Grasping Evil

Chapter 1253: Shinsho Akaoto

Dreams, fragmented dreams.

A young girl in a sea-skirt walked around in the dream world. She sometimes stopped and looked around. She didn't know she was in a dream or who she was.

She was badly injured.

She slept too long, too long.

She has forgotten too many people and things.

"who am I…"

"where is this place…"

"Where do I come from and where should I go, who can tell me ..."

"Who can talk to me ... even a sentence ..."

The girl was walking in a daze, not knowing how long she had walked, and suddenly a light shone through the white mist in front.

She walked towards the light, her eyes suddenly opening.

The fog dispersed, and a dream scene caught her eyes.

The surrounding environment has become a vast lake with a fairy island in it. Her body fluttered uncontrollably, toward the fairy island in the lake.

I don't know how long it took before she finally landed on the island.

The island is full of strange flowers and weeds, and there are countless towering ancient trees.

The girl vaguely felt the scenery on the island familiar, but could not remember where it was.

She moved on and walked into the ancient woods.

Then, she was surprised to find that almost every ten steps in the woods were banned by an organ. Once the ban on these organs was triggered, the ancient overhaul had to be killed instantly.

What a terrible place.

"There is a third step of banning everywhere. Could it be that the saint's doom is impossible ..." the young girl said to herself.

She was behind her voice, but she was a little confused, "But what is banned ... saint, what is it ..."

Can not remember.

She couldn't remember anything.

I can't remember anything clearly, but I don't know why, she knows the distribution of organs on this fairy island.

All the way forward, she went all the way to the depths of Xiandao, and she did not make a mistake and did not trigger any of the institutions.

"I must have been here, but I don't remember ..." the girl groaned.

I don't know how long it has been, the gloomy woods suddenly lit up.

She saw the exit of this ancient wood.

She walked out of the ancient woods.

What caught my eye was a small world constructed by organ mechanics!

In the sky, there are tens of thousands of wooden cymbals flying like hills, and each of them has the horror breath above Xianzun!

On the ground, there are mountains of organs and mountains, which surround a valley. In the valley, there are dozens of thousands of bronze giants half kneeling on the ground.

No, that's not a giant, it's a bronze cymbal created by organ art!

Any copper cymbal has horror repairs comparable to ancient overhauls!

"Who made this institution world ..."

The girl looked with doubt in the valley of the institutions.

Suddenly, the sound of forging came from a certain direction. She followed the sound and went all the way, and finally came to a house of institutions.

The smoke from the chimney of the government house was black, and the sound of knocking inside the house was deafening.

As she entered the room, a scent of soot, oil, and wood came to her face.

It ’s so familiar. She must have been here before, but she does n’t remember.

Inside the room, a small, thin old man, holding a huge copper hammer, repeatedly pounding a copper block, was unaware of the girl's entry.

At the foot of the old man, there is a red leopard lying on his back. The little leopard is only the size of a slap. It sounds milky and milky. It seems to be just a few days after birth.

Curiosity is the instinct of every creature.

Fear is because the sound of the old man knocking on copper is too loud and terrible!

The percussion sounded like thunder! Like a landslide! Seems like a crack!

The swinging of the hammer seems to pour the heavens, the earth and the world into a hammer, and a hammer drop can break the old order and create a new order.

The poor little leopard had just been born for a few days, and where he had seen such a terrible swing, he was trembling with fear.

Seeing the fear of the little leopard, the old man put down the copper hammer with anger, holding his chin, and said to himself, "The red leopards are so famous that they are newborn leopards. They have the courage to tear the dragon and kill the tiger. Get me this red leopard is so timid, even the sound of hammering? Is it a fake leopard? No, it ca n’t be a fake leopard. Then the gentleman in the cloud will never beat me with a fake leopard ... "

"Red leopard, red leopard ..." The girl stood by the door, muttering the word, but couldn't remember what the red leopard was.

She walked towards the old man and wanted to talk to the old coppersmith, but the man didn't seem to hear her voice and could not see her existence.

She crouched down, trying to touch the shivering little red leopard, but her palm passed through the little leopard's body.

can not touch.

It's as if you're in the same world.

The old man didn't notice outsiders entering the house.

He looked at Leopard with a disgusted look, but he finally sighed and accepted the fact that his leopard was timid.

After some forging, the copper block was forged by the old man into a copper amulet.

The old man capped a copper amulet with some remaining temperature, and finally hung the copper amulet around the leopard's neck.

"This is a token. Put on this and you are my disciple in the public class."

"Speaking of you, your old master Yun Zhongjun doesn't seem to have named you ..."

"You are under my door, but you ca n’t do it without a name. Let me think about it, what name should I give you ..."

"Here! No one is the most famous of the red leopards. That red anger. You are timid by nature. In this life, you cannot surpass the reputation of red anger. But in the end, you must be a red **** Let's get angry second. Just call you Chi Yi ... "

Chii, Chii ...

Xiao Bao whispered, it seems that the name is very displeased, humming, don't overdo it.

The girl, however, became more confused with these two words.

Chiyi, Chiyi ... a familiar name, but she doesn't remember ...

Here is her dream.

She was the little leopard named Chi Yi in front of her.

But all this, she no longer remembers, but has no origin. I think the name of Chiyi is very nice and misses.


The dream scene shattered.

In front of him became a white expanse.

The girl sighed sighfully. She wanted to see more, how to see the little leopard later, and how to look at the old man named the public loser class.

But he couldn't see, and couldn't interfere with the dream a little.

She was again lost, lost her direction again, and walked wildly in the white dream world.

I don't know how long it has been before, and a voice came again in front.

But I couldn't see the picture, apparently because the dream in front of it was more severe, and I couldn't even watch it a little.

What's more, just listen to a little voice, as long as you are no longer alone ...

So the girl listened with ears, she heard countless discussions, mixed together, very messy, very messy.

"Does anyone want to be brutal?"

"who is it?"

"I heard that it is a vanguard fairy named Chi Yi."

"Chi Yi? I haven't heard of ..."

"Inconceivable, this woman's ritual of entering the barbara was actually presided over by the barbarian god, and the barbarian **** personally promised that this woman did not need to surrender the soul order.

"Is this woman a disciple against the Holy Ghost? It's just Xianzun, and her face is too big! You don't need a soul order!"

"Not a disciple, but she is by no means a casual person. This woman is said to be from Yunmeng Ze ..."

"His! Yun Mengze! What is her relationship with Gongsheng Sheng!"

"It is said that there is only one female apprentice under the saint's door, is it this girl!"

"Have you heard that Chi Yi has repaired the title of a master craftsman, and from now on he will be a titled fairy ..."

"What? The countless years of the title of God Craftsman's Kingdom were actually repaired by this woman? It's incredible."

"Have you heard that the Tai people are too white and saints, defeated by the corps of Lord Chi Yi ..."

"Xian Zun defeated Shi Sheng? Even with the power of the government, it is an unimaginable record."

"Have you heard that there is only a little bit of adult Chi Yi, and he has developed a weapon to open the sky ..."

"This matter has already stirred the real world, how can I not know."

"I heard Lord Chi Yi wanted to take a look at Aegis ..."

"What! That's Aegis, how could the Lord God ..."

"Latest news, Lord Savage agreed to use a shield."

"It's worthy of being adult, and there is a way to say that God is alive."

"Have you heard that Master Chi Yi plans to leave the ancient brutal world."

"It's impossible! Adult Chi Yi will never abandon the oath of voicing! Not to mention betray the barbarians!"

"You have misunderstood, Lord Chi Yi does not want to betrayal, but just wants to leave the barbarian world and travel around."

"That's the case, I hope that Adult A. B. will be safe all the way and return soon ..."


The dream is broken again.

The white mist covered it again.

"No more sound ..." The girl was extremely lost.

She walked again blankly.

Lost again.

The mist surrounding it was so cold.

She walked in an almost eternal loneliness, and occasionally could find a picture of dreams, more often still blank.

At one moment, there was a golden light that cut through the sky, dispersed the mist, and illuminated the dream world.

The girl looked up staggeringly, and was seeing a bright sun rising from the distant horizon.

That's ... what a beautiful light.

She couldn't bear to look away!

Even if her eyes were pained by the sun, she didn't want to move away!

At this moment, another hand protruded from the sun.

From outside the dream, into the dream, through time, through the whole world, coming, then clenching!

Took her hand!

Then drag her out of the fragmented dream world!

Set her free from the eternal curse named Sleep!


The dazzling light pierced into the eyes, and the girl named Chiyi crossed the endless years, finally woke up and opened her eyes.

She saw the familiar and unfamiliar sunshine, and even saw Ning Fan standing in the sunshine and smiling.

He laughed ... but it looked so good, like ... a light.

"Are you finally awake, you, but a barbarian ..." Ning Fan asked politely.

He could see me!

Is he ... talking to me!

Barbara, what is it, are you asking me ...

Who is he…

Who am I…

He was suddenly extremely nervous.

She did not answer, but after repeated hesitation, she slowly reached out her hand and touched Ning Fan.

She was afraid that her hand would pass through Ning Fan's body, and that the scenery in front of her would be broken into a vast white mist, so that everything she had at the moment was lonely.


Her hand, accurate, touched Ning Fan's hand.

It looks like an electric shock, but it is not just electricity, but thunder! Countless thunders roar in my heart!

She stayed in place, still holding Ning Fan's palm tightly, after a long, long time, still unable to return to God.

She saw Ning Fan asking her questions again, but she was too confused to think and listen.

She saw countless fire demon pointing at her and talking about something.

She saw Nu Luo glaring at her, as if she had done something bad.

Don't understand, don't understand anything.

Can't remember, can't remember anything.

She seemed to return to the state of birth, as if all the past had been turned into blank paper.

It wasn't until the last question came that she finally returned to God.

"... You have returned to freedom. You chose to stay here or follow me." It was Ning Fan who was asking her. The same question had been asked a few times, only this time, she heard it.

"I'll follow you!" Chi Yi said eagerly.

Without any hesitation.


Nu Luo is very angry!

He saw Chi Yi as a barbarian, and it took a lot of mana to rescue the woman, but as soon as the woman woke up, she did a treason!

This woman actually shook Ning Fan's hand!

And do not let go of the grip, but hold it fiercely, desperately, always!

Nuo Luo has seen people who eat tofu, but never met people who eat tofu!

Moreover, this woman just eats tofu by others. She is wrong. She should not eat tofu! Is the body of the barbaric **** waiting for the barbarians to touch, the act of this woman, in the eyes of any barbarians, is a first-class courageous act!

"Presumptuous! Don't let go!"

Nu Luo wanted to reprimand one or two subconsciously, but was gestured by Ning Fan's eyes and stopped.

Seeing this, Nuo Luo no longer likes the boldness of Chi Yi, and dares not to say more.

After that, Ning Fan repeatedly inquired about Chi Yi's intentions, and the answer was followed.

Fire fish fairy has been repelled.

So Ning Fan had enough time to confirm the identity of female Luo and Chiyi.

He recited the mantra of mountain and sea in his heart, which was taught to him by the eyeball monster.

This technique can perceive the law of nature, you can hear the soul sounds left between the mountains and the sea, you can extract the vitality of nature for your own use, and it can also be used to identify the blood of the barbarians.

Nu Luo and Chi Yi are both barbarians.

The brutal gods and wine seals on the two are also real.

In this way, when he looks at these two people again, he cannot be treated as an unrelated person.

He is ten generations of barbarians, and all barbarians left in the world are his people ...

Grunt ...

It was the sound of Ning Fan's stomach.

The first sight of the sea that broke the fire fish fairy made him take a lot of effort, so at this moment, he is hungry ...

"... Are there other foods besides fire quail?" Ning Fan desperately needed food belly, very urgent, very urgent!

"No, but if you go to the next house, you still have good food for adults to enjoy." Nuo Luo answered respectfully.

"So, let's go to the next house."

"Go now? Obey." Nuo Luo was somewhat surprised.

He remembered that Ning Fan was very interested in smelling more debris. In this quail-fire palace, there seemed to be some more smelling debris, so he left directly at the moment, wouldn't he want those debris? Or is it that the hunger in Ning Fan's body is so severe that he can't bear it for a moment? So there is no more time to collect debris?

After thinking about it, I have already spread my identity with the Lord God of God, and I have to collect the fragments. Does the Lord God of God have to do it myself? Let your subjects do the work! Then he said another word, obeyed, and beckoned, calling Long Yansheng to him, and commanding, "Master Ning needs something, you wait to find it, so so ..."

Hurriedly instructed a few words, the female Luo led Ning Fan to leave the quail fire palace and went straight to the quail's first palace.

Together, there was also the Chi B who followed Ning Fan carefully and followed Ning Fan's persistence.


Ning Fan and Fire Fish Fairy fought too much. The demons in other palaces could not be unaware of it.

But it was also because the battle was so quiet that no demon dared to run into the palace of fire to investigate what happened.

Xiandi dare not!

Even if you are higher, do n’t dare!

A fire fish fairy suspected of overhaul is going mad and running away, who dares to be involved in this matter! Is old life star long?

Lagerstroemia indica Arctic Palace, Seventh Palace, Quail Head Palace.

The owner of the quail head palace is not one person, but five people in charge of the same palace. These five people are called the grain emperor by the demon in the palace.

As the name suggests, all five are immortal emperors, and the body is transformed by grain.

Emperor Wugu is a well-known elder in the palace. He has a calm temperament and is rarely flustered by things outside his body.

However, today's events are absolutely trivial, so they can't panic.

"Damn! What happened to the Quail Fire Palace! Why did the fire fish fairy go to such an extent!"

"Unable to perceive! Under the interference of the fire fish fairy's magical power, all the means of perception are invalidated! This monster has moved really!

"Who has angered Firefish Fairy to such an extent! Is it the foreigner who sneaked into the palace recently?"

"I must immediately negotiate a charter! The head of the quail and the fire of the quail are closest to each other. Although the fire fish fairy has manifested in the past, it has never been out of the scope of the quail fire, but no one can guarantee that under such violence, it will still be I ca n’t stop in the fire palace. Once this rushes out of the quail fire and kills the quail head, how do I respond! ”

"It's better to withdraw from other palaces! In the face of overhaul, I will not escape if I try my best. If I join forces with the demons of the palaces, there is still the possibility of survival!"

"No! I can never leave this place! If I were to wait for the seal, the locust demon would rush out of the evil spirit potion ..."

"What time is it! Also care about those spiritual plants!"

"Lingzhi may not be worth mentioning, but what about offerings in the temple!"

"You don't need to worry about the sacrifice temples! The locusts are courageous and don't dare to eat Ziwei Zun's offerings! If they dare to speak, they will save their lives, and let them die in the sacrifice temples once and for all. Get rid of my tribe! "

The five emperors were talking non-stop, and suddenly looked a little slow.

It was the violent departure of the fire fish fairy, somehow stopped.

"Strange! It seems that there is a life that suppresses the violent fire fish fairy. But, is it really possible to suppress the ancient major repair students?"

The five emperors hadn't relaxed for a long time, and suddenly they changed color again.

There was an irrevocable quasi-holy decree, and the sound came suddenly, like a thunderous sound, echoing above the sky of the Quail Palace.

"Five sons come and see me!"

Because Ning Fan was anxious to fill her stomach, she was a subordinate female Luo, and her tone was a little eager.

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