Grasping Evil

Chapter 1262: Wake up

The ancestor Qu Ping walked to the edge of the Miluo River in despair, the color was haggard, the description was haggard, and his eyes were blank.

Sometimes he looked at the river, sometimes at the distant mountains, and sometimes at his reflection in the river.

As far as I can see, everything is tainted with endless grief.

The clear sky, which was cloudless, suddenly became gloomy and dim, and it began to rain continuously.

The distant mountains, which were originally sunny and green, suddenly lost all their colors and turned gray.

The Miluo River of Anzhi Tinglan suddenly lost all his anger. The river turned into a torrent, and the raging waves hit the shore, like the heart of the ancestor Qu Ping at this moment, unable to calm down.

"Hey! Good point, how come it suddenly rained!" There were a lot of Chu people fishing and working on the riverside. When the sky changed, they all ran into a shed on the riverside to hide from the rain.

The ancestor Qu Ping did not hide from the rain. He stood in the rain like a strange species, incompatible with the whole world.

Seeing this scene, the people hiding from the rain in the straw shed, some laughed, and some sighed again and again.

"This Sanlu doctor is really crazy as rumored? It's raining, and he doesn't hide, nor is he afraid of getting sick."

"Speak carefully! Doctor Sanlu is the nobleman of Chu... He is just sad and depressed, how dare you say that he is crazy!"

"The news that Ying Du was broken has hit him too much..."

"Poor, if Wang Xian is willing to listen to Doctor Sanlu's advice, we Chu State, why is this..."

"Huh? Look over there, there is a little baby who didn't hide from the rain, and didn't know how to avoid it when it rained. Could it be that she is also a fool?"

The little doll everyone was referring to was Ning Fan who was now a child.

Ning Fan stepped ashore and walked slowly along the river bank. The water splashed by the rapids sometimes splashed and dripped on his body, but he did not wipe it.

The rain in the sky drenched on him, and he did not avoid it, as if he fits the Tao, as if it merged with the rain in the sky and the earth, as if the rain was originally a part of his body.

Whether it’s spray or rain, it’s cold. With Ning Fan's self-cultivation, he felt a bit of chill.

It is actually not rain or water that is cold, but the thoughts and sorrows immersed in them.

"Is this person the target of my Dao-Nian War... This person is very strong in Dao-Nanism! This person has clearly not entered the third step in his cultivation base, but his Dao-Nian thought is so strong that he has already stepped into the third step..."

Ning Fan's expression remained unchanged, but he was a little surprised.

The old man who seemed to describe the withered, desperate and sad in front of him was such a powerful character!

The cultivation base has not entered the third step, but Dao Nian has already reached the sky!

"If this person is in a heyday, this Daonian decisive battle, even if I have various advantages, I only have a five-point chance of winning. Three points are a tie, and the remaining two points are about to lose..."

"Unfortunately, grief is more than heart death. This person's heart is dead, so his Dao Nian has lost all its temperature. It is not difficult to overcome such a decadent Dao Nian..." Ning Fan's eyes flashed green and he saw the clue.

Although he hasn't remembered who he is, he can use certain magical powers by instinct.

The ancestor Qu Ping had never seen Ning Fan in the distance.

He did not remember that he was in a Dao-Nian War at this moment.

He only remembered half of who he was.

Only remembered the first half of his life, but failed to remember the second half of his life.

In the first half of his life, he was Qu Ping, the Sanlu doctor of Chu, and a sinner who was exiled twice.

But what crime did he commit?

Ha ha.

If it is a sin to be loyal and straightforward, and if it is a sin to refuse to be in the dirty world, then he is really sinful.

If it was in the past, he still hoped that the king of Chu Kingdom could wake up, understand his loyalty, and restore the declining national fortune...

But now, nothing matters anymore.

The moment Chu Kingdom was breached, his heart was completely dead.

The king abandoned the capital and fled in a hurry. The state of Chu nowadays, although it is still relatively safe for the time being, at the moment when the country was broken, all the luck of the country was taken away by the Qin people.

The national fortune has been lost and the aura is exhausted. Sooner or later, this Shenzhou will enter the hands of the Qin people. This is the number of days. It is too difficult to contend.

"What else can I do, and what can I do...Should I be martyred by my body? Hahaha, it's so easy to be martyred by my body, as long as the king summons me, even if the arrogance is exhausted, I am willing to follow Right and left of the king, die for him!"

"Bring a long sword to hold Qin Gong, and you will not be punished if you leave your heart!"

"It's also more than the kindness of the heart, even though he has died nine deaths, he still has no regrets!"

"It's a pity! Hateful! Sad! Up to this point, the king still doesn't need me, and treats me like a grass, my loyalty has never been just wishful thinking..."

The grief of the ancestor Qu Ping became more and more painful and sad.

He was walking madly along the river.

Sometimes lamented, sometimes whistling, and sometimes chanting sad and heroic poems.

In the hayloft in the distance, some people laugh at him, some sympathize with him, some pity him, but no one understands him.

"Poor, this Sanlu doctor is not in good health at all. The rain made him even more mad." From time to time there were some sighs in the shed.

"Not good! Why did he get closer to the riverside? Didn't he want to throw into the river!" Some people found the clue.

Suddenly, several men stood up and rushed out of the hut, trying to grab the ancestor Qu Ping and prevent him from throwing him into the river.

But it cannot be approached!

Patriarch Qu Ping's Taoism is too strong, only three or five mortals can't cross his layers of Taoism and get close to his body.

That momentum is like if he wants to live, heaven can't make him die!

If he wants to die, heaven cannot make him live!

Haha, it's better to go home! It's better to go back!

The ancestor Qu Ping stepped into the river step by step.

Seeing that his Dao Nian war partner actually took the initiative to beg for death, Ning Fan was taken aback first, then thoughtful, and then, his face changed slightly, and he stepped forward quickly, trying to hold Qu Ping and prevent him from throwing himself into the river.


But it turned out that although the ancestor Qu Ping didn't think of getting up in Daonian war, at this moment, he was moved with the idea of ​​begging for death. If this person is really successful in his death, Ning Fan will be considered defeated!

[This is the first time for the old man's Dao Nian, named, Miluo! 】

At this moment, Ning Fan seemed to be touched, and he thought of more things. He remembered a sentence said by the ancestor Qu Ping before the start of Dao Nian Zhan.

Since this person mentioned the first stage of Taoism, there must be the second stage of Taoism, and there may even be the third and fourth stages of Taoism... In other words, this battle of Taoism is absolutely impossible, it is very likely. There will be multiple confrontations.

Right now, it should be the first Dao-Nian confrontation.

Must defeat this person's thoughts of committing suicide!

Boom boom boom!

It was the sound of Ning Fan’s Dao Nian violently colliding with the other's Da Nian!

Ordinary people can't get close to the ancestor Qu Ping, but Ning Fan is forcibly advancing against the boundless ideas of the ancestor Qu Ping!

This Dao-Nian confrontation was extremely powerful, but ordinary people couldn't see this scene.

Those Chu people in the straw shed could only see a fisherman walking slowly towards the ancestor Qu Ping, and then felt a violent wind and thunder roaring in the world.

But the weird thing is that you can't see the slightest shadow of lightning. Could the thunder in the dark road come from a very far place?

The closer Ning Fan got to the ancestor Qu Ping, the greater the obstacles he faced.

The collision between the two people's Taoism is also getting more and more intense, and there is actually a tendency to penetrate the world of this world!

If the world collapses, this Dao-nian war is about to end in a draw.

"Huh! Xiaotiandi, did the old man allow you to collapse!" Seeing that this Dao Nian War might be forced to a draw due to the collapse of heaven and earth, one person was unhappy.

In the distance, Old Man Han stood on a fishing boat with an unhappy expression, glaring at the sky and the earth, with only one gaze. The yin and yang between the sky and the earth were actually locked by life, and the forced world could not be collapsed.

"The personality of the Ning boy would never be happy that this Dao-Nian war ended like this..." Old man Han muttered to himself, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. He didn't understand why he knew Ning Fan's character so much.

There are still ten steps away.

Nine steps.

Eight steps.

Ning Fan got closer and closer to Qu Ping's ancestor.

Although Qu Ping's ancestor was strong, he could not stop him from approaching!

Three steps.

Two steps.


Ning Fan finally came to Qu Ping's ancestor, and also stepped into the river, grabbing Qu Ping's ancestor.

It was almost the moment Ning Fan prevented the ancestor Qu Ping from throwing himself into the river. The two dao thoughts that had originally faced each other between heaven and earth ended the collision.

The winner was divided.

Ning Fansheng.

But it was only considered a win.

This Dao-Nian-war competition is far more than just the current round. A momentary lead does not determine that Ning Fan will win in the end.

"Little baby, why are you blocking me?" Qu Ping ancestor asked in surprise.

He didn't seem to realize that he unintentionally released Boundless Dao Nian, and he didn't even know that Ning Fan had a Dao Nian war with himself.

Nothing was thought of.

Everything happens in an unconscious state.

"Is it so tyrannical just to unconsciously release Dao Nian? If this person is conscious and Dao Nian is not dead, what kind of posture should he be..." Ning Fan suppressed the solemnity in his heart.

Since the opponent did not think of his opponent at this time, he would not take the initiative to reveal his identity.

He bowed his hands politely, as if he was really just an ordinary fisherman, and asked, "Aren't you Doctor Sanlu? Why do you want to find death here?"

Obviously, Ning Fan heard the comments made by passers-by about Qu Ping's ancestor, and knew the identity of Dr. Sanlu.

This sentence is just an ordinary question.

However, this sentence made Qu Ping's ancestor more at a loss, feeling like a world away.

It was as if the same scene had happened a long time ago, and someone once asked similar questions when he was thinking about it.

[Dr. Zi Fei Sanlu and? Why is it so? 】


"Child, you are still young, and you still don't understand the difficulties of the world. There is a kind of pain, more tormenting than death, that is that the world is muddy and I am alone, everyone is drunk and I am alone..."

Ning Fan frowned slightly.

He thought he had already defeated the opponent's desire to cast the river, but he found out that he still had his ambition to die in the language of Fa.

His previous victory did not leave any crack in the heart of Qu Ping's ancestor, and did not even shake this human heart.

"What is drunk? What is waking up?" Ning Fan was silent for a little while suddenly asked.

Qu Ping was startled and looked at Ning Fan seriously, seeming to wonder why Ning Fan asked this question.

Seeing Ning Fan's face full of seriousness, not as if he was asking casually, Qu Ping was surprised, and was rare to have some fun, "Ancient Lin'er, a famous name, can be a sage teacher at the age of seven. Now it seems that you It doesn’t seem to be an ordinary child either. I’m afraid I want to argue with me when I ask this question. If that’s the case, I’ll gossip with you before going to find death.”

"You asked me what is drunk? What is waking up? This question reminds me of some past events."

"When I was young and traveled to school, when I passed by Yunmengze, I met a god. At that time, this **** was drinking in the clouds and was shining with the sun and the moon. I was delighted to see the gods and went forward to learn, this **** But I didn't say much to me, just landed from the clouds, came with the wine, pointed to the wine in the cup, replied with a sentence of'all living beings, drunk living and dreaming', and then drifted away."

"At that time, I didn't understand it, but now I vaguely understand. Drunk is life, dream, and death. There are people in the underworld, living in the endless dream world, and will never die. Life; there are countless immortals in the real world, immortal, but throughout their entire life, they have lived in drunkenness, and have never really been sober... Some are unable to wake up, some are drifting with the flow and do not want to be sober. My answer May satisfy you?"

Qu Ping replied.

His expression revealed infinite memorials, as if recalling the scenes of encountering the **** that day.

"Not satisfied." Ning Fan shook his head.


"Because this is the answer of the **** in the cloud, not yours. Since you assert that you are sober and all beings are intoxicated, you must have your own judgment."

"Hehe, it's a clever little guy, but he can't be perfunctory in a few words." Qu Ping gave a wry smile.

It seems that today, I have to spend some words with this child.

"Little brother, have you ever seen someone who is drunk? The more drunk you are, the more you say that you are not drunk, then you are really drunk. There are also people who are clearly awake, but for various reasons, pretending to be drunk and hard to tell The heart is unpredictable, who is really drunk, who is falsely drunk, how can I see through it with just a pair of eyes. Please forgive me for the falsehood before, I said that I am sober and all beings are drunk, probably just my own drunkenness. As for waking up, I don’t know what it means to be awake, and I don’t know who is really awake. It's hard to judge whether I'm awake or drunk. Perhaps only once I die can I understand the truth... Does the answer this time satisfy you?"

"It's OK."

"It's just acceptable, the little brother's requirements are really strict." Qu Ping smiled casually, not paying attention.

"Because of these, specious, it is still not what you say in your heart." Ning Fan can communicate with everything and can roughly hear whether a person has said what is in his heart.

"Oh? The little friend seems to know me very well? According to the little friend's words, what is my inner word?" Qu Ping was surprised. This time, he really regarded the child in front of him as someone of his generation.

"You don't know that all beings are drunk and I am alone, you just believe so. After all, this is a world that can exist by believing!" Ning Fan's words exploded in Qu Ping's heart like thunder.

His eyes were shocked, and for the first time in his life, he was directly touched inside!

"Huh? Take a closer look, the little friend seems a bit familiar, have we met somewhere..." Qu Ping asked puzzledly.

"Perhaps." Ning Fan would naturally not take the initiative to say, I am your opponent of Daonianzhan.

Then he asked, "What is clean? What is muddy?"

"There are clouds in Taoism, the clear ones rise, and the muddy ones sink. This day, it is clear. This place is muddy." Qu Ping replied.

"This is not what you really think." Ning Fan shook his head.

"But it is what the world thinks. If the whole world does this, what is the use of my own thoughts?" Qu Ping asked rhetorically.

"If the way is different, do you have to find a dead end?" Ning Fan.

"The way is different, rather die!" Qu Ping.

"Oh? Wen Jun's words also reveals paranoia. It turns out that the Taoist practitioners are practicing Taoism!" Ning Fan tried to confirm something.

But it turned out that the ancestor Qu Ping in front of him was also a practitioner, a paranoid who would rather straighten than bend.

"You are not afraid of death, why not be afraid of life?" This is to persuade Qu Ping to let go of his death.

"Little friend, are you going to talk to me about who is better or worse? If so, I'm afraid the topic will be far off, so let's continue to talk clearly." Qu Ping smiled.

This smile is really from the heart, happy to meet a real Taoist friend.

"I would like to hear high opinions." Ning Fan nodded and stopped talking about life and death.

The rain in the sky is even greater.

The two returned to the shore, braved the heavy rain, sitting on the ground, they actually had the posture of sitting and talking.

"Since fellow Taoists want to hear my point of view, then I'll talk about it. What is Qing and what is muddy? Isn't the answer written on it at the beginning? Whether it is clear or muddy, all that is said is water. This water is clear, and this water is muddy." Speaking of this, Qu Ping pointed to the Miluo River.

"When the river is calm and the waves are calm, the water is clear; when the wind and waves rise and the sand rolls, it becomes muddy water. The water is clear and muddy, and so is the road."

"Water has both clear and turbid sides, and Tao has both clear and turbid sides. This day can be the sky, but if the sky and the earth turn back and forth, the so-called sky becomes the earth."

"The clear rises, not because it is clear, but because it rises to the queen. Please forgive me for the previous falsehood. I said that the world is turbid, and I am alone. The truth may be the opposite. In the eyes of the world, Maybe it’s only my generation who practiced cultivating, that's the dirt in the world! Hahaha!"

"What is Qing!"

"The clearer clears himself!"

The rain is getting heavier.

Qu Ping laughed a lot in the rainstorm, like a madness, and saw everyone in the straw shack sigh again and again.

"It seems that Doctor Sanlu is really crazy..."

"I haven't asked the Daoists for their views! The Daoists think, what is clear and muddy?" After Qu Ping laughed, he turned to Ning Fan.

"My point of view has already been said. Fellow Daoists have forgotten that this is a world that can be believed to exist." Ning Fan smiled.

"Hahaha! This remark is great! Become a big white!" Qu Ping became more and more happy, looking at the child in front of him with sympathetic eyes.

It's not children.

It's the soul hidden under the body of a child.

Is this Zhao Jian, an ancient overhaul of the famous Dong Beitian? What a great person!

But it turned out that after some conversation, Qu Ping had thought of everything. It was Ning Fan, who also remembered everything in this confrontation.

This was originally a battle between Dao and Ning, but now, neither Qu Ping nor Ning Fan wanted to fight again.

An old man, a fisherman, sitting by the river and talking in the rain, it was indescribably harmonious.

"Is there any alcohol?" Qu Ping asked Ning Fan.

"During the Dao-Nian War, I can't carry drinks." Ning Fan smiled.

"It's okay, it's easy to do." Qu Ping got up, walked towards the hut not far away, and asked the men in the hut.

"Zhou Jun, do you have any wine, lend me a pot?"

"Only realgar wine for deworming and detoxification..." A few guys were afraid that Qu Ping would go crazy, and in desperation, they borrowed a pot of Qu Ping.

"Are there any glasses?" Qu Ping asked again.

"Only a few broken bowls..."

"A broken bowl is enough. Borrow this wine and this bowl, and wait for a good luck in the next life!" Qu Ping swept his eyes, and saw that a few people had some cause and effect in the next life, so he thanked him sternly.

"Cough cough cough, mere drinks, how dare to be a doctor of Sanlu, thank you!" Several guys smiled bitterly.

They didn't believe in such ridiculous remarks about things that are not in the afterlife.

Isn't it just being prostituted a pot of wine by Dr. Sanlu?

The doctor on both left and right was going to hunt for death, and this jug was used as a bar for the doctor. If you irritate this crazy doctor, you can't say that when someone turns into a ghost, he will come to pester...hiss, even thinking about it, your back will get cold.

So there is wine, but this wine is realgar wine used to repel insects and detoxify.

There are also wine utensils, but this wine utensil is a few broken bowls, still with mud.

But in Ning Fan's view, this wine was extremely valuable.

"You are a major repairer in ancient times. How important is the cause and effect. Just to invite me to drink, you promised a few people. Are you afraid of affecting the Taoism?" Ning Fan sighed.

The quasi-sages feared the cause and effect of red dust like a snake, let alone the ancient overhaul.

Qu Ping stroked his white beard and smiled without answering. As a master, he should do his best to serve as a landlord. He had already taken the initiative to pour Ning Fan wine.

"Thank you, the host for the wine." Ning Fan didn't care about the dirty bowl, picked up the bowl and drank it all in one go.

"Friends of Taoism are polite, and it is me who should say thank you. I was very happy to discuss the Taoism with the monarch today, and relieved the depression in my chest. It is a pity that all I encounter today are illusions in the battle of Taoism, as if I met back then. As a fellow Daoist, I might not choose to invest in Jiang..."

Speaking of feelings, Qu Ping actually took off his sword and sang with his sword.

"Incoming without a word, leaving without a word,

Take back the wind and carry the cloud flag.

Sorrow and sorrow leave,

Le Mo Le Xi new acquaintance. "

After singing, Qu Ping got up, threw the long sword into the Miluo River, and said freely, "I lost this battle."

In the Dao Nian War, he took the initiative to surrender!

"You and I have just started the first confrontation, how can you say that you win or lose?" Ning Fan frowned.

After some discussion, a pot of wine, his perception of this ancestor Qu Ping is still good. If someone else voluntarily surrenders, he would be happy to win a prostitution, but he would not take advantage of Qu Ping's ancestor.

"A Daoist can beat my Daoist first level, this is the first victory."

"Friends of Daoist have seen through my true Daoism several times. This is the second win."

"I can't even conceal the deepest Taoist heart from a fellow Daoist. How can a Daonian beat a fellow Daoist? It's easy to be defeated by a fellow Daoist. It's better to take the initiative to admit defeat and avoid the humiliation."

"This is not what I said in my heart." Ning Fan shook his head.

"Hahaha, I really can't hide anything from fellow Taoists. As expected by fellow Taoists, in addition to the first thought of Miluo, there are also the second thought of Lisao and the third thought of Jiuge."

"This is the thought of Li Sao."

The ancestor Qu Ping's Taoism changed suddenly.

His Tao Nian no longer felt cold, but instantly became unpredictable.

Under the influence of Taoism, the landscape between heaven and earth changed again.

The torrential rain stopped, and in the gloomy sky, there was a vision of the sun and the moon.

There are also countless huge stars appearing between the sky and the earth, and the stars have begun to evolve, turning into star characters, appearing in the sky!

A total of more than 2,800 stars text!

With an unimaginable breath of Taoism!

Like the ancient Taoist scriptures, it hovered in the air, with or without the Tao pervading it.

"My thought of Li Sao is to dare to fight against Shi Sheng, but it is a pity that fellow daoists know my Dao heart and break my thoughts. I'm afraid it won't be too difficult. What's the use?"

After that, Qu Ping accepted the Taoist thought, but did not continue to show the third Taoist thought.

"Why not show the thought of Jiuge?" Ning Fan asked.

"I am still in the process of cultivating this Taoist thought, and I cannot control it freely. If it is used, even if there is a saint here to maintain it for you and me, I am afraid that it will be difficult to fight for a result. It will still collapse the world and only draw in this world... If you move to the outside world and use this thought, the damage will be too great. I am afraid that half of the northern sky will collapse due to this thought. You and I are not dead enemies. There is no need to hit that level..."

Not only is it not a deadly foe, but also an excellent drinker, hahaha!

This is the truth.

But the ancestor Qu Ping did not say.

Although he didn't say it, Ning Fan could understand, and only shook his head helplessly, "Although you didn't use the thought of Jiuge, I can see some clues and know how powerful it is. Today's battle between you and me, let's be regarded as It's a tie."

Ever since, a fierce battle between Dao and Nian, just like this, the anticlimactic end.

Once the Dao Nian War ended, Ning Fan couldn't stay in this realm.

It was too late to say goodbye to Old Man Han, Daonian had already searched and disappeared.

"Smelly boy, don't even say goodbye before leaving!" Old man Han cursed, feeling that he had lost something in his heart.

Strange things, strange things!

Obviously, it was only in a dream that I met a stinky boy who was a little eye-catching and was accepted as a disciple. Why did the other party leave him so reluctant to give up?

Could it be that the old man has reached the age when teacher love is overflowing?

Well, after waking up from the dream this time, let's pick up a few apprentices to increase the popularity of Liangyi Sect.

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