Grasping Evil

Chapter 1248

The white wave is running away from the sea, Pinheiro. You can’t stop trying to make East Sea mulberry field.

In Eastern Heaven, there’s a Void Space Sea called East Sea.

East Sea is, in fact, a very common name, and East side seals can be named. Of Zi Dou Imaginary Dream World, East Sea is not less than 1,000 places, but only this East Sea is slightly special.

Because this East Sea, one of Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor’s former Dao Temple, is of great significance for Eastern Heaven cultivator.

But Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor was finally dead and killed by Drifting Kun Saint Sect across Endless Samsara because of the disaster caused by Heaven Locking.

Thereafter, East Sea had not landed and no longer had a history of Fellow Daoist’s business.

Today, East Sea, with only 300,000 cultivator dwellers, is largely East Heaven Ancestral Emperor’s followers, living in East Sea.

At the deepest depths of East Sea, there is a sea eye, which is said to be subjecting a Heavenly Wasteland stone gate.

Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou stayed at Heavenly Wasteland stone gate in Imaginary Dream World, with a total of nine, of which six were widely known and the remaining three were unknown.

Of the six stone gate, four others have been destroyed and only Fierce Wasteland Ancient Territory, Extreme Pill Saint Territory, two stone gate gates are still available.

East Sea stone gate has long been destroyed, and it has been too old to be guarded by East Sea soldiers.

Somehow in recent days, the East Sea community has redeployed heavy troops, guarding this place, and there seems to be something major in events that are taking place in the eyes of the sea.

Even the East Sea patriarch East Cloud Intent, whose life essence is going to do, personally comes to the sea eye and looks at the depths of the ocean.

“Ancestor, you, Large Heavenly Tribulation, are again approaching, and it is inappropriate to go outside, and should remain in Immortal Cave to prepare for this.”

“…” East Cloud Intent ignores these advice, but only idiots look at the sea eye.

When she was young, she was called East Sea Fairy, a landscape champion of Eastern Heaven. Numerous cultivator wanted to make up with her Dao companion, but she only refused.

She was lonely and no one knew why she was so.

And now she is old, and she will be stuck, and then she will see him again at this time.

What’s so pleasant.

What grief.

“Ancestor, East Sea Sea’s eyes are overly dangerous, and Quasi-Saint is afraid to enter it, and the Senior Trade entered, even though it’s already… you really don’t have to wait.” Young generations continue to persuade.

“You don’t understand, he’s gonna be fine. District eyes, how to kill him.” East Cloud Intent shows the color of his memory, and it seems that, a few years ago, first time saw that man.

Like graceful.

Like a mistaken lifetime.

“Three Saint in town? Who is that? Does Eastern Heaven have any of these people, or is it three other days of expert… that all children in the” family are lost?

East Cloud Intent is just a microwave, not telling these kids that the third Saint Saint of the town is not Imaginary Dream World cultivator, but the real expert.

“Say, who was the senior, who, in fact, Heavenly Wasteland stone gate in the eyes of the sea had long been destroyed, why was he so stubborn and risky to enter?”

“He was” East Cloud Intent wanted to say his name and eventually shake his head and swallow the words’ Ancient Chaos’ back.

She cannot tell the other person about Ancient Chaos that she knows very well about Ancient Chaos, and that Ancient Chaos has to use [vaginal sunset] to achieve very important objectives and that she cannot expose Ancient Chaos.

Yes, Great Emperor Ancient Chaos is now in Eastern Heaven, and right next to East Sea Sea.

But no one knows the true whereabouts of Great Emperor Ancient Chaos, all of which have been disrupted by the shadow of the sun, is Saint’s inability to remove this interference.

Ning Fan has always thought that Great Emperor Ancient Chaos has left Eastern Heaven to Northern Heaven, as he felt that Great Emperor Ancient Chaos had been here because of his position in Eastern Boundary River.

It is clear that this presumption is not right now.

See Ancestor doesn’t want to talk much, and it is clear that young generations are afraid to ask too many questions and talk about other things.

“Having heard that Eastern Yama settled Eastern Heaven Foreign Clan, it was suddenly unknown.”

“hehe, this man is familiar, and I do not leave East Sea 1 without him if he calibrated the Boundary River.”

“Lu Yuan sword, the treasure of our town, is Saint Magical Treasure, and although half destroyed, there is still a sword that kills Immortal Emperor without knowing that Eastern Yama can block several swords.”

“Speaking of this Lu Yuan sword, it is said that Ancestor sword, not something that the ancestor left behind to Ancestor, but a gift from the next person. Ancestor is said to have been waiting for the sword for the rest of his life. Huh? So, the senior, not a sword, who goes into the eyes of the sea, or how could it be in Ancestor’s cold mood?”

“Shut up! Ancestor is also waiting for debate! As for the Eastern Yama, it’s not even good for you to get into trouble, and if you hear that bullshit again in the future, there will be no blame within the Monster!”

The more ridiculous the children say, the more they finally confuse East Sea patriarch’s lives and say something.

East Cloud Intent is not angry, and she has no reason to ignore these nonsense, her gaze, always looking at the sea, and she’s waiting for that man to break out of the sea.

Although she was convinced that Great Emperor Ancient Chaos high, but Ancient Chaos after all of them had died of a time, it seems that life essence has a few left and that the power remains, and that Dao Principle, the chaos in the eyes of the sea, could pose a threat to him.

“I’m still going down and looking at” East Cloud Intent’s face, finally shaking.

She took out an obsolete Sword Box from storage pouch, and on her back she had to move into East Sea eyes.

This is a scene that scares cultivator in the family and prevents death.

“Ancestor, no! The eyes of the sea, dangerous, not me waiting to fight the balance, enter, and die of no doubt!”

In discouraging, it was not Ancient Chaos, who was the one who ignored the separation of sea water from its eyes, and then a dark light from its eyes.

“Sure, there’s a problem with this stone gate…”

Great Emperor Ancient Chaos, with two heads coming out of the sea, did not reveal half the Evil Qi, apparently masked by Ancient Chaos Divine Ability.

So, the ordinary East Sea clansman naturally cannot judge that the owner of the two skulls, cultivation base, is low, but it feels strange.

“When the Senior came into the eyes of the sea, it was clear that there was no head in his hand, and he killed him in the eyes of the sea? But that’s not possible. The eyes of the sea are so dangerous. How can the leisure be hidden?”

No East Sea clansman can see the strengths of these two heads except Cloud Intent in the East.

East Cloud Intent Complexion changed, and if she hadn’t been wrong, the master of the two heads, at least Quasi-Saint cultivation base, was probably Second Level Rank.

Undoubtedly, Ancient Chaos entered the sea eye, and it was so long ago that he was trapped by the enemy.

“You’re hurt! It is true that you are resurrected, even if 10 per cent of the power is not restored, how could you be injured in dealing with such an enemy? Why don’t you wait for me to enter the sea eye together, and I’m not tired of the year!” East Cloud Intent is in a hurry, even if he’s going to heal Ancient Chaos.

Ancient Chaos shake his head, suggesting that no injuries were required, open mouth swallowed, directly swallowed two benchmark Saint’s head and refining his knee.

“Ancient Demon food! The diet Blood Essence, into the body, is this not lost…” Some recognize Ancient Chaos Divine Ability, not from Complexion.

Ancient Chaos naturally doesn’t explain anything to anyone else, and after a therapeutic wound, he strangled it, and then he finally got a few smiles on his cold face.

“Is the Eastern Heaven war over?” Indeed, the Foreign Clan thing is enough for that kid, and there is no need for my involvement. ”

But the Eastern Boundary River war has not ended yet, and Ancient Chaos entered the sea eye until then, when it came out, the thing about the outside world was unknown.

He kept pointing at what, and suddenly complexion came together, silent.

But he counted on one thing, when Ning Fan and Blood God Sentry Crow were right, Godly Void Pavilion First Ancestor just appeared…

If he hadn’t entered the sea eye, maybe he’d meet her again. He can’t say much more than thanking her for building God Tomb to help him revive.

Just disappoint her… so, maybe better.

“Gueb, you’re all right for these years.” East Cloud Intent looks forward to Ancient Chaos, she gets into mood. She wants to say too much.

Ancient Chaos has been residing in God Tomb all these years.

“Oh? You’re” Ancient Chaos, who, in fact, has not identified the East Cloud Intent until this moment.

East Cloud Intent smiles, one shot of storage pouch, takes a note of it, a little bit of delay, and eventually I’m still on it.

Time, time marks seem to be wiped out of her, she’s no longer pale, she’s young, finally turned into the way he knew.

“Ancestor, beautiful!” Some East Sea clansman was surprised by the way East Cloud Intent was young.

“In order to sustain one time, Large Heavenly Tribulation, Ancestor had to keep just a few Blood Essence Seal, trying to wait for Heavenly Tribulation to come to unseal for a short while, at this moment it was unseal, how it made! Heavenly Tribulation came on a temporary basis, and Ancestor responded!” Some of the communities who know the gravity of the problem are old man, all of whom are complexion, but look after Cloud Intent, who doesn’t say anything.

“Gueb, so you might recognize me?” East Cloud Intent gaze, joking looking at Ancient Chaos.

“It was you, Eastern Monster Ancestor Youst daughter…” Ancient Chaos, which identified East Cloud Intent as having some headaches.

It’s been a long time ago that this little girl had a headache, especially today.

“You’re still so arbitrary. If you want to tell me my identity, just one word explains why the Blood Essence unseal of Seal will be” Ancient Chaos “.

“I prefer this, and I want you to see, my best look.” East Cloud Intent saw Ancient Chaos finally recognise himself, and the eyeballs are happy.

“hehe, I’m dating your father for life, what do you look like?” I’ve never seen anything like that. Ancient Chaos has also shown a sense of smile.

But it’s time, and it’s East Cloud Intent’s unhappy.

That’s what she wants to hear. “I’m with your father for life.”

How much she wants Ancient Chaos to think of her as a fellow.

“Gueb, you’re in Speech Stealing Art, and I can’t hide anything from you. You know that I do not like to hear that, but you prefer to speak, keep talking, keep talking. I know you’re reminding me of that, avoiding me. You’ve identified him Yao Elder Sister, who doesn’t want to talk to her anymore, and I understand. But now he Yao Elder Sister is gone. Why don’t you look at me more?”

“Ancient Chaos sighed, not knowing how to pick up Cloud Intent.

“You always do! You’ve always been like this! He Yao Elder Sister is dead, but I’m still here! Not just me, but Elder Sister waited for you, but she paid a huge price to build God Tomb for you, who was working hard on God Tomb, just to protect you Remnant Soul. But until she died, she couldn’t wait for your heart. You’re so good to him Yao Elder Sister, but why can’t you say” East Cloud Intent says, finally, you can’t hold emotions and drop tears?

“I’m sorry” Ancient Chaos was silent enough to say this difficult two words for a long time.

In time, East Cloud Intent seemed to have been smoked out of all energy, and she looked at Ancient Chaos, a mouthful of blood rush cough.

uneal Blood Essence’s behavior was so reckless, and at this point she was so excited that she was finally subjected to backlash.

“Next time, I have some Medicine Pill, can help you get back to Seal Blood Essence…” See East Cloud Intent spitting blood, Ancient Chaos sighed, taking out a bottle of Medicine Pill from storage pouch.

East Cloud Intent, but sneered, is not going to pick up this bottle of Medicine Pill.

“I don’t want anything you give me, I don’t want it, because I want it, you can’t give it.”

East Cloud Intent turned around, and the shadow was as strong as it was.

Ancient Chaos has nothing to say. After a long time of silence, pill bottle was recovered from storage pouch and once again said “sorry” and turned away.

Heavenly Wasteland stone gate enemies have been killed here, and he needs to go to the stone gate elsewhere to continue his search. As for the daughter, he left the day he died in his Yao.

“Wait a minute!”

Ancient Chaos is leaving, and Cloud Intent in the East is once again unable to keep tears and suddenly turned back.

She broke the back Sword Box and sent Sword Box to Ancient Chaos.

“Your stuff, I don’t want you to take it.” She returned Lu Yuan’s sword to Great Emperor Ancient Chaos.

She was desperate and appeared to want Treasure Sword to be returned and severed with Ancient Chaos.

However, Great Emperor Ancient Chaos was able to understand Speech Stealing Art, how she could not see her real idea.

She was worried that Great Emperor Ancient Chaos would also travel to other Heavenly Wasteland stone gate and would encounter more enemies.

That’s why she returned Lu Yuan’s sword to Ancient Chaos, hoping that Ancient Chaos would have the sword and be less dangerous.

“Cloud Intent, your good intentions, my heart, but this sword is more important for you. You, Physique, can’t fix your father’s Divine Ability, so I gave you this sword technique in Ardent Yuan Sect, and if you don’t have this sword, then you’ll be in danger if you don’t.”

“Did you finally call me my name? If I were to be captured by the third Saint of the town again, would you come and rescue me?” East Cloud Intent bites lips and says good-bye questions.

“Will. ‘Cause you’re…’ cause you’re the daughter of the deceased.

“In the back half, stop it, I don’t want to hear it. My life has come to this point, and I can’t go back anywhere. I’m not going back, and you’re not forcing me back. I can’t change your mind, and you can’t change my old Uncle, and be careful on the road, you must come back alive and see me again. If you don’t come, I’m dead and I hate you.”



Pill Demon, the district tail, how to block Ning Fan. Even though there are also some Pill Demon that is a little tricky, eventually the tail palace was captured by him.

This war killed Pill Demon 6000 and seized Medicine Pill 6000.

Since these Pill Demon by no means were killed by the kung fu umbrella, the Medicine Pill, which one time received, was not rained and could be preserved for a long time.

Notwithstanding that, some Medicine Pill is still fresh and has the best effect, so Ning Fan has not left the tail immediately, and he intends to stay here first and look at the Medicine Pill obtained.

Of more than 6000 Medicine Pill, only four Medicine Pill, who reached Ten Revolutions, were:

The plague, the stomach feeding, 33 Emperor Dan, and the heat burning.


names of Medicine Pill are hard to ask, and Ning Fan and four Medicine Pill spoke and received the answers they want.

Types Medicine Pill’s name is common, but indeed this is normal, but it gives Ning Fan a sense of Return to the Natural State. He seems to have seen a higher level of Dao of Alchemy at this moment, a consciousness that is blessed and cannot be described in words.

The plague of Denmark can cure the plague in cultivator. Theoretically, cultivator will not be sick, but if the enemy is the kind of cultivator with the disease? The pill indeed deals specifically with Medicine Pill of the plague cultivator, it is the Beginning Saint Rank’s plague that can also be cured.

Healthy stomach feeding Dan, which uses the temperature of promotion cultivator, is said to be a Medicine Pill like refine, which needs 99 stomach stomachs.

33 Emperor Dan, this is very useful, and the pill can make some aspects of cultivator’s ability significantly promote, as you know, the deeper Profound Sect cultivator is the cultivation base, the more it’s like a horse shadow. Sounds like a horse hiding, and it’s like a silver wax gun, and it’s worse, it’s a crap, it’s a grudge.

After Ning Fan got this pill, it didn’t mean to think, like Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign, that the symptoms of a horse’s hiding were not very serious? Why would there be such a Medicine Pill here?

Ning Fan himself did not need anything to help, and he was too strong…

As for the last heat of fire, Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign seems to be overhauled by fire Element cultivation technique, which requires a fire on Medicine Pill.

“These four Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill are not useless, but I prefer Ten Revolutions VIII Hayden…”

Ning Fan still has some disappointment.

If he gets another Ten Revolutions Eighth Hayden, he even has the confidence to hit the rain Wielding Big accomplishment.

The harvest didn’t actually meet expectations…

“Great King was somewhat unaware that the former Demon Sealing Summit had robbed one time here, but any useful Pill Demon would have to kill Dan. Only four Ten Revolutions Pill Demon was killed then left with the four Medicine Pill.” A skinny old man on the ground was afraid to give Ning Fan an explanation.

This old man, who was actually a Pill Demon, had a special situation, but he was by no means the kind of brutal Pill Demon, who had never done anything to hurt the sky.

At the tail palace, Pill Demon altogether has seven ethnic groups, each with a village of magic. Pill Demon, who was brutally killed by sex, was the village of wind, the village of Ray, the village of fire, Pill Demon, the majority of Pill Demon in the remaining four villages, which was moderate and rarely corrupt with the next.

Ning Fan initially did not know the situation at the tail, so he intended to slaughter the place once he entered the tail.

That’s what he thought, and that’s what he did, and he was chasing Pill Demon on his way, first of all, by surrounding the village of fire and killing Pill Demon in the village as many as possible.

And then he came to the village of Ray and the village of the wind and continued to kill Dan.

But when he took action to destroy four village-water villages, the anomalies appeared. In the village of water, Ning Fan was not attacked, but a large number of clothing, malnourished Pill Demon tracks were received, and then he received warm hospitality.

What’s going on here? Ning Fan was out there.

It took him a while to ask the reasons from the village chief.

Pill Demon, originally born at the tail palace, by no means, likes slaughter, just peace. They have built four magic villages, coexisted peacefully, and suddenly one day, one 33 Emperor Dan became Pill Demon, and he has a tough character and a strong means. He kept his hands together, but whoever had some strength, Pill Demon, was abetted by him as an evil generation. This man came from the King of Dan and was in trouble.

It’s a long story, Ning Fan.

He just needs to know two things.

First, the remaining four villagers have not shaken their hands over Kiki, nor is it the way to Sea Demon and the others.

Second, the remaining four villagers, mostly Pill Demon, old and weak, each and everyone, are common and useless.

After all this, Ning Fan did not continue to attack the remaining four villages, and he was not a killer, and lacking Singing and enmity killed them.

“… The four Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill, Demon Sealing Summit, were useless and needed to build Demon well here, so that they would not kill. If Demon Sealing Summit has been looted here, Great King will be able to extinguish the fires, Wind, Thunder villages at least 40 Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill.”

Forty Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill, only four left by Demon Sealing Summit? And stay or not, Dan?

Ning Fan has a feeling of being intercepted.

“The fact that General Sea Demon, who had been killed before Great King, had been given the opportunity in recent years to break through the Tandan boom, breakthrough Ten Revolutions. If he breakthrough Ten Revolutions earlier, he could have been killed by Demon Sealing Summit.”

There’s a sensation of ignorance.

“Great King did not come, and I waited for the bullying of the three villages of fire, Wind, Thunder, who gained magic after they had invested in Demon Sealing Summit and had become more brutal, and that bullying had intensified. Paradoxically, it is even harder to force me to wait for Pill Demon in four villages to build Demon well. I waited for Pill Demon in the fourth village to be a hard worker, and I was sentenced for a little bit of time, and some wanted to resist, and the resistance was eaten by the old Dan King as a serpent.”

As for the past, the head of the village of water continues to tear, and his son was eaten alive because he resisted the King of Dan.

So he was grateful for Ning Fan!

Almost every four villages, Pill Demon, thank Ning Fan!

Ning Fan is the savior! He wiped out the three Great Villages, swept the evil, and it was the savior of Pill Demon in the Four Village!

“so I waited for Pill Demon in the four villages to decide, under Great King! Only Great King, who is waiting for me to wait for Pill Demon!” In this case, the Water Village Chief expression is full of pride and pride.

Pill Demon was born arrogant and unsubstantiated, and was initially confronted with the massacre of Demon Sealing Summit, and the four villages, Pill Demon, had no lowly skull.

But in the face of Ning Fan, he chose to serve.

Not surrendering to force, but to Ning Fan’s temperature!

Or Ning Fan, if there’s no Far Ancient Demon Spirit on his body, is the key to making these Pill Demon admirers.

“No need, I have no grievance with Earl, no mercy, no harm to the demons of the three villages, and only normal murdering to seize the treasures, and no need to feel bad. As to what is ridiculous about what is being done with the head of the devil, let alone” Ning Fan refused to rely on Pill Demon in four villages.

This is a source of disappointment for the village mayor, who can’t do anything in his own right, can only negotiate with several other village chiefs and find a way to repay Ning Fan.


Kiki’s shaking is also trying to repay Ning Fan.

She had previously taken the spoils lost while she fled, so after Ning Fan had taken over the tail palace, she could take one more time.

Kiki can’t forget Ning Fan’s domineering aura.

When the three moths came in a long day and tried to attack Ning Fan, Ning Fan ran away with a single gaze.

So the collection of the spirits became very relaxed.

“As a result, Types herbs have only a veil, Spirit Spring hasn’t got it yet.”

“Senior promised to help me find Types herbs, not to eat. I have received Senior Mercy, but it should be rewarded, despite its modest strength. Senior is working on four newly acquired Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill, so I’ll help Senior find Divine Artifact’s pieces he needs.”

So Kiki’s shaking started looking for more fragments in the tail palace.


The plague is a cure. Good end, Ning Fan won’t eat.

It was a short time to promote the fire, which was the conclusion that Ning Fan had repeatedly studied and that it was not necessary to eat for the time being.

33 味Emperor 丹就更没有必要吃了,Ning Fan 不需要增加那方面的能力了,有时间倒是可以拿去卖,说不定就有某个真界Saint 在苦苦寻求类似之物…

As for the stomach to eat Dan…

The Medicine Pill name is very common, and it’s probably Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign who eats his stomach. But, dignified Immortal Sovereign, if Mountain Swallowing swallows the sea, or refining immediately, what time is it to eat the stomach?

Once again, this pill is a raw material, and it needs 99 stomachs.

It’s a legendary demon: some say it’s one of the last four murders; some say it’s a mixture of hybrid Monster Race, not True Spirit; others say that the stomach can digest myriad things, if Saint has the power to shoot, but still fear the stomach fluid, and one is not accidentally shot, and Saint Ring may be solved.


‘s a need to use 99 gicine Pill’s Medicine Pill, which can’t be as common as a name.

Ning Fan on this Medicine Pill did not have any light, although that pill did not meet the eight Hayden expectations, he had some interest in it.

That’s why he decided to eat that pill while the pill was fresh.

With the body of Ancient God, Ning Fan, Ten Revolutions Medicine Pill by no means requires any special protection.

He chewed smash into pieces, the Medicine Pill, very often, like eating a sugar bean.

Unfortunately, this Medicine Pill was never sugar beans, and the surface sugar sweater was chewing, and the internal bloody scent came out.

That bloody smell. It’s a bunch of 99 bitches! I swallowed myriad things for a lifetime, but it was not surprising that one day would be eaten by refined to Medicine Pill, even the Karma cycle.

This grievance is too heavy for Dao Heart, Ning Fan, to be affected!

His eyes began to be covered by bloody glow, and then there was a scene, Illusion.

He saw a man in Purple Battle Armor coming cold, surrounded by 12 stars, and he took down a star and smashed it down the bottom, and then a crowd of stars fell, Shan Beng split and the spirit destroyed, like the end of the day.

“Eat my peach at the expense of” man Heartless Dao.

Ning Fan seems to be a member of the clan, and he can feel the fear, resentment and resentment in the body! That negative emotion, which, as a matter of substance, was translated into 99 blood Cold Qi, ran into the body in Ning Fan, culminating in Dao Heart World Icebound in Ning Fan.

Even when Ning Fan frame of mind broke down, FiendGod ray of light from Ning Fan in the body, his Dao Heart World was not filled with blood snow, and turned into gold and black.

a Subject of grievances, crushed by Ning Fan.

He recovered clear understanding from the temple, and then he felt the last taste of Medicine Pill.

acid, unspeakable acid!

Ning Fan acid to tooth pain, which is a collection of 99 stomach acid, although it is said that after pill concocting technique’s treatment, it will not cause harm to the Dante, but it’s too acid!

That acid continues to flourish into the stomach, and it feels hot.

Like burning, like Ning Fan oneself’s stomach acid, waging a war with that stomach acid, devouring each other.


don’t know how long it took to calm that hot pain.

Ning Fan let out a long relaxed breath, graduating from the state of cultivation, did not realize that the time had passed for three days.

“Congratulations to Senior for the success of Dan!”

These three days, she’s been looking for all the fragments here, waiting for Ning Fan.

“Do not be anxious to congratulate you first, and I think of a very serious affair.” Ning Fan suddenly frowned.

“What’s going on?” Kiki scared a jump, and he didn’t have senior service in Dan’s pools, or why did he say so much?

“The pill is both a diet and a diet before or after dinner.”

“Senior, are you joking with Junior?” Kiki shakes face full of black lines, doesn’t know how to pick up Ning Fan.

But in fact Ning Fan is not joking, but seriously thinking about it.

Though the point of thinking is strange…

“I can feel that my stomach has been strengthened by this Medicine Pill to a very terrifying place…”

Ning Fan gaze changed slightly.

He hasn’t felt it for so many years.

gu lu.

A slightly embarrassing sound is coming from Ning Fan’s stomach.

He! Yoshi! Oh, yeah! Hungry! It’s over!

It’s not a normal level of hunger, he’s hungry at this moment. It’s like a famine for 99 years and 99 starving for a whole year.

It’s more like an old animal starving and eating 99.

“By the way, Junior just met the mayor of the village of water, who said he wanted to invite Senior to taste the beauty of the Pill Demon, but Junior saw Senior not yet completely refining medicinal power, so he took it back for Senior.”

“Beautiful?” Ning Fan gaze slight.

And then in the gaze of Kiki’s shaking surprise, stand up.

“Where’s Senior going?”


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