Grasping Evil

Chapter 1200: The sage is going away, sprinkling blood into a demon!

The ant is respected by the mother and the woman is expensive. As a member of the ant family, the light ant family also upholds this tradition, and the power of the family is controlled by women.

The high priest Yin mother, the general general Honglian, the waste emperor flower bud, the emperor flower fire... In the light ant family, the four female identities are supreme, no one dares to commit. After many years of pampering, all four women have raised the arrogance of all the arrogance. Among them, the generals of the Red Lotus are the most proud.

Honglian also has its proud capital: her mana is more than 14,000 robbers, and she is repaired in the middle of the last law. It is in the middle reaches; she has been recognized by the ancestor of the ant, once the ants in the body broke out Zu Li, it is the same priest who also wants to avoid her three points; she had a great chance when she was young, swallowed the alien treasure, can summon the legendary Buddha sect to burn the enemy; she was also rarely cultivated in the end of the era of the law Duan Zhenshen, the second paragraph is really open, and there are few incompetent ones in the first order.

Such a powerful Honglian naturally despise Ning Fan and his party, and does not feel that the invaders in front of him can bring her any threat.

The mana that Ning Fan broke out was amazing, but its mana purity was too low, and it was seriously injured. The strength of the whole body played 77.8, she really did not look up; the name of Lei Ze’s ancest, she However, it is slightly heard, but the old ancestor of Reze is more serious than Ning Fan’s injury. The station is unstable, and the threat is almost zero. As for Aphrodite, Black Devil, Demonstration, and the first ancestor, "Oh," even if the quasi-sanctification is not, it is even less within the consideration of Honglian...

This place is isolated from the 12th floor of the earthly roots. It is because Honglian still does not know the atrocities of Ning Fan. If she knows that Ning Fan’s record of smashing fireworks and killing dead slaves, she would never dare to despise Ning Fan’s, but unfortunately, she did not know.

"Only by this point, the people dare to invade the thirteen spines. I really don't know if the Quar and other courage are good, or the ignorance of the laughter..."

The soul of the soul is black smoke, and the sky is locked!

Seeing Ning Fan actually dared to face the face, the red lotus eyes disdain, stopped the momentum, the lotus step, the black smoke rushed to Ning Fan, the smoke and dust everywhere, even the sky was dyed a layer of washable Surprisingly black. The light ant family is a member of the Taoist ancestors. This black smoke is formed by the condensation of the light ants in the body. It can lock the enemy's soul, and the enemy will be dizzy and debilitated. On the other hand, it directly stuns the enemy and makes them faint.

Fang Yi played, Hong Lian did not have any mercy. Seeing the strange black smoke blowing, Ning Fan said nothing, and opened the ancient body to try to counter the impact of black smoke with the real body defense, but it was still stunned by this strange black smoke. A meal, standing in the air, was a little swaying.

This black smoke seems to have infinite resistance, with black smoke, Ning Fan simply can not rush out of the black smoke range, completely trapped in the black smoke.

"What kind of smoke is this, my **** knows the strength of the sea, I will be dizzy by it. Although it is because of my injury, it is enough to show that this smoke is extraordinary..." Ning Fan was very surprised. Switching to other people who are slightly weaker in the sea, it is very likely that they will be directly thrown down by this black smoke. How diligent he is, he can see at a glance that this black smoke fan is not the flesh, but the soul. The magical power itself is not so mysterious, but the principle of fainting makes Ning Fan shine.

The smoke that specifically hurts the soul, this technique is very suitable for him to use such a charm monk...

"Hugh and hurt my Lord!" The Dark Lord saw Ning Fan in the black smoke attack, and he was in a hurry and wanted to help. Can you be in a hurry, the enemy will know that the gas field is very strong, but Ning Fan has been seriously injured, and the strength has weakened a lot...

"Retreat! Just a little soul smoke, it is not difficult to destroy!" Ning Fan's voice came from the black smoke, stopping the action of the black magic support.

joke! This kind of quasi-holy war, Ning Fan dare to let the black magic help, although the black devil's royal family nine raccoon blood is very powerful, but its realm is limited, it is very dangerous to get involved in these battles.

As a master, he was worried about his pet. His master has failed very well...

"Some soul smoke, it is not difficult to kill? Dog man! You dare to smack my black smoke! Very good, this is what you are looking for!" Red lotus Feng eyes cold, she was actually looked down, angry!

Big soul smoke!

With the red lotus finger pointing, the stun effect of black smoke has skyrocketed several times. Ning Fan only knows that the sea is a pain, and he can't wait to prevent it. He only feels fascinated by the eyes, and the heavens and the earth in front of him seem to have a ghost.

"Weird... Even if the sacred sacred will not be stunned by my big soul smoke, how many will know the sea, and cough some blood, this child actually withstood the big soul smoke, unscathed!" Honglian finally surprised It is.

Ning Fan naturally cannot always let the black smoke attack himself not to fight back. Since it is impossible to break through from the black smoke siege, then it is easy to smash this dark smoke!

Wan Gu’s real body has turned over, and the anti-sea sword has been held in his hand. A sword is thrown out, and the swordsman in the form of a jade jade detonates in the black smoke!


Every time the swordsman bursts open, it will make the black smoke fade a point. After hundreds of swords, the black smoke will be wiped out by Ning Fan.

"This soldier, is it a mixed sacred disciple's sword! It turns out that it is no wonder that the Taoist soldiers in the district can break my great soul smoke. You are a better disciple, I have long been ignorant of my disciples." There is another reason to kill you! It seems that I need to be a little more serious!" Honglian seems to be irritated by the smashing name of the counter-sea sword, his eyes are serious, his hands are a little more, and his hands are much more Two burning flames screamed.

Taoist, lotus!

This is a pair of squadrons, revealing the powerful atmosphere of the innate Chinese magic weapon. Obviously, Honglian is also a different kind, making the Taoist army extremely powerful. The purple air above the eyes, seems to have consumed a lot of heavenly purple gas in order to build this road soldier.

For the proud red lotus, the willingness to use the Tao soldiers to fight is already a high-profile look. Gao Guan is not Ning Fan himself, but Ning Fan’s identity as a “mixed disciple”.

But Ning Fan still felt that he was underestimated.

He opened the ancient body early on here, but Honglian did not bother to use the real body. A pair of shelves that "this girl can crush your true body normally." If this is not a small look, what is a small look? This female pride can be seen.

Of course, considering the strength gap between the enemy and the enemy, Ning Fan does not mind being looked down upon by Hong Lian. The more this woman is a light enemy, the higher the success rate of his sneak attack on this woman...

This woman's irritable character seems to have a place to use... This woman seems to think that he is a confusing disciple, and so that she will continue to misunderstand...

"The holy ant is not the err, your road soldier is not as good as me! If it is close combat, fight with my sword, within ten strokes, I will break you! Oh, you dare not!" I have a care in my heart, and suddenly I am excited.

If you want to sneak a sneak attack, you naturally need a certain degree of closeness. If you can provoke this woman to take the initiative to fight with him, of course, more trouble. Sneak attack is despicable, but what is mean? As a devil, you need to talk so much morally!

"Hey! I will only swear by the tongue! Ten tricks to break my squad? Really mad! This generation of Hongjun is on, the sect of the ant ants will teach this person today, I teach the name, not tolerate Slightly stunned!" Honglian was easily irritated by Ning Fan, and actually rushed over, and Ning Fan was close to fight.

This generation of Hongjun is on...

St. ant sorting...

The words of Hong Lian have revealed a lot of information, but unfortunately Ning Fan is not interested in such messages.

He is only interested in catching the stove! Seeing that Honglian had been deceived to the front of her body, Ning Fan took advantage of the golden body and a sword, and the two pairs of red lotuses blew up, between the two, the two actually blew a few hundred.

In the battle of the Taoist soldiers, Ning Fan was originally very confident, but the result surprised him. His anti-sea sword actually fell in the air! Obviously, the grade of the counter-sea sword is better than that of the lotus flower, but I don’t know why. The red lotus has an inexplicable power, and it can be biochemical to go against the sword of the sea. This is too abnormal!

Fortunately, Ning Fan did not expect to be able to kill Honglian with the counter-sea sword. The previous madness was only a slap in the face. The charm is his killer. To grasp the biggest situation, the red lotus must be hit!

"Dog man! You are not saying that the trick is to break my tactics! There are already six hundred strokes. My Taoist soldiers are not broken, but your Taoist soldiers seem to be unable to hold back." Honglian smiled proudly.

Six hundred strokes!

Seven hundred strokes!

Eight hundred strokes!

When the two men rushed to eight hundred strokes, along with the proud laughter of Honglian, the counter-sea sword actually uttered a cry!


The sword is shaking, the sword is somewhat unstable, and it seems to be breaking soon!

This fragmentation trend is extremely abnormal. It is not that the lotus scorpion itself has hurt the anti-sea sword, but it has some kind of power in the red lotus body. It has caused tremendous damage and restraint against the counter-sea sword!

"The anti-sea sword is so suppressed, it is the first time it happened. What is the mysterious power of this woman, why is it possible to suppress my Tao soldiers? Or, catching her, naturally know everything!"

The cross aura suddenly opened, and Ning Fan’s body was within a thousand feet, and was instantly blocked by the cross aura!

The black aura of the cross looks like two star rings that surround the comprehension star, and Ning Fan is the comprehension star surrounded by a star ring!

The aura can launch the magical offensive on its own, and the abundance of the heavens will be released from the aura, and the red lotus will be fixed in the same place.

Honglian's original proud smile, suddenly on the face, turned into a deep heart! She... she can't move!

"Saint...the sage ring! No, not the sage ring! This is the reincarnation! No, it is not! What have you done! Damn! You have such a means, so you deliberately provoked me and made me close to you. I have caught your traitor!" She is incoherent!

She is just an irritable character, not an idiot. At this moment, I can't see it, I have the way of Ning Fan!

angry! Angry! Angry and angry!

Honglian did not hesitate, the ant's ancestors launched! The fixation of the cross aura is great, but she is not without the ability to forcibly break free!

Can Ningfan give her time to act? One finger charm, followed by the red lotus body, forming numerous charm seals in her body.

"It's damn! You actually sneaked with the charm! It's shameless!" The red lotus face changed greatly, and she was not afraid of it. After all, even if she stayed still, she couldn't be taken in a short time. Where she kills, she is also a quasi-holy, how can it be spiked? She is 100% sure that she has mobilized her ancestors to break free before she killed her.

Ning Fan can use the mean and shameless charm, the charm can not kill her, can not hurt her, but can seal her mana flow, sealed her body's ancestors!

Zu Li launched, failed!

Under the heavy charm seal, she seems to be unable to resist the oysters of Ning Fan!

"You have lost, from today, you are the life of my Ning Fan!" Ning Fan ruthless.

"Ding furnace! This is your plan! Good, really good! Ning Fan! Ning Fan!! Ning Fan!!! This name I will not forget! Today's scene, I will find it soon. "Honglian hates silver teeth and bites, as if to bite Ning Fan's name!

"..." Ning Fan does not intend to talk nonsense with Honglian. If he raises his hand, he will plant more charm seals on Honglian.

At this time, the difference is steep!

Without warning, Ning Fan suddenly gave birth to an unprecedented sense of crisis, and then his eyes changed and he noticed what was happening.

"Is it still found? Unfortunately, it is late! The lotus seeds are separated and burst!"


boom! !

boom! ! !

Honglian’s body suddenly blew himself up, and the quasi-sacred self-destruction, how terrible, the Ningfan and his party who had just escaped from the corpse king’s explosion, once again involved in the explosion...

It stands to reason that the woman who is controlled by the charm can not flow, and can not detonate herself. However, this kind of abnormality appears in Honglian's body. She does not need any mana flow, and she blew herself up!

The sky is falling, the ground is cracking! The flesh and blood of the eyes are devastated by the sacred self-explosion!

The explosion lasted for a long time before the earthquake subsided. After the explosion, the endless flesh and blood was destroyed.

To what extent?

The rock formations in this area are hard and abnormal. Ning Fan takes the counter-sea sword, and can only dig three hundred feet and three hundred feet below. It is a rock layer that cannot be broken by the counter-sea sword. As the quasi-sacred self-explosion swept through, the rock formations in many places were blasted to a depth of five or six hundred feet, and some explosions concentrated on the rock formations that were deep in the depth of a thousand feet...

There are even several places, because the rock layer has exploded too much and it has leaked groundwater.

No, that is not groundwater!

On the surface, the water is so clear, but if you look at the heavenly level, you will find that there is a hint of indescribable red in the clear groundwater.

It is the redness of the blood, it is diluted to the unimaginable saint blood!

The groundwater in this place actually contains extremely small amounts of sage blood components! The ghosts of the underworld are not lying!

"I have a big idea! I didn't think that the red lotus that I played against is not the deity, but the illusory existence of the tree demon avatar. Therefore, it will be self-destructive without any distress! This woman's avatar is actually blew by the charm seal. If you don't see the machine in time, I am afraid I have to aggravate the injury again... Now look at the previous fight, this woman uses the black smoke in addition to using the Taoist soldiers, I thought this is the performance of this female arrogance, but if Before I played with this woman, I had a more reasonable explanation. Her avatar seemed to be unable to master too many kinds of supernatural powers... I couldn’t analyze the matter from the details, it was my first mistake in this battle... As for The second mistake is the over-trust of the charm..."

Somewhere in the ruins of the earth, a transmission giant suddenly appeared, and then Ning Fan took his team and walked out of it.

His face was very unattractive, and he thought that he had successfully smashed the second quasi-sacred furnace, but unexpectedly, there would be such a change, and eventually fell short.

His majesty is not the Honglian deity, but a certain kind of separation of Honglian cultivation!

It seems that there is an alarm, ringing in his heart! For a long time, he seems to be too convinced of the power of the charm, but in fact, the yin and yang changes, chaos and loops are only created by the ancient emperor. In the second step, the ancient emperor has almost no solution. In the third step, he can also shock many saints, but after all, it is not the strongest in the world.

The charm created by the ancients can't be unsolved or invincible... Since the monasticism, he has not considered the case of the charm being cracked. He believes that the charm is restrained by the woman. Therefore, it is not only the red lotus, but also his own!

Fortunately, fortunately... his experience of escaping the explosion has become more and more abundant. This time, not only did the team escape the explosion again, but even the ooze in the van was taken away.

As for the other prisoners and the ordinary light ants who escorted the prison cars, they were all killed by the explosion. I am sorry, Ning Fan has no extra time to save other people, and will not abuse the good people to save the ant enemy...

"Cough and cough! Ning, brother, I served, really served! Follow you, where to be bombed! One day, sooner or later, the old man will kill you with you!" Reze's ancestors had a previous explosion. Well, then there was another horrible explosion, and my heart jumped out of my throat. It was really his mother’s stimulation, and he was almost not scared to death!

"Master, you are fine!"

"Ning brother, you are fine!"

"Big hero, you are fine!"

It is the voice of the Dark Lord, Afro, and Oomu who cares about Ning Fan. They will not learn that Lei Ze’s ancestors complained about Ning Fan. The woman of Ning Fan has always been better than the old man.

Ning Fan is of course nothing!

He didn't take a look at Lei Ze's ancestors, and he was saved again by him. He didn't say a few words of thanks, but he still complained about him. It was still a kitten and they were more considerate.

"Ning Laodi, what do we do next? If the old man looks good, it seems to be just a kind of avatar of Honglian. The female avatar is ruined, but the deity is still...can't prevent it." I was glanced at, and immediately closed my mouth and complained.

He didn't know that Ning Fan had used the charm to attack the female repairer. He only knew that Ning Fan had killed a "quasi-sacred" between hundreds of strokes. Well, Ning Fan killed only a certain kind of avatar. It’s not really quasi-holy, killing this avatar, Ning Fan didn’t even add a trace of suffocation... but it’s enough to show that Ning Fan’s got it!

This brilliant record has added another stroke! He is really awesome for Ning Fan!

"I really have to prevent..." Ning Fan sighed.

Lei Ze’s ancestors said that they had to guard against it, but just talked about it. At this moment, he had blind trust in the strength of Ning Fan. Even if the deity of Hong Lian was killed, he did not worry much, but just reminded him.

Ning Fan is really worried.

He did not know whether Honglian would guard his charm when he met next time. Some avatars are killed, and the memory before dying will not be passed to the deity. Some avatars will be like this... If this woman has the next alert, the sneak attack will be very difficult...

"Well? There are so many groundwaters that have been blown out!"

Ning Fan suddenly noticed that there were many local rock formations blasted nearby, and the groundwater seeping from the broken rock layers actually carried a trace of bloodshot!

This blood is too small, as far as the existence of the old ancestors of Lei Ze, can not be detected, but it is not the second sight of the heavens.

Could it be... these traces of blood are the blood of the saints!

With these saints' blood, can the ghosts of the underworld be healed? This is really a mistake! How could he cut the underground rock layer that could not be cut, and it was blasted by the splitting technique of Honglian. Should he thank Honglian for his help? Ha ha.

"Master! I can feel a violent breath, and I am killing it from afar. The breath is very similar to the smell of the attacking master before!" The Dark Lord reported.

"Well, the drizzle that I shed, I also felt this. It is Honglian's deity. It seems that her deity has received the news, and she is coming to revenge her." Ning Fan frowned, it seems Most of the red lotus deities know that his charm is amazing.

"Then we are going, or fight again! Please ask the master!"

"Of course not to go! With my rain technique, if the red lotus deity rushed to this place, it will take more than an hour. She is too far away! One hour, enough for me to do a lot of things!"

Ning Fan walked to a crack in the rock formation and called out the ghosts of the underworld.

Before Ning Fan and the Ghosts of the Underworld, if it is to heal the ghosts of the underworld with low-level flesh, it takes ten years to heal the ghosts; but if you use the blood of the saints, the most fragrant, the ghosts of the underworld can be restored. As long as she has enough nutrients, her regeneration speed is amazing!

Waiting for the ghosts of the underworld to recover, even if the red lotus is killed, how! Even when Red Lotus is wary of his charm, he also relies on it, but he can attack the red lotus with a ghost!

[Sage blood! Sage blood! 】 is the excitement of the ghosts in the underworld, only Ning Fan can hear.

"Drink, drink a good time! Hurry up and cure your injuries!" Ning Fan laughed.

[You drink too! You also drink! 】 Ghosts in the world.

"Hey, I won't drink it. What is the level of the blood of the saints? I know in my heart. Even if the blood of the saints in the groundwater is almost traced, it is not a random second step for the monks to take directly. If I am directly Taking food, even if you don't die, will damage the foundation. It's too worthless... Of course, collecting some extra sage blood is still useful." Ning Fan regrets. Unless it is the second step of the chaos of the ancients, the second step of the monk directly takes the blood of the saints, in the same way to find death!

【I'll help you! I'll help you! The sage is going away, sprinkling blood into a demon, you are an ancient demon, I will help you, you can drink! 】

"Can you help me? But this has nothing to do with me being an ancient demon..." Ning Fanyi.

With the in-depth communication with the ghosts of the underworld, Ning Fan's eyes gradually began to dignified.


Lei Ze’s ancestors looked kindly and watched the scene of the dialogue between Ning Fan and the plant, and the heart of Ning Fan was again suffering from neurosis. It is a good disease! Neuropathy is a glorious tradition of the two instruments. How can it be regarded as a descendant of the two instruments? Not crazy, not alive! He was very happy to see Ning Fan carry forward this glorious tradition! very satisfied! This is the two instrumental incense that he wants to protect! His choice is not wrong, even if he was killed by Ning Fan one day, it is worth it!

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