Grasping Evil

Chapter 1215: Will you forgive the brothers...

The grace of dripping water, when the spring is reported, not to mention the two lives.

Although the Haisha Emperor is not a good class, it is not a ungrateful generation. He is willing to make a lifetime of savings to reward Ning Fan's life-saving grace! He wants to use Haisha Zong's best sea wine, the most fat spirit fish, a feast for 10 days, treat Ning Fan!

It is a pity that Ning Fan has time to stay in Haishazong for a long time. This ten-day feast, he is destined not to participate in the whole process.

In the face of the warm and hospitable Haishazong, Ning Fan really felt a little helpless, but helplessly, helpless, Zong, must be kicked! No matter how grateful the other party is, how to respect it, he has to squat and kick the Haishazong once! No way, this matter is not only related to the tradition of the Dark Lord, but also to the life of the omniscient old man. You must know that the omniscient old man pressed the pledge for this ridiculous thing! If Ning Fan does not kick the Zongmen forces on the bill of materials, but take advantage of the things on the list, God knows that the omniscient old man will pay a heavy price for the vows!

Under the two-phase trade-off, Ning Fan only said sorry to Haisha Zong.

Zong, he must play!

However, there are many kinds of kicks: for the enemy, he will kick heavily; for the innocent and innocent people like Haisha, he can play a little lighter and will not smash Haisha Zong into a light family. That pair of defeated appearance.

"I am really not a good person in your mouth... Finally, I will come here, not to save you, but to kick the sect!" Ning Fan hides helpless smile, so it is cold.

"King Zong? The seniors have said this for eight hundred times, but the younger generation knows that the predecessors said that they are only joking with the younger generations, huh, the predecessors are really funny!" After all, Haishadi turned and told the disciples around him.

"Baby, the seniors are telling us jokes, teasing us happy, everyone laughs together! Who doesn't laugh is not giving the face of the predecessors, just don't give me the sand face! Hey! Lu Laoqi, why don't you laugh! You are Look down on the jokes of the predecessors! Look for the fight! And you, Xu four winds! The old man knows that you are crying and meditation, a smile will break through for centuries, but even so, you have to laugh! You have to give your seniors face! You can not let Seniors!"

With the order of Haishadi, the entire Haishazong up and down, suddenly became the ocean of laughter, although most monks felt that Ning Fan’s jokes were not funny.

"But I don't want to explain more..."

Ning Fan waved his hand and stopped the banquet. He does not intend to talk nonsense with Haishadi. He must take down his heart and finish the business, instead of being forced to stay here for a party!

He leaped and leaped high. According to the starry sky, the cold eyes looked over the sea sands below. The vast mana swept out and the whole sea sands were locked!

Ok, that cold eyes are all loaded. Even if this matter is related to the eternal life of the old man, with the character of Ning Fan, it is impossible to really give up the coldness of Haishazong.

When he is respectful, he will still be alive. Haishazong sent him the same as his ancestors. In this episode, he owed Haishazong.

After all, after saving the omnipotent predecessors, make up for Haisha Zong in the coming days!

"Broken Danding, give me...fall!"

Because I didn't really want to marry the sea sands, Ning Fan did not use the ants' main roads, such as the anti-theft of the sea, and the sands of the Zhaishan gate, only the use of the powerful Dan Ding.

Broken Dan Ding is the magic weapon of the old devil. It has already been refining and rejuvenating by Ning Fan, and it is integrated with its medicine spirit. At this moment, the broken Dan Ding that he called out is naturally not a real thing, but a illusory medicine soul, with a golden glow. With nine turns of gold medicine, the soul of the Emperor Sect of the Emperor, the damage is almost no, so that Ning Fan can be slightly reduced.

The surface of the medicine spirit of all Jindan alchemists will be coated with a layer of gold. With the medicine soul, the tripod is naturally plated in gold. But this is not the true color of the soul of Ning Fan!

Looking closely, you will find that under the gold plating of the broken Dan Ding, in fact, there are five colors of change. The five colors are the influence of the five-color medicine soul; there are many butterfly virtual shadows floating on the tripod. The butterfly is the medicine of Ning Fan. Soul form.

With Ning Fan's order, the broken Dan Ding fell to the land of the Haisha Zongshan Gate, and it was three times!

"Predecessors, you are... this is really going to kick the sect!"

The face of the Haisha Emperor changed. At this moment, Haishazong finally believed in the meaning of Ning Fan.

But what about it?

Haishadi quickly regained his enthusiasm and smile. He didn't care whether Ning Fan really wanted to kick the sect. He only managed one thing, that is, Ning Fan did save him twice!

He firmly believes that Ning Fan is not malicious to him or to Haishazong! If there is malice, with Ning Fan's inscrutable repairs, and want to destroy the sea sands, it is so easy, why bother with him so many times! Why bother to take a little power, the mountain is nowhere! It’s clear that it’s playing!


correct! Why didn't he think about it? Haisha Emperor blamed himself for a moment.

"It turned out to be the case! I thought Zhao’s predecessor’s hobby was to talk about boring jokes, which would make the disciples greet the laughter. But the hobby of the predecessors was not here. The real hobby is nothing to play. It’s a bit of a hobby, but it’s a bit more weird than this, but I’ve never seen it before. It’s not surprising that it’s not a mistake! It’s not a predecessor, it’s me! It’s me! My mouth says I would like to thank my predecessors and feast on the predecessors, but even the hobbies and hobbies of the predecessors have not been clarified in advance, and they have rushed to banquets. It is no wonder that the predecessors will not be interested in the feast on the 10th! If the predecessors are interested in kicking, this Why do you need your predecessors to do it yourself? If you can help your predecessors, why do you want to give fun to the predecessors? The ancients smiled for the Bomei people, and they did not hesitate to play the princes; I took a long laugh for Bo’s predecessors and sacrificed a district. What is the relationship with the mountain gate! Hey, this metaphor seems to be somewhat inappropriate. Forget it, it doesn't matter! What matters is the predecessor, the predecessor!"

At this moment, Haishadi seems to have become a fanatic of Ning Fan!

Even if Ning Fan destroys the world, he will make up his own brain and find a good reason for Ning Fan!

"Baby! What are you doing, cheering for your predecessors! Beautiful! This trip is beautiful and beautiful! Zhao Laowu, what are you doing! I am quick to understand the change of medicine in this medicine! Are you not at the crucial moment of breaking through the nine-turn alchemy? Zhao Jian’s predecessors used the nine-turn gold medicine spirit! If you can understand one or two, it will be of great benefit to you! Of course, the sentiment is sentimental, don’t forget Applause, you know!"

"Qin does not say! Lao Tzu lets you applaud the predecessors, why don't you applaud! How dare you resist disobey?! Oh, well, the old man is busy with retreat, but he forgot about the invasion of aliens in the past few days. The alien king has smashed his hands and sealed his spirits. At this moment, he can neither applaud nor speak... but you can squeeze out some happy expressions! When the seniors see you happy, he can be happy, understand!"

"Fast and fast! The predecessors want to smash the third tripod! From the perspective of the predecessors' efforts, this blow is the last blow, so it is also the most crucial! Everyone holds their breath, carefully understands, don't miss this tripod! The predecessors were ancient overhauls, and there was no way to go with a single blow. It’s a long time to realize that it’s a great creation. It’s...hey, what, under the mountain gate, why is there a cloud of beasts!!! ”

The moment before, the Emperor Haisha was still drinking six in five, encouraging the disciples to cheer for Ning Fan’s act.

At the last moment, he suddenly looked shocked and shocked, and there was even more fear of giving birth.

However, the position of the mountain gate that was smashed by Ning Fan and Ding Ding suddenly broke open, and the clouds leaked out under the mud. In the clouds, there were beasts constantly coming out!

That is the buzz of the cloud beast!

Ning Fan's location at the gate of the mountain, actually hidden a cloud beast, so unfortunately, was ruined by Ning Fan, and had to come out!

At first sight, Yunsheng beast appeared, this is not only the surprise of Haishadi, but the whole Haishazong is not surprised!

You must know that the cloud beast is not a monster of the Northern Heaven, but a strange beast living in the northern Tianhe River. It is a family of the Northern Heavens!

The Yunsheng Orcs are not the strongest ethnic group in the Northern Heavens, but they are the ones who are best at hiding secrets! It is rumored that even if the young cloud beasts are not high, they can hide through the clouds and pass through the perception of true immortals. Once the clouds and beasts are launched, it is enough to make the Emperor feel that they are not aware of their possession; The situation is that it is difficult to detect its existence!

The cloud beast is a natural scout!

The aliens not only transmitted the army to invade the northern sky through the ancient demon gate, but also sent a large number of cloud beasts in the dark, lurking in the northern sky, and spying on the intelligence of the northern sky.

Haishadi did not think of it, in his own Zongmen, he hid a cloud beast!

No, this is not an ordinary cloud beast. From the perspective of the number of moiré, this is actually a cloud-born beast of Yuncheng Dacheng, the strength is comparable to the six robbers!

On the side of the couch, there was a stranger of the aliens, and Haishadi did not notice it in advance, how could he not be shocked!

You know, he was in the middle of the day! The arrival of Ning Fan is just an accident. If Ning Fan does not come?

If Ning Fan does not come, he does not have much hope for success in the robbery; even if he is lucky enough to rob the robbery, this fairy sacred beast that crouched here will probably sneak into him when he succumbed to the weakness of his success!

It turns out that it is so!

"It’s no wonder that Zhao Jian’s predecessors had inexplicably wanted to kick the sect. But it turned out that he was not interested in kicking, but wanted to take out this cloud beast! He wanted to remove this enemy for Haishazong! What is this? The ancient road is hot!" Haishadi was moved.

Also moved, there are tens of thousands of disciples in Haisha Zong!

They are jealous!

They are mean!

They mistakenly thought that Ning Fan kicked the Zongmen for fun! They are the heart of the villain, and they are the belly of the gentleman!

"...whatever. There is still an alien emperor in this place. I haven't noticed it beforehand. The means of concealing this beast is too much against the sky!" Ning Fan is both speechless and surprised at the moment.

He really just wants to kick the sect!

He really didn't know how to smash Dan Ding casually, he would accidentally pick up an alien fairy!

He really... is a bad guy. You can see the expression of Haishazong, they obviously do not believe it.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! When is this character from Beitian! This person can see through my magical cloud. Is this person really like Haishadi, is an ancient overhaul?! Otherwise, you can do it. To this matter!" Clouds in the sky, the shape of the cloud beast suddenly changed, from the body of the beast to the half-human half-human form, mouth spit.

At this moment, the Yunsheng beast is full of fear. He has been hiding in Haishazong for three or five days. As early as a few months ago, there was a beast wave near Haishazong. He was at that time. The tide was transmitted from the northern boundary river to this place.

He has been in the process of millions of years, and he is looking at his own family. He is the top three characters in the cloud.

Occasionally, some low-level Yunsheng orc people hide in Beitian, but the existence of strange things in the cloud has never been noticed. Haishadi is even unaware of it!

The low-order cloud beast was sent to the northern sky in order to spy on intelligence. In the clouds, these top-level clouds and beasts are different. His mission is not to spy on intelligence, but to assassinate! Looking at the emperor's cultivation, looking for opportunities in the anti-day hidden technique, assassination of the Northern Heavenly Emperor, weakening the strength of the Northern Heaven!

Haishadi is the first assassination target he is looking for! According to his plan, if the Haishadi was successfully robbed, he would sneak a sneak attack on his weakness; if the other party failed, it would naturally be more trouble-free.

Unexpectedly! Ning Fan will suddenly come and help Haishadi to spend the day! This time, the murderous assassination plan in the cloud was completely ruined. It was even more difficult for Ning Fan to leave. He did not dare to rashly move. He worried that when he left, he would cause movements and provoke Ning Fan to detect, and he would continue to hide in Haisha Zong.

For the high mana that Ning Fan smashed when he was robbed, the blame in the cloud was shocked, but he still believed that the other party was an ancient overhaul.

Why don't you believe?

Because the cloud beast family is good at concealing, it is also good at looking at people and exploring the bone age.

The quirks in the cloud can not see the true bone age of Ning Fan! This person's bone age is not even 200,000 years old, how could it be an ancient overhaul!

Although it is not a major overhaul, the mana of the 17,000-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands is not allowed to be faked. This matter has caused strange speculations in the clouds, and it does not dare to shake.

He is convinced that as long as he patiently hides and does not actively expose the traces, Ning Fan will never detect his existence. He can wait until Ning Fan leaves Haishazong and then secretly leaves the area to find the next assassination target.

Can be counted in the cloud, countless calculations, did not count Ning Fan actually can see through their own cloud!

You must know that the cloud of the environment is even a person who has been overhauled in the ancient times, and not everyone can see it! In the cloud, it seems that Ning Fan can not only see through his cloud technique, but how can it be only an ancient overhaul, saying that it is not the kind of existence that is superior in ancient overhaul!

When did you come out of this character in Beitian!

escape! Must escape! The person’s information must be sent back to the North River! The North Sky camp is so strong that it is absolutely enough to influence the boundary river pattern!

"Eight miles of clouds and moons!"

As soon as the strange part of the cloud appeared, he sighed and sighed, and he turned around and fled.

"You can't walk!"

Ning Fan has killed so many aliens in the East River, will you know the alien identity in the cloud? He is a monk of Dongtian. In the strict sense of the Beitian alien war, it is not a matter of the East Heaven monk. But who told him that he had been involved in this matter? At this moment, since I ran into this unlucky fairy emperor, I have not let go of it!

Moreover, he is also very interested in the hidden means of blame in the cloud, quite a hidden way of stealing the sky, even he did not notice it beforehand! If he insists on kicking, he does not know that this place still has such a cloud beast!

Although Ning Fan does not have the ability to see through the hidden means in the cloud, but since the other party has already appeared, it is not his opponent!

How much more effort does it take to kill a six-royed emperor? Not required!

Ning Fan's right eye shadow floats, and when the illusion opens, he instantly pulls the cloud into the illusion world of the ancient rainy night.

The world of illusion, the long years passed.

The real world, but only in the blink of an eye.

In this extremely short moment, in the stunned expression of everyone including Haishadi, Ning Fan was a breeze, killing a six-robbery emperor!

For Ning Fan, killing a fairy emperor is not something worthy of praise.

But this thing falls in the eyes of others, but it is tantamount to shocking!

What is Xiandi? Xiandi is the top existence of the end of the era of law, is the dream of countless monks, but this dream, but in the hands of Ning Fan live in a flash.

This blow is not too big!

If this matter is transmitted, the entire northern sky is afraid to have another shock, and the fall of a fairy emperor is definitely not a trivial matter!

"This is the strength of ancient overhaul! Even the emperor can raise his hand to destroy!" Haishazong disciples look different, some people are defeated by the soul, but some people are gazing, and Ning Fan's eyes are more awe and worship!

Haishadi is okay. After all, he has experienced a lot of wild and chaotic people. When he was in the hands of the yin and ink ancestors, he could not live in a moment, and he could rely on ‘Ning Fan’ to save. Is the Emperor supreme? He has long lost the old idea, that is, he is the first person to return to God from the blow.


Haishadi gave Ning Fan a sigh!

"Thank you for the predecessors to remove the enemy for Haishazong! The grace of the predecessors, the younger generation did not think that the newspaper, I hope that this life will be dedicated to the predecessor air transport tower, to add a little for the predecessors!"

Plop through the thump!

More sea sand disciples are in one piece! If it is not Ning Fan who removes the strangeness in the cloud, God knows what kind of killing this alien fairy will cause in Haishazong?

They know how to be grateful!

They know better!

They also misunderstood that Ning Fan really wanted to kick the sect. They are not people, not people!

"You don't have to thank me, this is a misunderstanding... Forget it, I don't bother to explain it. Anyway, I won't believe it. If you want to do it, you can finish it. The kicking ceremony is also finished." Now I want to grab you a thing, I have to grab half a catty of Taiyin Shensha, you still give it!" Ning Fan has been too lazy to pretend to be indifferent, face helpless, bitter smile.

"Taiyin Shensha? That kind of worthless things, what do the seniors want?" Haishadi hearted, and then tears, more moved.

He understood and understood!

Ning Fan has great grace for Haishazong, but only asks for half a catty of sand to make a return. What he asks is not the reward itself, but to break the cause and effect!

He does not want to have any involvement with Haishazong!

The cause and effect of ancient overhaul is so good?

I owe the cause and effect of Ning Fan, and God knows that in the future, Ning Fan will be involved in certain dangers, and Haisha Zong will not be crushed by the celestial plane.

However, if the cause and effect are different, the bridge will return to the bridge and the road will return to the road. Even if it is difficult, Haishazong will not be implicated by Tiandao.

"Predecessors are afraid of difficulties in the future, and I am involved in it, so I took the initiative to ask for half a catty of sand to protect my life. Seniors! Seniors! How good is this! Even the cause and effect of the future are taken into account, the younger generation He Dehe Yes, it can make the seniors take care of it! The younger generation is jealous, the younger generation is jealous!"

Haishadi, an old man who had to be white, was crying like a child at the moment.

How many years have passed! He did not appreciate the warmth of the world! In addition to his parents, he has not experienced care and love for many years.

His heart, this has been changed to be numb and selfish by the blood of the repair, but there is a temperature at the moment, that is the temperature given by Ning Fan, the temperature that can be felt by human beings!

He originally shunned like a snake for the seventh breakthrough in the ancient times, but suddenly there was a hint of incitement!

Going up the mountain is a man, down the mountain is a fairy, Xu is at this moment the mood is almost in the same way, he actually feels that this life has broken through the seventh robbing of the ancients, with a little chance!

Therefore, even a little hope that this life has broken through the ages and seven robberies is given by Ning Fan, isn't it? Shouldn't he repay Ning Fan a hundred times?

Ning Fan does not need his reward!

Ning Fan only... half a catty of sand, what a high wind festival!

"Why are you still crying, is this Taiyin Shensha in your case, so expensive?" Ning Fan was a little embarrassed.

Although he cares about the life of his ancestors, he does not want to cause too much harm to Haishadi because of this matter. How can this be good...

He is still thinking of a solution here. Over there, Haishadi has already ordered hundreds of flat-loaded Taiyin Shensha.

"..." Ning Fan knows that he has a little thought. The Taiyin Shensha is actually not worth the money. After all, Haishadi can easily take out hundreds of flat things...

"I only need half a catty of sand..." Ning Fan indicated that Haishadi would take back the excess Taisha Shensha.

When Haishadi saw it, he was moved. He insisted that Ningfan take all the sand, otherwise the heart would be embarrassed.

"... forget it, then I will take it, save you from the shadow of the road, but blame me."

"Predecessors are obviously not willing to take more, but in order to take care of my feelings and go against my heart, what a high-profile event, what is this..."

Not waiting for Haisha the Great to say more words of beauty, Ning Fan has left and left. If he doesn't leave, he really wants to be tortured by Haishadi and others.

Really a group of two goods! It’s too tired to talk to two goods!

But he accidentally did not hate this second goods. Probably because of his side, gathered more and more two goods...

"Next, which one to play, let me see..."

In the starry sky, Ning Fan made a slight meal, took out the material list and looked at it, and then galloped again.

Half a day later, there were successive North Heavenly grotesques who rushed to Haishazong through various cross-domain transmission arrays. They wanted to see the ancient style of Zhao Jian’s style. Unfortunately, when they came, Ning Fan had already left. One side.

If you miss the opposite, you will be talking about it.

In this case, Ning Fan is actually related to Haishadi, otherwise how can it just hit the other side of the robbery, if there is no causal influence, it is impossible.

Even if it is not the cause and effect of this world, it may be the last life.

Even if it is not the cause and effect of this cycle, it may be other cycles.

Heaven and earth are so vast, causality is more cumbersome, the more you think you understand, the more you don't understand, the more you feel confused, but the closer you are to the root cause.

Ning Fan thinks that people who don't understand, because they don't understand, are too lazy to think deeply, because it is not necessarily correct.

Perhaps the name of Ning Fan spread throughout the northern days, and then his kicking behavior was smooth and terrible.


Virtual Lei Zong.

Ning Fan has just come to this ancestor, and there is a surprise of the false lord, a word to break the meaning of Ning Fan.

“Hello, is Zhao Jian’s predecessor?”


"Sure enough, it really is the unparalleled Zhao Jian predecessor personally! The predecessors came to kick the sect?" The false lord asked.

"...Yes." Ning Fan does not understand. He came to kick the sect, why the other party is so happy.

"The day is pitiful! The seniors are willing to come to the younger generation of Xianzun Xiaozongmen to kick the sect. The younger generation is really lucky for the three generations! Then, can the younger generation give a small request before the predecessor kicks the ancestor." The virtual lord thumped and stumbled. At the ground.

"...I came to kick the sect, not to help." Ning Fan felt that the other party had misunderstood.

"Yes, yes, the predecessors came to kick the sect. The younger generation understands and understands. It does not contradict each other. The younger generation was injured by the enemy secret treasure. The poison in the body is difficult to clear. It needs the power of the emperor to save the disease. Although this matter is not life-threatening, However, they will suffer from the poisonous soul every day, and they will not want to live. Ask the predecessors to open their graces and use them to save the younger generations. On the day of the event, the younger generations are also willing to honor the air transport tower for their predecessors, and they are willing to offer the Tianyu 10 car, Bijing 100 This is Xie Yi... Right, I haven’t asked the predecessors to come to 'grab' anything, but if there is a need, the younger generation will also be accompanied by it..." The virtual Lei Zong’s main words, the gimmicks are not limited. Apparently he said that he understood it, but he didn’t understand it at all.

But who told him to be courteous to Ning Fan...

Ning Fan is also eating soft and not eating hard master...

Therefore, the development of things completely separated from the control of Ning Fan...

When Ning Fan kicked the sect, he kicked and kicked, and helped the sinister Lei to solve the poisonous soul. This matter was a slap in the face of the Emperor. With his vast mana, he could help the sinister.

Then, in the gratitude of the tens of thousands of disciples of the Thunder, he underestimated the virtual Leizong.

After the kicking, he not only got the things he needed for the kick, but also got a lot of thanks...


Get the child door.

Ning Fan just said that he wanted to kick the sect. The son of the son immediately cried and fell to the ground. He asked Ning Fan to help him complete the sacrifice. He wanted to ask a son to go up and ask for a ancestral heir.

What to do! How to find a son how to find him!

But this is just a little effort, and the other party is paying him three times and nine weeks...


Zu Guangzong!

Upon seeing Ning Fan unexpectedly, the chief of the Zong Guangzong Zong looked down, and he cried, pleading for Ning Fan to help find the cemetery of his ancestors...

Well, Ning Fan Bu Dao is not bad, the rain technique is also first-class, it is not difficult to find a desert grave from Beibei.

The problem is... how to find the dragon acupoints also come to him! He is a kicker and kicker!


After half a month.

Ning Fan finally finished playing all the northern Tianzongmen.

Unlike the imagination of the entire Northern Heaven, he not only has no magic name, but is famous.

Of course, the name of the far-reaching is not the name of "Ning Fan", but the name of Zhao Jian, the ancient overhaul. In the past, the word Zhao Jian was deeply worshipped by the Emperor of the Northern Heavens, but it was only the mirror flower, the water moon, not all of the Northern Heavenly Emperors knew Zhao Jian’s ‘High Wind Festival’.

But this time, the entire northern days have recognized the noble character of Zhao Jian's predecessors!

The mortal star is also good, the true star is also good, and everywhere is singing the touching stories of Ning Fan, but it turns out that there are more and more fans of Zhao Jian, who are similar to the flow of the Haisha Emperor, and wish to promote the touching stories of Ning Fan throughout the Northern Day. .

In this way, when Ning Fan returned to the omniscient old man, although he completed all the kicking tasks, his face was black.

He doesn't care about his reputation, but he is disgusted with the world. Even if this kind of thing happens to him, he is not helpful.

"The predecessors claimed to be omniscient, and they knew everything. The younger generation thought that the predecessors made me go to Beitian to play the game. It was a maddening move. Therefore, once I was worried that things could not be done, it would endanger the lives of my predecessors. Now it seems that this matter is The predecessors had premeditated, in order to calculate the younger generation, deliberately making the younger generation famous. Until then, the younger generation knew that the materials needed by the predecessors were all worthless! For the former generation, these things are impossible. All of them can't be lacking, and many things don't need to be kicked at all. The big squares and trading stars in the northern days can buy them. The predecessors just let me go to the kicking, in vain, not to tease the younger generations. No!! When I saw the omniscient old man, Ning Fan said with a half-hearted smile.

It’s really funny!

Being counted, deceived, and arrogant; but the omniscient old man is not malicious, and it is really dumbfounding to think about it.

"Oh, the stupid brother finally guessed it once, and the brothers are really teasing you! The traditions of our two ceremonies are not all good traditions, and the short-term is a fine tradition. It is a bad tradition to bully new people. That is Master's task! Bullying the younger brother, is the task of the brother! You have to learn from the younger brother!" The omniscient old man was eager to see Ning Fan, and he was very proud, and his expression was more irritating. The madness of Ning Fan’s kicking is all disguise.

"...resign!" Ning Fan was too lazy to talk to the omnis old man again. When things were released, he held a fist and turned and left.

This is the turn of the omniscient old man!

It’s fun to tease the younger brother, but if you take the younger brother away, it’s not beautiful!

"The younger brother stayed, stayed! Brother is wrong, the brothers never dare to tease the younger brother! Hey, wait, why do you have the smell of clouds and beasts, weird, weird... Hey, the younger brother stays, the younger brother, how do you go The farther, the younger brother!"

Seeing that Ning Fan went farther and farther, the omniscient old man knew that this time it was a big play, and it really angered Ning Fan.

Can you be angry?

Ning Fan is really treating the omniscient old as a relative, and he will worry about the life of the omniscient old man. He will take the world's most unfavorable time and go to the Northern Heavens.

Kicking? What is the benefit of having a penny for Ning Fan? In order to know the old man, he even made a good preparation for offending the entire Northern Heaven.

In the end, I realized that all this was just a teasing of the omniscient old man. It’s no problem to be deceived by others. It’s the most unbearable thing to be deceived by a loved one.

In particular, the omniscient old man still had a smug face before him. He was even more angry. If he couldn’t beat the omniscient old man, Ning Fan said that he should not violently slap the nasty old man. Oh, it’s an annoying old man... Brother? If there is such an annoying brother, he is afraid that he will not fight with his brother all day long.

"It’s strange to say that, even if I am deceived, I will not be so angry. Even if I am angry, it will not be too sinister... But in front of the omniscient predecessors, I am so rude. No, not so much. Loss, it is better to say that it is a kind of freedom, do whatever you want, without disguising your temper. Because it is a loved one, it is impossible to laugh and roar. After the quarrel, you can return to good... Brother, is it true that I am with this person? In the reincarnation, there has been the same door..."

Ning Fan is not stopping, but his heart is secretly eccentric.

On the other hand, the omniscient old man sees Ning Fan how to shout and does not look back. It’s really anxious. I really regret it. I used to make a front out of the body and make a big noise. The price he paid was not light. At the moment, In a hurry, it was an urgent fire attack, and he coughed blood to the ground.

Seeing that the omniscient old man was vomiting blood, Ning Fan would dare to provoke the omniscient old man to worry, and turned back and returned.

Seeing that Ning Fan finally came back, the omniscient old man finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was too busy to suppress the injury and could not make more words with Ning Fan.

He was so healed on the knees, and Ning Fan stood on the side and looked at him for healing. Seeing his injury stabilized, he was relieved.

"Is this younger brother not angry?" For a long time, the omniscient old man was calm, and he asked carefully what he did wrong.

"...Don't dare to be angry again." Ning Fan smiled, he really took the omnis old man, this stinky old man couldn't do anything, a little stingy, he had long forgotten it, even if he counted it, anyway, he didn't lose his skin, it was ugly before. It’s good to be a stinky old man.

"Teacher brother... Brother, wrong... But the brothers still don't know, why are you so angry, you have never been so angry before..." The omniscient old man stunned, remembering to remember the past, and did not seem to remember.

"Forget it, it's all trivial. I just don't really like being deceived by people who are close. Perhaps for you, it's a common thing for the brothers to tease the younger brother, because you have experienced too much and become accustomed to it; but for me... In my life, I was the first time I was teased by someone close to me..." Ning Fan sighed.


Ning Fan actually called a man as a brother, no, to be exact, a sword is a brother.

In accordance with the tradition of the Killing Temple, the dying of the emperors of the past generations were all brothers of the same family. Therefore, as the first generation of the emperor's sacred sacred sword, Ning Fan was called to be a brother.

What was the situation at the time?

Ning Fan cares about the grace of the seven generations of killing the emperor, and has a love for the killing of the temple. He even has a love for the holy sword, and he will honor each other as a master.

Yes, for the holy day of the sword, Ning Fan’s mouth is called the brother, but there is actually no feeling of loved ones in his heart. The brothers and sisters are more of a form.

It is difficult for the seven generations to kill the emperor. The sacred sacred sword is a master but has no salvation. It is not unwilling, not painless. It is because it still shoulders the important task of guarding the Beidou people, so they are involuntarily.

At the beginning, Ning Fan provoked the dark tribe and provoked all kinds of enemies in the East. The sacred sword of the Holy Land was also never saved. Of course, after Ning Fan became the emperor of the Eight Dynasties, the Sword of the Holy Land was still good for him, even Willing to help him train five swordsman gimmicks, but that is only to help within the limits of what he can, and many actions are equally involuntary.

This kind of good, indeed, is also from the heart, but Ning Fan always feels that he still has something to say, and he can’t tell the truth...

He didn't know what happened between him and the sacred world. He didn't know anything until he learned that the omniscient old man had angered him to save him. He was mad and he knew the true weight of the brothers.

If the omniscient old man is in the position of the sacred sword, see Ning Fan is difficult, which will control the life and death of the Beidou people, which will control what is right, which will control itself, which will govern the death of the East! He will kill the dark people like a madman, and he will enter the East River and kill all the people who want to harm himself. They are extremely **** and cruel, and they are all right...

In this regard, Ning Fan does not know why, but also has an inexplicable feeling of sadness.

"Teacher, if the brothers really know what is wrong, would you forgive the brothers?" The omniscient old man asked nervously, but after the tension, he turned to stunned, and did not understand where the tension came from, silently, and remorseful. The tears are falling, so it is unknown.

"A little bit of something, which can be forgiven and not forgiven..." Ning Fan cried and laughed, the old man said and said and cried.

"If the younger brother is not angry, just fine..." The omniscient old population said it was good, but the heart did not know why. There was no regret and regret. It's like the words he really wants to hear from Ning Fan's mouth. It's not this sentence, but... real forgiveness... But where does this emotion come from? He doesn't know it.

He only knows a little!

That is to bully the younger brother in the future, must be secret, do not leak, do not let Ning Fan not notice, or Ninfan will find out, he is not even to apologize, bitterness!

However, it turns out that the omniscient old man knows this and still does not understand that the brothers are bullying the younger brother. What is wrong with it! Brother, born to be used to bully the younger brother!

Under the heavens, only I can bully my brother, no one but me! Dare to bully my brother, I will kill you!

Can the younger brother who knows the old man knows the sea and hurts, then looks at the shackles, and then looks at Ning Fan, but does not know.

"Hey! Xiaoyou clearly promised to let the old man experiment, but why not say goodbye, it is half a month! Let's talk about it, this half a month, where have you gone, why go and return! Who is throwing a lot of **** here! The yin stone, the Taiyin Shensha, the desert west sunflower, the little friend, bothering you, can you help the old man to throw all the garbage, so the old man will not I don’t care about your mistakes! How!” The omniscient old man looked at Ning Fan with a look of “I forgive you a lot”.


Ning Fan instantly looks black!

This is not to say goodbye to the pot, I am not back!

This pile of **** is the one that I took the world to grab back for you, to lose, you throw yourself!

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