light ants angered the seven powerful light ants that were sleeping here.

The land of the ruins of the Guangshu State suddenly broke open, and seven giant incomparable light ants climbed out of the ground!

Six heads of Emperor light ants, one and a half holy light ants!

Like the ordinary light ants, the fairy snails are golden in color and bright.

Only the half-light ant, actually turned into a human figure, became a big man dressed in the armor of the armor.

" meat..." In the face of Ning Fan and other delicious flesh and blood, the six-headed fairy ant all shed a very acidic mouth.

Unlike the low-order light ants, the light ants of the Xiandi level can actually speak simple words. Unfortunately, their intelligence is still too low! Normal Xiandi saw that the quasi-hospital souls that Ning Fan summoned were absolutely fearful, but they were not afraid.

However, the big blue man is not afraid of Ning Fan and his party!

His intelligence has no problems! Ning Fan awoke him. He was very angry, but at this moment he was shocked by the lineup of Ning Fan and his entourage. After a quirk, he slandered the greedy celestial ants, and did not attack Ning Fan. .

"You don't seem to be a person of the Guangzu, nor a person of the Four Emperors. Is it to control my holy ants?" asked the Qinghai Dahan.

At the same time of questioning, it directly integrates the surrounding six fairy emperors into the body.

Although he is semi-sacred, it is not too far from the quasi-saint. Therefore, after the fusion of six fairy emperors, his cultivation has actually risen to the first level of quasi-holy!

Seeing this scene, Ning Fan suddenly frowned.

If this big man is only a semi-holy, he does not mind an illusion spike, but if the other party has the ability to play the quasi-sacred strength, it is not easy to deal with, once fighting, it is a waste of time, and may not be able to win.

Ning Fan can see that this fusion of light ants is not a permanent fusion, and will be separated from each other after a certain period of time. Rao has this shortcoming, and this kind of integration is also against the sky.

It is no wonder that the existence of light ants will make the giants of the light family feel headaches.

The semi-sacred light ants can exert the strength of the first-order quasi-sacredness by integrating the same kind.

Most of the first-order quasi-sac can also play the second-order quasi-sacred strength through integration.

It is not easy to want to annihilate such semi-holy and quasi-sacred light ants. Ning Fan is eager to find Bei Xiao Man and does not want to get into trouble.

Moreover, there seems to be more than one quasi-sacred light ant here... Ning Fan has a deep look at a certain direction, thoughtful.

"I don't know what the ant sect is, and I don't want to do anything about it. I am here to save people. I need to use the entrance of this place to enter the second floor. Can I make it convenient?" Ning Fan refused to refuse.

If the other party is not convenient, even if he can't kill the ant in a short time, he has to hit the second floor all the way!

"Well? You junior, is actually the leader of this group?"

Ning Fan's tone is almost commanding, too arrogant, making the big blue man extremely unhappy. If Ninfan is surrounded by a quasi-holy hand, his fierceness will definitely make Ning Fan pay the price.

However, at the moment, it is a very moment to choose the queen, it is not suitable for extra-budget...

"Hey! Anyway, go to the entrance of the second floor, you can borrow it, but if you dare to destroy my great sect, I will never let you live and leave this land!"

After all, the big green man drilled back to the bottom, but the gods locked Ning Fan. Obviously, once Ning Fan had any change, he would immediately fight back.

Ning Fan did not say much, and he couldn’t carry the advancement of the ghosts of the underworld who were summoned by the ghosts of the underworld.

However, Aphrod, the kitten, and the unkilling Lei Ying did not recover, and stayed with them as a beater.

On the second floor, Ning Fan asked Afro and the kitten.

"The holy ant, the sacred door that I have never heard of... have you heard of it?"

"No..." Aphrod shook his head.

"It's a bit familiar, but I can't remember it..." The mouth said that he couldn't remember, but at this moment, the kitten is turned into a human figure, but his mouth is constantly flowing, and the name of the holy ant is always delicious...

"I don't know. I will be careful. Don't get involved in the disputes of the holy ants. It is only to save people. It can make the Guangzu cannot be completely eradicated for countless years. This holy ant is not idle, this time The chaos, I am afraid that it is not small with the sect of the ant ant..." Ning Fan dignified.

After Ning Fan left for a long time, the big blue man actually drilled back to the ground, actively uncoupling, and released the six fairy emperors in the body.

At the moment when he disengaged, there was no flash of brilliance, and a glamorous woman dressed in fiery red armor appeared.

"Hey! Your fireworks, why do you stop me from killing him! There is only one quasi-holy around him. You and I will join hands and kill him to swallow his flesh and blood. It is not a beautiful thing! You can compete for the queen's affairs, and you can certainly be bigger!" "The big blue man is not pleasing to the road, the meaning of the words, the reason why he did not shoot for Ning Fan, taboo is one aspect, there is secretly the order of this red woman.

"Giggle, I just took advantage of the inner shards of my mother, breaking through the quasi-sacred, the realm is not stable; you are only borrowing power to reach this level, can not last. It is not easy for me to kill this kid." The red-haired woman who is in the fireworks has a deep meaning.

As a quasi-holy, she will be seen by Ning Fan at a glance! Not wrong, Ning Fan just took a look at it, absolutely found her! This child is absolutely hidden, I am afraid it is even more difficult to deal with than the quasi-sacred tree!

"His Royal Highness is too worthy of the kid. If His Royal Highness is willing to stop the quasi-sacred tree, the rest of the people, including the kid, will be killed by the next person!"

"Ke Bixiong, you are too conceited, you will definitely suffer from this in the future." The red armor woman is not satisfied.

"His blame is that the subordinates must correct this shortcoming." The mouth said that the correction, but the big blue man did not mean to correct a little, but instead looked boldly on the red armor woman, looking greedy.

The red-haired woman is a pretty face, "pay attention to your identity!"

"Yes!" The blue-breasted brow wrinkled and corrected his eyes, but his eyes were deeply stunned.

Hey woman, how long can you be proud! When the queens election begins, you don't want to choose from me, there is no other choice! I will get you sooner or later! Your inner Dan, your body, everything about you!

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