Grasping Evil

Chapter 1193: Registered disciple

The ancestral palace is said to be the strongest force in the northern sky. In this strongest, naturally, the secret family and the four ancestors are not counted. m.

However, it is undeniable that the Palace of the World has an unimaginable appeal in the northern sky. A lot of Beitian blame wants to make good connections with the ancestral palace, only because the ancestral palace holds the artifact of the ancestral tower.

The ancestral tower can change the speed of the passage of time, allowing the monks to experience years and even decades in the tower in the real world. As long as the resources are sufficient, any Beitian Zongmen has the confidence to use the legacy tower to mass-produce the broken master in a short time!

The number of broken masters is more than one, and the number of people who break through into immortals will naturally increase. The foundation of the Northern Heaven monk is far more than the other three days. It is a reason to avoid the scorpio, and the ancestral tower is also a major reason.

Because of the existence of the tower, the four ancestors will have an eye for Beitianqing, and the headquarters will be located here. Between the major sects within the league, it is even more faint to be the leader of the world. Because of the existence of the tower, even the northern secretaries are very polite to the palace of the world, and they are close to each other. After all, there are also Qingjun among the secrets. A generation needs to use the legacy tower...

As the palace owner of the Palace of the World, everyone thinks that Yuanyao is a person who has the power to go to the north, but it is not...

The power of the Palace of Life is not completely in the hands of Yuan Yao, and more power is scattered in the hands of the Presbyterian Church. The elders in the elders are divided into three factions: the West Palace, the North Palace, and the East Palace. Among them, Yuanyao was born in the West Palace. As a result, whenever there was any order from Yuanyao, the elders of the West Palace still listened to orders, but the elders of the North Palace and the East Palace must be **** for tat.

The elders of the Three Palaces divided the powers of the Palace of the World and struggled with each other. They will fight for their own struggles, but they will also be able to pull the entire sect of the Northern Heavens together. This is the origin of every Northern Heaven sect.

"What is the meaning of such a life? Xiao Man, I am sorry, my mother can't walk out of this palace, mother, can't save you, can only watch people calculate you, but even help you out is not allowed..."

In the cold palace main hall, Yuan Yao stood on the window sill and looked at the scenery outside the window. The pointed fingertip pierced the palm, but she didn't feel the pain.

Outside the window, the strict guards put her under house arrest, and the imperial palace was actually under house arrest. It was ironic.

Further away, it is the cliff of the island, the waves under the cliff, the sea of ​​stars floating in the starry sky, called the age of the sea by the monks.

Yuan Yao is bitter inside.

She heard about the chaos of the Guangzuo, and heard that Xiaoman was involved in this chaos.

She knows that this time the chaos of the earth is no accident, and it is the handwriting of the great elders. The Dongjiu department of the elders is the one that loves to do this kind of pickle...

She knows that Xiaoman is different from her other three daughters. She was recognized by Stonemen in eight years, so her identity in Beitian is extremely special. Over the years, Xiao Man’s calculations have been the most among the four daughters, so she will send Xiao Man to the lower bounds in the past, so as to protect them silently...

Of course, due to the special status of Xiaoban, the people of the Four Emperors will not sit idly by and ignore the fact that they may send the quasi-presidents to the Guangzu and rescue the Xiaoman.

Can be a mother, let her not worry about her daughter, how is it possible. She is more willing to personally take people to the Guangzuoyuan and save her daughter, but her opinion was dismissed by her master's ancestral palace Xigong ancestor.

The scene of the previous dispute made Yuan Yao feel powerless and sad.

"You are the lord of the palace, your words and deeds represent the pulse of our palace. This thing can not be wrong, it is definitely the handwriting of the East Palace! I did not expect that they even dare to intervene in the territory of the Guangzu. Such a big handwriting, do you think they just want to count a small girl in Beixiaoman? You are too confused! They also count you! If you care about it, chaos, regardless of the identity of your palace, take people to the Guangzu, for The teacher can guarantee that the other party will definitely have a backhand, so that you will be trapped in the Guangzu Diyuan, or even die there! By then, you will miss the most important part of the dispute of the Three Palaces... Focus on the overall situation, not to use it!"


"Nothing! Come, your housekeeper needs rest, no one can disturb, let alone the palace owner half a step!"

"What! Master! What I say is also the lord of the palace. As an elder, how can I commit the following imprisonment!"

"Do you commit the following? Hey! If I didn't promote it to you, do you think that with your cultivation and qualifications, you can squeeze out other goddess of the past, and be the master of this palace? If not, I will use a subtotal. Help you deal with the little girl of the Luo nationality. Hey, the position of the main house of the palace, in fact, should be the little girl's thing... It is really ridiculous to still slap your palace master in front of me!"

"If you know that you will start with Luo You, I would rather not be the seat of this palace! She is the only friend of my life!"

"Friends? Hey, the master of the palace, do not need friends! When you are not the master of this palace, you can never be yours! How to be a good master of this palace, but it is not for you! Come, hold the main hall of the palace, no order, No one can get in!"


Yuan Yao looked out at the window of the sea, his eyes were the same as the sea of ​​the sea, and he was generally inanimate.

The air here is empty and there is no real freedom. Yes, she has no freedom since she was very young.

I can't choose my own path, I can't save my friends, and even see my daughter being counted again and again, she can't ask her daughter for justice.

Such a puppet is alive, she does not feel any fun, but as a mother's responsibility, she has to bite her teeth. Whenever she is depressed, she will miss her little indulgence.

She couldn't help but think of the little guy named Lu Bei, the only memory worth remembering in her life. Unfortunately, that memory is just a short, absurd dream...

She had stupidly argued with her daughters, who is the strongest young man in this generation. Later, she found out that the original Lubei in her mouth, Ning Fan in the mouth of the glass, Zhou Ming in the small mouth, was actually the same person...

More troublesome is that Ning Fan is still a man of Xiao Man...

When I first learned about this, Yuanyao collapsed, and reason and morality collapsed at the same time! She can't tolerate such a self, actually serving the same man with her daughter...

Later, the second daughter, North Qing Han, brought back the latest news of Ning Fan from Dong Tian. Bei Qing Han wanted to inform Bei Xiaoman about this matter, but she was stopped by her. As a result, Bei Xiaoman did not know the details. It was only known that Ning Fan ran to Dongtian and was warmed by a warm child. The woman hooked up...

Yuan Yao didn't want Xiao Man to know the exact news of Ning Fan, so today, Bei Xiaoman thought that Ning Fan was called Zhou Ming!

She also does not want to hear the news of Ning Fan, but she will occasionally send people to inquire, and her mind is complicated... Of course, Bei Tian and Dong Tian are too far apart. She is not really in power in the Palace of the World. The news is not easy. Instead, she is perceived by the elders who are sensitive to the smell. For fear that she is exposed, she will no longer dare to send people to explore Ning Fan.

In this way, her understanding of Ning Fan only stays in the strength of Ning Fan to join the killing hall...

Time finally let her learn to be rational. She didn't want Bei Xiaoman to know about herself and Ning Fan, and she didn't want Bei Xiaoman to collapse with her. If one day, Ning Fan comes to Beitian, she will regard Ning Fan as a passer-by, nothing more...

Because she knows that Xiao Man must not accept his husband and mother, and has done something like this...

Men really are not good things.

That man named Chao Fan was like this. Now, this Ning Fan is like this...

I don’t know why, when Yuan Yao, who was under house arrest at the moment, had the most bitter heart in his heart, he thought of Ning Fan again, remembering the short escape time of the year...

She probably still can't let the little guy.

But she knew that she had to let go.

"If all these sins are determined to be personally burdened, then it is good for me to carry them alone. In any case, I will not let Xiaoman know these things, and will not let Xiaoman be hurt... Xiao Man, you must not have an accident. If you suffer a little damage in the Guangzu Diyuan, the mother will fight this body, but also with the Donggong group of people!"


Xuanyin world.

After floating and sinking, Bei Xiao was so tired that he fell asleep.

Reunion with Ning Fan, she is very safe and happy. In peace of mind, she actually dreamed of many trivial past events.

That year she was six years old, and she took her four sisters to the mortal enlightenment. When she saw the little **** the street holding her, she was envious.

"Mother, Xiao Man also wants to have a sly, can you find a slap for Xiao Man?"

"Mother, why isn’t there awkward..."


How did the mother-in-law answer?

Yes, the mother-in-law seems to say this, "Small savage, Xiao Man does not need to be jealous, men do not have a good thing..."

So she remembered the latter part of the sentence and rejected the man's contact from an early age.

But she really doesn't need to be jealous... No, she needs, she also wants to have a donkey to ride a Malaysian horse. She could look at her mother’s desire to say that she was still asleep. She finally closed her mouth and never asked this stupid question again.

She suspected that she had probably had a jealousy, but that one had failed the mother. If not, the mother will not have such a lonely look...

That year she was thirteen years old.

That was the first time she came to drowning water. At that time, the mother scared God, and the entire palace was happy.

She is obviously not an ordinary girl, she is a monk, and the monk has already smashed the red dragon... Why did she come to drowning? She is puzzled.

Later, she learned that she was a natural monk, and that drowning was the real awakening of her veins. It seems that this pulse is extremely powerful, but at the same time the side effects are extremely...

The main killer of the pulse, so the stronger she cultivated, the more arrogant her character and the more brutal it is.

She began to be unable to control her own murderousness, and even could not precisely control her violent power. When she was young, she once raised a fairy rabbit. When she was asleep, she had a nightmare with a fairy rabbit. In her dreams, she used a force and her veins to start. She actually broke the imperial rabbit.

Since then she has never dared to raise these little animals.

Later, she grew up and began to be counted by the elders. Although she kept her life, she was robbed for her, and died one by one.

So she began to shout and yell at the people around her, so that those people are far away from themselves. This looks extremely arrogant and savage, but it is only a kind of protection and self-protection.

She did not dare to stay with the living, so she chose to be a partner.

In the fragmentary dream scene, she saw a scene when she was a child. At that time, whenever she couldn't sleep, she would force the stone prince to tell her story.

The stone soldiers are jealous, they will not have feelings, and they will not do things they can't do. Under her soft and hard foam, Shi Bing grandfather finally learned to tell a story, just like a real grandfather, looking at her eyes, with kindness...

She dreamed of the scene of the endless sea, dreaming of all the pasts that were bullied by Ning Fan. Although she was always bullied when she was with Ning Fan, she was so happy with those memories, there was no loneliness...

"Zhou the palace...squatting..."

I don't know how long I have slept, and the North is very savvy, talking about the dreams of half-dreaming and half-awake, and my eyes are not awkward, kicking in the face of Ning Fan.

If other people dare to eat Ning Fan's feet, the consequences are very likely to be very miserable, but the matter is done by Bei Xiao Man, and the result is naturally different.

"It's still the same as in the past, I have no heart, no lawlessness..." Ning Fan laughed, holding the foot of Bei Xiao Man, his eyes full of remembrance.

Bei Xiao Man is still the same as the same year.

But he is not the same as that of the year. He is no longer the little brother who just arrived at the endless sea. He has experienced too much in these years. Although his appearance is still young, his heart has the mark of the sea.

"Don't pretend to sleep! Since we woke up, let's talk about it, or say, you prefer that I use the body to communicate with you, huh?" Ning Fan knows that Bei Xiaoman is sleeping, so deliberately He smiles evilly, and he only has to face Bei Xiao Man, he will be like this.

"Hey! Stinky Zhou Ming, rotten Zhou Ming, this shameless words can only be said to be able to face it! This palace will not communicate with your body again!" Bei Xiaoman still dared to sleep, immediately opened his eyes and pushed Opened the hand of the tiger wolf that Ning Fan walked around.

"Not Zhou Ming, it is Ning Fan! When I was acting, I have not told you about the things of the year. Zhou Ming is just a pseudonym..."

"I used to be confused. I heard so much. I remember that I lived so much... and I am used to calling you Zhou Ming. I can’t change my mouth for a while. And again, Ning Fan’s name is not overbearing, or Zhou Ming. It’s nice, it sounds like a devil, and it’s better than me.”

Where is Zhou Ming like a devil? Little girl, you have to apologize to everyone called Zhou Ming all over the world...

"The last one... and I haven't forgiven you yet! I am waiting for you in Beitian, but you have gone up to Dongtian, and you are fooling around with the warmth of the cold, seeing the difference, the new and the old. Oh, the warmth is really so Okay... Is it better than me... eh?" North Xiaoman said that the more he was not convinced, he deliberately stretched his foot and licked Xiao Ningfan.

Her feet don't wear silk and are beautiful! She has this confidence! She wants to find Ning Fan can't find the North! She wants Ning Fan to know her power!

Then... Ning Fan’s already calm eyes have become deeper.

So... this chat was just half started and was forced to stop...

Hey, hey!

Bei Xiaoman succeeded. She successfully evoked the interest of Ning Fan, so she was pushed down again, complaining, regret, and self-satisfaction...

After this time, Bei Xiaoman finally learned, and he was out of breath, asking for mercy to surrender. Ning Fan is not going to chat with her, she is screaming, and no longer arrogant, and dare to marry this animal, will definitely pay the price!

"Right, did you say before, when you heard that I was in danger, I rushed here with eagerness? You specially came to save me, didn't you? You care about me, are you?" Suddenly thought of something North Xiao Man is somewhat proud.

" describe it too much, I am not in a hurry, just come and see you..."

"Really just by the way? I don't believe it! You just love me, just worry about me, just care about me! If you don't, I can't live! You are a poor and humble love slave, surrender to the beauty of this palace!"

Bei Xiaoman wants to be more smug and more smug. He feels that he seems to have overcome some warmth and coldness in one aspect. In turn, he is somewhat strange. He doesn’t understand, "No, even if your qualifications are high, These years should be just a broken realm. How can you run to the Guangzu and run into the land? And how did you come to Beitian from Dongtian? The road to Jiehe was not blocked.哼哼 哼哼 实 实 实 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本! In the early days of Xuan, I couldn’t see what you were doing... What kind of magic weapon did you wear to hide? Is it that you are not broken, but the same as this girl?

Hidden repair?

Ning Fan laughed, he didn't have a star and a half to hide, but he didn't deliberately release it as a breath. Under this circumstance, the northern part of the district’s Xuan Mingxian naturally cannot perceive his true cultivation, and what needs to be hidden.

"I am not a fate."

"Cut, it turned out to be just a little broken. But you don't have to be discouraged. You are different from this girl. You have too few cultivation resources!"

"I am not broken..."

"What! With your qualifications, you are still stopping in the realm of refining! You are really... stupid!" Bei Xiaoman is more proud.

Proud, a little faint distress.

She still remembers the posture of Ning Fan's endless sea in the past, and it is the supreme demon. Now it is flying up the upper bound. It seems that the people of this level are all over the land. With the pride of Ning Fan, it must be hit hard...

So she was very gentle, and took Ning Fan's face and said seriously, "No matter how stupid you are, to what extent, this palace will not let people bully you, this palace swears!"

"..." Ning Fan laughs and laughs.

Should he be touched?

Still should be repaired to open, beat the face of the little girl, let her open her eyes, don't look down on his man so much?

Forget it, don't show it. Ning Fan fears that he will be fully open, and will scare Bei Xiaoman into a stunned...

Yes, I didn’t reunite for a long time, but when I forgot to act, I gave this little girl a relic, so that she could make a big rise... Well, this little girl’s body has reached the limit, let’s give it next time...

Ning Fan is sinking himself, and Bei Xiaoman has opened his mouth.

"But there is one thing that is a little troublesome. Hey, when the dispute over the Three Palaces is over, I may have to marry someone... but you can rest assured that that person can only get my name, I want to get my body, privately, I can still keep you in the middle of the day, happy day..."

"..." Ning Fan's face is a bit gloomy.

Bei Xiaoman actually wants to marry!

And actually still intend to raise him as a girl!

What a joke!

"Right, you just refining the emptiness, how did you cross the starry sky, how did you come to the Guangzu and fly into the land? I am very touched by your intention to save my heart, but it is really dangerous here, not small. Small refining can be a stubborn place! Remember the next time, don't step into a place with insufficient strength! But don't be afraid, there is a palace that will definitely protect you!"

Ning Fan mouth pumped. In this case, shouldn’t he be educated by him? How was he being anti-educated...

"This kind of words should be said to me. You are only sacred to death. Why do you want to enter the sixth floor of the earth! You are the stone prince, do you care about you? And the ancient stone soldiers of the research room are What's the matter, I can vaguely feel that those stone soldiers are not normal..."

When I heard Ning Fan mentioned Shi Bingyu, the eyes of Bei Xiaoman suddenly became red, and the eyes were full of hate. "It’s all that **** stinky man! He killed the stone sergeant! I want to give Shi Bing grandfather Revenge! I am going to ruin his research room!"

Ning Fan brows a wrinkle, he certainly knows who the stupid old man in the North small bar is pointing, and also knows that the stone sergeant in the heart of Bei Xiao Man, has multiple status. At the moment, he did not keep his hands, launched a sneak peek, and sneaked into the inner feelings of Bei Xiaoman at the moment.

It turns out that...

It’s no wonder that Bei Xiao Man, who is cultivated in the district, will go to the sixth floor of Guangzudi.

In fact, at the beginning, Bei Xiao Man was not on the sixth floor of the Earth, but on the first floor. She has a lot of stone soldiers on her side as a bodyguard. If it is only on the first floor, there is no problem with safety.

But she is too bad!

She just wandered on the first floor, why did she encounter the horrible existence of the omniscient old man! There is no reason!

Fortunately, the omniscient old man did not hurt her!

Unfortunately, she brought all the stone soldiers in this place, all of which were taken and rebuilt by the omniscient old man! Including her unique stone prince grandfather!

Including the grandfather of Shi Bing, she brought a total of fourteen stone soldiers, among which the grandfather of Shi Bing was the lowest, only the god, and the other ones were the realm of immortality and realism. This point is repaired, naturally can not stop the omniscient old man.

If only ordinary cockroaches are taken, Bei Xiaoman will not care, but Shi Shibing is too important, she has to venture into the sixth floor of the earth, into the research room of the omniscient old man...

When she came to the research room with great pains, she did not find the grandfather of Shi Bing. Found only the other thirteen cockroaches that have been modified.

Shi Bingyu, who was transformed by the omniscient old man, did not know why he was cultivated as a skyrocketing, and he had all the strengths of the ages.

However, the trouble is that because of the transformation, these cockroaches began to obey the omniscient old man, not obeying her, which is why she initially rebuked those who are traitors.

According to her investigation, Grandpa Shibing seems to have been transformed and died by an omniscient old man! She will not forgive the omnis old man anyway!

Ning Fan was silent. He put Bei Xiao Man into his arms. He didn't know how to comfort Bei Xiao Man.

Grandfather Shi Bing is like a grandfather of Bei Xiaoman, accompanying her to grow up, but now she is killed by the omniscient old man... Ning Fanben wants to get along with the omnis old man, and now it seems impossible.


There seems to be a lot of doubts about this matter...

Bei Xiaoman’s bodyguard Shi Bing was taken away. She was killed by her life, how did she come to the sixth floor alone, and how to break into the research room of the omniscient old man... This does not seem to be what she can do.

What is even more puzzling is why the ignorant old man is so jealous of Bei Xiaoman...

"You have the handle of the omniscient old man in your hand." Ning Fan dignified, not a doubt, but affirmation.

"Yes! I don't know why, there seems to be something in my storage bag, which is more important than the life of this old guy. Because of this, he will be so afraid of me..."

Bei Xiaoman showed off a smashed wooden sign from the storage bag.

This is something that she happened to see when she entered the stone battalion for eight times. The front of the wooden sign only wrote two words, while the back painted some patterns of yin and yang fish. The paintings of the yin and yang fish looked special. It is slightly different from the yin and yang fish that the comprehension community has always seen.

This seems to be the famous disciple of an ancient sect.

"This kind of special yin and yang fish pattern, I seem to have seen it... Wait, this is!"

Ning Fan brows a wrinkle!

He remembered it!

This kind of special yin and yang fish pattern is not the patriarchal badge of the two ceremonies! He has seen some of the history of the Dark Lord!

This inconspicuous wooden sign is actually a registered disciple of the two instruments? But even so, Ning Fan still can't understand why the omniscient old man is so jealous of such a small token...


"Hey, how did the old man get confused on the day and grabbed the **** of this little girl..." Outside the study, the omniscient old man waiting outside sighed slightly.

At the beginning, Bei Xiaoman experienced in the first layer of the earth. He suddenly went to the first floor to find Beibei Man, not an accident, but deliberately found the door.

At the moment when Bei Xiaoman entered the land, the omniscient old man perceived a very familiar atmosphere from Bei Xiaoman. The breath made him fear, made him uneasy, made him eager and made him confused. His memory is too broken. He can't remember his past. He doesn't know that Bei Xiaoman is a little girl. There is something that can trigger so much emotion, so he came to the first place from the sixth floor. Layer, find the North Xiao Man.

After seeing Bei Xiaoman, he realized that what caused his mood swing was just a dilapidated disciple token.

"Why does the old man care so much about a registered disciple token? If you really want to get this thing, the old man can directly grab it, but the old man is deep inside, but he doesn't know why, he dare not **** this thing... It seems that the old man still has any tasks. Not finished, so I am not qualified to get this thing? The task, what task is to be completed, can't remember, can't remember... Yes, I want to find a younger brother, but who is the younger brother..."

The omniscient old man’s eyes are clear.

He was confused and found Bei Xiaoman on the same day. After seeing the name of the disciple, he clearly had the urge to get the token, but he did not dare to **** it. He even dared not attack any Beibeiman holding the token. It is as if the North Xiaoman holding the token is sacred and lofty to be offended.

So he eventually did not **** the tokens of Bei Xiaoman, but he snatched the stone soldiers of Bei Xiaoman and took them home to transform.

He doesn't like the feeling of being dominated by a broken token!

He thought that when he returned to the lab, he could break that feeling.

It’s just that he didn’t think that Bei Xiaoman’s little girl was too bad, and he found the sixth floor all the way and broke into his research room!

Although this little girl is low, but it seems that the ability is not small, actually can ignore the light ants along the way, tracking the stone soldiers who have been taken away, and alone to the sixth floor of the earth!

More life and fiercely broke through the door of his reflection world, directly into this world, this is not something ordinary people can do!

"This little girl has a lot of secrets. It is definitely a good research material. Yes, she has the odd token. I don’t know why, the old man has no way to use the token. He can’t shoot her. So, No matter how she messed up in the lab of the old man, the old man did not dare to force her to leave, but had to resort to the kid..."

"Why, why... Why do I be dominated by a small token? Such a registered disciple token, obviously I will have it, Master said, as long as I complete the task, I will give it to me. I have been waiting for the arrival of that day... Hey, what is the ancestor? Who is the master, oh, my memory is too broken... The only thing that is certain is that I really can’t take the little girl, as long as She still holds the **** token!"

The omniscient old man sighed in the study outside.

Ning Fan studied the name of the disciple in the Xuanyin world.

He has the ability to communicate with all things.

He can learn more from this little piece of token.

After launching the ability to communicate with all things, he determined that the token was indeed a registered disciple of the two ancestors, and heard an intermittent conversation from within the token.

Is a powerful and unparalleled saint, the sound that remains in the token!

Actually the voice of the omnis old man! The omniscient old man has been in contact with this broken disciple!

Ning Fan's brow is very deep and deep.

The two ceremonies are the predecessors of the Dark Lords. This omniscient old man seems to have a deep relationship with the two sects...

"Smelly Zhou Ming! I will definitely avenge the stone grandfather, I can't beat the stinky old man, but he doesn't seem to dare to hurt me. I want to destroy all his research room! Do you want to accompany me to destroy?" !"

"You are really sure, your stone grandfather died?" Ning Fan was speechless.

He didn't know why Bei Xiao was screaming that the omniscient old man had killed Shi Bing, but according to his perception, Shi Bing did not seem to die...

"I, I am not sure, but the prisoners who have been arrested here say that Grandpa Shih is locked up by the stinky old man. Those who are locked there can only be dead."

"This way, I know... you are dressed, I will take you to your stone prince!"

Not long after, Ning Fan took the North Xiao Man away from the Xuanyin world and returned to the study room.

For the experience of Bei Xiao Man, Ning Fan has already got some understanding, so he directly found the omniscient old man and asked the stone sergeant of Bei Xiao Man.

"No! That is very important to the old man. Others can return it to you. You can even not charge you for the renovation. Only the one can't do it!"

Bei Xiao Man heard the words but was overjoyed. The omniscient old man answered this, which means that Shi Bing’s grandfather really has not died yet! This is great! She also thought that the grandfather of Shi Bing was dead!

"The omniscient predecessor, the stone soldier's meaning to Xiao Man is very special, please pass it one or two, return him!" Ning Fan frowned.

"Hey! That 傀儡 is also of great significance to the study of the old man, but it is the embarrassment of self-inflicted feelings, but it is not an external force transplant! I want that 傀儡! Yes, you can replace him to study for the old man!" The omniscient old man looked greedily at Ning Where, the tone is tough enough to refuse.

"Smelly old man, who gave you the dog's courage, actually want to study my Beixiaoman man! Tell you! No! Yes! Can!" North Xiao Man heard, gas bombing. She hasn't counted the old man's account with the stone sergeant. This old man actually wants to study Ning Fan, and how to do Ning Fan's research is not enough! She really wants to beat this stinky old man, but unfortunately can’t beat it...

"Damn, hateful! But it is a yellow-haired girl, actually dare to talk to the old man! Why, why can't the old man be able to shoot you!" The identity of the old man, who is willing to be stunned by the North, is so angry that the old eyes are dim. He really wants to make a violent slap in the north, but unfortunately he does not dare to take it. He does not dare to hurt the person holding the token in the subconscious.

"Smelly old man!"

"Yellow hair hoe!"

"Smelly old man!"

"Yellow hair hoe!"

Ning Fan is really open-minded, and dare to confront the omniscient old man, except for the North Xiao Man, I am afraid that the world can not find a second one...

When I came and went, Bei Xiaoman suddenly felt boring. She took a storage bag and took out the name of the disciple, and lifted it up.

When the token appeared, the omniscient old man was so scared that his face changed greatly. When he saw the token, his mood began to be out of control. He even retired, and he dared not rely on the North Xiaoman too close, even more afraid to be in front. The token and Bei Xiao are quite awkward.

"Cut, you know that you are afraid of this broken token! Now, I am using this token to order you, let me put my stone! Bing! Lord! Lord!"

"Okay, okay, you're going to put the token away, don't put it against the old man... you charge the token, the old man will let go..." The old man was crying and sulking, and he finally compromised.

"Hey, when I find my younger brother, I am not afraid of this token. I can take this token in my hands with a clear conscience. Who is the younger brother... Why am I looking for him..." The old man snarled.

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